View Full Version : piercing babies and toddlers.

20-03-2009, 04:15
My view is that its abuse in some ways, putting a small child through pain for vanity is wrong and cruel and I think it shouldn't be allowed.
Yes I am a moody cow! :p

20-03-2009, 04:22
My view is that its abuse in some ways, putting a small child through pain for vanity is wrong and cruel and I think it shouldn't be allowed.
Yes I am a moody cow! :p
It's legal in Spain to tattoo kids.

Apparently Spanish parents tattoo thier kids with ID/contact details.

20-03-2009, 04:23
Totally agree. Always have felt this way.

20-03-2009, 04:25
seriously Faysh?:shocked:

20-03-2009, 04:27
seriously Faysh?:shocked:
Yup, was told this yeaterday.

20-03-2009, 04:30
:( poor kids.

20-03-2009, 06:35
I am in complete agreement. I think it should be illegal to mutilate a child in any way, including piercing and circumcision (unless medically necessary) and any other form of mutilation for aesthetic or religious reasons.

If you take a knife and deliberately cut a baby's arm, you'll go to prison. I can't understand why it's acceptable to make holes in it or cut off it's foreskin just because you think it looks good or your religious text says you should do it. It's very, very wrong in my opinion.

20-03-2009, 06:54
cut off it's foreskin


20-03-2009, 08:10
I hate it when I see little babies with pierced ears, its just wrong, and dangerous.

I wasnt allowed my ears pierced until I was 13, and even then my Mum had to really twist my Dads arm.

My god daughter had hers done when she was 7 because she asked if she could, ok she was only 7, but she made the decision herself and then her parents agreed she could.

20-03-2009, 08:44
Years ago I was stood in a chemist when this young tot was having her ears pierced, She was well up for it but the look on her face when they did the first one was Terrible :(
They served me to give her a chance to calm down but she hid behind her Granny (Mum wanted it but didn't have the Guts to inflict the Agony herself :angry:) I gave her my best You'll be Ok look & left as I couldn't bare to be there for the other ear :(
Mutilation of ones body is a Personal choice & should only be done by the individual concerned, There body There choice.

I feel the same about Obese kiddy's as well, Usually struggling down the street with an Obese mother, To me this is child abuse.

20-03-2009, 08:58

They have no say or understanding of what's going on. Yes it's your child, but they are their own being with maybe not that much self awareness yet, however that doesn't make it right.

If they are old enough to make a decision, fine, but until then, do not mutilate your child. It's crass and beyond subclass that it saddens me seeing kids being "shown off" in such a way.

semi-pro waster
20-03-2009, 09:05
Wrong until and unless the child is old enough to make a decision, you can (and should) offer advice as a parent but make it very clear that it is their decision to be made after they reach a certain level of maturity or the age of majority (whichever comes sooner).

20-03-2009, 09:05
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Not only because you're putting holes in your child, but what's the reasoning behind it? Piercing is usually an adornment to add attractiveness, which certainly shouldn't be done to five-year-olds.

20-03-2009, 09:32
If Megan ever asks to get her ears pierced, I will consider it. But I'm not going to let her have it done for a fair few years yet.

Someone I know did her daughter's ears herself when she was about 3 months old. She thought they looked wonky so did them again. I told her exactly what I thought, she didn't like it.

I remember how much it hurt when I had my ears pierced :(

Admiral Huddy
20-03-2009, 09:33
I think for girls over 2 years then yes, ear piercing is fine. They are going to get it done anyway.

Boys however, then no. I know it sounds old fasioned but I think that's something for themselves to decide later.

babies aren't babies for long. So why spoil their infancy.

20-03-2009, 09:56
Utterly wrong. Wait till the kids ask then consider it.

20-03-2009, 10:04
I used to HATE piercing babies and toddlers when I worked at Claire's Accessories :(

It usually took two of us (one gun each) at the same time so minimal fuss.

Some kids would scream and others would be like. "meh".

The kid should choose for itself not have it forced upon them.

BB x

20-03-2009, 13:17
my friend was the same BBx so she left her job as she just couldn't do it anymore.

20-03-2009, 13:37
Why would you ask? Since i'd guess most of the population would probably say its not right, although there is obviously always the odd few...

20-03-2009, 13:44
Always remember when i was working in the kiddie section of thorpe park one day, a mother who was clearly a 'traveller' (i'm not a fan, stereotyping? Maybe, but one of the gits stole my fishing rod once and i'll never forgive em :p) came up to me with her child and asked me to put her on the ride. I did so but noticed as i pulled it towards me, this child, who couldn't have been older than 1 year, had earrings about half the size of her head. They were clearly too big/heavy for her and ghastly sores were very noticeable in the piercing.

While that is an overblown example, it makes a good anecdote, but to be honest i think piercings are a decision someone should make for themselves.

20-03-2009, 13:57
Why would you ask? Since i'd guess most of the population would probably say its not right, although there is obviously always the odd few...

It was a topic on a parenting forum I am on and its something that I have always had strong views on so thought I would see what you guys here had to say :)

20-03-2009, 13:59
I think it is horrible to see small children with their ears pierced.

20-03-2009, 14:05
I think it is horrible to see small children with their ears pierced.

Yeh agreed. The chubby ones can have them though.


20-03-2009, 14:17
Getting it done to girls or boys under secondary school age is utterly wrong in my opinion. As for preschoolers thats even more worrying, exactly what image are you trying to portray of your child and what kind of messge is it sending to them?

Even if you don't take into account that fact that you are permanently modifying your childs body without their consent before they are able to make an informed decision for themselves: it's not exactly safe is it. Children aren't able to play with toys with small parts but you allow them to wear jewellery? Also there is the hazard of it being pulled/ripped out, not even intentionally but just from playing.

What just justification is there for it other than a parents vanity?

20-03-2009, 16:53
I used to HATE piercing babies and toddlers when I worked at Claire's Accessories :(

It usually took two of us (one gun each) at the same time so minimal fuss.

Some kids would scream and others would be like. "meh".

The kid should choose for itself not have it forced upon them.

BB x

Are there any health and safety requirements to be able to pierce ears? I'm surprised you can get it done at Claires Accessories! Although, I've no idea where to go to get it done tbh. Being a man and all.

20-03-2009, 18:03
I feel the same about Obese kiddy's as well, Usually struggling down the street with an Obese mother, To me this is child abuse.

I agree with this, wholeheartedly!

I think it's wrong for kids to get their ears pierced. Until the child is old enough to know what it is and want it done then there is no reason to put them through it.

I was 10 when I had my first set done (I have 4 now), the gun got stuck in my ear and it ripped. It was bloody sore! I'd hate for a baby to go through something like that. It's sickening!

20-03-2009, 18:10
I had my first lobe piercings when I was about 4 months old, can you tell my mum thought I was a fashion object?

I ended up having 15 piercings by the age of 18 :D

I did a few young ones when I was a piercer, but we made a point of doing both ears at ones otherwise you ended up with the wussy kids running about with only one piercing.

I remember one kid started papping themselves when they saw the gun, and the mother was horrible and basically held it down and told it 'you ARE having your ears pierced'.

I don't really give a stuff either way, except I had a lot of school friends who weren't allowed to have theirs done, which I think is a bit mean.

20-03-2009, 19:38
I had mine done when I was about 1 years old. My Dad went mental.

I can't say it affected me at all, in some ways it was nice that I had it done and couldn't remember any pain ;D

I don't think I would let my children have their ears done until they were about 10/11.

20-03-2009, 19:43
Yeh agreed. The chubby ones can have them though.


;D :o

20-03-2009, 19:44
My dad let me have mine done when I asked (about 11 I think) purely because my mother had ordered him not to let me have them done until I was 16. It was my choice though - if I hadn't of asked then it wouldn't have happened.

20-03-2009, 20:28
I wanted my ears pierced for years and years but my Dad finally gave in and let me have them done at 11, he didn't want me to have them done til I was 16.
I think once a child understands how it hurts and is old enough to look after them then yeah why not but the problem is them being pulled out by accident or on purpose oh and they can't wear them at school so whats the point in part time piercings?
Not sure on the rules at secondary schools now.

20-03-2009, 20:56
I don't like toddlers/babies with piercings at all, screams chav to me (judgemental? moi?). BUT! My eldest 2 have pierced ears. Pheebs was 7 and Soph was 9 I think, Pheebs was badgering and badgering for it to be done so I said she could in the summer holidays when she went up to juniors. I told her it would hurt and she would need to look after them etc. It panned out pretty much as I expected...Pheebs had it done, then Soph wanted it done (she passed out!) THey wore little studs until their ears were healed and now very very rarely wear them.
Daisy is making noises about having it done this summer, why does she seem too young when she's actually going to be 6 months older than Pheebs when she had it done!? I'll let her get it done though, if she really wants it. There are plenty of other things they want doing but accept they will have to wait until older - eg Sophie wants blonde flashes in her hair. I did consider it for a while but we've agreed to wait a few more years and she had a trip to the hairdressers instead for a new style.

Peer pressure is a powerful thing, and sometimes as parents you have to make decisions which are not ideal. You do what you can and hope it all works out in the end :)

I wasn't fussed about the ear piercing though ;)

20-03-2009, 21:03
LMF had her ears pierced when she was about 9 or 10 I think, I can't remember! YMF had his done (just the left one) at the same time and he's just under two years younger. They both asked for it and we had no problems with it.

I had my ear pierced at 21 and a tattoo at 42. Wonder what will happen when I'm 63 ;)

20-03-2009, 21:08
I let Joanne Vickers (fitty :p) pierce mine with a safety pin whilst we were waiting to go into the Gym at school, The back skin was a little tuff from what I remember.
There were Punks about then though & some Dude had a garden fork in his face :shocked: I kid you not ;D

20-03-2009, 21:15
I had my ear pierced at 21 and a tattoo at 42. Wonder what will happen when I'm 63 ;)

20-03-2009, 21:22
Pebs I think thats what I would do with my girls, 7 years old is ok as they understand etc but toddlers and babies its so wrong imo and yes also screams out chavs to me too.

I have known mum's to put streaks in toddlers hair, chemicals shouldn't be used on kids like that.
I agee with waiting a few years for Sophie's hair cos of it being bleach but I think with mine I would let them use the wash in wash out stuff as its gentle and won't ruin their hair.
Is Sophie 11? I was 13 the 1st time I dyed hair with 8wash out mouse and my parents went MENTAL!!! I was grounded :(

20-03-2009, 22:58
Are there any health and safety requirements to be able to pierce ears? I'm surprised you can get it done at Claires Accessories! Although, I've no idea where to go to get it done tbh. Being a man and all.

As far as I can remember, it was on the job training and my manager showed me a couple of times, then supervised for a few :/

You have to wear gloves and sterilise things...

after reading that back, its all a bit shocking :confused:

Daisy is making noises about having it done this summer, why does she seem too young when she's actually going to be 6 months older than Pheebs when she had it done!? I'll let her get it done though, if she really wants it.

:shocked: My God! How time flies! I remember when Pheebs and Soph got them done!

BB x

21-03-2009, 00:17
I don't like toddlers/babies with piercings at all, screams chav to me

Chavs weren't invented when i was a baby ;)

21-03-2009, 00:32
Come 'ere kids!

http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/1838/harpoongun.jpg (http://img259.imageshack.us/my.php?image=harpoongun.jpg)

21-03-2009, 00:40
Come 'ere kids!

http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/1838/harpoongun.jpg (http://img259.imageshack.us/my.php?image=harpoongun.jpg)

Is that for the chubby ones?

The first thing I thought of when I read the thread title is the Eddie Izzard babies on spikes part of his standup show :o

21-03-2009, 00:55
Are there any health and safety requirements to be able to pierce ears?

With needles, yes but anyone can basically point the piercing gun and shoot!

To be honest, I have no idea when I got my ears pierced the first time. I think I was probably about 10 or so but that's really a guess - I know I didn't have them as a baby / toddler as my Mum didn't like the idea.

Richard Slater
21-03-2009, 09:40
It's got to be down to choice, babies can't make that choice simple as. Am I right in understanding that if you don't wear something in a piercing it will eventually heal up? if so I wouldn't have issue with children making their own decision assuming they were aware of the consequences - from that I would say 10-11 would probably be the youngest although it would have to be a judgment call.

21-03-2009, 09:57
it's pretty disgusting to abuse your children like that tbh.

and that's before you even get me started on how horrific piercing guns and jewllery are.

*edit* i do say children as in, under a consenting age. i got my ear pierced when i was 7 or 8 because i asked for it and my mum agreed.... i'm now full of holes, whoops.

21-03-2009, 09:57
It's got to be down to choice, babies can't make that choice simple as. Am I right in understanding that if you don't wear something in a piercing it will eventually heal up?

Yup. I have super healing ears annoyingly - coupled with that and the fact I don't wear earrings too often it means I have to frequently re-pierce my own ears.

Makes Picky want to faint when he hears the little "pop" ;D Always legs it out the room! Hehehee!

21-03-2009, 10:01
I right in understanding that if you don't wear something in a piercing it will eventually heal up?

I think there becomes a point where that doesn't happen. I doubt my ear piercing would heal after being there for over twenty years.

21-03-2009, 10:08
LMF had her ears pierced when she was about 9 or 10 I think, I can't remember! YMF had his done (just the left one) at the same time and he's just under two years younger. They both asked for it and we had no problems with it.

I had my ear pierced at 21 and a tattoo at 42. Wonder what will happen when I'm 63 ;)
Or 84? ;)

Chavs weren't invented when i was a baby ;)
Chavs have always been around, its just recently the media coined them a name.

21-03-2009, 10:11
Am I right in understanding that if you don't wear something in a piercing it will eventually heal up?

kinda yes and no. when fully healed you'll essentialy have a tube of skin grown through the piercing (called a fistula). different parts of your body heal to this stage in different times, and as much as lobe piercings are very common they're actually one of the hardest to heal and keep healthy.

what will happen though is that it will shrink, and at that point the side walls of the fistula can start to fuse together again slightly, but it won't be the whole way through, and 90% of the time it will still be obvious there was a piercing there.

21-03-2009, 10:39
Or 84? ;)

Chavs have always been around, its just recently the media coined them a name.

Ok, put it another way, my mum wasn't a chav.

21-03-2009, 11:18
Nor mine.

21-03-2009, 12:16
Some childrens ears heal, if they get the pierced at a couple of months old and then take them out for nursery at age of 3 some kids ears close where others don't.
I pierced my nose myself when I was 13 and spent 4years without it in and the hole hasn't closed at all.
Ears I hadly ever wear earings due to small people and them being interested in them and pulling on them and my holes never close up.
I couldn't wear earings at school so spent years only wearing them now and again and the holes never closed up at all.
I think it just depends on the person as some people can heal up really quick like Pheebs :)

21-03-2009, 18:10
Yup. I have super healing ears annoyingly - coupled with that and the fact I don't wear earrings too often it means I have to frequently re-pierce my own ears.

Makes Picky want to faint when he hears the little "pop" ;D Always legs it out the room! Hehehee!

Your name's Clare, you're blonde, and you have a super-healing ability...were you ever a cheerleader?

21-03-2009, 18:13
Yuuuuuurp :D I was!

But I'm no Clare Bear. She's in my wardrobe at the moment :D

21-03-2009, 18:23
I voted 'pretty' just so it wouldn't be sitting there with a big zero.

22-03-2009, 02:11
One of the mums has said that she got her daughter's ears pierced at 18days old, thats just so cruel imo :(
Babies are so small and vunerable and thats just taking advantage of them and what for, vanity?
Children are beautiful enough without modifications!!

22-03-2009, 03:42
Children are beautiful enough

http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/8913/uglybaby.gif (http://img9.imageshack.us/my.php?image=uglybaby.gif)