View Full Version : Latest work at my end

25-03-2009, 18:30
Not had much on recently but I've got some cool work over the next few weeks that I thought I'd share. I was a bit gutted that I missed out on the Richard Hammond Engineering Connections series but a chap I was working with on one of the exhibitions got in touch and booked me in for a new series which should be airing on C5.

It's an engineering series, don't know a huge amount about it yet but I drop my tools off Friday and start Monday, so I'll let yous all in to a sneak preview ;)

25-03-2009, 22:24
Nice one Jonny. Make sure you keep us updated for when it's on air :D

31-03-2009, 22:13
Day 2. Good week so far, my first task is to build a Polaris missile launcher. Small one of course, not full size, so I've welded up a pressure vessel and various plumbing bits to fire a small missile out of an underwater tube as a submarine would do. Didn't get a chance to take any pictures yet and we're filming some other bits tomorrow but I'll get some pics on line as soon as I can.

It's all a bit more laid back than I'm used to which is a welcome change, silly hours as usual but the work is great.

31-03-2009, 22:13
Sounds cool :D

31-03-2009, 22:16
my first task is to build a Polaris missile launcher.

I would love to have a job where I could use phrases like that!

01-04-2009, 06:12
It's great walking in on your first day and being told that :D

01-04-2009, 21:39
Well, a seriously long day today shooting followed by some interesting bottle rocket experiments. Plastic water container off a drinks machine, good slug of alcohol, blast of air out the compressor and hold a flame at the back. WOOSH and it shoots off down the death wire with loads of noise and fire. Gag #5 is working folks ;)

01-04-2009, 21:55
I would love to have a job where I could use phrases like that!

Agreed. Sitting down the pub, what did you do this week?
"Nothing much, bit of paper work"
"I built a missile launcher"
