View Full Version : What did you do for your 18th/19th?

30-03-2009, 23:42
19 next month, so planning my party :D

I didn't really have one for my 18th last year as I was too busy trekking in Patagonia :cool:

Was thinking bouncy castle + sumo suits + BBQ + drink... :cool:;D

31-03-2009, 00:18
On the day of my 18th, went to the pub with my dad for our first legal drink. I had a pint of Burtons and then another Then mum cooked me steak. Went out a few days later with college mates (to the Six Bells in Peterborough) and got blootered.

19th, I was at uni, so I imagine I got horrendously pissed in the Swan/Krazy House/147 snooker club in Liverpool.

It was a long time ago....

31-03-2009, 00:25
My friends hosted a party for me.

Was fun I think :)

31-03-2009, 01:44
On the day of my 18th, went to the pub with my dad for our first legal drink. I had a pint of Burtons and then another Then mum cooked me steak. Went out a few days later with college mates (to the Six Bells in Peterborough) and got blootered.

19th, I was at uni, so I imagine I got horrendously pissed in the Swan/Krazy House/147 snooker club in Liverpool.

It was a long time ago....

Haha, but no Slaters, Jacaranda or Lago? Boooooooo

31-03-2009, 01:47
For my next birthday which is admitedly ages away haha (January) i've already spied an amazing cocktail bar i know i'll be able to hire out for free, and i'll probably share it with a mate its a small place we'll fill easy. Put a bit of money behind the bar for some free cocktails and let everyone get trashed there then work out what were doing later...

I only say this because i saw it recently and thought what a perfect place it would be to get the girls and guys together for a night out, smallish, ****ing cool music and drinks and open late so we can leave whenever we want. Sorted.

Well its either that or if Rev's offer me anything specially free...

31-03-2009, 06:21
On my 18th, my parents were away so my brother and his mates were looking after us. My brother's mate lined up 18 shots on the kitchen counter (various combinations of Archers, Vodka, Taboo and other vile rubbish) and I downed the lot. This was after several Vodka & Oranges. I wasn't really that used to drinking. Threw up at the bus stop, then on the bus into town all over my friend's shoes. When we got into town, I collapsed and my brother had to come and fetch me home. Spent 2 days in bed with the most horrific hangover ever. I haven't drunk Archers since. My mates had a great time clubbing though :rolleyes:

NEVER again!

31-03-2009, 06:59
I was ill...

31-03-2009, 07:24
I don't remember....

.... this probably means it was a pAAaaaaaaaRTAY and a half ;D

I *think*.... I was a cheeky wench and celebrated it about 3 times with different groups of friends! I do vaguely recall swimming in the sea after midnight with a big "I'm 18!!" badge on ;D

31-03-2009, 07:42
19th was a party chez moi. It involved vodka jelly with too much vodka, fire, quasar, picking a car lock, and a dog eating vomit. Good times.

31-03-2009, 07:56
I think I have a filum of Picky marching about with a big stick which was alight at one end and then an ember flicking off on to his hair causing him to have a flailing arms mad panic! Hahahaha! *goes off to find it*

*edit* Oh no! That was your 20th!! Oh and the car broke down on your 20th and we made a stick man at the side of the road!!

31-03-2009, 08:13
On my 18th, I got ****faced on Skol lager with my brother, fell out with my Mam and then went to a disco. My Mam didn't speak to me for 6 months after that :(

31-03-2009, 08:41
I've never really done anything particularly special for my birthday, For my 18th I just had a couple of friends over, mum cooked us homemade pizzas and we went to the local pub just because we felt we should. No idea what I did on my 19th.

31-03-2009, 09:14
God knows as the partay didn't stop till I was 29 :o

31-03-2009, 09:22
I can't remember what I did for my 18th, which means it was either a really good night, or a really crap night :/

31-03-2009, 09:23
On my 18th I went out for a meal with my parents then met up with friends at the weekend for a mammoth snooker/pool session.

I've no idea what I was doing for my 19th. I was at Uni so most likely drunken in a gutter somewhere.

31-03-2009, 09:59
Didn't really do much as I've never been one to celebrate my b'day. But I do enjoy going to other people's! ****, that was 10 years ago! :eek: I don't remember my 18th I was probably on holiday (since it's in the middle of summer) at the time.

31-03-2009, 10:16
Mum and Dad took me to Disneyland Paris for my 18th.

For my 19th, me and my mates went to Chicago Rock for a meal, then out clubbing.

20th... Can't remember

21st, went to New York with my mum.

I know you didn't ask, but expect something über for your 21st :D

31-03-2009, 10:19
21st I was working! :p

31-03-2009, 10:22
21st I was working too. According to my calendar I was in the office for a few hours (I remember there being a big banner over my office door) and then down in Kent for a couple of days. Partay.

31-03-2009, 10:28
For my 21st I just rounded up a few of my uni mates and went around all of the various student orientated pubs most of which gave you a free drink on your 21st.

31-03-2009, 11:03
Can't remember exactly but I know it wasn't anything special going outwise although always been fortunate to have nice birthdays. Same for my 21st I think.
I know for my 22nd I was living in Stafford, and went out to the student union with Daz and some Uni friends.
23rd I was meant to have a meal with friends and they all dropped out except for one :/ So me and him just went out for a meal by ourselves instead.

Having a big party for my 25th though :D

31-03-2009, 12:08
My 21st I couldn't afford a party so I gatecrashed the girl from down the road's 21st instead :D

Other milestone birthdays I can remember are my 30th which I spent drinking cheap brandy with a friend after splitting up with the mother of my second daughter the day before and my 40th which, instead of celebrating, I was cleaning mud pits on the Sedco 704 (http://www.deepwater.com/fw/main/Sedco-704-94C77.html?LayoutID=17) :(
Luckily, when I got back ashore, my folks were in Aberdeen for the weekend and took me out for a huge steak and got me blootered.

31-03-2009, 12:42
Nothing, just went out. Went to Vegas for my 21st instead!

31-03-2009, 12:46
My 30th was much better than any of the previous ones. Had a great party organised by Lynnie that many people from here turned up to, was an awesome weekend :)

31-03-2009, 12:50
My 30th was much better than any of the previous ones. Had a great party organised by Lynnie that many people from here turned up to, was an awesome weekend :)

I'm hoping for similar awesomeness for my 25th :D

31-03-2009, 13:43
18th - Steak and beer in an Old Orleans in my home city of Oxford. Then clubbing in an awful club, can't remember what happened though!

19th - Uni, Week 1 party! I believe we saw Another Level and the woman that sang 'Sweet Like Chocolate'. WinRar!

31-03-2009, 18:18
I don't remember either.....

Seriously though, just pub for both. then 20th was pub and nightclub with uni friends
21st was grad ball (bad choice)
22nd was at work till 7pm :(

31-03-2009, 19:18
I'm pretty sure that my 18th was the one where my friends bought a half pint of Guiness in a pint glass and had a shot from every optic added to it and then made me down it. I was ill after that.

My 19th is the one where I think someone decided treble vodka-double aftershock and Redbull combinations were a good idea. I have complete memory loss of 4 hours of that night.

I don't know what your crowd are like but I'd advise not bowing to the peer pressure if something similar is suggested.

31-03-2009, 19:36
I'm pretty sure that my 18th was the one where my friends bought a half pint of Guiness in a pint glass and had a shot from every optic added to it and then made me down it. I was ill after that.

Yep 21st here, after a whole nights drinking mine and a friend were handed our "birthday drink" at this point we were already past help, i couldn't even taste anything else over hte guiness and just downed it, but it was lethal ;D Night mentally ends there for me...

31-03-2009, 22:08
Haha, but no Slaters, Jacaranda or Lago? Boooooooo

They weren't even built when I was in Liverpool.

Jeez, Cream was still the Nation!!

31-03-2009, 22:42
18th was a "black and red ball" - really it was just a party where everyone had to wear black and red! :D I wore a skirt that had no sides (was held together on each side by a shoe lace), a see through top and a red feather boa ;D

21st I went out with some cousins and a loads of mates around Whitley Bay and then into town, followed by clubbing til 4am. I smacked a guy on the head with the cork from the cheap-ass champagne, I danced on a bar and the club had a Jack Daniels promotion on where if you bought a shot, you could go to this other bar for a cheap shot and another JD to see if you could taste the difference... although by this point I don't think I could taste anything :o

31-03-2009, 22:49
Don't remember that far back. Probably nothing much, can't think of any big party type thing on a birthday.
Although I do remember being in Ibiza for my 21st on an 18-30 holiday

31-03-2009, 23:41
18th - Went to Pizza Hut \o/ The joys of only having one friend 18 at the time =/

19th - Big party at uni...I think, I may have been at home...alone :(

01-04-2009, 16:29
They weren't even built when I was in Liverpool.

Jeez, Cream was still the Nation!!

Maybe not lagos, but pretty sure Jacaranda and Slaters where there! They're pretty darn old around those parts. Jacaranda definitely since i'm almost certain my parents went there and they're quite a bit older than you! Its a friggin legend of a quirky pub/live bar. Love it, start most of our nights there! ;D

01-04-2009, 22:04
I may have been there then. Alcohol seems to dissolve memories ;)

I do remember this awesome place on Hope Street about 4 doors down from the Everyman Theatre. It looked like a house and you had to knock on the door and the bouncer would look through a hatch in the door, like a speakeasy and then let you in.

It got raided by Liverpool's finest one night, we stood outside for hours so we could get our coats back. It was freezing and I kissed a tramps belly while we were waiting and watching the cops drag the dealers away.

01-04-2009, 22:56
My 18th I was pregnant umm my 19th I was busy moving into a new home so didn't do anything.
20th I have no idea, prob got drunk.
21st was breastfeeding so no booze and 22nd b'day I was pregnant.
23rd was drunk and my 24th will be going out and getting completely wrecked as you can see I have catching up to do :D