View Full Version : Obama Limousine Three Point Turn

01-04-2009, 10:15
Quite amusing :)


01-04-2009, 10:16
I found this amusing too, it's on the BBC live feed

Lewis R Lowden, MI, USA says: The G20 has a public face but is run from behind a closed door, smoked filled room, where-in the welfare of the general public does not have a seat. It's like asking the fox & ferret to make the rules protecting the chicken coop.

Good point Lewis about the smoke-filled room, because foreign dignitaries at the G20 will be exempt from the UK smoking ban. Does this leave you fuming, reader?


01-04-2009, 10:22
Apparetntly some of this mornings meeting between Brown and Obama was spent discussing dinosaurs :D


01-04-2009, 10:58
John Mcain?

01-04-2009, 11:04
Love the hand movements of the guy trying to help. I know what he's doing but the enthusiasm he's showing is strangely funny :D

01-04-2009, 12:10
That bit about smoking does get me fuming a bit actually matblack. Why the **** should they be exempt from the law?

I'm gonna walk into a pub, spark up, then when asked to put it out scream 'I have zee diplomatic immunity!1'

01-04-2009, 12:12
I think being world finance leaders you're entitled to a few perks. ;)

01-04-2009, 12:13
I think being world finance leaders you're entitled to a few perks. ;)

I've always been of a mind that the law is the law and should be followed by everyone, especially those that are meant to set an example for others.

01-04-2009, 12:18
I think it's of better interest to get the meeting done smoothly and comfortably for those attending, rather than upsetting them just to prove a point. The Beast and its escort of CIA and MI5 cars will have probably gone through some red lights too, but hell, it's Obama if he can't jump a few red lights when he's President of the US and the free world, what can he do? :p

01-04-2009, 14:07
It's call Diplomatic immunity :)


01-04-2009, 14:47
Oh i know what it is, just don't agree with it. I can understand peoples' arguments for it, i just disagree as i'm a massive idealist, often too much of an idealist for my own good.

01-04-2009, 18:27
The turn seemed fairly textbook to me. It's a long car in a comparitively narrow street. Maybe Austin Powers has spoiled my expectations.


01-04-2009, 18:36
Indeed, unless i'm missing something that seemed to go pretty smoothly really to me :p

A Place of Light
01-04-2009, 18:57
That bit about smoking does get me fuming a bit actually matblack. Why the **** should they be exempt from the law?

I'm gonna walk into a pub, spark up, then when asked to put it out scream 'I have zee diplomatic immunity!1'

Bit of a non-story IMHO as there are other places where smoking indoors has been allowed since the ban came in.

01-04-2009, 19:00
The turn seemed fairly textbook to me. It's a long car in a comparitively narrow street. Maybe Austin Powers has spoiled my expectations.


You bugger, I was just about to post that! Awesome scene. I remember not being able to breathe for a good while afterwards....

02-04-2009, 12:09
I love the monkey they have doing completely pointless hand gestures :p

02-04-2009, 17:47
I didn't get a chance to see it yesterday but just watched the video and the turn looked fine to me. The guy gesticulating was just using standard gestures, no problems.

02-04-2009, 18:10
I think the driver did a good job, I'd have taken out the railings, the front door, half of no 11 and possibly a couple of passers by.

02-04-2009, 19:44
Ruddy crap drivers, I almost got taken out standing 2 foot away from the edge of the curb...mother******s!! :mad: