View Full Version : Yay!

02-04-2009, 21:54
Been trying to get hold of this for a while...


Anyone seen it? Meant to be very good!!


02-04-2009, 21:55
I read the novel but haven't seen it.

02-04-2009, 22:13
Shall let you know what it's like :)

02-04-2009, 22:14
Yup, caught some of it on Sky a while back, was pretty good actually, though I only saw the middle part of it.

02-04-2009, 23:12
Very very good film :) Thoroughly enjoyed it!

02-04-2009, 23:36
Is this based on the character Doomsday and his fight with Superman?

If I remember rightly Doomsday kills Superman?

Or is this something different?

03-04-2009, 00:03
Jhadur: Yes it is based on the Superman vs Doomsday comic series, and yes that does happen.

I saw it all on netflix streaming a few months back and it's superb. One of the better translations of comic into animated form.
They've taken a number of liberties with the story and altered it from what was in the comic, but only as much as was necessary to make the film work and it doesn't veer away from canon.

03-04-2009, 00:17
May have to go read the Graphic novels again then :)

I'm pretty sure they're in the roof somewhere with all the other comics :)

03-04-2009, 04:29
Finally got around to reading The Dark Knight Returns. Graphically it's dated badly, so 80s in costume and style, but story wise it's superb and raises some points for debate that Marvel didn't really tackle in any depth for a couple of decades.

I love Marvel comics, they're great, but it's only DC that manages to tackle heavier subjects in a way that is entertaining and engaging.
Marvel's Civil War had so much potential, but all frittered away with the stupid number of cross-comic tie ins and an obsession with the enormous face offs rather than the issues behind them. The conspiracy behind Goliath's death had a bit of build up and then weakly ended.
Going from the listed comics on Wikipedia for Civil war, it covered over 125 comics.
$4 x 125 = $500 just to read the entirety of the story? Screw that!