View Full Version : Smoking

06-04-2009, 10:06
Yesterday afternoon I realised that I only had 1 cigarette left in my packet. I thought about walking to the shops and picking some more up but instead said to myself "why bother, let's see how long I last before neededing a smoke."

Fast forward to 10pm and I'm distracted, can't concentrate on anything and give in and smoke the last ciggy. Feel light headed and my heart races. Screw it, I think, no more.

So for the first time in 14 years of smoking I've gone over 12 hours without wanting a cigarette. Sure, I could easily give in and ask someone at work for 1, but with the new house coming up in June I'm going to need all the money I can so figured now is a good time to quit. I'm thinking of buying some grapes at lunch and everytime I feel I want to smoke I'll eat some grapes instead. Should distract me long enough, plus it's better than eating biscuits or crisps.

So wish me luck :)

06-04-2009, 10:12
*mourns the loss of another of his kin*

Good luck mate :D

06-04-2009, 11:50
Good for you and good luck!

06-04-2009, 12:07
Best of luck Wossi - only advice I can give is to tell yourself that you are no longer a smoker, refuse to think of the things, don't discuss them with anyone, treat them as though they don't even exist, don't even say the word in your mind.

I did as you did - looked at the last one in my pack, smoked it and simply decided that I was no longer a smoker. I think Fishermans Friends lozenges helped me - probably the strong flavour I guess.

06-04-2009, 12:15
Prepare to enjoy food to it's fullest once more ! :D

*Nyom nom nom*

Good for you - you're a non-smoker now and you'll benefit from it no end :)

06-04-2009, 12:38
One thing I glad I never got hooked on, when I was a younger all my mates never smoked and we was always into sports playing for teams on just after school on the park, I have had a few cigs when I have been drunk but I could never smoke full time, it comes across as the most pointless and money wasting pass time going, plus what it does to your health.

Hope you can kick the habit.

06-04-2009, 13:09
Welcome to the ranks of the healthier ex-smokers.

I quit about 4 years ago and my lungs, friends/girlfriend and wallet have been thanking me ever since.

If your serious about quitting, don't go out on the lash for at least a month. Or if you do, go with non-smokers.

The grape idea isn't bad, a lot of smoking is down to habit so anything to replace the "Ciggy break" is good. I switched to Cups of Tea, so I'm a bit of a caffeine junkie these days but it's better than the demon smoke.

06-04-2009, 13:24
I was totally stupid not too long ago and tried something. It was a moral support thing but still stupid at the same time, I took up smoking full time for 2 weeks to try and get addicted. And when quit. Why? The girlfriend is currently quitting and although she's a long term smoker, and my quick blast wasn't in comparison, I could at least relate to her somewhat now and share some of the issues properly. I did manage to quit and undoubedtly it's because it was a short term thing, if I'd have smoked for say, a year, I'd be doubtful of quitting. It is very difficult, no doubt about it.

As others have said, it's very much a routine thing, it was the breaks during the day that made it worthwhile, something to do. Client calls, open the front door, have a chat with them outside whilst having a smoke. I can TOTALLY see why people do it. Before long it's completely routine and natural.

Getting rid of that routine gets rid of a lot of the problems IMO, I replaced it with making and drinking a coffee instead (even more) and sometimes I didn't even drink all of the coffee, it was just the routine taking control again. Best of luck with it, keep the attitude in mind that you're a non-smoker. Not a smoker trying to quit, you've already quit by having the *last* one. You need that divide clear in your mind of the importance of what you've done.

06-04-2009, 14:13
Sean Lock:

You think quitting smoking will save you money... No it won't... because I'll live longer! It's going to cost me a fortune in armchairs & conservatories!

Del Lardo
06-04-2009, 15:49
Best of luck. I've 'quit' 5/6 times since I was 18 and it's never easy. I'm one of those annoying social smokers so until smoking is as bad as taking a wee on your mothers grave (probably not too long now) I doubt I'll quit for good.

06-04-2009, 16:05
Good luck :D

06-04-2009, 16:25
Cheer folks, I'm only quitting because of the money I'll be saving in the short term. Will have to see if I start up again as I have a couple of cigars ready for when my mate's fiancee gives birth.

06-04-2009, 17:04
Good luck!!

06-04-2009, 17:09
\o/ Gooood luck!! :D

06-04-2009, 20:20
Good Luck :D

06-04-2009, 21:42
Good lad. My mate quit on Christmas eve and he hasn't had one since. Don't have even one and it'll be ok, according to him. Might be easier if you avoid the pub for a bit as this can be the hardest time to not smoke.

06-04-2009, 22:54
Coincidentally i decided to see how long i could go without today. I doubt i'll quit but hey ho i'd still like to reduce my dependency on it and going without for a couple of weeks seems like a good way to do so.

Good luck, i know i'm struggling already but i've promised myself i'd last at least a fortnight. If you go the distance you'll have earned my respect

06-04-2009, 23:47
it takes less than a fortnight to get over the physical addiction apparently and so after that its all mental addiction.
I haven't had a cig in umm 10days and its getting easier although today was hard cos kids have been so hyper even after tiring them out at the park lol.
Good luck I have quit before for almost 3years but was stupid enough to start again :(
Its soooooooo bloody hard and I agree on avoiding pubs with smoking mates as you will be tempted to go out for a fag with them.
Its worth it in the end, oh and you could put money you would of spent in a pot so you can see it grow as it really helps.

07-04-2009, 01:42
Good luck!! Just think.. no more going out in the freezing cold and rain just to have a cancer stick :)

I've never even tried smoking before.. possibly because of me growing up seeing what it's been doing to my mum & nan. Also, kissing a girl just after she's smoked (or hours after for that matter!) is not very nice!! *vomits*

07-04-2009, 08:52
It's coming up to 36 hours now without a smoke and I'm not doing too bad. Although I did have the worst nights sleep of my life last night, not sure if that has anything to do with quitting though. I also have a bunch of grapes next to me to help me.

It's weird as I'm used to smoking at certain times during the day and now I don't know what to do with myself now, so I end up pacing for a bit till I forget why I'm pacing.

07-04-2009, 11:05
I know what you mean, I find that I start snacking at times when I would usually have a fag, I think I need to make carrot sticks and cucumber sticks to nibble on.
Its a lot easier now, I only crave a few times a day and I know its more of a mental craving now which lasts a bit longer but if I keep busy it goes.
I have a shorter fuse now though and strops from kids and faysh ends in me snapping my head off lol.
well they shouldn't strop in the 1st place especially Faysh :D

07-04-2009, 12:57
I have a shorter fuse now

I'm going shopping...

http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/1536/selfdef.jpg (http://img90.imageshack.us/my.php?image=selfdef.jpg)

07-04-2009, 13:14
For which? The truncheon/baton/nightstick or the body armour? :p ;D

07-04-2009, 13:23
For which? The truncheon/baton/nightstick or the body armour? :p ;D

Redman suit


Thinking about it, BOTH!!

07-04-2009, 14:09
woo can I have the baton? you can have the redman suit, ooooh the fun I we could have :D