View Full Version : 360 W00t!

08-04-2009, 12:33
Yesterday I managed to finally get my jammy mits upon a 360 :)

Due to winning a graphic design competition I had £250 to spend in a UK electronics retailer, plus a handy £75 voucher and a staff discount rate :)

So I managed to bring home a new 360 60gb, additional controller, resident evil 5, lips with 2 microphones and a Wii Fit (so my poor wii doesn't feel left out) for the princely sum of £7. :D

Not the cheapest deal on the xbox around sure but it had to be spent there and then so I still think I achieved fairly good value for money :p ;D

Shall be splashing out on more games (especially co-op :D) soon but in the meantime will be getting used to this dashboard etc

Prepare for the impending torrent of "how do I..." questions.

Xbox Live account : Om Jingo

08-04-2009, 13:01
Congratulations on getting a proper console :D

08-04-2009, 13:13
Excellent :D Glad to see you finally part of the 360 family :cool:

08-04-2009, 13:33
Get Forza2.

Joe 90
08-04-2009, 17:09
start preparing mentally already for that moment it shows you it's red ring. it's a tough time to get through. i've seen 2 too many.

08-04-2009, 18:08
start preparing mentally already for that moment it shows you it's red ring.


Shall be looking to the following games shortly : Left4Dead, Fallout 3, Mirrors Edge, Fable II and Guitar Hero/Rockband (unsure what's best as of yet) :)

08-04-2009, 18:51
Nice one matey :D

Will add you to the friends list later on :D

08-04-2009, 19:03
Get Forza2.

08-04-2009, 19:31
If you haven't played GH/Rockband before it might be worth trying it first as I know a couple of people at work had bought it and not liked it. It's not everyone's idea of a fun game (mine included :))

Oh and agree with JSB get Forza2 if you can :) I could chuck you a couple of cars if needed.

08-04-2009, 19:41
I've played GH before which (despite playing both electric/acoustic REAL guitar) I found good fun - I haven't played Rock Band before but I guess it's pretty much the same kind of thing (?)...

Cheers for the advice boys & girls - Sorry JSB/Jhadur - Racing games aren't really my thing (except mario kart! :p) but thanks for the offer nonetheless :)

08-04-2009, 19:54
Get Rock Band over GH games.

Cheap (wired) controllers at Argos

09-04-2009, 05:25
Yesterday I managed to finally get my jammy mits upon a 360 :)

Due to winning a graphic design competition I had £250 to spend in a UK electronics retailer, plus a handy £75 voucher and a staff discount rate :)

So I managed to bring home a new 360 60gb, additional controller, resident evil 5, lips with 2 microphones and a Wii Fit (so my poor wii doesn't feel left out) for the princely sum of £7. :D

Not the cheapest deal on the xbox around sure but it had to be spent there and then so I still think I achieved fairly good value for money :p ;D

Shall be splashing out on more games (especially co-op :D) soon but in the meantime will be getting used to this dashboard etc

Prepare for the impending torrent of "how do I..." questions.

Xbox Live account : Om Jingo
Congrats, don't forget to look at the launch day games and indeed the console's very early games as they are amongst the best compared to the present stuff.

09-04-2009, 08:32
Good work Agent!

Crackdown. One of the best games there is. Get it.

09-04-2009, 08:34
For some good fun get yourself a copy of Call Of Duty 4

09-04-2009, 13:10
Call of duty 4 is a must. I also agree with Rock band over guitar hero. The games longer and there is better download content

09-04-2009, 20:29

Shall be looking to the following games shortly : Left4Dead, Fallout 3, Mirrors Edge, Fable II and Guitar Hero/Rockband (unsure what's best as of yet) :)

Fallout 3 > Mirrors Edge > Left 4 Dead > Fable 2 > Rock Band.

In that order for me. Though there are 2 better games than those mentioned in The Darkness (yay, get to mention it again \o/) and BioShock. Also, look at the PGR series, maybe PGR4 for you, as it's brilliant!

09-04-2009, 20:36
I'm missing my 360 so much. Can't wait to start work so that I can get myself one again.

There's a good years worth of games that I need to catch up on and I'm looking forward to MW2 and Fifa '10.

09-04-2009, 21:06
No Forza2 :'(

You may redeem yourself by getting Rock Band 2, Then rent Rock band 1 & spend 400 points transferring all the tunes over. This will turn you into a Rock God like me. :cool:

09-04-2009, 21:14
Rock Band > Fallout 3 > Mirrors Edge > Left 4 Dead > Fable 2

In that order for me. Though there are 2 better games than those mentioned in The Darkness (yay, get to mention it again \o/) and BioShock. Also, look at the PGR series, maybe PGR4 for you, as it's brilliant!

Much better :D

No Forza2 :'(

You may redeem yourself by getting Rock Band 2, Then rent Rock band 1 & spend 400 points transferring all the tunes over. This will turn you into a Rock God like me. :cool:

We gonna jam sometime? :)

09-04-2009, 21:25
Offline for 13 days :shocked: = :o
My real life has taken over my virtual life. :'(

09-04-2009, 21:36
never a problem :)

RL > The Internet any day :)

(Mega jealous of your wheels though :p)