View Full Version : Where to buy alcofrolic minatures???

11-04-2009, 16:36
I need some Grand Marnier for a pudding I'm making, but I don't want to spend £14odd on a bottle of the stuff. I'm pretty sure it's sold in minatures, but neither Morrisons or Tesco seem to sell minatures anymore :confused:

Anyone know where will sell minatures? Do Bargain Booze and other such classy joints sell minitures at all?


11-04-2009, 16:39
The minatures in supermarkets are often sold from the fag counter as they are so easily stolen. Most little booze shacks do them in my experience.


11-04-2009, 16:44
Boooooze Shack, there's a liitle old place where we can drink togetheeeer!

12-04-2009, 00:01
The minatures in supermarkets are often sold from the fag counter as they are so easily stolen. Most little booze shacks do them in my experience.


This. Nearly always kept locked up so normally at Fag Counter or in an offy kept in a locked cupboard at the till.

12-04-2009, 01:24
Boooooze Shack, there's a liitle old place where we can drink togetheeeer!

Hmmm I see what you did there :D

12-04-2009, 12:17
Neither Morrisons or Tesco had any minatures behind the fag couner :( Suprisingly, we don't really have an offys round here, so I gave up and bought a small bottle of Creme de Framboise from Morrisons instead :)