View Full Version : Insurance recommendations

14-04-2009, 14:29
Got a lovely letter in the post the other day saying the Elephant would like to lighten my wallet to the tune of £560 quid for 10 months of insurance! :(

Having just checked my records this amounts to a whopping £23 discount over the previous years premium and considering I have an extra years NCB (now 2, lost it all 2 years back...) I feel that's somewhat of a slap in the face.

Not driving anything too fancy either - VW Golf Mk5 1.4 TSI 170 (3dr).

Clean license, 1 50/50 claim (insurers fault tbh :confused: ) 9 years driving, 2 NCB - surely can't be that pricey?

Anyone got any good recommendations for insurers?

14-04-2009, 15:38
Run a quote on their website yourself as a new customer. I've never yet failed to beat Elephant's renewal quote by a significant margin by doing this.

14-04-2009, 15:57
Not a recommendation unfortunately. AVOID Sainsburys insurance.

14-04-2009, 16:15
Avoid is just as good :)

Got stung by Admiral in the past but once again they have the cheapest quote :(

Norwich Union/Churchill/Direct Line/Bell all want 600+ (ranging to 880!) so their out already :)

Will try new customer quote though :)

Waiting on APlan and Sky Insurance call backs :)

14-04-2009, 16:16
yes check them all. I have never stayed with the same insure. The last two years was swiftcover and now direct line and each insurer will be different for car, age, claims, postcode. So there is no easy way of searching for cheapest.

Use every comparison site, then work your way through the forms on the websites. Takes best part of a day, but worth it.

14-04-2009, 17:52
Personally i seem to get pretty darn cheap Insurance with Elephant myself, after one incident 2 years ago and 2 year NCB now. They even include free windscreen chip repair with TPFT cover as well! I'm only 22 and i'm paying £350 i think it was...

14-04-2009, 20:17
Done a new quote with elephant and there still 80 quid up on Admiral.

However Admiral are the ones that screwed up my claim last time and cost me 3 years NCB :confused:

still £405 is the cheapest I've got so far....

14-04-2009, 22:00
Admiral are part of the same group as Elephant anyway and in the past I've been told that they'll match quotes accross the group if you'd rather stay with Elephant.

Having said that my quotes between the 2 are generally with a pound or two of each other anyway so it might be worth checking in case you've put somethign different in between the 2 quotes.

14-04-2009, 22:24
How did they screw it up?

Elephant, Bell, Diamond, and a few others are all owned by the Admiral PLC anyway

14-04-2009, 23:47
They accepted a letter on my behalf from the 3rd party insurer which stated 'full and final settlement' against my instructions.

Then after having done that they proceeded to string me along saying that they were fighting it and they'd claim it all back and not to worry :/

Cost me my 2 years NCB and whacked my premium (with a car change admittedly) from 315 -> 750

Was an easy non-fault but they screwed it up :/ (reversed into in a car park....)

15-04-2009, 07:50
Cheapest car insurance we have had has been via Lloyds TSB. My current POS car is a Chrysler Neon 2.0 and we get cahrged £26.50 a month for 11 months. Fully comp SDP & C, Protected no claims bonus and 2 named drivers.

For a new car were getting next week it's going up to £34.00 a month. Best we have had for pricing. Not bad as you get £30.00 off quidco as well :)

15-04-2009, 11:30
Oh dear - Highway Insurance keeps popping up on all the broker sites :D

Must be a typo as I think it should be Highway Robbery Insurance - £980 - £1,200

15-04-2009, 11:34
Adrian Flux Cannot be beaten, FACT !!!

I got quoted 650 quid for my Camper & Flux did it for less than 250. My Jeep insurance was 129 quid with all the mods declared ffs.
Number is 08000 838833.
One of the only numberrs I know off by heart. ;D

15-04-2009, 12:57
Adrian Flux really depend, they can be cheap but like any insurer it just depends loads on circumstances. Its elephant for me almost everytime, or at least something within the admiral group. As with the nature of this, you've got to check, re-check and check again over all the comparison sites and then individually the top 5/10 (depending on how much time you have) and quidco and see what comes out top. Its hassle but saves pennies.