View Full Version : How could you choose between these games?

16-04-2009, 20:30
Gamefaqs have been doing a knock out poll thingy to determine the best game ever. For me, some of the choices have been easy to make but today, aaargh so hard!
How could you choose between Donkey Kong Country, Doom, Streets of Rage 2 and Zelda: A Link to the Past?

In fact, give it a shot :p Here's the poll!

16-04-2009, 20:34
Easy, SoR2 all the way. Great game that you could play with your mates half pissed after a night out. Whenever I break out the megadrive its one of the first games that gets pulled out by mates.

Still play it now when I get chance. Doom is good, but isn't as timeless.

16-04-2009, 20:41
Out of them the only one I've played (and played and played) is Doom, so gets my vote.

But best game ever is Elite on the BBC :)

16-04-2009, 20:48
Out of them the only one I've played (and played and played) is Doom, so gets my vote.

But best game ever is Elite on the BBC :)


Right lad, beers, SoR2, throw in some micro machines, worms etc round mine next time.

16-04-2009, 20:51
Good call Zirax, get educating him!

Personally I still can't choose between Doom or SoR2 :o Although SoR2 is starting to edge ahead for me.

16-04-2009, 20:53
Doom. Looks pants now, but made me crap them all those years ago.

16-04-2009, 20:54
For me its LttP only because it struck a perfect chord with me all those years ago, i was exactly the right age at the right time basically :)

16-04-2009, 21:05
Doom. Only one of those I've played. And played. And played some more. And finished (on the easy skill mind :o). Even created some custom maps for it. It was the first game to get banned from the office because it broadcast everywhere and killed the office network. ;D

I played the original Donkey Kong. Barrels of fun, but Doom still beats it.

16-04-2009, 21:05
I don't think I've played any of them* so my means of choosing would be somewhat arbitrary.

*I've definitely played some form of streets of rage but i've no idea which one.

16-04-2009, 21:08
Whilst SoR2 was an epic game, Link to the Past was just better.

16-04-2009, 21:29

Right lad, beers, SoR2, throw in some micro machines, worms etc round mine next time.

can I come??

16-04-2009, 21:34
As long as you clean it up.

16-04-2009, 21:36
As long as you clean it up.

Filth. ;)

16-04-2009, 21:40
can I come??

Yep, will let you know.

16-04-2009, 22:09
Out of them the only one I've played (and played and played) is Doom, so gets my vote.

What he said :)

17-04-2009, 00:04
Never really played Donkey Kong or Zelda - just don't appeal :(

I vote Doom of Rage 2 :confused:

SoR2 for me

17-04-2009, 00:11

Oh yeah - Zelda... Spent FAR too much time on all of those.

17-04-2009, 01:52
I don't think that's hard, and that's a really poor final 4 if those are the last 4 left.

17-04-2009, 02:59
Gamefaqs always have these and they are over run with fanboys.

Zelda OOT is probably the greatest game ever and still has not been surpassed, game play and storyline and music is just unbeatable.

I cant believe it was 11 years since it came out.

Fishing, catching chickens, going back in time, riding a horse etc.

The game offers a nice challenge, a stunningly well-told story, and the gameplay to back it all up. This game is the real thing. This is the masterpiece that people will still be talking about ten years down the road. This is the game that perfectly exhibits the "quality not quantity" mantra that Nintendo has been touting since the N64 was released. In a word, perfect. To call it anything else would be a bald-faced lie


Make that 11

17-04-2009, 07:47
See now I'm confused as I haven't played that zelda... only the phantom hour glass one on the DS.... but I LOVED it.

So depending on how awesome Zelda is... it would be a toss up between that and Doom! I canny vote!!

17-04-2009, 09:46
I've only played streets of rage 2 out of those, so I guess I'll vote for that lol

17-04-2009, 10:14
Gamefaqs always have these and they are over run with fanboys.

Zelda OOT is probably the greatest game ever and still has not been surpassed, game play and storyline and music is just unbeatable.

I cant believe it was 11 years since it came out.

Fishing, catching chickens, going back in time, riding a horse etc.

Make that 11

I never liked Zelda OOT anywhere near as much as many other people did, but I can still understand why it could be number one. However, I do believe it has been surpassed at least once for sure, and that's by Half-Life which has still to this day got the best story and adventure in a FPS, amazing design and progression, sounds, music, and the AI had personality.

17-04-2009, 13:03
Doom was THE game I played back in the day. Could only be one winner for me.

17-04-2009, 13:14
Doom is surely the most timeless of the lot on there. I still return to it now and again, brilliant stuff. Then again, I don't like beat-em-ups (so SoR2 is out) and I don't think the other two are as genre-defining as Doom. Hence, Doom.

17-04-2009, 13:15
I don't get why people cite Half Life as having a fantastic story as there barely was one. A summation follows:

Experiment opens tear in dimension
Baddies come through
You are asked to help close tear
Government tries to cover up accident
You fire rocket into tear which fails
You go into dimension to close tear yourself

The end.

There must be more to it than i'm noticing or something as i've played it through 4/5 times now. No character development, no plot twists and barely any dialogue. Half Life 2 was far better if you included the expansions as it actually had a plot with interesting characters.

17-04-2009, 13:53
+ ravensholme was terrifying.

*clank clank clank clank clank clank SCREEEEEECH!!! NOM!*

17-04-2009, 15:12
I have a hankering after Doom again. Must try and find an install (I had the original floppy disk version but they're probably well past their 'use by' date).

17-04-2009, 16:53
It's available on the Xbox Live Arcade too Mark :) 400 points iirc.
Not the same as on the PC of course, but very convenient!

17-04-2009, 17:48
I don't get why people cite Half Life as having a fantastic story as there barely was one. A summation follows:

Experiment opens tear in dimension
Baddies come through
You are asked to help close tear
Government tries to cover up accident
You fire rocket into tear which fails
You go into dimension to close tear yourself

The end.

There must be more to it than i'm noticing or something as i've played it through 4/5 times now. No character development, no plot twists and barely any dialogue. Half Life 2 was far better if you included the expansions as it actually had a plot with interesting characters.

The story was amazing because you felt you were in it rather than watching it. Amazing.

17-04-2009, 17:55
Ooh, thanks for the Arcade tip Haly. Just played through the demo. Not convinced by the control system (prefer the PC) but worth £3? Probably. :)

17-04-2009, 18:07
Yeah that was my thinking when I bought it!

SiD the Turtle
18-04-2009, 22:09
I can't believe there's not more love for Donkey Kong Country.

Doom is the obvious choice due to its er, ground-breaking-ness, but Donkey Kong Country defines a fun game. It had so many levels of SGI-workstation rendered beauty: jungles, oceans, mines, ruins, blizzards, the level design was well thought out and the characters were amusing.

Plus, it took me about a decade to actually complete!

18-04-2009, 22:11
I did love Donkey Kong Country :) Thinking about it makes me miss having my SNES :o

19-04-2009, 00:05
I have mine upstairs. Perfect condition, box even looks brand spanking new.

19-04-2009, 00:05
I used to have one like that :( And then I wanted to buy my first car :/

19-04-2009, 00:32

19-04-2009, 08:05
^^ this.

SiD the Turtle
19-04-2009, 10:18
I used to have one like that :( And then I wanted to buy my first car :/

Shocking, selling a SNES is like selling your first born :p

19-04-2009, 13:07
I'd rather sell my first born. Seriously.

19-04-2009, 13:46
I didn't have a choice sadly, the car was vital at the time and I had no first borns to sell :p