View Full Version : Quiz Help

22-04-2009, 14:52
Yo people of Boat Drinks! Are you bored! Then help me! :D

Found this quiz online (I am organising a quiz night for next week) and I need the answers..... so thought this would be the easiest way to get them as I can't find them.


Thanking you in advance. :D

BB x

22-04-2009, 14:55
Round 1.

2. Airwolf
7. Thundercats
11. Streethawk.
12. Dangermouse.
14. Dukes of Hazzard

22-04-2009, 14:59
Round 2.

1. Beastie Boys (I think)
3. Belinda Carlisle
6. Salt N Pepa
7. Chris De Burg
8. Richard Marx (I think)
12. Level 42
13. Fergal Sharkey
14. Lenny Kravitz
16. Kylie

22-04-2009, 14:59
Round 1

5) Ulysses 31

Isn't number 1 gummage?

22-04-2009, 15:02

Worzel Gummidge
Willo the Wisp
Banana Splits
Ulysses 31
Battle of the Planets
Swap Shop
Danger Mouse
Roobarb & Custard
Dukes Of Hazard
Mysterious Cities of Gold
Jamie and the Magic Torch
Hardcastle & McCormick

Beastie Boys
Belinda Carlisle
Thompson Twins
Captain Sensible
Salt N Pepa
Chris de Burgh
Richard Marx
Duran Duran
Level 42
Feargal Sharkey
Lenny Kravitz
Gary Numan
Simple Minds

There is a link at the bottom saying answers :p

22-04-2009, 15:09

But you had fun doing it before Leo - didn't ya, didn't ya?! ;)

BB x

22-04-2009, 15:15
haha I had a glance answered what I could then saw the link at the bottom :p

22-04-2009, 17:03
thanks for spoiling it for the rest of us who actually work during the day LEO!

23-04-2009, 02:07
That's nothing. I once started reading a book only for my uncle to walk in, go "Great movie, can't believe 'x', 'y', 'z' happened in the end though". I was on page 50. The book was Mystic River by Dennis Lehane for anyone wondering.
That's the ultimate spoilage. Still to this day can't understand what would make someone do that. Ugh.

He did it with 24 too only a couple of weeks ago. I made it perfectly clear not to spoil anything from the new series as I'd only seen the first 3 series, and he said "No problem, but I can't believe 'x' happened at the end of season 5". I mean, what the ****?

23-04-2009, 02:15
Someone told me the twist in Saw. :(

semi-pro waster
23-04-2009, 08:14
I don't know about Mystic River (and 24 is one of those shows that doesn't interest me much) but I firmly believe that for anyone to ruin a good film which relies on a twist, such as say The Usual Suspects, you are legally allowed to kill them - it's a complete exculpatory defence, in fact it's more like an obligation to prevent them doing the same to someone else.

23-04-2009, 09:06
Someone in my first year at uni told me the twist in Sixth Sense. It was still out at the cinema. I think the conversation pretty much went.

Me: 'Sixth Sense? Yeah, i must get round to seeing that, I've heard it's pretty good.'
Him: 'It is, I couldn't believe xyz.'

:/ He was a massive tool.

23-04-2009, 10:07
I think the time I was at V Festival and there were two hoooge text screens either side of the stage and someone text about a critical character in a popular movie popping his clogs...

The gasp amongst the punters when it went up was hysterical.

I couldn't give a monkeys! :D

BB x

23-04-2009, 11:33
Me: 'Sixth Sense? Yeah, i must get round to seeing that, I've heard it's pretty good.'
Him: 'It is, I couldn't believe xyz.'

In fairness it's the most obvious twist in movie history. I guessed it from the trailer :/.

23-04-2009, 20:16
That's nothing. I once started reading a book only for my uncle to walk in, go "Great movie, can't believe 'x', 'y', 'z' happened in the end though". I was on page 50. The book was Mystic River by Dennis Lehane for anyone wondering.
That's the ultimate spoilage. Still to this day can't understand what would make someone do that. Ugh.

He did it with 24 too only a couple of weeks ago. I made it perfectly clear not to spoil anything from the new series as I'd only seen the first 3 series, and he said "No problem, but I can't believe 'x' happened at the end of season 5". I mean, what the ****?

My best mate does this *ALL* the time, I say 'don't tell me you'll spoil it' and she'll say 'no, no it won't' and go on to tell me something which doesn't give anything away. However, she'll immediately follow it on with something that gives the entire plot away. Grrrrrr.

When I worked in Barclaycard in my uni hols this woman used to delight in giving the endings away to stuff so no-one would talk to her about films or shows or anything. One day she said she was off to see Se7en so as usual, no-one was allowed to mention it at all in case they 'spoilt' it for her.

Just before she left, I walked out with her to get a drink and said:

Enjoy the film. Oh, but watch out for the head in the box at the end

Revenge is sweet ;D

And for anyone who watches hells kitchen, the lads in work were talking about and one said yesterday morning "Omg, did you see it last night?'. the boss said 'NO! Don't say anything!" and he said 'I won't, but I'll just give you this quote:

"Don't worry, I'll look after your wife!"(there's only one couple in there apparently).

Giveaway much??!

Nokkon, I didn't get it until the very last minute, and I usually get 'twists' immediately!

24-04-2009, 10:09
I got it very early in 6th Sense.

I've never heard of anyone getting the twist in the Usual Suspects before they give you it though.

24-04-2009, 10:47
You have now then dude, I got the twist inside the first 20 minutes. To be fair, given that it was years after release when I eventually saw it, and I knew there was this "huge" twist in the film, it was the most obvious twist I could see.

24-04-2009, 12:17
I still haven't seen The Usual Suspects so no telling me what it is ok?! :p

BB x

24-04-2009, 12:27
The Butler did it, in the study, with the candlestick :p

A Place of Light
24-04-2009, 15:53
The Butler did it, in the study, with the candlestick :p

Then, after hitting the iceberg, the ship sank.