View Full Version : What film is this?

24-04-2009, 07:17
Ok so I may well have dreamt this (literally) or I may be going stark staring mad, BUT I had a dream last night which im sure was a film, I was in this film in my dream, I hadnt replaced one of the characters, was just more observing, but its bugging me what the film was......

It was set on earth, but something had happened like a major disaster, and the police/army were now running the country, not very well because people had gone into hiding. The film was in this big farmhouse that they had set up to hide from the police, had like tunnels underneath the house, and if the police came they would go and hide under the house, they were able to turn all the electric off quickly, and had enough food to last a while.

They had a field of crops they were planning to harvest to live on a bit longer, and they had so far hidden from the police. The reason they got caught (or looked like they would) was because one of the people who lived there got dropped home by her boyfriend to the farmhouse while the police were there searching the upstairs (the people were in the tunnels under the house at the time)

Thats pretty much as far as I got before I got rudely awoken by the alarm clock, so am I going mental (er) or is this actually a film?

24-04-2009, 07:24
Me - no idea
Mic - "she's going mental...or at least I don't know it"

24-04-2009, 08:03
Going mental?!? GOING... Mental?!

Gone lady... ;D

24-04-2009, 10:31
Sounds quite like 28 Weeks Later.

24-04-2009, 13:30
And a little like the part in War of the Worlds where they hide from the aliens with the psycho guy.

24-04-2009, 13:44
I'd start writing the script if I was you ;)

24-04-2009, 13:51
Sort of sounds like a portmanteau of some of the Living Dead films as well (especially the farmhouse hidey bit in Night of the Living Dead)

24-04-2009, 15:19
I think you've lost the plot ;)

24-04-2009, 15:24
I think you've lost the plot ;)

she never had the plot in the first place ;D :p

24-04-2009, 15:25
You saw what I did there, thank you folks, I'm here all week :D

24-04-2009, 16:19
did sound like war of the worlds to me... the hiding underground bit, maybe with a bit of signs thrown in?

24-04-2009, 18:12
Definitely not any of the suggestions sorry, and you buggers have just made me laugh a whole bunch.

Its just because the dream was so vivid and had so much detail I swear it was from a film.

Maybe im just nuts as already suggested, hey at least its never boring with me around :p

24-04-2009, 22:18
Is it Day of the Triffids?

Claim you wrote it. If it was Disney film their lawyers will soon be in touch to tell you what film it was. ;)

24-04-2009, 22:24
I dont think so unless theyve done a remake recently because the stuff in the film was fairly modern.

I think I literally did dream it :o still not 100% convinced, but after peoples comments on here im beginning to think it was.

25-04-2009, 10:13
Children of Men mebbe?

Not sure about the tunnels, but there's definitely hiding from the Police and farmhouse/remote house involved....

Damn good film that I'd recommend even if it's not what your crazy dreaming mind was parodying :D

25-04-2009, 10:35
So we eagerly await "Knipples : The Movie"

Actually, that might not work....

25-04-2009, 10:41
So we eagerly await "Knipples : The Movie"

It seems that there has already been a Fall of Knipple (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0989817/)


25-04-2009, 10:41
So we eagerly await "Knipples : The Movie"

Actually, that might not work....

Not entirely sure I was thinking of THAT type of movie though :p

25-04-2009, 10:42
It seems that there has already been a Fall of Knipple (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0989817/)


Im famous!! ;D

25-04-2009, 11:45
Infamous, love. Infamous!