View Full Version : New Foods

24-04-2009, 13:46
What have you tried recently that you have never tried before because 'you don't like it' or have discovered!?

For me it is Sushi.

I was put off by the thought of eating raw fish, except when I was at Kat's hen do and we made it, I discovered that not ALL sushi is just raw fish.

I just had some duck and hoi sin ones :D tuesday I has some tuna and veg ones.

Tis healthy too apparently. :)

BB x

24-04-2009, 13:55

24-04-2009, 16:27
technically sushi ISN'T Fish. It's a common misconception.

Sushi is the vinegar rice, I believe sashimi is the raw fish. When comined it's known as nigirizushi which I think is where 'sushi' probably came from.

I always get stick at work for eating vegetarian sushi, because people go "how you can have vegetarian sushi!?" but I love it - specially with loads of soy and wasabi. NOM!!

24-04-2009, 17:37
I LOVE sushi. Tis the best.

I discovered I like black jelly babies. Always thought they were gonna taste of liquorice (which I don't mind but am not overly keen on) and they were a black berry flavour :D

Nom nom nom nom nom!

24-04-2009, 20:32
technically sushi ISN'T Fish. It's a common misconception.

Sushi is the vinegar rice, I believe sashimi is the raw fish. When comined it's known as nigirizushi which I think is where 'sushi' probably came from.

I always get stick at work for eating vegetarian sushi, because people go "how you can have vegetarian sushi!?" but I love it - specially with loads of soy and wasabi. NOM!!

Exactly !!!

In a lot of sushi sushi restaurants you can get stuff like chilli beef with rice, fried chicken with rice, deep friend prawns, fried dumplings, different type of curries, miso soups, noodles, and then there is the Sashimi, and nigirizushi + loads more.

Thinking sushi is all raw fish is like thinking all Italian food is pizza.

Just check out Yo! Sushi's menu, there are LOTS of choices !


24-04-2009, 20:46
I'm hooked on Veg Tempura. I love that stuff!

24-04-2009, 22:30
lol, I ate at Yo Sushi just this lunchtime! Not bad for someone allergic to fish ;D

I also ADORE Vegetable tempura. Had it in a japanese restaurant in San Fran a few years back and was like OMG!!

25-04-2009, 18:35
Liver. I had it last at school and hated it, but we had it in a food tasting at work the other day, so I thought 'why not' and actually rather liked it. Also bubble and squeak, never appealed to me before but the food tasting one was delish.

27-04-2009, 10:53
Goulash. Was expecting some insipid sort of soupy stew type thing, but actually enjoyed a very tasty meal with some exceptionally tender beef. Will be making again.

27-04-2009, 10:58
Goulash is a recent rediscovery for me. Love thew stuff, thanks to a visit to Prague for rekindling my memory :)

Steak and kidney pudding. Home made. Suet pastry. Loaded with filling and monster calorie count. Grom nyom nyom nom /pudding on face :D

27-04-2009, 14:45
My mum used to make a really tasteless Sheppard's pie and I hated it. A friend made one a little while ago using a Gordon Ramsey recipe and it was transformed! I think it had Worcestershire sauce in it, mighty tasty.

27-04-2009, 15:02
Raw veg. Too often people think the horrible mushy stuff their Nan makes is what veg tastes like. Raw carrot sticks espcially are so refreshing, and completely transform your opinion on what carrots taste like. Plus you have the added benefit that most of the vitamins haven't been nuked in the pan. Obviously some veg needs to be cooked, but there's a few out there which you can get away with which are great for healthy snacking.

27-04-2009, 16:35
It's been a while since I've discovered new foods, but I'm always keen to try new dishes.

Glad you're liking sushi, however raw fish is plain awesome.

27-04-2009, 16:38
I love raw veg. Sadly carrots are supposedly one of those that you should cook to get the best out of them but i DESPISE them cooked and worship them raw. How odd!

27-04-2009, 16:41
I love raw veg. Sadly carrots are supposedly one of those that you should cook to get the best out of them but i DESPISE them cooked and worship them raw. How odd!

Me too :D
When I was a kid, my favourite meal was mashed potatoes with raw carrots ;D

27-04-2009, 16:49
I love raw veg

I know, whenever I prepare veg she hovers and steals bits ;D

27-04-2009, 17:30
I am quite simply shocked that raw veg comes under the title of "new foods" :shocked:

27-04-2009, 17:35
Raw carrots and houmus are one of the best snacks around! :D

27-04-2009, 17:35
Yeah, but it's hardly a new food is it

27-04-2009, 17:37
I am quite simply shocked that raw veg comes under the title of "new foods" :shocked:

Well I guess some people just didn't like the concept of eating veggies raw...

Unless I spend a lot of time in the far east or in remote african villages, I think finding "new" foods is going to be tough.

27-04-2009, 17:48
re-typed what I wanted to say about 4 times, but can't get the words right so I give up. Forget I said anything

27-04-2009, 17:54
:lubu: :D

I know what you were trying to say - it is surprising that it would be "new" to try raw veggies. :)

27-04-2009, 17:57

27-04-2009, 19:35
Well it was for me, my veggies have usually been cooked, I very rarely ventured into trying any raw. Typical teenage diet I guess. :)

No food is "new" really, it depends on the person surely?

27-04-2009, 19:46
I don't like raw mushrooms :( got a lot of cucumber to eat - might buy some hummus.

BB x

27-04-2009, 19:52
No food is "new" really, it depends on the person surely?
Yeah you're right. I just thought "who hasn't tried raw veg??? :confused:". But then again, I've never tried Findus Crispy Pancakes or those little Chicago Town Pizzas. Think I might keep it like that though :p

27-04-2009, 20:00
Findus Crispy Pancakes or those little Chicago Town Pizzas.

The pancakes are rank (shock horror - call the authorities BB x slating pancakes!!!), but the pizzas are ok - tried both when I was a student and I shopped at Iceland :D

BB x

27-04-2009, 20:23
But then again, I've never tried Findus Crispy Pancakes or those little Chicago Town Pizzas. Think I might keep it like that though :p

Bleurgh, don't blame you. Same with those Rustler microwave burgers. :puke: