View Full Version : Swine Flu
Del Lardo
29-04-2009, 10:29
Really wish it would just hurry up and kill us all. Not sure what is worse, dying by sneezing your brains out through your nose or this mass hysterical bull****.
Personally I think it's a genetically designed disease made by bankers so that we forget that we hate them all and are all going to die in poverty, eating our own skin because they have lost all the worlds money to Nigerian scammers.
29-04-2009, 10:40
With the arrival of Swine Flu many have come down with a case of Whine Flu.
*badum tsch*
This is a great link! (
Apparently they've come up with a good oinkment to treat Swine Flu.
I'm here all week folks...
I'm here all week folks...
Where's an admin when you need one? :p
Yeah, it's all getting tedious, but that's the media for you. I'm expecting to get shunned at any moment (hayfever, not flu).
There is real hysteria about it. I went to get my hair cut yesterday and the hairdresser was panicking about it saying that she was really worried as she sees a lot of people who have just come back from holiday.
As she had a cutthroat in her hand at the time I didn't mention that I'd just got back from the US.
29-04-2009, 11:32
For a laugh you should get on the bus, pretend to talk on your mobile about a recent trip to Mexico, put the phone down, and sneeze. Time how long it takes the bus to empty :D
There is real hysteria about it. I went to get my hair cut yesterday and the hairdresser was panicking about it saying that she was really worried as she sees a lot of people who have just come back from holiday.
As she had a cutthroat in her hand at the time I didn't mention that I'd just got back from the US.
You should have mentioned it as you were leaving, cough a bit as well.
For a laugh you should get on the bus, pretend to talk on your mobile about a recent trip to Mexico, put the phone down, and sneeze. Time how long it takes the bus to empty :D
Brilliant :D I'm off to the chemist in a moment, my symptoms are tiredness, sneezing and generally feeling crap.
Trouble is the chemist know I have hayfever.
29-04-2009, 11:41
One for any CSI fans:
29-04-2009, 11:41
not concerned in the least. SARS was meant to kill us all. So was mad cow disease (some might say i've still got that) the only thing that concerns me is my whole family is meant to be going on the holiday of a lifetime (paid for by my late Grandad) to Mexico the last two weeks in July. Mums going to the travel agents today to see what they're advising at the moment, but I am praying its all long gone by then.
Some operators are cancelling trips until 8th May. Not a lot being said beyond that.
How quick it goes away all depends on how well it is contained. Not very well is the current answer it seems.
29-04-2009, 11:51
As long as it has no effect on our holiday to Florida in August I'm happy.
One for any CSI fans:
Any excuse to post this ( :D
Love that South Park clip as well Belmit ;D
Guy here is due to go to Mexico for a fortnight in around two weeks time.
He spoke to his travel insurance this morning.
If he goes, he's not covered.
If he doesn't go, they won't pay up because people are only being advised not to go.
BA have not suspended flights to Mexico, but they're offering alternative destinations.
Insurance companies. ****s.
One of our Directors failed to raise enough money for our Charity of the year and the punishment was for him to get his legs waxed.
Guess where he's coming back from tomorrow?!
Soooo typical!
BB x
29-04-2009, 12:04
He had to go to Mexico to get his legs waxed? :p
For a laugh you should get on the bus, pretend to talk on your mobile about a recent trip to Mexico, put the phone down, and sneeze. Time how long it takes the bus to empty :D
;D ;D ;D ;D
For a laugh you should get on the bus, pretend to talk on your mobile about a recent trip to Mexico, put the phone down, and sneeze. Time how long it takes the bus to empty :D
Way to get a seat on the train in the morning.... good tip Davey ;)
BB x
It's a threat, but nothing as large as what the media is spinning. People will die from it, but people die from flu all the time. Flu has always been a killer for those with poor immune systems (Mexican poverty anyone?) and the young and elderly. You've also got to factor in other complications. Apparently a 29yr old in Mexico has died, but, what was the state of his body? Did he have a good immune system, a healthy pair of lungs? Did the flu simply exhaserbate an existing condition? How long did he wait before seeking medical attention? How much treatment did he actually recieve? Let's face it their hospitals are hardly like Princeton Plainsboro over there. :p
What's the death toll so far? ~120? oooh, over a few weeks in a global population of 6.7 billion, is the death of 120 individuals supposed to scare us? Hundreds die each day across the world from peanut allergies, are we supposed to close our borders from peanuts getting into the country? Even if it did spread to a lot of people, the treatment is successful and most don't even need hospitalisation! I'm more worried about the inevitable superbug resistant to treatment that we'll unleash on ourselves one day. With our anti-bacterial everything culture, it's only a matter of time until bugs evolve strong enough to challenge even the healthiest individuals. With no effective treatment, *then* we have a problem and millions will die.
29-04-2009, 13:02
Hmm, just heard it's just down the road in Paignton now. Gleep! I don't imagine it'll kill me but I hate getting the flu :)
Hmm, just heard it's just down the road in Paignton now. Gleep! I don't imagine it'll kill me but I hate getting the flu :)
I didn't think it had come that far a field (I always think we're millions of miles away from everything us Southerners)!!
Woo to working from home!
Personally I'm interested to hear what's going on about it buuut I'm not overly worried. We'll see what happens :)
PS. Briggy! Poke poke poke email for jobs! Please kthxbye lub woo! :D
29-04-2009, 13:22
YGM! (sent to your AKOF address)
It's a threat, but nothing as large as what the media is spinning.
True - to a point. This outbreak is a subtype of H1N1. That's responsible for the typical seasonal flu outbreaks that do kill thousands, but it's also responsible for the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic ( that affected 50% of the world's population and killed the worldwide equivalent of 1/3rd of the population of Europe (at the time).
We just don't know yet which way it'll turn. One large dose of comfort is that we have effective medication now.
If it gets to Asia in significant quantity and mixes with H5N1, that's when it gets scary.
PS - the Spanish Flu pandemic lasted two years. :(
Yeah exactly, science and medication has come along way. Look at how many diseases that killed us centuries ago which we've cured now. :)
Oooh I've just realised I go to college down the road from that Paignton school which has been shut from Swine flu and a lot of people who attend my College are Paigntonee people (with kiddles in school there).
Should be interesting to hear what's been going on when I'm next in (due to bank hols it won't be til next week!)
Hoping it doesn't spread :( Would mean lots of school closures around here... the only good news in that would be Picky would be able to come home! Would much rather people were well though.
I can't wait until bird flu and swine flu meet in the middle and battle it out for control of the Earth.
Meant to be some at Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford....or something like that. Not that I care :D
Oh, just for your information....I tried phoning the Swine Flu Hotline earlier but all I got was a load of crackling.
Oh, just for your information....I tried phoning the Swine Flu Hotline earlier but all I got was a load of crackling.
(I chuckled)
In Context:
Total deaths from swine flu so far this year: 180 something.
Total deaths from normal flu this year: somewhere near the 12,000 mark.
Around 35,000 people die every year from the normal flu. The deaths so far aren't in countries with good health systems or good access to health care. The only quirk so far is that the deaths have mainly been in the 25 - 40 age range, but still we're talking a fraction of the deaths caused by your bog standard flu so far.
One reason the CDC et al. are particularly concerned is we're overdue for a devastating pandemic of some description, and they don't have the finances to cope (to whit, it would take the CDC here in the US 3 months+ to produce enough vaccine for swine flu.)
29-04-2009, 17:19
Oh, just for your information....I tried phoning the Swine Flu Hotline earlier but all I got was a load of crackling.
29-04-2009, 18:24
Please forgive me if im being insensitive, but I just had to turn the news off because frankly I was about to start throwing things at the telly out of sheer frustration.
Is this anymore dangerous than regular flu? Because if its not then why was BBC just showing an interview with a woman "furious and scared" and her daughter in tears and "panicking" because she may have been exposed to the person in Paignton who has it!??!?!
Its sodding FLU!!! Yes you might feel crap for a week or two, but most people if you are fit (ish) and generally healthy will be fine, its not going to kill you, and I would bet my piggy bank, that all those who do die from this have compromised immune systems or are in the at risk groups.
Same as I have the flu jab to cut down on the risk of Marchant getting it.
Why oh why are they over-reacting and why oh why are people panicking?
Or am I just being stoopid? Feel free to tell me if I am, but I seriously cannot understand why the entire planet is flapping like the world is about to end.
I feel the same. I made light of the media frenzy the second I heard about it, but now I'm even bored with that. I've used up all the swine flu/fever jokes at work so now I'm just shunning the whole thing, like I do with Big Brother every year.
29-04-2009, 18:47
I think basically its flu but as well as the "at risk groups" being affected, it does have a slightly wider birth, hence why its "possible pandemic material". As it stands though, yeah, you'll feel crap for a week, and either your own immune system will deal with it like we're meant to, or the hospital will provide a helping hand... I'm far more worried (thats not to say i'm actually worried) about MRSA or similar serious things i could catch than swine flu right now. Its all getting rather silly and way out of proportion much too quickly. But i guess its better to be safe than sorry? :shugs:.
All this media hype is making me sick as a pig...
Seasonal flu traditionally has the worst impact on the very young and the very old (immune compromised). This version seems to be the other way around (i.e. it's the fit and healthy who are being struck down as much if not more than the young and old). That's seen as a pandemic precursor and why the WHO are getting hot and bothered about it all. Experts also consider us long overdue a pandemic and so everyone now jumps at the slightest sign that something isn't 'normal'.
As for the media, well, if they couldn't milk a story for all its worth they wouldn't be the media, would they? The media don't know how to do anything else.
It's people like my mum and nan that I'm concerned about. You can absolutely guarantee that if there's a bug going around, mum will get it.
You swine you :D
All thats going round at my kids school is slapped cheek (kids get them off teachers when they've been gobby all day :p) and chicken pox, slapped cheek is nowt to worry about and chicken pox is horrible when a baby so hoping Georgie doesn't get it yet cos ella is only 19months. No swine flu and no talk of the swines at school either odd cos they moan and worry over everything usually hehe
If you find yourself going down with the flu or a heavy cold:
Phone doctors for advice, start taking standard flu meds.
enjoy your time off :)
29-04-2009, 19:18
I agree, it's a load of fuss over nothing. The real threat out there is the dreaded Man Flu, a terrible, debiliating disease which I personally have just about survived. The best way to avoid it is to avoid close personal contact with men, something I'll certainly be doing in the future.
I think our best bet is to play the following game:
Learn the best methods of attack and prevent against, learn your enemy, know your enemy, defeat your enemy... and make sure you have a zombie invasion pack at the ready.
If you find yourself going down with the flu or a heavy cold:
Phone doctors for advice, start taking standard flu meds.
enjoy your time off :)
What about if you've got a rasher?
Makes a pleasant change from the credit crunch or Jade Goody being headline of the week I guess
29-04-2009, 19:58
Travel Agent has told us we just have to hold fire for now, and see how it develops, she said it all might blow over in a few weeks, and everything be fine again, or it might get worse, they just dont know (obviously)
We still have just over 8 weeks before we are meant to depart so I am PRAYING! this all calms down.
The press are still bloody scaremongering evil so and so's though.
If it gets 'worse' it's better for travel, because if it's everywhere there's no reason to stop travel :p
30-04-2009, 01:54
Any excuse to post this ( :DChrist! That's brilliant. ;D;D:D:D
Del Lardo
30-04-2009, 09:50
Normally not a fan of the Guardian but a couple of good articles in there.
Hopefully this will mean by the time I go to Cyprus this year there will be less old people and less kids around, so it's win win really! :D
I want pork now.
That's what she said.
I made some bacon, is it ok to eat? I started making it before the outbreak so I should be fine right? RIGHT?!!
30-04-2009, 12:55
Normally not a fan of the Guardian but a couple of good articles in there.
I like them, they're a good read, and rightfully point out what i said above, i'm more worried (relatively i'm still not worried myself having never been the hospital properly) about MRSA and C than anything that the media seem to hype up.
30-04-2009, 14:07
I made some bacon, is it ok to eat? I started making it before the outbreak so I should be fine right? RIGHT?!!
Did anyone from Mexico pass within 50 miles of your house? If so, it's probably contaminated and you should kill it with fire, just to be safe.
Del Lardo
30-04-2009, 14:08
Did anyone from Mexico pass within 50 miles of your house? If so, it's probably contaminated and you should kill it with fire, just to be safe.
You mean cook it?
Del Lardo
30-04-2009, 16:03
30-04-2009, 16:41
Loving the Pooh bear one :D
New website to test if you have Swine Flu :)
Sometimes I hate the media. I've just wet my toes in a debate about chemtrails. Apparently the vapour trails left by commercial jets are in fact swine/bird/flu, anthrax and HIV being dumped into the sky to rain down on us. Without the media whipping this into an absolute frenzy, nobody would care about some new crap flu.
Shouldn't have taken the bait should I? I have no chance of even being listened to in this "ZOMG GOVONMENT R DOING IT 2 US" discussion. :\
01-05-2009, 14:17
Apparently the vapour trails left by commercial jets are in fact swine/bird/flu, anthrax and HIV being dumped into the sky to rain down on us.
Don't forget the urine!
New website to test if you have Swine Flu :)
Admiral Huddy
01-05-2009, 15:25
The should rename this "mother in law" flu..
Shouldn't have taken the bait should I? I have no chance of even being listened to in this "ZOMG GOVONMENT R DOING IT 2 US" discussion. :\
The universe will end before that happens. I think there ought to be a new law - if you're so insistent that the Govt. is out to get you, someone should come around and make it happen. :)
01-05-2009, 18:53
Oh jesus, its down the road from me (like a couple of miles away) now, and the local media has gone into overdrive! :angry:
Anyone fancy moving to the moon!!!
Yeah but she's healthy isn't she? Should pass no problems :)
Possible someone at work has it. He got sent home.
LMF has it :(
Is this a definite confirmed by blood test?
If so then I hope she'll be ok, as above she should pull through ok.
No, because it's so rife now they're not doing blood tests, they're not even letting people in the surgery who suspect they have it.
She has all the symptoms, a conversation with a doctor 'confirmed' it. She's in perfectly good health otherwise so she should be fine. It's pretty mild as flu goes and we hope it doesn't develop any further but it's certainly a lot worse than just an ordinary cold.
According to the NHS Direct website Sam has swine flu, at least thats what it told her after she put in her current symptoms.
Hopefully LMF's is just a "normal" flu/bad summer cold case.
According to the NHS Direct website Sam has swine flu, at least thats what it told her after she put in her current symptoms.
Well perhaps she has!
I'm just going by what the doctor told us - There was a confirmed case at her school on Wednesday, she went in on Thursday but despite the school telling parents not to keep their kids at home the place was half empty. Thursday evening she felt crap and this morning she was a lot worse.
17-07-2009, 18:36
To the docs!!!
What symptoms of swine flu differ to that of regular flu?
I can see a lot of people with colds deciding they have swine flu soon, just the same as people always say they have flu when they clearly do not.
Girl in my house at Uni had a confirmed case, nobody else in the house caught it off her though. We all had out Tamiflu just in case. :D
I can see a lot of people with colds deciding they have swine flu soon, just the same as people always say they have flu when they clearly do not.
No doubt there. Some people always seem so determined to have the worst thing possible for some reason. :huh:
However, hope those who are concerned, just have a regular bug :)
The NHS Direct recently told my wife she may have swine flu over the phone and wanted to test her, when she went to the Doctors to be tested it turned out to be a Virus, Chest Infection and Sinus Infection....Phew!
Well perhaps she has!
The symptoms she put in were along the lines of headache for couple of days, feeling run down and sneezing occasionally.
I'm just going by what the doctor told us - There was a confirmed case at her school on Wednesday, she went in on Thursday but despite the school telling parents not to keep their kids at home the place was half empty. Thursday evening she felt crap and this morning she was a lot worse.
That sounds more likely then. I hope she pulls through ok Mr Feek. Keep us updated.
I've volunteered to be the Custard Swine Flu contact.
I've got a face mask and everything.
The NHS symptom checker is pointless tbh - I've had a headache on and off all week with an aversion to lights, I have had muscle ache and problems sleeping, I've sneezed, I've had an up and down temperature, but these are *normal* for me. If you put them into the web site you get a nice panic inducing red box which says "CALL 999" :/
I really hope LMF has "seasonal flu" or a bad summer cold. As others have said, keep us informed and if we can help let us know - children are pulling through this a lot quicker than adults so fingers crossed for her xx
[other stuffs]
We have been getting vast amounts of information through at work (for people who don't know, I'm an admin at a nursing home). The current problem is that containment is no longer an option as it is widely spread, but at the same time media outlets are making such a hype over it that it is causing people who actually are ill to be delayed in getting treatment. Anything between 8k and 15k people normally die of seasonal flu in the UK each year. Currently there are 30(?) confirmed cases in the UK over the last 2-3 months.
The major problem is it hits a different age group to seasonal flu and it is more aggressive in people who have lung problems/susceptibilities. This means the "work force" age is the one which is more likely to get it, although it is also the more likely group to recover with minimal problems.
Children are meant to be contagious for 7 days after showing symptoms, adults 5 days.
The current drug being given out is tamiflu which tbh I wouldn't want to take unless I was blood test confirmed as having it. The side affects sound bloody nasty and if I could get away with sleep, plain fluids, paracetamol for fever and ibuprofen for muscle ache then that is the route I'd rather take. The worry is that some doctors are prescribing it to anyone with ILI (influenza like illness); come the winter when many flu bugs are more forceful and deadly, I'd rather have that as a last resort back up rather than discover because of taking it when I didn't have the illness that it would no longer work.
We have had information about a "vaccine" come through at work and I've noticed a few stories about it on BBC; further research shows it hasn't been proved as working yet and also, as with any flu vaccine, the flu virus mutates rapidly so it may not even work for some people or may in fact give them the virus.
TBH it is all a case of common sense esp with regard to personal hygiene (throw tissues in the bin, wash your hands regularly, remember majority of flu and cold bugs are spread through touch not the air) - seasonal flu kills, bird flu kills, swine flu kills.
Yes its a worry, yes we should be "aware", yes we should hope those who are ill have a speedy recovery, no we shouldn't panic or give excess hype to the current situation.
I have tried to keep out of a lot of this stuff as I have some different information available to me than others (anyone else in medical areas are possibly the same) but if I get any other information which isn't publicly available then I will always post it. As with many things, the media will always portray the "headlines" and it can take some digging to get the whole picture.
18-07-2009, 05:58
When I arrived at Cairo airport in the early hours of Wednesday morning, I was handed a card to fill in (as was everyone entering the country) with questions regarding my state of health e.g. did I have cold/flu symptoms, had I come in contact with anyone who had cold/flu symptoms etc. I had to hand it to someone wearing a white coat and a face mask who glanced briefly at it and waved me through - not much point really :confused:
When I got on the rig later that day, we had a lecture from the rig doctor as soon as we got off the chopper regarding hygiene. He took our temperature and told us to see him straight away if we developed any symptoms and he would give us some sort of flu drug. He said they were waiting for vaccine but it would be three months before they got it but when they did, everyone coming to the rig would be required to have it.
Looks like the hysteria is widespread. Of course, the Muslims are a bit touchy about it with it being associated with swine - apparently, all the pig farmers in Egypt who supply pork products to the Christian population and visitors have been ordered to slaughter and burn all their stock - there have apparently been riots and stuff in protest.
Hope LMF gets better soon Feek :)
Useful info, thanks Sam. Hope LMF gets better Mr Feek. :)
BB x
seems my kids may have had it, can't be 100% but they all had flu symtoms, Isabella was bad for 2weeks, Josh and Georgina was ill for about a week with aches, high temp, head ache and a croup sounding cough. they all had poops too which seems to be a common symtom too.
Isabella temp would be so high she would be sick, I had to constantly keep fluids up and dose her up with meds to bring it down, she had a fan on her too.
My friend's son has had it and they didn't give hinm tamiflu his dad didn't want him having it unless it got too bad, he was ill for a week with it.
My kids slept loads, especially Isabella slept pretty much all day everyday for a week :(
The thing is though, if people wasn't aware that swine flu was even going around, they'd atrribute all this to just regular flu, or a nasty cold. They wouldn't be panicking and going "What the hell is this? What's going on?!" I think the numbers are greatly innaccurate because people appear to be diagnosing based on symptoms that are attributable to other things, rather than direct blood tests to confirm H1N1. Doctors are clever, but they're not perfect, out of the thousands that come to them, they can't all be right saying "Swine flu" at those with headaches, runny nose, aches and pains etc.
Mild is perhaps an insensitive word to use, considering some have died from it. However generally, this appears to be just like regular flu apart from it affecting "healthy" age groups. The vast vast vast majority recover, and most of those don't even need to see a GP, they just take lemsip and go to bed? Am I missing where the big deal is?
Mild is perhaps an insensitive word to use, considering some have died from it. However generally, this appears to be just like regular flu apart from it affecting "healthy" age groups. The vast vast vast majority recover, and most of those don't even need to see a GP, they just take lemsip and go to bed? Am I missing where the big deal is?
I think what kicked it off was the initial deaths in Mexico of 'fit healthy' people of normal age being attributed to swine flu. There was an air of 'omfg, regular flu only kills old people, wtf is this?'
What was subsequently not publicised as much was the fact those original deaths bar one or two were all down to other complications or underlying illness and these were far from fit healthy people in the first place.
Thing is we have no idea how infectious it is, or how lethal it is. They have stopped doing tests and anyone with even just a mild cough is "confirmed" swine flu. It is totally ridiculous.
they even think some people will only react with a mild cold symptoms to it. All these numbers and predictions flying around are no more than numbers pulled out of a hat. Without widespread testing then we won't know anything.
I had completely forgotten about swine flu tbh and just thought they had a normal nasty cold it wasn't until they got better that I thought hang on they are flu symtoms and the kids have never been that ill before (apart from Josh when in hospital) but at the time I went into robot mode and just focused on getting them well.
It was awful looking back on it but it was mild as flu goes I think.
Shame I never got them tested as I would be interested in knowing if it was or not.
I am not worried at all about it, my children are healthy and so are we so nothing to panic about.
My aunt suggested me and my Mum might have it earlier on the phone as we've both been ill all week. Seems we do both match the symptoms near perfectly. Tbh though, I'm not really fussed what it's called as long as it buggers off soon, getting sick of feeling like crap :p The name doesn't really make a difference to me, not like it's bubonic plague!
We've had a big breifing about it at work (in ahotel, which nearly got wiped out by the Norovirus a few years ago). Since then quite a few people have rung in with 'high temperature' or 'cough' which they'd probably had come in with before. Myself and the other accounts lady have had sore throats all week but still gone in, of course we could have infected everyone else by now! :/
Of course, the Muslims are a bit touchy about it with it being associated with swine - apparently, all the pig farmers in Egypt who supply pork products to the Christian population and visitors have been ordered to slaughter and burn all their stock - there have apparently been riots and stuff in protest.
Bloke at work who has just come back from Malaysia was saying they won't call it swine flu over there and just refer to it as H1N1
Kids school had posters up saying a few kids have it, thing is the parents and siblings have been to school and they can carry it can't they? so its gonna get passed around easily.
I have ignored everything on the news about it I just switch off because it bugs me how they are making such a huge fuss over it.
yes people have died from it but how many have died in the same amount of time with normal flu? or any other illnesses.
I have nasty head ache, ache all over, felt sick and have been so tired yet if I say that to nhs direct they will say swine flu and I know its just a bug thats going round, a few friends have same symtoms as me and think the same as me.
I wouldn't get to see doc and they will speak on phone then give me tamiflu even though like I said its just a common bug. its wrong!
people should be tested for swine flu before being given tamiflu, most cases are mild and tamiflu isn't needed anyway!!
But testing costs money, on top of the cost of the tamiflu.
Media hype FTL.
19-07-2009, 04:03
Bloke at work who has just come back from Malaysia was saying they won't call it swine flu over there and just refer to it as H1N1
I forgot to mention that. It's referred to as 'Mexican Flu' out here :D
19-07-2009, 04:36
Well i'm here in mexico and its pretty much a standing joke now amongst everyone when someone coughs or sneezes someone else shouts SWINE FLU!! at them ;D no great panic or signs of an epidemic here from what i've seen so far, we had to fill out a form when we got off the plane, but no temperature checking or owt. Figure if i'm gonna get it, i'm gonna get it, and I can think of worse places to be right now than this beautiful hotel. My biggest concern right now is my misbehaving toilet! (sorry for lack of paragraphs, phone being silly!)
Mild is perhaps an insensitive word to use, considering some have died from it. However generally, this appears to be just like regular flu apart from it affecting "healthy" age groups. The vast vast vast majority recover, and most of those don't even need to see a GP, they just take lemsip and go to bed? Am I missing where the big deal is?
The reason scientists are so worried about Swine Flu isn't because of the severity of it, it's because it seems to easily pass from one species to another. As you know flu is known to mutate and can combine with other viruses. If Swine Flu were to combine with Bird Flu then it would be very serious indeed.
So although Swine Flu is not in itself particularly dangerous it has the potential to become so and this is why scientists are worried.
According to my docs I've 'probably' got it. Hot and cold sweats, banging head, neck and jaw pain, light hurts my eyes and not eaten a single thing since Friday. I think I come into the high risk groups as I have bad asthma and I can feel it developing on my chest today. Like Sam says though normal flu kills untold amounts of people every year, I've had 'proper' flu a few times and at the time death would have been a blessed relief!! I'm not going to start choosing my coffin just yet.
As I've said, my mum getting it bothers me most (she's well into high risk territory with compromised immune system and diabetes). She's pretty much accepted she will get it, however.
As for me, the only thing that bothers me about me getting it is who I would ask if I were told I needed medication. I live alone. I could ask neighbours but that means going out and asking them (I don't have phone numbers). I could ask work folks but though I am friends with some of them, I'm not that much of a friend. :dunno:
As I've said, my mum getting it bothers me most (she's well into high risk territory with compromised immune system and diabetes). She's pretty much accepted she will get it, however.
As for me, the only thing that bothers me about me getting it is who I would ask if I were told I needed medication. I live alone. I could ask neighbours but that means going out and asking them (I don't have phone numbers). I could ask work folks but though I am friends with some of them, I'm not that much of a friend. :dunno:
I'm sure one of us could do a red cross parcel :)
Speaking of, if you need anything Madam Pebs, just shout :) Or should that be sneeze? :p
lol thanks Rich! Feeling better today, just very shakey. I'm guessing it's not flu at all as 2.5 days of feeling like crap can't be it surely!
20-07-2009, 19:11
I was told that I had it today when I went to the doc's. :shocked:
Strangely - all I went for was my hey fever medication, but because I coughed and sneezed a couple of times *it's summer... It's what I do...* I was put into the quarantine room... with all the people they suspected and knew to have swine flu... :shocked:
So, in all likleyhood I will get it now. YAY! :rolleyes:
Oops unlucky Flibster!
I'm still feeling like utter crap but I'd rather not go to the doctors. I figure regardless of the name, it is essentially a virus which means rest and plenty of fluids should sort it. So I'd rather wait it out than drag myself to the doctor's surgery and potentially catch something else while I'm there!
I have to go to the docs twice a month to pick up hayfever medication. Thank goodness the season is coming to an end soon. In any event I try to get in and out as quickly as possible.
If they try that "quarantine" trick on me, I'd demand to leave the surgery pronto. I'd rather leave the building than go into some quarantine room. Less chance all around.
20-07-2009, 20:08
I just back from bulgaria on a plane full of swine flu victims, gotta love the smell of recycled swine flu air!
lol thanks Rich! Feeling better today, just very shakey. I'm guessing it's not flu at all as 2.5 days of feeling like crap can't be it surely!
Every time I've had normal flu that's about it. Always seem to be ill at work, have 2 days off, then back as all's good again.
I just back from bulgaria on a plane full of swine flu victims, gotta love the smell of recycled swine flu air!
Bulgaria?! Hope you had fun. :)
As for the plane, er yes, that one's inevitable now. I have that to look forward to myself.
Had to go to docs today for an unrelated thing had a chat about how I've been. I said I was pretty sure I hadnt had it as I didn't feel like I wanted to die which is how I generally feel when I have had flu in the past. She said rule of thumb is if someone can get themselves to a doctor they havent got normal flu. However swine flu is much milder generally and I probably have got it. She offered me the tamiflu stuff but I said there's not much point now as I'm out the other side as it were.
STILL cna't eat though! Incredibly shakey and weak but just cant face putting anything in my mouth. Makes me gag, and everything straight through anyway. :( Getting on the scales at the docs today was a very happy experience though! :D
Oh dear... they're threatening to bring antibacterial wash for people to cleanse themselves with here on arrival to the office ::/: ::/: ::/: ::/:
Hehe it's all over the police station, as well as posters saying if you so much as sniff dont go to work and it won't be counted as a period of sickness when it comes to applications for other roles etc. So tempting to have another day off!
haha - yeah and apparently the government are stating you can self-certify your symptoms for up to 2 weeks off?!
Oh dear... they're threatening to bring antibacterial wash for people to cleanse themselves with here on arrival to the office ::/: ::/: ::/: ::/:
We've had it in all the toilets for a couple of months now, by no means compulsory though.
21-07-2009, 14:51
She said rule of thumb is if someone can get themselves to a doctor they havent got normal flu.That sounds about right.
A fun development is that the government is about to introduce an online triage system; answer a few simple questions correctly and get a voucher code that entitles your "Swine flu buddy" to visit the drop-in centre and pick up some Tamiflu - while you're at it, rerun the app a few times and win a few doses . . . just in case ;)
Any guesses as to how soon the government will realise that they've run out of Tamiflu and it starts appearing on ebay?
It isn't going to do them much good putting it on eBay if it's available for free. Unless of course you can get addicted to Tamiflu - in which case anything is fair game. In fact, eBay banned sale of the stuff a few years back but I'm not sure if that ban still applies.
Still won't stop people panicking and trying to hoard the stuff, and knowing the usual crowd mentality there could even be riots if there's any sign of a shortage. :/
21-07-2009, 15:46
Every time I've had normal flu that's about it. Always seem to be ill at work, have 2 days off, then back as all's good again.
Sounds like a heavy cold to me, not proper flu. I've never known anyone with proper flu who's gotten over it any quicker than a week at the quickest, with 2 weeks being the usual timeframe.
21-07-2009, 15:54
I don't know what to do now all my mates have it (who were in bulgaria and on the same plane home) but i feel fine, they're pretty much KO'ed in bed. Do i have to stay in just in case, or am i ok to wander about?
Admiral Huddy
21-07-2009, 16:19
We have an annual flu jab at work and I've done so for the last few years.. I'm wondering if it's worth it this year as it may actually be detrimental to any sf immunity.
Oh dear... they're threatening to bring antibacterial wash for people to cleanse themselves with here on arrival to the office ::/: ::/: ::/: ::/:
God you're SO far behind. Our National Pandemic Response Team did this over 5 weeks ago :p
Antibacterial wash at every entrance and exit, wipes for the desks and pcs and tissues for the sneezes.
Think the 2 week thing was agreed early last week - so open to abuse!
I have the beginnings of a cold... MOVE BACK EVERYONE *disinfects keyboard*
Sounds like a heavy cold to me, not proper flu. I've never known anyone with proper flu who's gotten over it any quicker than a week at the quickest, with 2 weeks being the usual timeframe.
In that case I've never had flu :)
Although a cold that puts you to bed for a couple of days must be a very heavy cold ;D
LD I wouldn't worry, you can't stay in just incase as thats just not healthy for you and will drive you mad.
I still have a banging head and slightly high temp, had a rest in bed and slept for a bit feel bit better.
Been about 4days of headaches now,might go doctors tomorrow just to make sure all is ok.
Josh is poorly and sleepy and has head ache so I think we have just got that virus that just gives you high temp and head aches, I have had it loads of times in the past, well something like it, you know what I mean!!!
God you're SO far behind. Our National Pandemic Response Team did this over 5 weeks ago :p
Antibacterial wash at every entrance and exit, wipes for the desks and pcs and tissues for the sneezes.
Think the 2 week thing was agreed early last week - so open to abuse!
I can assure you that I shan't be using it. Preposterous and ridiculous waste of money and time. Anybody off sick from work will only receive SSP unless they get signed off by their doc. Foe once I've got the union convinced that that's sensible to avoid piss takers! Still what a bunch of toss.
As for that poor little girl of 6 it would seem she had a septic infection owing to tonsilitus. So yet again the facts are skewed and swine flu was not the root cause but a contributing factor. Still awful though and my heart goes out to all those that have lost or are suffering trouled times. However lets not be silly here it's flu. Nothing more.
In your line of work that might be fair enough. In mine it would be a problem.
In my situation it takes enough concentration for me to look at a screen all day on a normal day. Anything that comes along that means I can't concentrate and it's game over - whether that be hayfever, a cold, or even flu (which I don't think I've ever had, yet).
We've finally had alcohol gels installed in the loos, and also have to wear white coats when we enter the kitchens for some reason.
I have 50% of the symptoms of sf, according to the poster I saw in the docs last night. Good job I've had them a while then!
I can assure you that I shan't be using it. Preposterous and ridiculous waste of money and time. Anybody off sick from work will only receive SSP unless they get signed off by their doc. Foe once I've got the union convinced that that's sensible to avoid piss takers! Still what a bunch of toss.
I'm glad you've got union backing on this one. I'm sure a LOT of people will be taking the mick at times like this. Sounds like a very good approach to me, Will.
IT took some convincing, but I have a way at times. :)
Considering in my job I am (was) in contact with over 1200 people on a daily basis in a school that had connections (family and sports event wise) with one of the first schools to be closed in the initial breakout, I am somewhat sceptical over the number of people saying "I have Swine Flu" and actually having it.
Of course, the number of cases are undoubtedly on the rise; I just guess my work colleagues and I have been extremely lucky!! At school posters went up, and every room had a "tissue bin" installed (which had a flappy lid, which is more unhygienic than the open bins in this case!!)
Infections are up in number, but the number of abusers for this I see skyrocketing!
Anyone who has read a poster/bbc/paper can easily ring up and state : "I have a high temp, aching limbs and a sore throat.", to which they then obtain 7 days off work.
From what my gf tells me (she works on one of these lovely new swine flu NHS teams) - there are serious discussions on raising swine flu cases to 14 days self-certification.
For some reason my place has bought a alcohol gel squirter and stuck it by the front door :huh:
22-07-2009, 18:03
I have to wash my hands properly every time I want to leave the lab areas anyways, so not much different at my work :D
I have to wash my hands properly every time I want to leave the lab areas anyways, so not much different at my work :D
So I should think!
Technically I do too, but that's to make sure no asbestos :)
22-07-2009, 21:14
We all got official emails with loads of info today, although the main thing that caught our attention was "if you suspect you're ill you should not be in work" ::/: Wonder how many people will be taking full advantage of that!
We get through about 3 bottles of alcohol gel daily anyway.
I've started using it as aftershave too.
You lot drink it right? :p
You lot drink it right? :p
It goes well with redbull.
Kelly, we got that email last week. It was quite funny actually - an email with worldwide company distribution directing people to the NHS Direct website. ;D
Admiral Huddy
23-07-2009, 08:50
Today I have a cough, tickley throat, I feel a bit woosy plus I have itchy testicles - what does all this mean?
That you need to put your hands down your pants and scratch and cough.
That you need to put your hands down your pants and scratch and cough.
23-07-2009, 16:07
Hmm the new government website is live but...
Welcome to the National Pandemic Flu Service
The Service is currently very busy and cannot deal with your request at this time
Why am I not surprised :rolleyes:
God, i hate being sick, still got this diarrhea thing after a day on the loo and taking Loperamide Hydrochloride, called in sick but spending a day on the loo again is going to drive me nuts :(
Oh thats crap, get well soon!!!! keep taking imodium type stuff, hopefully it'll kick in today.
24-07-2009, 09:19
One of the lads I work with text me this morning to say he has 4 symptoms of it and has been advised not to go into work, and go on antibiotics for a week. Lynnie has virtually all the symptoms of it, and I currently have 3 symptoms, but I've had them for ages and highly doubt I have pig flu. With a little over a week till our wedding and honeymoon there is no chance I'm letting my body succumb to illness now, it can sod off ;D
and go on antibiotics for a week.
Against a virus?
*bangs head on desk*
No wonder antibiotic resistance is such a problem.
They don't usually put people on antibiotics for swine flu, its tamiflu which is an anti virus med isn't it? or is it same thing?
Discovered its likely the doctor who comes into work for the residents has bought H1N1 with him on wednesday - his son has it (properly swab confirmed) and so of course he has been looking after him. He mentioned he had a sore throat and now the nurse who did the round with him also has one ...
24-07-2009, 11:59
They don't usually put people on antibiotics for swine flu, its tamiflu which is an anti virus med isn't it? or is it same thing?
He called them antibiotics, but it turns out it is indeed Tamiflu.
Further to my post above, when work found out my work mate had been diagnosed with Swine Flu, and I have 4 symptoms, I was sent home as well! Did the NHS online test thingymabob, and I've been prescribed Tamiflu as well and advised to stay home for 5-7 days. I don't feel that bad to be honest (just a bit headachey, achey and I've got a bad tummy) but work obviously feels it's better to be safe than sorry.
I think thats swine flu but they won't test now, well apart from few cases.
I was just wondering as I don't think antibiotics will do much will it?
My friends son had blisters all over his throat and he was really poorly but they just said virus and gave him anti biotics, it helped blisters but did nothing to help flu symptoms, her other son was ill like that too.
they hand out tamiflu to everyone with a couple of symtoms now it seems as people aren't allowed out and doctors do it all over phone and prescribe tamiflu.
guess its a good job you can't get high on the stuff as people will be selling it on the street!!!
The blisters in the throat sounds like Strep throat, caused by Streptococcus sp. antibiotics would work against that as it's a bacteria.
Quite a few people have reported feeling far worse after the Tamiflu. Approach with caution I say.
Lom : I had bacterial tonsillitis - pustules all over my throat and that was treated with anti-b's too. Saying that though, so was the 'infection' I had in my cheek last year - 4 different types of antibiotic - none of which worked because guess what? It wasn't a bloody infection.
I wish they'd stop calling it "swine flu" and just all it flu. It's getting ridiculous now :/ Loading yourself up on pill to get rid of a cold is also daft IMO - wait it out, much better. Your body can take care of itself. Loading yourself up with pill and dodgy crap is not the way to go.
yeah thats what I thought faysh but I meant for his flu symtoms.
I agree Kitten, My friend wouldn't put her 2yr old on it cos of the side affects, she just did what I did when my kids were ill, plenty of rest, fluids and meds to keep temp down, josh is on imodium daily anyway and has been for years so it never really works when he is ill as he is only allowed one extra dose a day. was a nightmare in our house lol
I wish they'd stop calling it "swine flu" and just all it flu. It's getting ridiculous now :/ Loading yourself up on pill to get rid of a cold is also daft IMO - wait it out, much better. Your body can take care of itself. Loading yourself up with pill and dodgy crap is not the way to go.
I'm with Frenchy. Paracetomol, and lots of fluids. And no whinging.
^^ I'm sure Will's not *really* French ;)
24-07-2009, 12:37
Quite a few people have reported feeling far worse after the Tamiflu. Approach with caution I say.
Yup, I've heard that as well. I don't personally think I'm severe enough to need it anyway.
I wish they'd stop calling it "swine flu" and just all it flu. It's getting ridiculous now :/ Loading yourself up on pill to get rid of a cold is also daft IMO - wait it out, much better. Your body can take care of itself. Loading yourself up with pill and dodgy crap is not the way to go.
I'll probably just take some Anadin for the cold/headache symptoms and leave the Tamiflu to one side, for the reason Kitten mentioned. I don't have the luxury of time with the wedding being so close so if Anadin can help get rid of the cold before the wedding then I'll take it :)
I'm with Frenchy. Paracetomol, and lots of fluids. And no whinging.
Hmm pardon? hypercrit springs to mind, remember when you had manflu? :p
^^ I'm sure Will's not *really* French ;)
True dat
Hmm pardon? hypercrit springs to mind, remember when you had manflu? :p
It wasn't manflu, it was Ebola.
24-07-2009, 12:49
I wish they'd stop calling it "swine flu" and just all it flu. It's getting ridiculous now :/ Loading yourself up on pill to get rid of a cold is also daft IMO - wait it out, much better. Your body can take care of itself. Loading yourself up with pill and dodgy crap is not the way to go.
100% agree :) Its just the ****ing flu, get over yourselves! For some cases of elderly young fail etc... Its not ideal otherwise its barely a cold, some fever nothing as bad a the actual flu would be! Best advice is stay in bed, water paracetamol and a few days...
Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
24-07-2009, 13:04
I wish they'd stop calling it "swine flu" and just all it flu. It's getting ridiculous now :/ Loading yourself up on pill to get rid of a cold is also daft IMO - wait it out, much better. Your body can take care of itself. Loading yourself up with pill and dodgy crap is not the way to go.
Totally agree, which is why I haven't phoned NHS direct, haven't taken medication and haven't been whinging in here about feeling ill :p
I have my usual summer cold that lasts for the first 2 weeks of every summer holiday period, when my body gives into all the stress and realises it can relax. ;D Expect the symptoms are a bit worse this year including dizzy spells and sore tummy.
I've been having plenty of fluids :) today is the first day I've taken Paracetamol as I'm feeling rather rough, tried to do a bit of gardening and had a funny turn so decided no physical work this weekend, so I'm printing my order of service, nothing too taxing ;) :)
24-07-2009, 13:05
100% agree :) Its just the ****ing flu, get over yourselves! For some cases of elderly young fail etc... Its not ideal otherwise its barely a cold, some fever nothing as bad a the actual flu would be! Best advice is stay in bed, water paracetamol and a few days...
It evidently isn't that mild for everyone is it, or there wouldn't be hundreds of people in hospital due to it, and previously healthy people who are neither very young nor very old, dying of it.
This doesn't sound like barely a cold:
24-07-2009, 13:11
But the flu when it comes around, sends people down and to hospital all the time, you just don't have the same media coverage, a few hundred thousand people die every year from flu, this could have been an epidemic if the flu stain itself was actually a threat. As it stands even the government are stating mild symptoms are not as heavy as a "standard" flu (whatever that might be).
24-07-2009, 13:13
But the flu when it comes around, sends people down and to hospital all the time, you just don't have the same media coverage, a few hundred thousand people die every year from flu, this could have been an epidemic if the flu stain itself was actually a threat. As it stands even the government are stating mild symptoms are not as heavy as a "standard" flu (whatever that might be).
It already is an epidemic, or rather pandemic to be precise.
I know the government are stating mild symptoms and that's what some people seem to be getting, but many others are having very bad symptoms indeed aren't they.
24-07-2009, 13:20
Sorry this could have been a worthwhile epidemic i should have said. As it stands its like a yearly flu that sweeps the world... Some people might be getting it worse than others and i agree thats not ideal, but in most case they have underlying issues already or are in some kind of hire risk category, and thats exactly what the government is saying. I don't need to quote the dailymail to back me up since all the papers have been going mental over it since forever.
The majority of cases where people have fallen very ill is purely owing to underlying health issues - whether or not they are healthy it has been shown the in fact they have other "issues".
It's pandemic because the same virus strain has been diagnosed in a few people around the world - but the number of cases even in a worse case scenario won't even be close to regular flu sufferers in the uk.
Big words and frenzy scaremongering that's all it is. Something to break from the duldrum of the war in the middle east, corrupt politicans, and other scandals. It sell newspapers, especially knee-jerk poor reporting papers.
So so many experts on tv and interview have said it's not that bad, but the press only report what they want to hear to make it all seem so much worse than it is. People just don't listen and are too gullible.
24-07-2009, 13:23
Thanks Will, some common sense finally :p
LMF is better now, she had a temperature for almost a week which is longer than I'd expect for just a cold. Although it was 'confirmed', she never saw a doctor and didn't have any specific medication for it. *shrug*
24-07-2009, 13:30
The majority of cases where people have fallen very ill is purely owing to underlying health issues - whether or not they are healthy it has been shown the in fact they have other "issues".
It's pandemic because the same virus strain has been diagnosed in a few people around the world - but the number of cases even in a worse case scenario won't even be close to regular flu sufferers in the uk.
Big words and frenzy scaremongering that's all it is. Something to break from the duldrum of the war in the middle east, corrupt politicans, and other scandals. It sell newspapers, especially knee-jerk poor reporting papers.
So so many experts on tv and interview have said it's not that bad, but the press only report what they want to hear to make it all seem so much worse than it is. People just don't listen and are too gullible.
Do we normally run out of intensive care beds because of them being overwhelmed by regular flu sufferers like is happening now?
During the 1989-1990 *normal* flu pandemic, approx 30,000 died.
How many have died of swine flu? About 30, ill people.
Farking media hype.
Glad she's better now Mr Feek :)
Agree with Will on everything in that post.
I like the pretty pictures, especially the first one
The worst flu pandemic occurred in 1918, when Spanish flu is estimated to have killed up to 50m people worldwide
Bloody Spaniards.
24-07-2009, 13:38
During the 1989-1990 *normal* flu pandemic, approx 30,000 died.
How many have died of swine flu? About 30, ill people.
Farking media hype.
The pandemic is still in its early stages so we won't know how many lives it will claim until it's run its course.
The pandemic is still in its early stages so we won't know how many lives it will claim until it's run its course.
Wasn't it called a pandemic about 2 weeks ago?
The WHO has stopped counting as different countries are using different sets of rules, like the UK, if you've eaten bacon in the last week and have sneezed once, then it's straight to ICU for you.
I'm sick to the back balls of all the scaremongering.
WHO called it a Pandemic on 11th June
24-07-2009, 13:44
Wasn't it called a pandemic about 2 weeks ago?
The WHO has stopped counting as different countries are using different sets of rules, like the UK, if you've eaten bacon in the last week and have sneezed once, then it's straight to ICU for you.
I'm sick to the back balls of all the scaremongering.
And you are clearly exaggerating there - I am sure the people going to ICU are very ill, they don't send people there lightly.
24-07-2009, 13:45
WHO called it a Pandemic on 11th June
What is the relevance of the date they called it? :confused: My point is that until the virus has run its course through the population, we won't know the final death tally will we.
24-07-2009, 13:46
When you said running out of beds are you refering to the case that was taken over to Sweden? My understanding is that there are only ~5 beds in the entire country that do the process that person needed and they were all in use but not nessesarily due to swine flu.
24-07-2009, 13:47
What is the relevance of the date they called it? :confused: My point is that until the virus has run its course through the population, we won't know the final death tally will we.
Agreed but as it stands its all a big farce and i think you're being ever so slightly the hypercondiact here.
24-07-2009, 13:51
When you said running out of beds are you refering to the case that was taken over to Sweden? My understanding is that there are only ~5 beds in the entire country that do the process that person needed and they were all in use but not nessesarily due to swine flu.
No this:
When you said running out of beds are you refering to the case that was taken over to Sweden? My understanding is that there are only ~5 beds in the entire country that do the process that person needed and they were all in use but not nessesarily due to swine flu.
Indeed she needed specialist treatment that we couldn't perform here.
24-07-2009, 13:52
Agreed but as it stands its all a big farce and i think you're being ever so slightly the hypercondiact here.
You mean hypochondriac? No I'm not, I am keeping an open mind about it all, and I really hope those saying this is nothing are correct :)
No this:
Note the words used... "could" "may" "might" "predicted"
Why do we rely so quickly on prescribing drugs and pills? It's ridiculous - most pills just do nothing good for you apart from toxify your liver and endocrine system.
No this:
I see nothing that says we ARE running out of ICU beds but that we MAY run out.
Some 840 patients are in hospital - 63 of which are in critical care -
If 63 critical care beds means we're running out then I have some real problems with this health service.
24-07-2009, 13:57
I am concerned, I'm in a high risk group and my mother is on Methotraxate which seriously restricts the body's defenses and means that a slight infection can become very serious very quickly. But I'm not worried right now, the time that it will get bad if it is going to is the winter and we should have enough antivirals by then to keep it in check. Believe me working in a college probably puts me in a maximum risk area so I'll be taking precautions but I'm not going to let this take over my life and stop me doing things.
24-07-2009, 13:58
Note the words used... "could" "may" "might" "predicted"
True, and let's hope they are proven wrong.
24-07-2009, 13:58
Why do we rely so quickly on prescribing drugs and pills? It's ridiculous - most pills just do nothing good for you apart from toxify your liver and endocrine system.
Agreed, we've evolved to naturally fight off a lot of thing that get given pills for little reason now days. Even Tamiflu doesn't actually do much but hide the symptoms does it? That with possible side effect of nausea? ;D No irony there then...
24-07-2009, 14:06
most pills just do nothing good for you apart from toxify your liver and endocrine system.
Sorry Will but that's balls :D
And you are clearly exaggerating there -
Really? :rolleyes:
Yes, it's a Pandemic. But, in case you haven't noticed, it's summer. Flu generally doesn't fare so well in the summer. As we head towards winter, it will get worse. There is absolutely no question of this.
Also, while it is true it is currently milder than seasonal flu, if media reports are to believed then its distribution among age groups is also different - with more young people being affected than is considered typical. That's a classic pandemic trait.
And the reason for all the concern is not what is currently happening, but what might happen. For example - if, somehow, it combines with H5N1 then we certainly will have a problem.
And I agree with MB, Will. Direct that comment towards a diabetic, or a hayfever sufferer, for example, and you might get an even stronger reply (and yes, I know you said most). Yes, a large proportion of pills (may well be most) do have negative effects on the liver, but to say they do nothing good is frankly ridiculous.
Why do we rely so quickly on prescribing drugs and pills? It's ridiculous - most pills just do nothing good for you apart from toxify your liver and endocrine system.
Can't say I agree with that, millions of people benefit from drugs every day which allows them to live a normal life. Without them, they'd be in pain, extremely ill, or even dead. Diabetics, people with heart conditions, bone and joint diseases, hormone and vitamin defficiencies, contraception, the list goes on. Some people probably take things like paracetemol too readily, or even use stronger painkillers that wasn't prescribed to them, such as codeine. I agree that those aren't neccessary to those who are too eager to take them, but they do "work" nonetheless.
Edit: Ah, you've already had a few replies on this, ignore this if you've already read Mark's response. :)
I meant in use for colds/flu, I'm pretty clued up on how your body interacts with chemicals - of course for things like diabetes and other necessary hormone requirements to stay alive they are precious and necessary. However it is categoric that throwing lots of pills down your neck for flu is a waste of your time and money and does nothing but make your liver work harder :)
Modern medicine is great, but it is seriously flawed and we're too reliant on "cures" and "chemicals" to fix things - we don't know it all, and whilst some pills minimise the symptoms, they do not cure you, they work in synergy with your body to rid yourself of whatever issue you may have.
It's nature playing it's course, and we're trying to cheat it - we'll end up failing ultimately.
Sorry Will but that's balls :D
As I said, I meant in terms of flu.
24-07-2009, 15:06
I meant in use for colds/flu, I'm pretty clued up on how your body interacts with chemicals - of course for things like diabetes and other necessary hormone requirements to stay alive they are precious and necessary. However it is categoric that throwing lots of pills down your neck for flu is a waste of your time and money and does nothing but make your liver work harder :)
Modern medicine is great, but it is seriously flawed and we're too reliant on "cures" and "chemicals" to fix things - we don't know it all, and whilst some pills minimise the symptoms, they do not cure you, they work in synergy with your body to rid yourself of whatever issue you may have.
It's nature playing it's course, and we're trying to cheat it - we'll end up failing ultimately.
Drugs like paracetamol do ease the symptoms of a cold/flu though, which many would consider reason enough to take them. I know it doesn't shorten the duration of the illness though.
Cold/flu is all down to perception. People certainly shouldn't be reaching for Tamiflu at the first sign of a sniffle. That's not what it's for and that's precisely how drug resistance happens. You can't cure a common cold, and the same goes for flu. Shame that a lot of people don't get this and pop whatever pill they think will work (when of course it won't).
I'm probably one of the people that comment was directed at, however. I'm quite happy to pay for Lemsip for example because it works for me, even though I know I could get the same effect from a paracetamol pill costing about 2p and a decongestant costing not much more. Some of the fact that 'it works for me' is undoubtedly placebo, but whatever. :)
Under current conditions I probably wouldn't bother with Tamiflu however. Benefit doesn't seem like its worth the risk or bother.
Saw my first people wearing surgical masks on the Tube today :p
How I lulz'd
Can't say I'm bothered, if you get it, you get it, can't really do much about it apart from stay indoors all the time.
Minimising symptoms to me doesn't constitute a cure - it's just a way of tricking your receptors into not making you feel so ****. But I'd be lying if when I've had a migrane I've not reached for aspirin myself :) Plus I don't like paracetamol it's nasty stuff.
24-07-2009, 15:13
I didn't laugh when last week when one of my work mates was told their 6 month year old child caught it and had been placed in isolation, he seemed pretty concerned.
Saw my first people wearing surgical masks on the Tube today :p
How I lulz'd
Can't say I'm bothered, if you get it, you get it, can't really do much about it apart from stay indoors all the time.
I reckon we should all be hermatically sealed in our homes :p Imagine desmo's - the house would take off in a matter of hours!!! ;D ;D ;D
Ridiculous isn't it - I saw one on the train earlier in the week, I looked at them quizzically - those masks don't do squat, unless of course you've got it and don't want to spread it, but even then once saturated they're a lot less effective.
24-07-2009, 15:18
Under current conditions I probably wouldn't bother with Tamiflu however. Benefit doesn't seem like its worth the risk or bother.
Nor me, not on hearing the possible side-effects etc. If I get it my plan is to grin and bear it.
Minimising symptoms to me doesn't constitute a cure - it's just a way of tricking your receptors into not making you feel so ****. But I'd be lying if when I've had a migrane I've not reached for aspirin myself :) Plus I don't like paracetamol it's nasty stuff.
People taking paracetamol are idiots if they believe it's curing the flu, but I think as a treatment, it's fine. A lot of people haven't got the time to sit at home in misery and wait it out, they have work to do, kids to look after etc, so popping 2 paracetemol allows them to manage their symptoms whilst their body fights the infection.
It is toxic to the liver but so is a lot of stuff we eat, unless you stick to purely organic foods, glazing agents, iummulsifiers, sweeteners, colourants, alcohol, caffeine etc all need to be metabolized by the liver. Fortunately the liver is incredibly resistant and effecient at its job. Drugs taken in moderation or on occasion (whenever you have the flu) won't harm a healthy liver, maybe a lifetime of popping pills everyday but those people will need those pills to fight something far more serious anyway.
Which is why I make sure I eat well and eat good stuff and know nutritional values and additives. I personally never take anything more hardcore than aspirin. :) I understand what you're getting at that everything in moderation is ok - but I don't believe in taking lots of pills for medication.
Oh yeah the liver is great, I've looked quite a lot into hepatic functions and how to improve it's health and improve the body in general - it's a hobby and interest of mine. It's fascinating. There's more than the liver that needs to be considered though. :)
Work have ordered a box of face masks (although funnily enough they are out of stock atm) If residents start showing symptoms and are coughing and sneezing then carers may feel more comfortable wearing them when doing personal care for those people
I can understand it for an environment like yours Tak - just be sure to change it regularly. :)
just be sure to change it regularly.
I'm just going to stay hidden in the office :p
We have face masks, they make me look even more of a tw@ so I refuse to wear them.
And we need Gold (Chief Inspector) authority to put them on ::/:
EDIT - Actually, I just checked, it's Silver authority (Superindendant, a special Swine Flu Supernintendo as well.)
I work very closely with the NHS now as part of my job, doing all sorts of background stuff and the gears are seriously in motion for this to be a major thing. Talk around the office isn't particularly great to hear sometimes.
Tell me about it Dr.Z = my partner works for the NHS and has been 'conscripted' for the swine flu team!
Comes home with some delightful news 'from the horses mouth' some days ;D
Having to do a poster at work stating the bloody obvious (that being if you've got it or think you have it, don't visit!!!) after 3 separate visitors came in coughing and sneezing and telling us they'd been signed off work because of the flu :/
I know a lot of the elderly seem to have more antibodies against this flu but the staff don't and they are the ones who are more likely to get ill - then who will look after mum/dad/nan/grandad/etc???
Another reason I'm glad I work from home. I really get annoyed at people who insist on coming into a stuffy office when they're ill with something like the flu, or a nasty cold.
Go away. Nobody wants you snotting all over the place just so you can say "Never had a day off" Stop being a jobsworth and go home and stay there until you're better, like a normal person.
Another reason I'm glad I work from home. I really get annoyed at people who insist on coming into a stuffy office when they're ill with something like the flu, or a nasty cold.
Go away. Nobody wants you snotting all over the place just so you can say "Never had a day off" Stop being a jobsworth and go home and stay there until you're better, like a normal person.
Some of us don't get the pleasure of sick pay for the 1st 3 days of any time off, and by then, the worst of a cold is over.
Stop being a whiner, it's only a cold, suck it up and take paracetomol like a normal person.
Some of us don't get the pleasure of sick pay for the 1st 3 days of any time off, and by then, the worst of a cold is over.
Stop being a whiner, it's only a cold, suck it up and take paracetomol like a normal person.
Life's a bitch though, if you're ill, you're ill. You shouldn't pass it along to others just because you want the wages for those few days. It depends largely on the job, but if you're in close proximity to others I think it should be a consideration. Would I want them giving something to me?
but if you're in close proximity to others I think it should be a consideration. Would I want them giving something to me?
They probably gave it to me in the first bloody place!
Life's a bitch though, if you're ill, you're ill. You shouldn't pass it along to others just because you want the wages for those few days. It depends largely on the job, but if you're in close proximity to others I think it should be a consideration. Would I want them giving something to me?
I don't really get the choice, I'm exposed almost daily to scabies, Hep C, lice, fleas, alleged "swine flu", etc. etc.
And if one does have flu (swine or otherwise) work (even for me) will be the last thing you're going to be doing.
28-07-2009, 12:49
Some of us don't get the pleasure of sick pay for the 1st 3 days of any time off, and by then, the worst of a cold is over.
Indeed which is why I've always gone into work with a cold if I have been able to. If I take time off sick, I am genuinely too sick to get into work, period.
Perhaps if I did have a soft touch employer who gave full paid sick leave from day one, it would be a different story. I think giving it from day one is too open to abuse personally.
28-07-2009, 16:01
I get sick leave from day 1 but only after being with the company for 3 years :)
(maybe that should be :()
Simple - don't get ill. ;)
28-07-2009, 17:30
I rarely do but sometimes it happens to us all, hence I have had to take time off work a few times in my life unfortunately. Once or twice for a cold/flu, once for a bad back (the pain which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy).
Work are pretty reasonable in terms of sick pay - too reasonable if you ask me. Fortunately my managers don't get sick, though some of our staff do in the most flagrant of ways and they do nothing much about it... until I tell them to. It's frustrating.
If someone has real flu they're not getting out their front door let alone into work. And by the time people are sneezing and coughing they've already passed it on, it's my understanding that the most infectious period is before symptoms start!
Pheebs is poorly. Sore throat, diarrhoea, headache. I've inspected her for a curly tail which she didn't find amusing at all. Based on this fact alone I'd say she's fine.
Get well soon little miss Pheebs :)
And by the time people are sneezing and coughing they've already passed it on, it's my understanding that the most infectious period is before symptoms start!
That's what I always thought but I'm sure I read somewhere that with this strain, you're infectious for 5-7 days after symptoms show, that's partly why many doctors surgeries are telling people to bugger off if they turn up with visible symptoms.
Simple - don't get ill. ;)
Colds aren't "ill" ;)
Picksters been poorly the last few days! Not swine floo though I'm sure (well unless he gets any worse but he said he was feeling a bit better last night!:)) All achey joints and headpangs and hot flushes and then cold! Running a bit of a temp too! More of an evening/morning thing though. A summer bug which requires much sympathy and "aww" and "can I get you anything" :) I would have said man floo after going out for a walk with him yester with the dog (me skipping along and him saying "sloooow dooooooown, I aaaache, you forget I'm pooooooorly!" ;D) but he did have a soaring hot forehead last night so I will unmanfloo-title-him.
Does make me wonder though how many people would immediately panic and go "swine floooo swine flooooooo!" if they had these symptoms.
Poor bugger.
I have to agree with the people who go to work all bunged up and looking half dead. It's absolutely sickening.
Actually, seriously though, they shouldn't! Like not a sniffle and a bit of a sore throat people but the dribbly eyes, constantly coughing everywhere, raw red nose from blowing too many tissues, flemmy gooed up aching ill people who then sit there all day saying "I feel ill...". GO HOME THEN and STOP SPREADING YOUR SCUMMY GeEEEeeeeeeERMs!!
*is glad she works from home sometimes*
People like that are going to be the main cause of zombie invasions in the foochure. I will enjoy thwacking their zombified heads with LP's.
Oh and I think I must be ill of sorts. Who is wide a blooming wake at 5am in the morning when they don't have to get up?! Unless ofcourse you've just got back in - fair doo's! But seriously! Had to come downstairs and play with some cards all morning!
Stupid body clock.
Colds aren't "ill" ;)
Good point well made! ;D
JUst been informed that the services offices we work out of - some of the staff there have the dreaded Swine Flu. Boss sent me a text this morning saying to work from home "until it pans out".
Haha! Nice choice of words!
One of the girls at work has allegedly got swine flu. She didn't look terribly ill when I saw her in B&Q about 30 minutes ago choosing new floor tiles. She's the sort of person that is always 'ill' when there is a warm sunny spell.
She'll be getting SSP unless she can get a doctors note.
29-07-2009, 10:46
I has it!!!
Well, I have whatever Mrs Dym had when she spoke to NHS Direct and was confirmed as having it and prescribed Tamiflu...
Pretty much like a very mild flu...
Currently working from home so I don't infect my staff...
My dad now has this. He's been off all week it seems feeling like crap. Not been getting up till one etc. Only told me this tonight :/ I may yet have it, no idea. I seem to have a sore throat and kind of barely a cold. Thought it was something that I caught up North over the week.
Will see how I go, but it could put 2+2 together as I was with my dad last weekend and felt iffy Thursday ish.
edit:- Great according to the oink calculator online, I should take Tamiflu :/
Del Lardo
07-08-2009, 22:40
One of the girls at work has allegedly got swine flu. She didn't look terribly ill when I saw her in B&Q about 30 minutes ago choosing new floor tiles. She's the sort of person that is always 'ill' when there is a warm sunny spell.
She'll be getting SSP unless she can get a doctors note.
SSP? Warning or a P45?
edit:- Great according to the oink calculator online, I should take Tamiflu :/
You have a temperature?
i was also given a code to allow me to get tamiflu. I didnt get any however cos i didnt feel i was suffering outside of my accepted discomfort threshold. Im better now, but still not convinced if it was or wasnt the swine flu.
SSP? Warning or a P45?
Final written warning.
edit:- Great according to the oink calculator online, I should take Tamiflu :/
Pretty much everyone does according to that. I did, and I only had a sore throat and a bit of hayfever.
08-08-2009, 12:41
One of the girls at work has allegedly got swine flu. She didn't look terribly ill when I saw her in B&Q about 30 minutes ago choosing new floor tiles. She's the sort of person that is always 'ill' when there is a warm sunny spell.
She'll be getting SSP unless she can get a doctors note.
There's one of those in nearly every workforce. When I worked in the old folks home, one of the other domestics always seemed to have one day flu or a bad back or a stomach bug on Thursdays - must have just been a coincidence that Wednesday nights were ladies darts nights :rolleyes:
I'm ill, but pretty sure its a cold :)
BB x
I was initially very concerned about Swine Flu but I think the government have been telling porkies... *trumpet* thank you, i'm here until friday... etc etc
But in reality, having seen people come & go with it, undertaking a couple of days off before returning to full health etc, I'm not so sure it's going to be as horrific as initially thought/made out.
In previous years, I've certainly known more people to have been off work with those 'summer flu/cold symptoms' and equally return to work after a couple of days.
I'm not questioning the virus by any means, I just think the whole 'epidemic' has been largely over exagerated and I hope that nothing further 'develops' too!
You have a temperature?
Sorry, missed this Feek. Nope had a sore throat and a bit bunged up (like the start of a cold). I am on the high-risk list as well due to my other condition. Mostly ok now, got a little tickly caugh and the whole thing improved loads since I started beefing up on Echinecea. Used to think the herbal stuff was tosh, it's twice now it's proven itself.
edit:- I agree with Jingo. I'm working from home this week but I did send my manager an email saying my symptoms are so mild that normally I wouldn't think twice and come in. He agreed and said spend the week away.
Hang on.. just checked the website and apparently I have it :/
Thing is everything on that list is what you get for a normal cold as far as I am concerned.
I think I refuse to admit I have it, till I get the aches and cannot move, as far as I am concerned I don't have it!
BB x
Might try Echineacha... which one did you get Z?
Can I get it from Holland and Barrett?
BB x
It's weird isn't it? My dad has been rough for nearly a week. I've been iffy for a few days but nothing major or noteworthy. My sister has been the same.
edit:- Yep you can get it from H&B. It's just a standard herbal remedy stuff. Echinacea Root extract 500mg. I got mine from the chemist as it was nearer. It will be around £5 for 90 tablets. Follow the label etc, I take two a day with food when feeling odd/rough and it certainly improves recovery time for me.
Hang on.. just checked the website and apparently I have it :/
Thing is everything on that list is what you get for a normal cold as far as I am concerned.
I think I refuse to admit I have it, till I get the aches and cannot move, as far as I am concerned I don't have it!
BB x
It is no different from normal flu, it just has the potential to mutate into something more dangerous which combined with how contagious it is makes it a viable contender for the worlds first true super virus.
People need to stop panicking though and the media need to stop being dicks by encouraging this panic.
Edit: This is a real pet peeve of my girlfriends mother, who is a GP. She also says Tamiflu is completely useless as at best it makes symptoms last a day less and has horrible side-effects.
edit:- Yep you can get it from H&B. It's just a standard herbal remedy stuff. Echinacea Root extract 500mg. I got mine from the chemist as it was nearer. It will be around £5 for 90 tablets. Follow the label etc, I take two a day with food when feeling odd/rough and it certainly improves recovery time for me.
Cool thanks :)
It is no different from normal flu, it just has the potential to mutate into something more dangerous which combined with how contagious it is makes it a viable contender for the worlds first true super virus.
People need to stop panicking though and the media need to stop being dicks by encouraging this panic.
In that case, maybe the times I have thought I have had a cold I have had flu. :/
I honestly thought I had flu only once in my life!
BB x
Sorry to hear you're feeling poopy Zirax - it's convienient that you have the option to work from home for a short period- feel better soon!! (edit- you too BBx!) :thumbsup:
I dislike how in this country one is made to feel bad for staying home from work due to illness.
I am of the school where if one doesn't work, then one doesn't get paid and so 'feeling under the weather' etc is not an excuse for absense; but this does not apply to the genuinely ill, and they should not be made to feel guilty if they are unable to leave their bed/have awful symptoms that would affect their work and potentially their colleagues!!
My brother works in New Zealand and faced quite a bollocking when he turned up to work with a truly stinking cold- they told him to get home immediately and only return when he was genuinely 100% - they didn't want him working to any less than his usual high standards and didn't wish for anybody else to potentially catch such either.
Nothing like that exists in the majority of work places across the UK - in my part-time job (an enclosed office environment) I have been sitting next to people who have had confirmed swine flu and all mixtures of awful colds/fluey symptoms - coughing and spluttering for hours at a time; these people are in work because the company provides no sick leave for certain colleague situations and they have families to support etc.
It's quite sickening really.... (Oh my god ACCIDENTAL TERRIBLE PUN! ;D)
It's hard to tell the difference between the two, but generally the flu is more severe than the common cold and is associated with aching joints and fatigue.
I had a slight sniffle and a little bit of a cough the other week. Carried on as normal and it went away. Apart from the slight cough that comes and goes. Didn't see the point of staying off work.
Our sick days went down from 20 days to 5 days this Jan.
Don't want to use if I don't have to :/
BB x
If you had flu as opposed to a cold you'd be verging on physically unable to make it into work in my experience.
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