View Full Version : A bit thank-you to the genius that is Pheebs

29-04-2009, 13:08
Just wanted to thank Pheebs and share with you guys a picture she did for my 1st anniversary.

As it was paper I'd trying to come up with ideas but had literally drawn a blank ;D

I remember looking on Pheebs site and saw he did one off pics, so got in touch and sent loads of info about Kay & me.
Within a few hours she produced this brill picture and then added even more stuff to it.

When Kay opened it she was speechless, tears just rolled down her face and she said "it's the most beautiful present I've ever had".
It contains lots of stuff that have important meanings to us.

Now got it framed and on the wall and every time I walk past it still gives me goosebumps.

Thank you Pheebs x.


29-04-2009, 13:12
Aw, how could a girl not like that?

29-04-2009, 13:13

Thank you :o

Twas more than a pleasure and I am glad she liked it :)

29-04-2009, 13:27
YAY Pheebs! <3

29-04-2009, 13:38
Very sweet. But see what's it like in year seven;D

29-04-2009, 13:42
Very sweet. But see what's it like in year seven;D

Pheebs will run out of black ink :)

Seriously though, very nice pic. Can I ask who finn and boots are btw?

29-04-2009, 13:51
Pheebs will run out of black ink :)

Seriously though, very nice pic. Can I ask who finn and boots are btw?

Boots is Kay (as in Boot-iful)
Finn is me (as in stud muffin :lipsrsealed:)

29-04-2009, 14:00
I have to ask, is that a disguised willy on the left?? ;D

Seriously, that's what Pheebs is famous for. When she did my writing pic I got goosebumps and I still do looking at it day in/day out (it's on my wall at work). I <3 it muchly.

PS..My Leo's nickname is Finn too!! But not for those reasons :p

29-04-2009, 14:13
I have to ask, is that a disguised willy on the left?? ;D

Seriously, that's what Pheebs is famous for. When she did my writing pic I got goosebumps and I still do looking at it day in/day out (it's on my wall at work). I <3 it muchly.

PS..My Leo's nickname is Finn too!! But not for those reasons :p

Would be one hell of a willy if it was!

It's the Pagoda at Kew Gardens, it was near here that I proposed and there were bluebells on the ground as well.

Other things on here are.

The writing round the outside are lyrics from the song Kay walked down the aisle to.
It snowed on our wedding day in April, that's what the white spots and white ground are. Have to admit I missed that, it was Kay that spotted it :)
The star is a falling star that we saw one night when we'd been going out for a couple of months. Kay said to wish on it, so I did and the wish was to marry her. At this point some of you will be going awwwww and others looking for a bucket ;D

29-04-2009, 16:37
awww :D How lovely that Pheebs can catch that and translate it to paper.

29-04-2009, 17:30
Aww :) That card is brilliant, and has so much meaning for you two :D

29-04-2009, 17:51
Thats a really cooooool idea :D Love it, good work Pheebs definitely :)

29-04-2009, 18:29
Hey if we're singing Pheebs praises then I shall share this fandabydosie card that she did for Marchant, because it was his birthday and he was turning 13.


Cant work out how to put the image on here directly sorry!

Eeekk I did it but shall leave it as it is because its a mahooosive file, and messes up the spacing on the page, thankyou though :)

30-04-2009, 00:27
both excellent cards :D

Knip just put [img ] and [/img ] at either end of the url for your picture (without the spaces)

[img ]http://www.akettleoffish.co.uk/pheebsupload/Requests/March2009/031909-Marchant.png[/img ]

04-05-2009, 11:34
That is excellent, whats the turnaround on a card like. Its my anniversary on the 17th and I normally don't bother. It would be a bit of a suprise if I got a card for her. :)

04-05-2009, 18:07
That is excellent, whats the turnaround on a card like. Its my anniversary on the 17th and I normally don't bother. It would be a bit of a suprise if I got a card for her. :)

It depends really :) Some people just want the drawings, others want it printed proper like, some on canvas, some on card/mugs/tshirts etc. All of this varies cost wise :)

It also depends on how detailed you'd like it :)

Ping me an email of your thoughts and I could be more specific for you!


04-05-2009, 20:03
Cheers Pheebs I will do that tommorow when the Mrs isn't about. :)