View Full Version : 2000 Focus diesel clutch and timing belt.

03-05-2009, 19:25
I need to get both the clutch and the timing belt done on my 2000 Focus diesel.

I'm getting a noise from under the bonnet when I'm at idle with my foot off the clutch which goes when I put my foot on the pedal. I suspect this is the thrust bearing (fnarr). I've lived with it for about 150,000 miles but as the clutch no longer has a biting point, more like a biting zone from half an inch off the floor to almost full travel, I'm thinking it's about time to get it done.

My timing belt is overdue.

Being non-mechanical and as the garages are all closed this time of night, does anyone have any idea as to how much it's going to cost to get these done? If I don't ask now while I think about it, I'll forget again!

03-05-2009, 21:25
Best part of 300 quid mate but that is a Complete guess as I don't use dealers or have new motors. I wouldn't be surprised if they charged nigh on 250 for cambelt & 150 for a clutch though mate & the bill could easily be 500 quid.

*This post contains built in bumpage*

03-05-2009, 21:31
Well it's nine years old isn't so it's not new any more! I found some prices for parts, I'm looking at just over a ton for the clutch and about forty quid for the cam belt, but obviously I've got to pay someone to fit them.

03-05-2009, 21:52
Are you planning on having the water pump changed at the same time?

03-05-2009, 21:54
I'd not thought about that but they are traditionally changed at the same time so it makes sense. More bloody expense!

03-05-2009, 23:23
Water pumps aren't really a big expensve on top of those, and thats the main reason they're changed at the same time because they're cheap and everything is generally being taken apart anyway so labour cost is small ontop.

04-05-2009, 09:54
if you get the water pump and belt changed at the same point it's the pump that is the most expensive. When I had the pump done because it was leaking the belt only cost 15 quid on top of the job already.

EDIT: on the polo it cost 175 inc vat for pump, belt and labour.

04-05-2009, 10:11
if you get the water pump and belt changed at the same point it's the pump that is the most expensive. When I had the pump done because it was leaking the belt only cost 15 quid on top of the job already.

EDIT: on the polo it cost 175 inc vat for pump, belt and labour.

Seriously? Wow, i honestly thought it was a token thing since everything is out at the time due to the belt hassle.

//Edit: Hmmmmm ebay seems to say £20 for a water pump, so i still think they're pretty cheap...!

04-05-2009, 11:28
I did get the MOT done at the same time :D so that added to the cost. I think it was 175 but I could be wrong it was nearly 3 years ago.

30-09-2009, 10:45
Clutch, timing belt, driveshaft, centre bearing, anti-roll bar links.

£620. Ouch.

I wasn't expecting the last three bits but it's all in and being done now.

30-09-2009, 13:57
Auxillary timing belt, new tensioner, tow to the garage, consumables and labour. £250.63p :(

Added to the £99.97p last month for front discs and pads.

Bloody cars.

30-09-2009, 14:07
Agreed with how expensive cars are generally... Although I'd say mine treats me pretty well :). Saying that I know that there's a leak involved somewhere with my power steering which isn't sounding good, but topping the fluid up every 6 months for now is doing the job till I look properly.

30-09-2009, 14:30
I've done loads to the Polow, Probably the most I've done to a car since I was Young & in love with my cars.
Done All Wheel bearings.
2 new Uniroyal rainmasters so I have them all round.
Had all four balanced Properly, Car drives tracks & grips brilliantly now.
Cambelt & Pulley was done by a mate who owed me one.
Diesel pump with old ECU jacked into it, Proper hybrid Edition.
P38 filled/prepped all the arches & resprayed them. Took 2 days on my drive.
210w door speakers & head unit, Sounds crisp now.
I'll have to get some pics up as I have much love for my Polow. :cool:

30-09-2009, 16:05
All the gear selector cables are corroded as well, add another £70 for the parts (no labour to fit) :(

30-09-2009, 17:06
Ouch. I feel your pain. Still, in a glass half full moment at least it'll be cheaper to fix that now than later.

30-09-2009, 17:25
I dread to think what the 8 is going to cost when it's serviced next week.

Should be about £220 - but the drop links need replacing *got uprated ones to fit*, going to get all the gearbox and diff oil changed too, and getting a new set of Satnav discs...


I've only done 2000 miles this year...

30-09-2009, 23:25
And to cap it all off, the bloody fuse has gone for the cigarette lighter and radio, and I'm f***** if I can see which one has gone. (And I'll be buggered if I can find one of te 27 million torches I own.)

01-10-2009, 03:04
I dread to think what the 8 is going to cost when it's serviced next week.

Should be about £220 - but the drop links need replacing *got uprated ones to fit*, going to get all the gearbox and diff oil changed too, and getting a new set of Satnav discs...


I've only done 2000 miles this year...

Sounds about right if you ask me :p

A Place of Light
01-10-2009, 18:09
Well it's nine years old isn't so it's not new any more! I found some prices for parts, I'm looking at just over a ton for the clutch and about forty quid for the cam belt, but obviously I've got to pay someone to fit them.

ALWAYS fit a new tensioner with a new belt.
When they fail, they tend to make your wallet weep.
You should be able to get a local garage to quote around £100 or so labour of each job.

01-10-2009, 20:36
Yes, tensioner is being swapped as well, I'm aware of that :) They've had the car since Monday. This is a local garage that I know well and I have no problems with. I was quoted a labour time for all the work and even with the items which have been added, they've not increased the labour charges.

05-10-2009, 19:41
Sounds about right if you ask me :p


£274 all done. :D Excluding the satnav disks - need to order them direct. £120 ain't too bad for them though.