View Full Version : Been a naughty boy again

06-05-2009, 13:47
Matblack's probably already spotted the thread over on TP but basically I've now added a Canon EF-S 10-22mm to my lens collection :D

Such a bargain at £350 that I just couldn't resist it.

Been thinking about a wide angle for a while and intended it to be my next lens purchase but not just yet. Also not entirely sure how much use I'd get out of one. As I'm off to Le Mans next month with a mate who's also into Photography and we were both thinking of maybe hiring one for the duration to try out but it seemed a lot of dosh just to test one out.

With this bargain coming up however, I figured I'd grab it and see how I get on. If I love it then I'll keep it otherwise I can easily sell it on for what I paid, probably a fair bit more.

(She's going to kill me :( )

06-05-2009, 13:50
Nice :)

Can I borrow it? :D

06-05-2009, 13:56
Be interested to hear how you get on with it, I've been looking at my shots and I rarely use that end of my 17-70, so I'm thinking I could probably afford to compromise a bit and go with a 24-105 or a 17-40, should be fun though :)


06-05-2009, 14:02
Same here, don't use the wide end that much so this is a real experiment to see if this lens gets me more interested in the wide side of things. Could find that my initial suspicions are confirmed and I don't get much use out of it in which case I'll sell it on. Even if that happens, I'll effectively be getting free rental of it for a month or two :)

Joe 90
06-05-2009, 14:11
i love those wide lenses... a friend of mine has the sigma 10-20. 10mm is just epic! i can never get over just how much you can fit into a frame, on a recent trip round town it managed to get the entire of a 30 floor building from just over the road \o/ i'd love one!!!!!

just had to go find the photo...

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3582/3415080003_95f3a1a6bc.jpg?v=0 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/arepeejee/3415080003/)

06-05-2009, 14:32
It is nuts. I just tried a quick experiment with one of the windows in the office. Standing half as far away as the window is wide (if that makes sense) and was still able to get the whole window in the frame!

07-05-2009, 00:38
I have the sigma 10-20 and I love it, a bit soft I think but I'm not really too worried about that. Mostly use it for messing about when I don't have anything serious to do, fantastic on sunny days but not great in the dark. Was an impulse purchase too, can't remember the price as it was before christmas but £350 for the canon is a bargain! Would love to see what shots you get with it :)

17-05-2009, 16:17
A friend of mine has the Sigma 10-20mm and absolutely loves it. Unfortunately i can not use it on my Canon EOS 400D as he has a Nikon D300 ! !
Damn ! ! !