View Full Version : The Sims on Vista?

06-05-2009, 15:27
Just wondering if I would be able to run the original Sims series on my laptop? I'm using Vista and I know there was some problems with it running games. I'm not computer savvy so not sure if this is still case? Will I have to instal a patch or the like or is there just no chance?



06-05-2009, 16:57
Have you tried running it?

06-05-2009, 19:13
Knowing Windows Vista, it'll be more likely to work on Windows 7 :D

06-05-2009, 19:18
Knowing Windows Vista, it'll be more likely to work on Windows 7 :D

To be fair if we ignore the XP virtualisation, which i really don't think would extend to 3d video. Windows 7 is pretty much the same as Vista at its core isn't it? I'm not a fan of people Vista bashing and hailing 7 as something new when it clearly isn't its just a polished version of vista, which needed some polish agreed but thats all really...

06-05-2009, 20:45
I hadn't tried it yet when I posted as I was wanting to see if anyone knew before I tried to find the games. Found them so gonna try and instal now and see how I get on :)