View Full Version : Heads up Dartford Crossing users

Admiral Huddy
07-05-2009, 16:36
During last week, there were SPECS average speed cameras erected on the QE2 "Dartford" Bridge in Essex/Kent.

They start just before the bridge and end before the tolls at the end.

If you have driven by and not seen them last week, it's because they are mounted on a road gantry rather than on the normal yellow or blue poles.

Pictures here:




Often there is a big delay between the cameras being put up and actually going live, but our source tells us that they are going live this week.

The SPECS area on the other side of the road is also being extended but we understand that the extra cameras haven't been cabled in yet.

07-05-2009, 16:40
Ooh, that's worth knowing as I've on occasion gone over the speed limit whilst going over the bridge.

Del Lardo
07-05-2009, 16:40
Does this mean that they will fund the road from the speeding fines rather than the toll that they promised to get rid of once the bridge was paid off (several years ago)? Does it arse :angry:

Admiral Huddy
07-05-2009, 16:45
Don't worry, after queueing 2 hours, you'll crawl the bridge at 5mph.. There's no chance of getting caught.

07-05-2009, 16:59
It's when the traffic is light there is the issue. I actually went over it at the speed limit and was nearly cut in half by everything on the road! It was a matter of time and it's easily done on the downward stretch off the bridge to creep up.

On my routine commute to Leeds I am seeing more and more cars with no front plate. It started being the odd one, now I pass 10-15 easily each way doing it. With the average specs on the A14, I understand why.

07-05-2009, 17:20
I haven't had the pleasure yet, but I will probably soon - so thanks for the heads up :)

I don't break the speed limit anyhows :smug:

BB x

07-05-2009, 20:11
It's hard NOT to do 70 over the bridge (when it's not backed up to Enfield...) similar to the 50mph part of the A13 :angry: money grabbers.

Not sure why you say they've gone up during the last week? The cameras have been up for a couple of months, but with "camera not in use" signs. They've not been secretive about it.

07-05-2009, 21:11
I never knew you could get over 10mph on that bridge :p

07-05-2009, 21:18
It's really random these days. Sometimes you queue for half an hour, sometimes there's 1 car in front at the barrier. Even at 8:30am! Strange...