View Full Version : sipgate - Awesome!

19-05-2009, 20:47
A while ago we had a really rubbish IP telephone system set up at one of our sites, it lasted a while until we ripped out out and replaced it with a Cisco system but as a result we had some spare SIP phones kicking around.

I've borrowed one and set myself up a free account on sipgate (http://www.sipgate.co.uk). I've managed to get a number with the correct area code for here which is something my colleague couldn't do (there were none available) so he ended up with an 0845 number.

It's free to receive calls, because it's a normal geographical number it means that mobiles can call it out of their minutes allowance and it means I have a dedicated number here in the shack.

I've tested it with a couple of people calling me and it works fine, audio quality is superb and it just seems to work really well.

And it has the '24' ringtone built in :D

19-05-2009, 21:20
Feek loves it when a plan comes together.

Del Lardo
19-05-2009, 21:28
And it has the '24' ringtone built in :D

I may have the 24 ringtone setup on my Cisco IP phone :o

19-05-2009, 21:34
I've been using Sipgate for ages - really good service. Sipgate + Cisco ATA186 = good!

19-05-2009, 21:57
I have an account with a competing provider, but similar service. Don't use it much now due to the evil that is Skype being required for work use (audio quality on Skype is acceptable but IMO it isn't as good), but it's still alive. Everything is handled by my router so like yours it even works without a PC switched on. It was tied to a local PSTN number and I think that still works.

And yes, for the Draytek owners, it's Draytel (which is actually operated by one of the bigger players).

19-05-2009, 23:23
Awesome! I've always wanted to do this!

Which phone is it you've got? Don't suppose you'll be selling any soon? ;D

edit: Do you know if it'll support multiple lines?

20-05-2009, 03:42
audio quality on Skype is acceptable but IMO it isn't as good

Have you heard the difference if both parties are using the new version of Skype with the new codec? Significantly better :)

20-05-2009, 08:16
Awesome! I've always wanted to do this!

Which phone is it you've got? Don't suppose you'll be selling any soon? ;D

edit: Do you know if it'll support multiple lines?

The one I've got is a Linksys SPA942 and yes, I think it will support multiple lines. No, I won't be selling any!

20-05-2009, 08:19
For what it's worth my Cisco ATA-186 supports two lines. I've currently got one line tied into a UK sigpate number and the other a Canadian number (with another provider, the name of which escapes me) so that my friend in Ontario can call me on the cheap and vice versa.

20-05-2009, 18:37
Is there such thing as a SIP phone that can also use Skype and isn't very expensive? ;D

20-05-2009, 21:12
I doubt it - Skype have done their very best to avoid anything SIP-related.

Dr. Z
24-05-2009, 17:56
This thread reminds me that I have a 7940 sat on my desk doing nothing.

14-06-2009, 23:35
For what it's worth my Cisco ATA-186 supports two lines. I've currently got one line tied into a UK sigpate number and the other a Canadian number (with another provider, the name of which escapes me) so that my friend in Ontario can call me on the cheap and vice versa.

Burble how did you config your cisco 186 with Sipgate, as I'm having some issues with mine and Sipgate says that Cisco is non standard and cannot work with them?

15-06-2009, 09:08
Burble how did you config your cisco 186 with Sipgate, as I'm having some issues with mine and Sipgate says that Cisco is non standard and cannot work with them?

That's interesting that Sipgate say that considering they have a config guide on their website - link (https://secure.sipgate.co.uk/faq/index.php?do=displayArticle&article=483&id=97). If the link doesn't work then login to your account, go to the help centre, other hardware devices and it's the first one in the list.

First thing to check - what firmware have you got on the ATA? You need the SIP firmware otherwise it won't work, I just looked at mine and I'm using ATA030201SIP050616A.zup

16-06-2009, 23:44
Thanks, never thought off checking the english website. Used those settings with the .com settings and it worked.

Thanks again.

Del Lardo
24-06-2009, 11:57
Can anyone post the SIP software for the 186?

Was able to find a 186 this morning but no software installed so need to start from scratch.

24-06-2009, 12:02
I would but the Cisco website tells me I'm not allowed. Grr, looks like they haven't allocated the SmartNet agreements to my CCO login.

24-06-2009, 12:04
Got it. It's < 900k so PM me your email address and I'll send it over.

24-07-2010, 13:19
Year on thread bump :D

How are you guys finding sipgate? I've been looking at the their business Team3 setup recently due to our office move and am trying out their 30 day trial. It could give us some handy features will call diverting, handsets (iPhone app, etc), voicemail and others but I'm not sure if it's worth it compared to a normal BT landline. But...could it be more hassle? Am I going to regret dabling with this? ::/:

24-07-2010, 15:16
If it's anything like our IP phone system, it's a bloomin' nightmare. Volume all over the place, dropped calls, software hangs, 'losing' contact with the headsets, and to top it all, no 64-bit support.

But it probably won't be - since for some unknown reason we went with a newcomer instead of one of the established players like sipgate. As far as I'm aware my IP phone at home still works (haven't used it in ages but it's still plugged in and 'phoning home' via the adapter).

24-07-2010, 15:18
It's fine here, only a couple of people know my SIP number and when they call me it works perfectly. I don't make any outgoing calls on it.

24-07-2010, 19:47
Really not sure what to do. There are a couple of things that could swing it either way that I've emailed sipgate about, but I'm hoping I don't go down this route and then regret it.