View Full Version : Monkey Island to XBLA?

20-05-2009, 12:16

Would. Be. Awesome.

20-05-2009, 12:17
Want. It. Now!

I love Monkey Island!

20-05-2009, 12:18
awesome, there should be a lucasarts pack :)

20-05-2009, 12:28
I've never played this one :o

Only played the 4th one (Escape from I think...) and most people said it was the worst of the lot...

20-05-2009, 12:40
Hmmm, never played a Monkey Island game, so will definatley be picking this up.

20-05-2009, 13:22
Hmm games like this should be best left untouched tbh. Better off playing the Lucasarts classics using ScummVM.

20-05-2009, 14:14
Oh I dunno - I think the old point and clicks could really make use of the achievement system, leading you down lesser known subquests to comedy dialogue for example.

20-05-2009, 14:26
That is all.

20-05-2009, 16:47
That is all.

About sums it up :)

01-06-2009, 17:34


When don't know when it's happening, but LucasArts will revitalize the series in-house along with its Singapore studio with high-def graphics, full voiceover, a remastered score and a new in-depth hint system.

01-06-2009, 18:27
I'll buy that :D

01-06-2009, 19:03
for a dollar? :D

01-06-2009, 19:15
if only Mark ;D

02-06-2009, 10:16

Bunch of video's showing gameplay and a couple comparing the graphics :) They haven't ruined it with the new artwork imo, looks good!

02-06-2009, 10:51
Hmmm, never played a Monkey Island game, so will definatley be picking this up.

You're too young to remember when it first came out! :p

I think I had MK1 on 5 1/4 inch discs!! :D :D But I only had the 16 colour version, I now have the 256 colour version and it's a lot better. The dialogue is one of my favourite bits of the game! :D

I absolutely adore all Lucasarts games, bar all the strategy ones as I find those boring (the only game of that ilk I liked was Civilisation!!).

02-06-2009, 17:35
Prepare to go nuts. Or should it be bananas?


New Monkey Island. I've already preordered. :cool:

02-06-2009, 21:07
Pre ordered!

02-06-2009, 21:11
I had an email about the plunder edition today.

I have mixed feelings about this. Escape and Curse weren't a patch on the first two.

02-06-2009, 21:41
Agreed entirely. I think Escape was pretty poor, certainly the control of the characters. The first 2 were absolutely flawless and no other adventure game has come close in my opinion.

03-06-2009, 09:17
Escape and Curse weren't a patch on the first two.

Curse really grew on me. Having the normal and hard modes added a nice aspect to it as well - playing through a second time only to try something that worked before and didn't this time was both infuriating and joyful. Especially as you often had less in your inventory!

03-06-2009, 09:28
Loved them all. But then I would. They're full of Pirates ;D

As soon as I have some wonga, this is on the top of my list to pre-order. Top top top top top.

05-06-2009, 07:21
Not Monkey Island but ..

The Sam & Max Save the World achievements have been seen in the wild:


All 6 chapters in one game? Can't wait!

05-06-2009, 07:33
*waits patiently to be paid by Clintons*

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *POP*

06-06-2009, 11:57
Oh wow. Monkey Island, Sam and Max... all we need is a new Day of the Tentacle release and life will be complete!

06-06-2009, 14:21
I wouldn't say no to Grim Fandango or Full Throttle either. And a Broken Sword trilogy would make me cry such tears of joy, they'd probably cure Cancer.

06-06-2009, 15:07
I almost mentioned Grim Fandango too. All the LA games are superb. A new or updated Beneath A Steel Sky would also be very welcome - it had a very LA feel to it but quite sinister.

06-06-2009, 15:16
And a Broken Sword trilogy would make me cry such tears of joy, they'd probably cure Cancer.
If your tears cure cancer, mine will cure aids if that was announced :D

06-06-2009, 20:23
About a year or two ago I replayed Beneath The Steel Sky! The version I had originally (on the Amiga I think!) had about a gazillion disks and one was corrupted half way through so I could never finish it - it would always freeze just as I went into some dudes apartment on the lower level (I think I had to go retrieve a video from there or something). Was so satisfying to finally complete it.

I'm quite a fan of Simon the Socerer too :D

DOTT was probably my favourite though. Genius. I just loved Beeeeernaaard and Laverne and her funny walk ;D

*pheebsicle here*

06-06-2009, 20:54
I loved Beneath A Steel Sky :D

08-06-2009, 17:58
Some nice bits here (http://kotaku.com/5278880/the-secret-of-monkey-island-special-edition-impressions-fall-in-love-all-over-again):
...At any time in the game you can press a button and Monkey Island will immediately switch over to the original, pixelated version running on the SCUMM engine...

...The game is now voice acted by the cast of The Curse of Monkey Island and the developers managed to put a key figure deleted from the original back in the game.

Spiffy, the dog at the Scumm Bar, showed up on the back of the original box, but had to be cut from the actual game due to space. Now he's back, though mostly as decoration.

Another neat touch: The loading icon for the game is the picture of a floppy disc.

08-06-2009, 22:24
Any idea on when this is out?

08-06-2009, 22:31
IGN has it down for September 30th, but everywhere else seems to be TBA and it does seem a bit specific this early on!

09-06-2009, 08:27
I wonder if they'll have the same trick about disk 22 ;)

12-06-2009, 00:55
Sam and Max is out next Wednesday :)

We've just announced that Sam & Max will be making their Xbox LIVE Arcade debut next Wednesday, June 17. Sam & Max Save the World (formerly known as Sam & Max Season One) will be available on for 1600 Microsoft points... that's less than 300 points per episode. The Xbox version supports widescreen and HD graphics, includes achievements, and can be enjoyed from the comfort of your couch -- just like a good TV show!

The first season of Sam & Max's episodic adventures -- which won a number of Editor's Choice and Game of the Year awards from pubs like IGN, PC Gamer, and GameSpy -- has six episodes that take the Freelance Police deeper and deeper into a bizarre mind-control plot. From washed-up child stars to the Toy Mafia to the United States government, no one is safe from the hypnotic trance sweeping the world. Can Sam & Max stop the force behind this evil plot before the entire world falls victim?

If you're a PC gamer who has somehow missed out on Sam & Max all these years, for a limited time we've dropped the price of Season One to $19.95, so you, too, can see what all the fuss is about. Get it here as downloads, or along with a bonus DVD containing the games and video content. (You'll be charged shipping if you opt for the bonus DVD.)


12-06-2009, 01:09
And to think I dropped 1600 points on 12 songs for Rock Band without even having a console :o

Definately grabbing Sam & Max though :)

12-06-2009, 09:50
Don't have points, only have 300 and change on my account now. Grrr.

12-06-2009, 10:42
Will definitely take a look at that :)

13-07-2009, 22:45
Out this Wednesday :) 800pts. Not bad at all!
Link doesn't work yet but assume it will come Wednesday: http://www.xbox.com/en-GB/games/s/secretofmonkeyislandxbla/details.page/

13-07-2009, 22:56
w00t Got my points ready and waiting, I know it's blasphemy, but I never played the original and I know how many people adored it so I'm really looking forward to this!

13-07-2009, 23:03
Blasphemer! Got my points ready :D.

13-07-2009, 23:06
A brilliant game but I dont see the point if you have already played it? If you know the puzzles it would seem pointless to me to play it again.

14-07-2009, 08:42
A brilliant game but I dont see the point if you have already played it? If you know the puzzles it would seem pointless to me to play it again.

You could say that about all story driven games, films, or books.

14-07-2009, 09:24
You could say that about all story driven games, films, or books.

I rarely read the same book twice. Not sure about story games, if it's something like dead space then the weapons or taking down the enemies can be different but with something like MI you are going the exact same thing with no difference if you have played it before.

I still remember the puzzles so it would require little interaction. I reckon people these days won't have the patience to not just look at a guide after 5 minutes being stuck ;D

Awesome games, some of the best I've played but I don't see the worth in any replay. The challenge and joy for me was working out the puzzles.

14-07-2009, 10:27
I think I still have 800 points I was saving for Duke Nukem but never got round to buying it. So... yoink!

Just finished the first chapter of the new Tales of Monkey Island too - some very funny bits but maybe slightly too easy on the whole. I'm also slightly disappointed that there's not so many things to interact with, although the Voodoo Lady's hut had a good array of red herring bits and bobs to look at and chuckle over. Overall a good continuation so far, and the graphics are pretty nice too. I especially like the zooming effects when you go to the main menu, or when you leave an area and it zips to the island map. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)

15-07-2009, 13:58
Been out at the cinema, is this out yet? I couldn't see it?

15-07-2009, 14:01
Yeah it is. Iirc you have to look under Action and Adventure to find it at the moment.

15-07-2009, 16:00
Purchased earlier. Just need to get home to download it. I honestly thought it would be 1200 points. 800 is a bargain! :D

16-07-2009, 09:31
I played my way through the first chapter last night. It looks excellent. Very well drawn. I'm not too fond of the voice acting though. Guybrush especially sounds very boring. I could live without it and just have the text instead. Still worth 800 points. :)

16-07-2009, 12:27
The guy who played Guybrush is the same guy they've had doing him in the past. He sounds a little like Matthew Broderick.