View Full Version : Mark's attempts to use a camera

23-05-2009, 19:28
I thought I'd keep everything in one thread for a while until I've got results worthy of standing alone - hence the vague thread title. :)

Image removed - it's just not good enough and I've gone off it (it was borderline anyway). Give it a few days to see if I can come up with something better. If not, I'll ask for the thread to disappear.

PS - If the weather co-operates I'll be going for a long walk (a few miles) on Tuesday. There's an area that shows promise for photography at the end, so watch this space. :)

Joe 90
23-05-2009, 19:40
I think you'd benefit from a better flower. They're great when you get a decent one.

Bit short on time to get into details on it... but take a look @ my Flower's on flickr - maybe you'll find some inspiration and ideas;

23-05-2009, 20:02
Thanks, you're spot on, and I've gone off it myself too. Trashed.

26-05-2009, 13:13
Mark, it's always good to keep your pics, even if you go off them .It's a good way to see how you have progressed :)

26-05-2009, 13:29
I've kept the one I uploaded (it was the best of a bad lot) for that very reason.

Events have rather taken over today which is a shame as it looks quite nice outside. Going to try again Thursday, and have other plans for tomorrow unless they get rained off.

26-05-2009, 13:46
Your thread idea seems good to me Mark :) I know I think I'll do something similar once I've done some minor processing (don't know enough to do more than minor ;D) on the excessive amount of photos I took at the weekend.