View Full Version : Games like Civilization Revolutions?

24-05-2009, 20:26
Besides the obvious Civ series games on the PC :p
My Mum's been enjoying Civ Revolutions on the 360 a lot lately and just asked me if there's something else similar on the 360 or the PS2. I can't think of one :o

Any ideas?

24-05-2009, 21:13
There's always Catan, Carcassonne or even Kingdom for Keflings on XBLA and I think they're all pretty good fun.

Could your PC could handle AoE, Heroes of Might & Magic or Settlers?

Just as I was typing this I asked my mrs and she mentioned Viva Pinata; ok it's not exactly the same but does share similar mechanics...

24-05-2009, 21:31
Ooh forgot about Viva Pinata, I keep meaning to lend her my copy :D
I didn't think of XBLA titles, can you download them with a silver membership? Can't remember and she's not usually connected to XBox Live.

PC games are no good as she can't really stay on them for a huge length of time due to her neck/shoulder injury so she much prefers the sitting in front of the sofa method :D

*goes to dig out Viva Pinata*

25-05-2009, 11:09
There's that arcade game Outpost Kaloki.

You could also use some from the Xbox via backwards compatibility if there are any.

25-05-2009, 11:18
Can you download them with a silver membership though? I have no idea!

25-05-2009, 11:54
Yep :) The trials might be restricted for the first week or something but certainly by now you'll be able to get it :)

25-05-2009, 12:02
Ah cool :) That's always an option then :D

25-05-2009, 12:50
Colonization? Is that on the 360?

25-05-2009, 12:57
Nope, that's just PC :)

Edit: No ideas from anyone for PS2 games then? :( That's ideally what I was looking for as I know pretty much what's available for the 360 but lost track with the PS2.

25-05-2009, 13:03
Nope, that's just PC :)

Shows how much my 360 is used doesn't it. :D

*checks logs* Last had an IP address 22 months ago.