View Full Version : Looks like I'll be needing a new car then...

25-05-2009, 00:14
On the A11 on the way back from the 'Pod this evening, some bloke in a Fiesta pulled out on me from one of those junctions that crossses a dual carriageway, no chance of avoiding him:


Only just got in as we've both been to A&E. Vix has some pretty bad bruising and general seat belt injuries, I'm fine but I guess I may be a bit stiff tomorrow.

25-05-2009, 00:19
Ugh. Sorry to hear that. :(

Glad to hear that at least you are (mostly) OK.

25-05-2009, 00:46
Holy ****!!! Really glad both of you are ok.

I have had this happen loads when driving, mostly on roundabouts which is why I drive with the headlights on, still happens though. What speed was that though as the front has held well for a (I'm guessing) quite high speed smack. This being I'm factoring in the age of the mk1's.

I know you have a spare motor in Humphrey, but if you need something in a hurry, my mk1 is on the drive. Shout if you need anything.

25-05-2009, 01:04
Absolutely gutted for you, glad your both relatively unharmed though.

25-05-2009, 01:15
Hard to guess at a speed, I would have been approaching the junction at my 'normal' dual carriageway speed of 70-80. There was actually a car in front of the Fiesta which pulled out who I thought was cutting it fine which caused me to instinctively brake, then I went hard on the brakes as soon as I saw the Fiesta start to follow them out. Thanks to the previous car I reckon I'd scrubbed of a good chunk of the speed by the time I hit him.

You can just about see my skid marks where I locked up the front on the second picture (the guy in the hivix is heading towards them) from there was spun 270 degrees and finished up where the caris pictured.

25-05-2009, 01:35
:( Glad you two are mostly ok.

25-05-2009, 02:14
Jesus, glad both of you are relatively ok. I'm assuming that (hopefully) the other guy has owned up to to being his faulty? If not, do you have any witnesses to say he was at fault?

25-05-2009, 08:14
What a frickin' idiot. I had that happen to me yesterday out on my bike - some cock just pulled out without looking, fortunately I had the ability to squeeze past him as I wouldn't have been able to brake in time. Needless to say he got a barrage of words.

I hope you and Vix are ok. I trust the other person admitted full liability?

25-05-2009, 08:18
God, im glad you are both relatively unharmed, *hugs* for you both.

25-05-2009, 08:22
Blimey. Just goes to show you, it doesn't matter how good a driver you are, there's always the potential for some muppet to do something like that to you.

I'm glad the two of you aren't badly hurt - could have been a lot worse.

25-05-2009, 08:31
Glad you are both ok though. :)

25-05-2009, 09:09
Crap! Glad you're not seriously hurt

25-05-2009, 09:11

You pair don't seem to have a great deal of luck when it comes to visiting Northamptonshire, what with Phil burning his hand at Rockingham and now this!


25-05-2009, 09:11
Bloody hell :( Glad you're both relatively unscathed! Sad waste of a fine car by one idiot not looking :(

25-05-2009, 09:34
Now I'm a bit less out of it, (although I've just had more codeine to enable me to sit up, so I'll be back to bed soon!) here's my account!

I hate these kind of junctions! We were heading towards it and saw the van pull out, for which Phil braked to slow for it. He cut it fine but we easily avoided him by braking. I don't think either of us could believe it when the Fiesta just followed him. Phil stood on the brakes and tried to avoid him, but it seemed like the Fiesta wasn't going anywhere. There was a big crash as we hit him, and the force spun us. I remember going backwards. I think we went up the kerb backwards which must have pushed me forwards, because I remember having to lift my head when we finally stopped. I saw the windscreen was broken. Phil asked if I was ok, and I took a few deep breaths, I just had a massive pain in my chest and across my stomach. We looked over to the other car, and couldn't see the driver! We thought he had legged it! Phil went over and apparent'y he was slumped in the passenger seat. He admitted liability straight away, saying he just didn't see us.

What had happened was beginning to dawn on me, and I began to panic. A couple had stopped after seeing the accident, and the lady got me out of the car and tried to calm me down. I did a silly thing and looked at the car. You know how I get attached and I just broke down. I noticed my finger was swoleld and bruised and thought it was broken. I tried to walk over to the other driver, but Phil and the lady stopped me.

An ambulance turned up, and they checked us over, our pulses were high and they were concerned about my chest pains. They had to call the fire brigade because the Fiesta's airbags hadn't gone off! They were really concerned about Phil becuase he was pretty much fine, he was getting agitiated about getting the stuff out of the car and the roof back on before they took it away.

They said I had to go to A&E so I got another ride in an ambulance, this time sat up and conscious, which was fun! Before this, the police took statements and breathalised Phil. They asked if we would be happy to prosecute the other driver.

We were both in A&E for ages. They were determined to find something up with Phil. He was fine and with me being so in pain, I think they thought he was being a hero. Phil says he is so used to Karting incidents like this that he was prepared for it. I'm often more breakable, and also seemed to take most of the impact on my side :/

X ray done, and fortunately fine, we came home and posted on the internet. We then watched the GP because I knew exactly what i'd see when I closed my eyes and tried to sleep so made sure I was completely exhausted before I went to bed.

I couldn't roll over in the night because of the pain and can't physically lift my upper body up :/

We've made a list of the salvageable parts of the car, so hope to get those back! He had a lovely steering wheel, and seats along with all the usual performance bits :/

I can still hear the bang from when we hit the car :/

25-05-2009, 09:39
You poor thing :(

At least you're ok. Make sure any symptoms are checked up, as sometimes you can have a delayed reaction/injury that doesn't get spotted.

I hope you do decide to prosecute frankly there are too many ****wits on the road and it's the only way people will learn.

However the most important thing is to get yourself better!

25-05-2009, 09:42
Vix, the important thing is you are both ok, even though i'd be as gutted as you are if that happened to my car.
Look after yourself sweetie, go get some rest.

25-05-2009, 09:42
I felt a bit guilty about prosecuting the guy. He has lost his car, insurance premuim had gone up, and he's probably in a bit of pain.

However, the amount of pain I'm in this morning, I'm like 'hang him from the highest tower!!!'

We said it's a good job we weren't in Sakura as I definitely would have decked him. Chest pain or no chest pain :p

25-05-2009, 10:12
Yikes, I remember all this from the smack in Swansea. The codeine is gooood. After the pain I was in and I imagine you are in I filled in the Police form saying I would go to court. Not heard anything about that yet.

Let Phil know I have a slam panel in red for him :p

As the bruising comes out, take pictures. If you are in pain still in a couple of days, head down the doctors. Again after that if you are still in pain, head back. The reason is I imagine that your insurance will get Personal Injury on his insurance co's ass. I'm not a fan of this for "I tripped over the pavement like a prat" but for bigger stuff like this then yep it is all worth it.

25-05-2009, 10:14
I should think I'll definitely be back at the chiropractor soon, and the Fiesta driver can pay my £35 a pop.

The past two accidents I've had, I haven't gone down the personal injury route for various reasons. This time I most definitely will!

25-05-2009, 10:15
Let Phil know I have a slam panel in red for him :p

Lol, think it'll need more than a slam panel. That's the end of the chassis rail you can see poking through the hole in the bumper skin.

25-05-2009, 10:20
As well as the photos that Zarix suggested, you should use a note book to record painkiller usage, pain locations, how bad the pain is, things like not being able to move your upper body etc.
With the photos of bruises try and take them with something of an obvious, known colour so that people can't argue that the camera or photos changed what it looked like (a friend used kitkat wrappers and lucazade bottles as everyone knows what colour they are)

25-05-2009, 10:22
Good plan Sam!

25-05-2009, 10:24
Ouch :(

Looks like a nasty crash. The main thing is that you are both alright (nothing major) and the guy is admitting liability. Vix I would definately claim if I were you, Phil I wish I could not be hurt in crashes :p

25-05-2009, 10:31
Don't feel guilty about prosecuting him. When I was knocked off my bike by some **** I was a bit soft and I really really really regret not having thrown the book at him. I've learnt my lesson now - unless they kill me I'll do everything I can to press charges.

Make sure you do go to the chiro and get yourself seen to - no matter what the cost. Your health > any cost.

Still it gives you another project to work on now at least! :D

25-05-2009, 10:44
Lol, think it'll need more than a slam panel. That's the end of the chassis rail you can see poking through the hole in the bumper skin.

I think you are right there :D Couldn't resist posting after my knock. I did wonder where the bumper bar had gone when I first saw the pics.

25-05-2009, 11:07
Oh no! :( sorry to hear about this!

Take it easy guys.

BB x

25-05-2009, 11:09
Glad you guys are ok :) gutted about the car though :(

25-05-2009, 11:15
I'm glad you've snapped out of feeling sorry for him. He should have ****ing well looked and I feel like he deserves to lose his car and see a massive hike in his premiums because if it. He just blindly followed the van out without checking. Idiot idiot idiot.

As for flashbacks, I had them for a while. I can still picture the exact moment the guy hit me now. The thing that upset me the most was looking at my beloved car in pieces all over the road. Every time I walked past it before they picked it up, it made me well up. Absolutely awful.

I'm glad nothing's broken and really just hope that this doesn't hamper the recovery of your leg or make your backpain any worse *big gentle hugs*

Dr. Z
25-05-2009, 11:15
Ouch :(

Glad you both managed to avoid serious injury!

25-05-2009, 11:16
Wow, gutted for you guys, genuinely. Glad to hear your both OK'ish but I know the amount of time and effort you put in to the cars and how much you love them ::/:

25-05-2009, 11:17
god you poor things! Glad you're both more or less ok. Vix, you're having no luck with physical stuff lately, every time things start going well something else happens :(

If you have funds available, get all the help you need, chiropractors etc, the insurance company will have to fork out for it, so you might as well get what you need. And don't feel guilty, might make him check in future.

25-05-2009, 11:56

25-05-2009, 12:03
That's really not good, this is a situation where the guy needs to be taken to the cleaners. His insurance will cough everything anyway, he'll have the hardship of higher insurance next time.

Hope you have a speedy recovery *hugs*

25-05-2009, 12:49
Bloody hell!

Very glad you're both alright. Hope the pain goes away soon Vix.

25-05-2009, 12:52
Glad you are both ok *hugs*

25-05-2009, 13:30
Having a bit of a mare trying to get him recovered now. Because we were cooped up ion the ambulance yesterday, the police sorted the recovery out, meaning we now have to pay £150 plus £20 a day until we can pay someone in a pickup to go get him :/ Of course we will be keeping receipts.

The good thing is we get him back on our drive where we can snaffle all the bits!!!

25-05-2009, 14:51
:( Glad you're not too banged about. Such a shame about the car.

25-05-2009, 15:37
bloody hell, glad you both relatively ok though

25-05-2009, 16:46
Glad you're both ok.

A Place of Light
25-05-2009, 19:25
The good thing is we get him back on our drive where we can snaffle all the bits!!!

Surely, if your car is written off it then becomes property of the insurance company? If so, then unless you buy the wreck back you're commiting insurance fraud/theft?

25-05-2009, 19:26
Well they want us to have it back so we aren't arguing! thanks for your concern though.

A Place of Light
25-05-2009, 19:33
Well they want us to have it back so we aren't arguing! thanks for your concern though.

Insurance companies are snakes, so I don't like to see people give them a chance to "diddle" customers out of money even if it's unintentional.
It doesn't look (from the fotos anyway) that the car would be repaired, so if you can buy the thing back by taking a reduced settlement then go for it. As you've fitted uprated or new parts to it the car is almost certainly worth more to you than anyone else.

25-05-2009, 19:56
Yep, already got that considered.

Basically they would rather it be sat on our drive than incurring an £20 a day charge at the compound, and we would rather have it here. It's going tob e assessed with the bits on but at least we have access to it for the bits should we have to take them off.

A Place of Light
25-05-2009, 20:02
Yep, already got that considered.

Basically they would rather it be sat on our drive than incurring an £20 a day charge at the compound, and we would rather have it here. It's going to be assessed with the bits on but at least we have access to it for the bits should we have to take them off.

If you've been deemed to be free from blame, and thus the other driver is 100% at fault, then personally I'd be charging his insurance company £20 per day for storing the wreck.

Anyway, the point is that it's only a car.....GKN don't sell spinal columns, and you emerged from this episode in one piece. That's more important than anything.

25-05-2009, 20:03
I'm thinking of charging about £50 a day for the pain I'm in :p

I wish GKN did sell spinal columns, I could do with a better one ;)

A Place of Light
25-05-2009, 20:09
I'm thinking of charging about £50 a day for the pain I'm in :p
If you're blame free, then you should not be out of pocket in any way because of this accident. His insurance company would be paying storage charges to someone, so why not you?
I wish GKN did sell spinal columns, I could do with a better one ;)
No doubt due to deviant bedroom behaviour and not suitable for a family forum, lol.

25-05-2009, 20:13
Heh Phil's just been taking nakey pics of me in the living room, much to the delight of the neighbours I suppose! They were just documenting my bruises though.

I am a bit confused about why we need to have the car back (and pay £150 release fee up front as well as £20 a day, AND pay the truck to pick it up, but I guess we claim it all back!) but I'm happier having it here, than in some compound somewhere.

A Place of Light
25-05-2009, 20:26
I am a bit confused about why we need to have the car back (and pay £150 release fee up front as well as £20 a day, AND pay the truck to pick it up, but I guess we claim it all back!) but I'm happier having it here, than in some compound somewhere.
Again, if blame has been established then you (or your insurer) shouldn't be involved. However, what's done is done and if you keep receipts you will get your money back. I was serious about charging them for storage BTW.
Heh Phil's just been taking nakey pics of me in the living room.
Proof or it didn't happen, lol.

25-05-2009, 20:38
Heh, managed to censor one enough but I'll link to it so as to not put anyone off their beer ;)


25-05-2009, 20:41
Owch!!! Cool colour though :p

25-05-2009, 20:42
Jesus Christ Vix, that looks nasty :( You poor poor thing. Where abouts is that???

I'd echo what APOL has said. Keep all of your receipts and make sure you claim back for the lot. You shouldn't be out of pocket for this. I'm confused as to why the insurance aren't sorting storage fees out on your behalf though. Most odd!

25-05-2009, 20:42
I thought so. I'd like a dress that colour. Some of it is cut too :/ It really hurts!

Kate, it's from the lap belt so it's right across my tummy. Its cropped because just under it is my crotch to give you an idea of where it is. Think I came up and out of the seat a bit as it's not usually where the lap belt sits.

We wont be out of pocket. Already kept the taxi receipt from getting home from hospital last night. It looks like I'm going to have to get taxis to work, which is a fair way, so I'll be keeping those receipts too. Mileage to and from Chiropractor, pay for the times I can't work (doubt I'll be able to do my normal 8 hour day), fees for retreiving the car, anything else I can think of :p

25-05-2009, 20:47
Big bar of chocolate to get over the trauma? :p

25-05-2009, 20:51
Couple of bottles of vodka.

25-05-2009, 20:52
Big bar of chocolate to get over the trauma? :p

bubblebath, deep heat and prescription/painkiller receipts too

25-05-2009, 20:52
Again, if blame has been established then you (or your insurer) shouldn't be involved. However, what's done is done and if you keep receipts you will get your money back. I was serious about charging them for storage BTW.

My insurer isn't involved, so far i've contacted Helphire to ensure I get a nice courtesy car. They'll be delivering something to work tomorrow although what it'll be exactly will be a surprise. One of the things Helphire have said is that I have an obligation to minimise the charges I incur and they stressed that getting the car out of storage was a priority. I'll still get back any costs so it's not a problem and to be honest I'm happy to do it as i'd rather the car was here where I can look it over myself and keep an eye on it anyway.

As for salvage as far as I'm concerned once I give them the option of either giving me salvage for a token amount or the retail value of all the aftermarket parts fitted on top of the value of a suitable base car then I'm sure they'll let me keep the car.

25-05-2009, 20:53
****ing hell guys, hope you're ok?

You better well press charges, ****ing stupid ****er! The other driver, not you Phil :D

25-05-2009, 20:57
Ouch, very nasty looking bruise!

25-05-2009, 21:03
Bloody hell Vix, thats one hell of a bruise! :shocked:

25-05-2009, 21:23
One of the things Helphire have said is that I have an obligation to minimise the charges I incur and they stressed that getting the car out of storage was a priority.

They've changed their tune since I let them deal with the claim on my R32 after it was whacked just over 24 hours after I got it. My claim manager was inferring that I should not concern myself about costs since they were all getting reclaimed. Mind you, there was no personal injury involved in my claim.

26-05-2009, 11:12
Is it wrong that I find that bruise cool?! :o

Does look sore though - hope you get better soon.

I bet Humphrey is sighing relief at the thought that it could have been him!

26-05-2009, 11:44
Every time I look at my car I feel a surge of releif it wasn't mine, and we both feel the same about Humph, not least because it would have ended our season's racing.

Got a week off work, but having to work today from home because things simply need doing!

Think I'm having slight nervous issues with driving but it could just be the pain I'm experiencing. Having to concentrate a lot more, if I zone out I think of the crash. I'm being a lot more hesitant and a bit nervy on the brakes at junctions. Hopefully this will wear off!

26-05-2009, 11:51
It will. I was the same after my bike crash. Took me a while to get back into it, but I'm back to my hooligan ways again! The injuries no doubt don't help either.

26-05-2009, 11:51
It will wear off, don't worry. All perfectly normal *hugs* The best thing you can do is get back in a car as soon as possible, so well done on that :)

26-05-2009, 12:03
Yeah we've both driven and passenged, so no scary mary's hopefully. Weather wasn't great today either so hopefully I'll be ok in a bit.

26-05-2009, 16:59
Wah :/

You know when you are about to fall alseep and you get that falling thing, and you kind of bump on to the bed? Just been trying to nod off, feel really tired, but just before I doze off, I see the side of that Fiesta, hear the crash and jolt awake. Done it three times now. Feel pretty sick.

In other news, Phil's courtesy car has arrived, and the claim company have just rang about my personal injury claim.

26-05-2009, 17:33
:( I have had that falling thing before. As far I was concerned I was in free fall then suddenly thought I was falling out of bed. I then proceeded to throw myself out of bed in the hotel :o

Having seen what Phil's temp car is.... be prepared for him to park the motor, check his hair in the mirror, and then after about 10mins come mincing into the house :p

26-05-2009, 21:27
Hun that is horrible :( Hope it improves soon.

What is the temp car then? I am intrigued :p

26-05-2009, 21:35
Here it is: His name is Max. You'll see it at the weekend anyway, as well as our skidmarks on the A11 if you know where to look!


26-05-2009, 22:03
our skidmarks on the A11 if you know where to look!

I believe I do. I'll keep my eyes peeled.

26-05-2009, 22:53
Haha, I've never heard of anyone getting an MX5 as a hire car before :D At least they gave you something RWD, even if it is a rank colour. Think I prefer the white MR2 behind it though - best colour IMO ;)

26-05-2009, 23:45
Haha, I've never heard of anyone getting an MX5 as a hire car before :D

It's cos I went through helphire to get a like for like replacement. This is the closest they could get. shame as I was hoping for an Elise or a Boxster or something.

26-05-2009, 23:47
I quite like the colour. It's really metallic. Of course Sakura is better though :D

She's sniffing Max's bum in that pic and thinking 'what the hell are you? And where's Mister Five?'

27-05-2009, 07:09
Cool hire car ;D

Hope this all get sorted out for you both as quickly as possible :)

27-05-2009, 08:30
It's cos I went through helphire to get a like for like replacement.

I did the same and somehow ended up with a manual diesel Alfa Romeo Spider which I don't really think is a like for like replacement for a DSG petrol Golf R32. The Alfa was a pile of crap too, but that's another story.

27-05-2009, 08:38
that looks awful! Well done to Phil for anticipating the smack and acting accordingly. Tho if you sped up, would you have missed the fiesta? ;)

27-05-2009, 08:47
I don't think so. I think the Fiesta did that awful thing where they realise they have pulled out on you so they just stop :/ Although to be honest i can't quite remember. In my flashbacks this Fiesta is two lanes long :p

27-05-2009, 08:52
awww :(
Seems like the insurance companies are being good to you at the moment. When we were rear ended a coupla years ago, even though it wasnt our fault, the companies got difficult with us...
Seems like you know what you want / what is best though! :D

27-05-2009, 08:59
Nasty smash, could have been a lot worse and I'm glad you're otherwise ok. I was gonna say, looked like you shaved a lot of speed off from dual carriageway speeds, so good work.

27-05-2009, 09:00
Yeah there is a roundabout not far from that junction so we are slowing anyway, and the van pulling out on us helped too.

27-05-2009, 15:19
Just had a rather sorry looking delivery:


Took the opportunity to take some close shots:




Bit upset at the state of the car though. It's only been in the compund for 3 days but most of the damage was probably caused by the recovery. The door is dented, and the rear wing and skirt are cracked :/ If it wasn't a write off, it is now!


27-05-2009, 16:42
Thats amazing. How the hell did they cause that amount of damage loading and unloading it from a flatbed?

27-05-2009, 16:47
I'm guessing that the original recovery company put a sling around it and picked it up which crushed the skirt and pushed in the bodywork. Although it's a crap attitude to take I guess they just saw it as a written off car which they didn't need to take any care over. No point trying to do anything about it though as 2 seperate recovery companies have had the car since I last saw it so they'll just blame each other. End of the day it'll just go down as part of the accident and there'll be a few less saleable parts on the car than there should have been.

27-05-2009, 17:12
They don't treat them with any care at all when they put them on the lorries. The guy nearly took the front end off my 200SX when he was loading it because some of it was scraping the ground. Then he decided to reverse up the ramp instead and smashed it on the floor anyway. Good thing I didn't want it back. Still, heartbreaking to see someone do that to your price & joy!

27-05-2009, 19:30
Saw this briefly over pickys shoulder this morning as I was about to go make fud for some friends we had staying... been so busy I hadn't seen it before...

Big fat hoooooooooly moley! How incredibly horrifying :( Big big big BIG huge hugs to you people, so glad you're all okay.


27-05-2009, 22:00
Only just seen this, am gutted for you both :( I hope you're both fit as fleas in no time

27-05-2009, 22:16
Oooooo I like the look of that :) I have recently found a soft spot for Mx-5's. Don't where that has come from :p

28-05-2009, 10:13
Gutted for you on the MR2. Looked like a good one.

Glad both of you are relatively in one piece. I think someone's track days paid off in that one.

Hope you both make a speedy and full recovery.

28-05-2009, 13:13
Thanks Darrin, I think it was a combination of trackdays and definitely karting that kept us out of serious trouble.

31-05-2009, 12:59
How are you feeling now Vix? Any better?

I am genuinely curious as well, how are you finding the mx5 Phil?

31-05-2009, 16:30
Was improving all week, thanks for asking :) Something happened yesterday to trigger the chest pain though and I had trouble last night and this morning moving about and getting up :/

Bruises are healing well, they got bigger since the last pic but now are going yellow.

31-05-2009, 16:38
I am genuinely curious as well, how are you finding the mx5 Phil?

Compared to the MR2, generally softer. Ride is loads better steering feel is rubbish. I'm sure it's very capable but it's not as involving to drive.

Of course the fantastic weather is making up for that, the roof has barely been on it apart from when parked. Tempted to try a mk1 just to see how much better the feel is.

21-06-2009, 12:50
Update - the other insurance company has accepted responsibility, so we are just waiting for the cheque.

My claim will take a little longer but I've lost about 3 weeks pay from the day job, and also just lost a year's teaching due to the fact they have had to put another tutor in as I coudn't get there.

Car wise, still not sure, going to have a think when he gets the cheque, and assess our circumstances then.

I'm currently driving the MX5 as the power steering makes it less stressful on my injuries. I do quite like it but I don't think I could live permanently with a modern car.

21-06-2009, 15:31
Good that it is getting sorted. I had a go in a 58 plate Astra and the transit van was the same as this... Essentially the power steering is just crazy on new cars. Normally it will tighten up at speed, however the more modern stuff does not. You turned the wheel and something happened that turned the wheels.

I've had similar experiences in the past but these two shocked me in how apparent it was. There was absolutely no indication through the car of what the grip was like on the road. The lack of feedback I would say is bordering on dangerous. My Focus does numb a fair bit but at least that lets you know way in advance before the front starts sliding and what kind of grip is available on the road.

Personally in the future I will get a "sporty" motorway mile muncher. I'm actually starting to see the use in something like a mondeo ST diesel. Not driven one but hopefully it will give some kind of feedback whilst still being able to sit on the motorway at reasonable mpg. Then keep something like a mk1/equivalent for the weekends.

A Place of Light
21-06-2009, 16:23
Good that it is getting sorted. I had a go in a 58 plate Astra and the transit van was the same as this... Essentially the power steering is just crazy on new cars. Normally it will tighten up at speed, however the more modern stuff does not. You turned the wheel and something happened that turned the wheels.
Cars like the MR2 shouldn't have power steering at all. They certainly don't need it.

22-06-2009, 17:01
Cars like the MR2 shouldn't have power steering at all. They certainly don't need it.

Great for parking though! Just got into a mess outside the house and it really helped. There should be a button to turn it on and off.

A Place of Light
22-06-2009, 18:32
Great for parking though! Just got into a mess outside the house and it really helped. There should be a button to turn it on and off.

If that could be implemented it would be one of the best "gadgets" ever fitted. I know some of the city cars have a button that injects steroids into the power steering system to make tight manoevuring easy, but if you could switch it off altogether it would be fantastic.

Dr. Z
22-06-2009, 23:05
Well weighted power steering is, in my opinion at least, absolutely fantastic. I couldn't fault the power steering in my 3 series and that was coming directly from a Mk1 MR2. The 5 is about the same. I could put the front end of the 3 series pretty much exactly where I wanted it. Not as precise as the MR2 by a country mile but I would put almost all of that down to the layout, weight and wheel size over the power steering being present.

IMO, there is no real disadvantage at all to GOOD PAS. Bad PAS has no place in any car though!

22-06-2009, 23:09
Never saw this before and I know it's late, but glad you're ok.

A Place of Light
23-06-2009, 00:39
Well weighted power steering is, in my opinion at least, absolutely fantastic. I couldn't fault the power steering in my 3 series and that was coming directly from a Mk1 MR2. The 5 is about the same. I could put the front end of the 3 series pretty much exactly where I wanted it. Not as precise as the MR2 by a country mile but I would put almost all of that down to the layout, weight and wheel size over the power steering being present.

IMO, there is no real disadvantage at all to GOOD PAS. Bad PAS has no place in any car though!

Variable power steering has been around for a long time now, with varying degrees of success I might add.
But no matter how it's designed, the power steering kit gets inbetween what's happening to the front wheels and the driver. It reduces the feedback (although the good systems reduce it by a minimum) and a direct rack is always a better option unless the design parameters of the car prevent this from being possible.

24-06-2009, 21:11
So it's been exactly a month since the accident, and Phil has the cheque in his hand. Hope my claim goes as well as his!

Max (the MX5) goes back next week :( I've become quite partial to him, despite him beeping at me today because I had a camera on the passenger seat not wearing a seatbelt :/

15-10-2009, 16:21
Just had notification of the outcome of the court hearing. The driver pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention. He got 5 points, £275 fine and £70 costs. Hopefully his insurance got whomped too.

15-10-2009, 19:08
Glad to hear it Vix :)

15-10-2009, 20:53
Good to hear the prat got what was due.

24-02-2010, 15:54
Aaand exactly nine months from the date of the accident, solicitors have called to say the cheque is on it's way, whoop!

24-02-2010, 16:13

02-03-2010, 08:51
Blimey, took a while.

04-03-2010, 13:09
It was the solicitors holding it back. They kept geting back to me about my treatment fees saying I had taken more treatment than entitled to and that the insurance wouldn't pay.

I didn;t back down and said I needed to claim for every penny I had spent on treatment and eventually they sent off my claim to the insurers. The insurers haven't queried anything, and I received the cheque today!

04-03-2010, 13:23
I received the cheque today!

What time do we leave for Barbados then ?

04-03-2010, 18:00
It's mainly going on my credit card unfortunately, but the costs incurred on that were due to the fact I wasn't getting paid because I was not working due to the accident!