View Full Version : My first landscape

28-05-2009, 00:48
Not really had any work critted before apart from in the comps, then again I rarely publish my work as I either don't have the confidence to or I'm not really proud of the pic. Something has to change though so I'm going to start posting work up after a year of owning a camera. If I want to justify upgrading to a 40d I need to start posting more, so here I present my first proper attempt at a landscape. Thought I'd post here instead of TP as I'm not quite that ready to jump in there yet.


Exif: Canon 400d, Sigma 10-20mm @10mm f/10 1/250s ISO 100

First proper play at RAW processing and doing more than adding a frame to the pic. Level was straightened (beach/building line), would have been better if I had stood in the middle of the stairs but it was a quick dive-out to take a pic as there were kids playing with water pistols on the pier.

28-05-2009, 09:38
Get publishing more dammit! :)

I quite like this, only thing Ill say is I would have cloned out the seagull (?) in the sky far left. Maybe if it was a flock of seagulls (see what I did there? :D), that would have looked better, but hey, you cant control nature ;D

Overall, looks good to me :)

28-05-2009, 10:12
Firstly, I'm no expert - I'm only just starting out myself.

I would have liked to have seen this shot in landscape rather than portrait - I would have preferred to see more of the seafront and less of the sky and, like Dee, I would have cloned out the seagull.
Personal preferences aside, I like the shot; it's interesting, well taken and the symmetry is good.

I'd like to see more of your work too. I get the same sometimes, not wanting to publish my shots because I don't think they're particularly good, but the main reason for displaying for critique is to find out why they're not right and to get advice on how to make them better so I have to force myself.

28-05-2009, 13:30
Thanks for the comments, I do have this one in landscape too (taken from further down the stairs before it angles off) but the building line is dead centre instead of following rule of thirds. Will have a play with it today :)

28-05-2009, 14:17

Exif: Canon 400d, Sigma 10-20mm @10mm f/10 1/320s ISO 100

Quick play :)

28-05-2009, 14:57
Much better! The first was good anyway, but this seems to be more balanced :)