View Full Version : Sad day for me... Do not buy Shure earphones

05-06-2009, 17:36
I've always liked them. I've even given their customer services their own 'very happy' thread (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=9994), but I have to now say - don't buy Shure headphones.

You will get to know their customer service department well.

Today, I posted off my 6th set of Shure Se530's that have failed in 14 months.

Thats almost 1 every 2 months!

I treat them gently - after use they get disconnected from the extension and placed in their little case - cleaned regularly - have custom sleeves moulded for them so no twiddling of the black olives putting stress on the cable...

Add to that the 3 sets of E2C's *I couldn't be bothered to send back the last set - replaced them with E3C's* - the 2 sets of E3C's and the set of E4C's that have all failed on me or my other half.

Sound quality - Superb
Fit - Superb
Customer Services - Superb
Build quality - **** poor. :(

07-06-2009, 14:45
Try not treating them so well, they might last longer ;).

07-06-2009, 15:40
I've posted before but I'll add to this my two sets of SE210s that failed, got a refund after that. Now on a pair of Etymotic Er-6i.

07-06-2009, 21:06
I had the same experience. I'd always been a fan of Shure earphones but the quality has fallen off the edge of a cliff in the last couple of years.

My trusty old ER-6i's have been treated like crap and they're still working perfectly.

08-06-2009, 22:12
I've posted before but I'll add to this my two sets of SE210s that failed, got a refund after that. Now on a pair of Etymotic Er-6i.

Mine lasted about 18 months before something inside the 1/8 jack got loose and lost sound in one side.