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05-07-2009, 18:37

I assume that will still work

05-07-2009, 18:39
Somebody tie me up and stop me ordering ;D

05-07-2009, 18:45
If I, gadget addict that I am, can wait out a contract and wait seven more months and counting on the end, you can wait out your contract. :p

OK, so I got other stuffs in the meantime - Xbox - camera - but what does that matter :p

05-07-2009, 18:46
Thanks dude, it didn't give me a newly clipped song but cheers for the post.

05-07-2009, 18:58
Whoops....I FAIL ::/:

05-07-2009, 19:04
Also, I can claim the VAT back and sell my Diamond for £100 :D

05-07-2009, 19:05
There goes the neighbourhood. ;D

No doubt you'll enjoy it though, so good on you, and good on having a plan to reduce the cost.

I'm just about fed up waiting myself too. I don't need a new phone yet, but I do get fed up every time the battery dies or the phone crashes. My problem is I need a decent amount of hands on time to decide. There's now four phones on the list. :(

05-07-2009, 19:08
Next time theres a meet, it'll be a case of

"hold up your phone if you DONT have an iphone!" ;D

05-07-2009, 19:17
TBH Mark, I'm getting pretty pee'd off with WinMo. Despite plenty of ROM flasing and loads of improvements, it's just so sluggish. I didn't really realise how sluggish it was until I tried an iPhone for even 30 seconds.

Whilst getting a new phone is coolio, I'll not be shouting about the iPhone. I'm no Mac fanboy although I am a very long term user :D

05-07-2009, 19:19
Oh, also forgot....got 3% quidco from the Apple Store too ;D

05-07-2009, 20:25
2 hours later, I have little hair left after messing about with garageband and it didn't work

Did it in about 30 seconds on this website


Which is now bookmarked ! ;D

05-07-2009, 20:40
So you can now put whatever song you want as a ringtone?

05-07-2009, 21:20
So you can now put whatever song you want as a ringtone?

Yup, exactly that. Audiko is excellent for those.

I made this (http://audiko.net/ringtone/Feek/Silverstone?ring=2658551&fresh=1) from an audio recording I made today on the iPhone :D

05-07-2009, 21:28
Yup, exactly that. Audiko is excellent for those.

I made this (http://audiko.net/ringtone/Feek/Silverstone?ring=2658551&fresh=1) from an audio recording I made today on the iPhone :D

Was that before or after you rang me? :p

05-07-2009, 21:34
After, I think :)

Next time theres a meet, it'll be a case of

"hold up your phone if you DONT have an iphone!" ;D
I think we've been at that stage for a while!

05-07-2009, 22:54
I just have ring ring - I hate ring tones :o

05-07-2009, 23:15
TBH Mark, I'm getting pretty pee'd off with WinMo. Despite plenty of ROM flasing and loads of improvements, it's just so sluggish. I didn't really realise how sluggish it was until I tried an iPhone for even 30 seconds.

I'm somewhat moving that way too. Apple blew it away a few years back and Android's now making a pretty good attempt at doing the same. My hang up is still that darn keyboard. I think if I can get enough 'play time' to put that one out of my mind then it's bye bye Pro2 - too much of a brick (that's my big 'problem' with the TyTN too). I'd like a look at the Pre but it's probably gone. Leaving iPhone vs Hero.

06-07-2009, 20:11
Guess who has just about to join the club? :D

In the Apple Store RIGHT NOW :D

Reckon I could sweet talk her into giving me unlimited texts instead of the measly 500? :p

06-07-2009, 20:12
I'm somewhat moving that way too. Apple blew it away a few years back and Android's now making a pretty good attempt at doing the same. My hang up is still that darn keyboard. I think if I can get enough 'play time' to put that one out of my mind then it's bye bye Pro2 - too much of a brick (that's my big 'problem' with the TyTN too). I'd like a look at the Pre but it's probably gone. Leaving iPhone vs Hero.

My opinion on Android is that it is a good OS, but navigation is a right pain in the arse compared to the iPhone as Apple have copyrighted certain finger touch screen movement thingys.

06-07-2009, 20:14
Reckon I could sweet talk her into giving me unlimited texts instead of the measly 500? :p

No chance. Even if you're prepared to pay for it O2 have discontinued the unlimited text bundle (it was £7.50/month) so you've got a snowballs chance in hell of getting it for free.

06-07-2009, 20:15
No they haven't :S The unlimited text bundle is still an option :S I just want it for free :D haha

06-07-2009, 20:48
So what happened to the G1, or are you just doing my trick and buying shiny things? :dunno:

PS - I agree with you re: navigation on Android. That's why I didn't like the G1. HTC have done their magic with the Hero and that might be different.

06-07-2009, 20:53
After having more of a play with Sineads (fnar), I'm sure I've made the right choice. It just works as it should and is so smooth and seamless. Apple have done what they're good at....software.

06-07-2009, 22:08
Well, I would contend that Apple are very good (probably even the best) at building ui's, not good at 'software' in a broad sense, but those ui building skillz are a larger factor to the success of iPod/iPhone than the competency of it's software.

[edit]I always have second thoughts posting about Apple, I dont wish to start a flame war, just passing comment :o

06-07-2009, 22:12
Aye, ui is a better phrase to use :)

Wonder what they'd do with a games console :eek: ;D

06-07-2009, 22:13
So what happened to the G1, or are you just doing my trick and buying shiny things? :dunno:

PS - I agree with you re: navigation on Android. That's why I didn't like the G1. HTC have done their magic with the Hero and that might be different.

It's crap and the guys that sold it to me told me porkies about it as well as didn't provide me with a copy of the T&Cs like they are legally required to... ;)

06-07-2009, 22:14
After having more of a play with Sineads (fnar), I'm sure I've made the right choice. It just works as it should and is so smooth and seamless.

Told ya :p :D

Everyone I know who got the alternatives like the Diamond etc are always blown away by the aceness of the Apple shiney shiney :)

06-07-2009, 22:17
No they haven't :S The unlimited text bundle is still an option

Really? According to a lot of posts I've read in various forums (mainly OcUK but in others as well), it's been withdrawn and isn't available any more. Not that I've asked myself because I'm not interested but the comments elsewhere are all saying it's not an option on the iPhone contract now.

06-07-2009, 22:21
Really? According to a lot of posts I've read in various forums (mainly OcUK but in others as well), it's been withdrawn and isn't available any more. Not that I've asked myself because I'm not interested but the comments elsewhere are all saying it's not an option on the iPhone contract now.

Apparently it is available if you phone them or ask in store but it isn't available to add to your order when ordering the iPhone.

06-07-2009, 22:22
[edit]I always have second thoughts posting about Apple, I dont wish to start a flame war, just passing comment :o

Please do - I'd be interested to hear your take on it.

06-07-2009, 22:27
It's crap and the guys that sold it to me told me porkies about it as well as didn't provide me with a copy of the T&Cs like they are legally required to... ;)

Oopsie! Serves them right that it sounds like you used their own T&Cs against them then. As it happens, I agree with you - the G1 is a version 1.0 device and it shows.

My nearest Apple store appears to be London, so I'll probably wait a few weeks, when I'm hoping to head to Liverpool for a bit. Unless, of course, the local O2 store is willing to let me have an extended play.

06-07-2009, 22:28
Apparently it is available if you phone them or ask in store but it isn't available to add to your order when ordering the iPhone.

Ahh, excellent.

06-07-2009, 23:56
Please do - I'd be interested to hear your take on it.
Well, the grumblings are around the enterprise features of a phone which is supposedly enterprise grade. It's marketed as a platform for business, and it looks swish enough, so the bods at the top decide they want it and order a bunch for directors and SMT, so we have to support it. Usual story.

So, lets talk about some of the reasons you might deploy the iPhone in your reasonably sized business. Probably most importantly, Exchange ActiveSync - hooray! No letting people hook in via POP and IMAP and get your free/busy data, great stuff. But they only implement a subset of the Exchange 2007 EAS policies, and after a chat with a guy in technet, they apparently didnt even want to implement remote wipe, but Microsoft require it, and Apple eventually gave in. Apple can get away with telling joe consumer what they want, but they cant tell an business what their users need, that's our job tyvm.

Speaking of which, I do not want to deploy iTunes to half the machines in an organisation. It's a big, invasive app, and I have enough apps to maintain thank you very much. But ok, lets concede that point and bite the bullet..... there are no MSIs ready to deploy via AD or whatever systems management tool you prefer. You can jimmy an MSI out of the installer, but you have to hack it around in Orca to get it to install, and you try patching that a few months down the line. It's unmanageable the moment you deploy it. Oh, and it requires Quicktime, which has the same problems. Great, thanks. So what's my solution, give my users admin rights to their machines to install it themselves? No, I'm not going to do that, but for the sake of moving on, lets say I do.

They provide a tool to generate device configuration profiles, which works rather well, you can include third part root certificates, set the default location for exchange, vpn settings etc etc. Lots of good stuff. Well, except there are some settings that can only be set using configuration policies. God forbid a user might actually want to look at and verify some wireless and vpn settings themselves. And you can only deploy it by either sending an email link or web link. Which you cant do without setting up an email account. For which the settings are in your configuration profile. Hmm. Ok, so you can instruct your people to manually type some url into safari to kick start it off, but hang on... I've just sold my soul to the devil to get iTunes on these people's machines. Why cant I instruct iTunes to do that?

Why cant I also tell iTunes, or the phone itself for that matter, that upgrading the OS needs administrator approval first? We have guys that develop for mobile platforms, and the apps needs to be tested and certified for that platform so the business can rely on that functionality. We need to vet the software updates first. We cant do that if people are arbitrarily updating the software (I've not checked, but I believe with the latest version of iTunes you can disable both automatic and user initiated searching for device updates, but how you then actually authorize an update for deployment I have no idea). And our apps can only be updated using iTunes, not over the air.

The software in and around Windows Mobile caters for most of those kind of requirements, and so does Blackberry's stuff. Even Nokia do a pretty damn good job. While none of them are perfect, and have their own quirks, the software around those platforms scale from 1 user's personal mobile to large enterprises business and corporate policy requirements. That is well written software(s).

... but their ui's suck ;)

None of these things are insurmountable, but they go against Apple's general stance of 'we know what you want and that's that', which works very well for a single or handful of users. A tightly integrated experience can be very pleasant and slick. But I dont want tightly integrated, I need some decoupling, or at least some big gaping hooks into stuff so I can manage it to suit business policies and requirements. Better group policy support for iTunes would be such a massive step here (and by that I mean an msi I can deploy without modification, and an adm file plumbed into some sufficiently powerful hooks to control it's behaviour). It is not beyond the capability of the software engineers at Apple, but it is beyond their current culture (I could write a whole other post about their (lack of) involvement in the security community on this point).

..... anyway. Thread thoroughly derailed.

Outside of the business, I quite enjoy Dee's iPhone. I especially enjoy Peggle on Dee's iPhone. But locking 3rd party apps out of the iTunes library is a serious annoyance. Again, not beyond the capabilities of Apple to fix, but beyond the lock in culture.

I suppose in summary, I would say that the unarguably uber slickness of the iPhone (and indeed OSX) is more down to a huge investment in a relatively small, but very impressive, tightly integrated set of ui widgets. The underlying software is too narrowly scoped - for political reasons - to consider Apple a truly great software company.

If people do want to talk about this we can take it into another thread, or better yet, over a beer sometime :)

07-07-2009, 02:29
Aye, ui is a better phrase to use :)

Wonder what they'd do with a games console :eek: ;D

Have a pretty interface and case but lacking the hardware and software to match its rivals :p

Basically a Wii without the decent games.

07-07-2009, 08:06

You said pretty much exactly what I thought you would and I agree entirely.

It's a battle I'm facing more and more each day and can only get around it so far because the company have a Europe wide Vodafone contract and we don't make exceptions to that for anyone.

07-07-2009, 13:59
It's here.....and it's already running Orange :cool:

07-07-2009, 14:03
Good man. Did you use purplera1n and ultrasn0w for the jailbreak and unlock?

07-07-2009, 14:55
Aye :)

07-07-2009, 14:57
I was looking at doing mine last night but read about some potential problems so I'm probably going to wait until 3.01 (or 3.1 as it seems to be called in some places) is released and jailbreak it then.

07-07-2009, 17:06
Burble did :)

One of the sales guys came to me with one to setup his Exchange email for him. It is nice and zippy, surprisingly so, but it's no quantum leap. Pretty much what was expected really.

Got any tips on setting one up with Exchange - two of them showed up today and I'm awaiting the boss descending on me to get it configured with Exchange, something I've never done before as we've used Gooseberries up until now :(

07-07-2009, 17:10
Setting them up for Exchange is a doddle.

Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account... > Exchange. Enter the information it asks for and away you go.

I assume you've already got OWA working? The iPhone talks to OWA.

07-07-2009, 18:00
Funny you should mention OWA as it's the Exchange side I'm more worried about, what with certificates and so forth.

OWA works on the Exchange box but no-one uses it (server isn't exposed to the outside world anyway) and I've never explicitly configured anything to do with OWA or OMA. It's the opening of inbound SSL connections and sorting a certificate that concerns me, together with whatever other machinations I have to perform on the server.

On the subject of the 3Gs in general - i want one! They are rather damned sexy and I really fancy a nice new phone after years of my knackered old thing.

Problem is I've been on SIM only cashback deals for several years now which wind up costing me literally a few pounds a month so moving to the iPhone is going to cost me around £30 a month. If you're already paying around £30 a month for another contract then switching doesn't seem much different but when you're looking at a straight hike of £30 every month it starts looking rather expensive.

So convince me people - is the 3Gs worth £30 a month more than I currently pay? :)

07-07-2009, 18:33
OWA works on the Exchange box but no-one uses it (server isn't exposed to the outside world anyway) and I've never explicitly configured anything to do with OWA or OMA. It's the opening of inbound SSL connections and sorting a certificate that concerns me, together with whatever other machinations I have to perform on the server.

The iPhone needs to have connectivity to OWA so if that isn't setup to work from outside your company then it'll only work if your boss happens to be using a WiFi network from within the company. Not entirely convenient.

The setup side of things to get around that isn't difficult. You could create and use a self signed SSL certificate for IIS but TBH a fully valid SSL certificate is cheap enough that in a professional environment I'd insist on using a valid and trusted SSL certificate.

How many Exchange servers do you have? If you have more than one hosting mailboxes then you'll need an additional Exchange server setup as a front end server (basically it proxies access to the mailboxes on the other servers). If you have just the one then you can use that but will need to tweak the IIS config a bit because if /Exchange is set to use SSL then the iPhone won't connect but all you need to do is create a new virtual directory that doesn't need SSL but you don't need to have 80/tcp open from the internet to the Exchange server.

I'll stop there before I derail the thread any more but feel free to PM me if you need any pointers.

07-07-2009, 18:39
Oh I realise I'll have to open the server up to OWA connections from the outside world - not a problem, just never needed to mess with that before is all :)

I'm erring towards an SSL certificate but, the last time I looked at this with WinMo devices a few years back it was a nightmare, with only the seriously expensive providers like Verisign supported by the device. I think the 3Gs supports GoDaddy.com certs which look pretty cheap - or can you recommend another good source I've not considered?

We only have a single Exchange Server (2003 SP2) and will be connecting directly to that. There's no way I'm allowing inbound connections to it on port 80 - I'm nervous enough about allowing SSL in on 443 but that's the least I'll accept so I need to get it working properly with SSL.

Just a bit cautious about it all as I've never done this sort of config before but we'll see how it goes - may well PM you when it all ends in tears, thanks for the offer :)

07-07-2009, 18:48
It really is easy :) Any trusted SSL supplier will be fine, I used GoDaddy when I setup the front end server at my place and it cost €178.48 for 3 years. GoDaddy even have instructions on how to incorporate the certificate into IIS.

With a single Exchange server you'll need to add the additional virtual directory that I mentioned. Instructions for doing that are here (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/817379), look for 'Method 2.' If you don't setup that extra virtual directory then you'll get this showing in the event log:

The mailbox server [your exchange server name here] has its [exchange] virtual directory set to require SSL. Exchange ActiveSync cannot access the server if SSL is set to be required. For information about how to correctly configure Exchange virtual directory settings, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 817379, "Exchange ActiveSync and Outlook Mobile Access errors occur when SSL or forms-based authentication is required for Exchange Server 2003" (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=3052&kbid=817379).

07-07-2009, 18:54
Just had a quick play with the Exchange box and, although OMA works fine via standard HTTP, it won't work at all via SSL on port 443. Is this because I haven't got a cert installed atm or is there something more fundamentally wrong which I have to configure? I was under the impression that SSL should still work without a cert but I'd just get warnings about it or am I mistaken?

EDIT: Ah just read your last post (hadn't refreshed when I posted again - oops), will have a look at that now, thanks :)

07-07-2009, 20:42
Haven't got time to write a great deal but as a flying comment, I wouldn't expose IIS directly to the web, I use apache with some reverse proxy directives. IIS is a real target unfortunately. Most people wont really be a target but sticking apache in front isn't any real price to pay to take IIS out of the equation :)

Good example config here (http://www.wlug.org.nz/ApacheReverseProxy), though I dont reverse proxy to the internal ssl interface, just plain old http.

07-07-2009, 20:44
Good point Daz, I'd actually forgotten that I do actually do this both for the work setup and my own private one.

07-07-2009, 21:46
Arg, don't tell me that - know bugger all about Apache :(

Much as I don't want to expose IIS either, I cant see myself having much choice as the boss is going to be on my back to get it working and I don't have the time to work out how to put Apache or a front-end Exchange server in front of it :(

07-07-2009, 22:00
Just as long as your boss understands the consequences. It's unlikely, but as Daz says, IIS is a target. I don't see anything like the number of attempts as I used to when IIS had more holes than swiss cheese, but the odd drive-by attempt still happens.

07-07-2009, 22:28
On the subject of certificates, do I need a specific type? GoDaddy seem to be offering cheapo ones for £8 per year but, judging by what you paid, I presume these cheap ones won't do the job?

07-07-2009, 22:30
Got a link? The cheapest ones I see are £16.62/year. They'll be OK, that's what I'm using on my personal Exchange organisation.

07-07-2009, 22:41
I just looked back in my order history on GoDaddy.com and the SSL certificate I bought for my own Exchange setup was a 'Standard (Turbo) SSL (3 Years)' which cost me $52.84. It works fine for OWA and for the iPhone.

07-07-2009, 22:45

Voila - 8 quid - can't be bad!

Might just grab one of those and give it a bash - do you have a link to the aforementioned IIS installation instructions?

07-07-2009, 22:48
I don't have a link, but it'll be in the email they send you when your certificate has been issued.

Joe 90
08-07-2009, 02:03
heads up guys - Assassin's Creed game is FREE right now


my guess is that this is one of those new releases thats free for a short period, either way - i'm downloading now \o/

okay, maybe not. its a Lite version, and theres a £2.99 version also :o

08-07-2009, 07:14
Aye, tis just a demo :)

08-07-2009, 07:53
This is how I currently look...



08-07-2009, 08:32
Looks like you need to read some messages, and charge the battery, but nice work on the Orange. :) Not sure what a few of those apps are though.

As I've said before, I won't be doing that as I'm off to see if the grass isn't greener somewhere else. :)

08-07-2009, 08:37
What's the game underneath the compass? I guess it's like that flash game where you have to stack the shapes? The name totally escapes me.

Edit - Found it - Topple :)

08-07-2009, 09:03
I'm still very slightly dubious about the iPhone, I quite quite put my finger on why either.Its not the data thing, I've found an O2 PAYG dongle which will give me data when I need it for £2/ day and I doubt I'd use it much except in the college holidays so thats solved.

I think its something to do with the rigidness of the OS and how locked down it is, I know this is part of that makes it 'just work' because everything is prechecked for you. I think the lack of 'tools' puts some doubt in my mind, can you get a decent word processor or an application which will open word documents? A lot of what is available seems a bit like toys. This is weird because I hardly ever use these things but for some reason I feel I'd miss them if they weren't there :(

In other ways I am totally smitten, once TomTom is available the iPhone will be pretty much everything I want in phone and an iPod and a sat nav [sigh]. As time goes on the cost is becoming less as my Orange contract runs out, moving from £50 when I phone was released to about £25 now, which isn't much of a barrier.

I think having the iPod Touch may have spoiled the experience for me a little, its a nice little tool but its gimped by its lack of constant connection to the net which can make it a frustrating experience not being able to use Google Maps when out and about or look up train times unless you can find a wireless network.

I'm pretty much convinced; I'm pretty sure there isn't a better phone for me out there as far as functionality, form and general quality, nor is there a better phone as far as support and future applications, so why is there a nagging doubt and why haven't I bought one yet?


08-07-2009, 09:21
can you get a decent word processor or an application which will open word documents?

The iPhone opens Word & Excel documents natively. Would I say it does a decent job of them? Well I can open them and read them so yeah. You can't edit them but that doesn't bother me - I don't want to write a novel on my phone.

08-07-2009, 10:19
Have to agree with Burble on that one. Read-only would be fine with me too. I've had the facility to edit for over two years and never used it. I have opened the odd PDF file though so I assume the same applies to those.

08-07-2009, 10:22
I have opened the odd PDF file though so I assume the same applies to those.


08-07-2009, 10:29
Your Touch should open those documents too, if you want to check out what it's like and whether it meets your needs.

08-07-2009, 10:43
PDF's are great. I've had a couple in emails and they open up fine, even some large (5MB+) full colour documents have been OK, just a little sluggish.

08-07-2009, 11:35
This is an interesting article


I did wonder when Paul was using his iPhone at the cricket and was having real trouble getting much data down. I find Orange to be very good where I need fast data and is reliable as long as I have an H or 3G symbol


08-07-2009, 11:42
Just checked Orange HSDPA shows as 1006kbit/sec = 125.75 kB/s


08-07-2009, 11:45
I was having the same problems at home but it has been fine since the number port completed. I don't see why that should have had any impact on it but it's perfect now.

Interesting article and I can understand the concerns. For sure the throughput I get on O2 is less than I got on Vodafone but for me that isn't a problem as I'm not going to use the iPhone for tethering. Most applications should be designed with low data requirements so I think it'll be fine for me. For example I won't download applications over the mobile network - I'll either do that on WiFi or at home or through iTunes.

08-07-2009, 11:55
Just checked Orange HSDPA shows as 1006kbit/sec = 125.75 kB/s


Just checked mine and with 1 bar of 3G signal showing (I get very patchy 3G coverage from all the networks here) I got a result of 1026Kbit/sec so as near as makes no difference the same.

08-07-2009, 11:58
Desmo, where the hell are you that you have such a high Orange signal? Mine never went above 2 bars, no matter where I was!

08-07-2009, 12:00
This is what I got from a speedtest on 3G from Brentwood town centre.


08-07-2009, 12:09
Desmo, where the hell are you that you have such a high Orange signal? Mine never went above 2 bars, no matter where I was!
Funnily enough, in the one place where it works really well....at home. I get a full signal on HSDPA at home. Then it goes to **** when I go in to town.

Joe 90
08-07-2009, 12:10
nice link MB - thanks.

if anyone's not opened that, theres a UK networks coverage map; http://www.ofcom.org.uk/radiocomms/ifi/licensing/classes/broadband/cellular/3g/maps/3gmaps/coverage_maps.pdf

After the talk of data speeds in that article, i ran a speed test - 1136/279kbps 3636ms ping on a Manchester server from Chester.

08-07-2009, 12:16
I'm begining to run out of excuses, I think Aitch is impressed at the fact I've held out this long already :D


Joe 90
08-07-2009, 12:24
A lot of what you said with regards to the fact that you're still managing to hold out - specifically the OS being so locked down - was how I felt.
But not anymore, I'm not planning on jailbreak and i'm just happy with it.

08-07-2009, 12:39
I'm begining to run out of excuses

Glad to be of service :)

08-07-2009, 12:44
Here is my 3G on my laptop solution :)


£30 up front and £2 a day, ideal :)

If you never use it you never pay for data


08-07-2009, 12:49
That's a pretty good deal. I'm currently paying Three £10/month for 1Gb but very rarely using it so am looking for a PAYGesque solution once my Three contract expires.

08-07-2009, 13:04
That's a pretty good deal. I'm currently paying Three £10/month for 1Gb but very rarely using it so am looking for a PAYGesque solution once my Three contract expires.

Do it though Quidco and as long as you top up £15 in the first month you get £30 back, as its the college holidays for the next month a months worth of data is fine with me and essentially I have the dongle for free :)

The fact I've just ordered it pretty much means I'll get an iPhone, I just need to wait for them to come back into stock at mobiles.co.uk so I can get my £60 Quidco through them.


08-07-2009, 13:05
That's a pretty good deal. I'm currently paying Three £10/month for 1Gb but very rarely using it so am looking for a PAYGesque solution once my Three contract expires.

I have one for my netbook, not used it yet though...

08-07-2009, 13:07

I have one for my netbook, not used it yet though...

As I mostly just need it for a day at a time £10 minimum topup is a bit of overkill for me, but it might be good for others :)


08-07-2009, 13:12

I still can't make out your Sig MB

*polishes glasses*


08-07-2009, 13:21
Thats because its pretty much nonsense, its the name of a goregrind band and also an unpleasant illness.


08-07-2009, 13:56
Think I'm heading the iPhone way too now. I want a phone that "just works". This is very well demonstrated by the lack of apps on my WM phone. The fact that I already own a Mac makes the iTunes situation a no-brainer too.

Going to book a "personal shopper" appointment at an Apple store and get a proper demo to make sure everything does what I need (particularly the screen and virtual keyboard). By that time the Hero should be out so I can do a comparison, but I really can't see much against the iPhone now.

Guess I'd better check my Orange contract to see what the notice period is, then I'll PAC it a week before.

As for the dongle situation, MB has that right too - I don't want a £10 top-up with a 'use it or lose it' 30-day limit. I'm a very occasional user of 3G data (maybe 3-4 times per year).

08-07-2009, 17:38
Here is my 3G on my laptop solution :)


£30 up front and £2 a day, ideal :)

If you never use it you never pay for data


I liked the look of that deal...

Didn't like the price of the dongle as I'll not be needing it (built in 3G modem on my Dell)...

Purchased a simcard from ebay for 99p...

All is good :D

08-07-2009, 21:50
OMG :eek:

How addictive is Flight Control? ::/:

08-07-2009, 22:00
On an o2 and data related topic, I always have trouble using my internet if I am somewhere busy (like when I go to football) its like there are too many phones in one area at a time, and the network cant cope. I struggle to access the net in places there are lots of people.

08-07-2009, 22:05
OMG :eek:

How addictive is Flight Control? ::/:

I'm not that keen on it tbh but I have to prize the iPhone out of Jaime's hands when she's been playing it.

08-07-2009, 22:12
On an o2 and data related topic, I always have trouble using my internet if I am somewhere busy (like when I go to football) its like there are too many phones in one area at a time, and the network cant cope. I struggle to access the net in places there are lots of people.

It is exactly what you say - too many phones, too little capacity. All networks suffer from that. Numerous times I've been downloading fine until I get to the approach to Paddington, when it all stops, even though I have good signal. As previously stated, I'm currently on Orange.

Just found out that you can't get Visual Voicemail on PAYG. I don't see me using that much anyway so c'est la vie.

08-07-2009, 22:59
That reminds me... is visual voicemail 100% free to use on contract?

08-07-2009, 23:02
Yep - it's part of the 'unlimited' data allowance.

08-07-2009, 23:02
I believe so, providing you don't use it while roaming (that's apparently a fault that is supposed to be fixed).

08-07-2009, 23:02
\0/ woooooooo

08-07-2009, 23:08
Wow, I love the way how it senses when it is next to your ear and turns the screen off :D

08-07-2009, 23:18
Think I'll settle on this look for a while... :)


08-07-2009, 23:29
How to spot a graphics designer...

Moves apps out of the way to make room for the mighty Apple. :p

08-07-2009, 23:53
Does anybody else keep holding theirs upside down when the headphones are plugged in?

I'm too used to the touch xD

09-07-2009, 00:26
How are you enjoying Virtual Pool Jamie? I've got it on my Touch and I really like it.

09-07-2009, 01:31

Everyone here HAS to download Tap Tap Revenge 2.6 from the iTunes App Store.


Its a bit like guitar hero, is currently free, and has lots of free tracks available too!

09-07-2009, 07:25
Davey, Virtual Pool is wicked :D

I've always liked these types of games and for a phone, the graphics are great and it's easy to just pick up and play and you can stop a game midway through and carry on later. Might even give it a go online when I'm better at it.

09-07-2009, 08:14
I just did a speed test download: 1193kbps / 265 kbps / 390ms so pretty decent, it does work well. You just have to remember to put up with a bit of latency and then it just flies.

The 3G doesn't do desktop wallpapers as far as I can tell :( Makes yours look cool Desmo! :cool:

09-07-2009, 08:15
You know one thing that would be very cool is if you could connect to a NAS box and just stream video / audio from it - I know it'll never happen, because you have to load it through the ipod app but boy it would be cool to be able to do that!

Or just log into a wifi audio stream that you'd set up at home...

09-07-2009, 08:31
If your iPhone has been Jailbroken (is that even a word?) then apparently there's a version of VLC (http://www.videolan.org/) available whihc should do what you're asking Will :)

09-07-2009, 08:33
While we're recommending games, have a look at Ragdoll Blaster. It's a physics type game and it's fantastic! I grabbed the lite version yesterday, finished it and have just bought the full version.

09-07-2009, 08:38
If your iPhone has been Jailbroken (is that even a word?) then apparently there's a version of VLC (http://www.videolan.org/) available whihc should do what you're asking Will :)

Nah it's with O2 and I'm nervous about doing such things - and connect it daily to the computer to synchronise my diary/tasks etc... and don't want it updating and killing it! :o

09-07-2009, 08:42
You big girl. That said I've not done mine yet but probably will after the next OS release which is apparently due very soon.

09-07-2009, 08:52
You know one thing that would be very cool is if you could connect to a NAS box and just stream video / audio from it - I know it'll never happen, because you have to load it through the ipod app but boy it would be cool to be able to do that!

Or just log into a wifi audio stream that you'd set up at home...
You can install TVersity to your PC and stream media from that to your iPhone. The only problem is that if the files you want to stream aren't in a file format that the iPhone natively plays, TVersity will transcode the whole file before streaming it (which makes it virtually useless for streaming films unless you have them in the correct format first). Still worth checking out for music though if your collection is more than your iPhone can store.

09-07-2009, 09:08
You big girl. That said I've not done mine yet but probably will after the next OS release which is apparently due very soon.

But what happens after the next release etc... I thought it ended up ****ing up your phone?

Davey - interesting, I'll have a look thanks. :)

09-07-2009, 09:22
Mine is set so it doesn't auto sync, that way I don't get screwed with any updates until the next jailbreak is out.

Just installing Ragdoll now Paul, will have a play :D

Picked up my protection from the post office this morning...Incipio Feather in black. At last, now I can take the kid gloves off :) It's less than 1mm thick so makes virtually no difference to the size of the phone and now the screen protector is on, I don't have to worry about scratches either.

09-07-2009, 09:24
;D ;D Ragdoll is well funny.

09-07-2009, 09:36
Davey, Virtual Pool is wicked :D

I've always liked these types of games and for a phone, the graphics are great and it's easy to just pick up and play and you can stop a game midway through and carry on later. Might even give it a go online when I'm better at it.
I've been impressed that even in the Lite version it still remembers my career progress. I love Virtual Pool on my laptop and I'm amazed by how good the mobile version is.

09-07-2009, 09:39
I still haven't bought any protection for the phone. :o

I don't want to have to worry about auto-sync etc... I'm not going to bother to jailbreak, I have no need.

09-07-2009, 09:50
If you want something minimal Will, I can recommend the Incipio Feather. Really please with mine and it was £12 delivered from ebay.
Must admit, I don't like scratches on my phones ::/:

09-07-2009, 10:03
Nor do I - after 4 months or so of ownership I haven't got a single scratch on it yet though! You've made me paranoid now! :p

09-07-2009, 10:16

09-07-2009, 10:32
That's one thing that I'll probably struggle with when I get my iPhone - deciding what protection to use on it. Everyone gets something different and I have no idea what is the best one to use.

09-07-2009, 10:44
That's one thing that I'll probably struggle with when I get my iPhone - deciding what protection to use on it. Everyone gets something different and I have no idea what is the best one to use.

There are so many to choose from which just makes the choice even harder. after seeing the case that Feek uses, I bought one for mine - SwitchEasy CapsuleNeo (http://www.switcheasy.com/products/Neo/Neo.php). I'm really pleased with it.

09-07-2009, 10:49
At the moment the phone is so slim it sits nicely in a pocket without being too intrusive, I'd want some protection which barley changes this. I quite like the feel of it though - but I know I'd be pissed off if I scratched it :o

09-07-2009, 10:51
There are so many to choose from which just makes the choice even harder. after seeing the case that Feek uses, I bought one for mine - SwitchEasy CapsuleNeo (http://www.switcheasy.com/products/Neo/Neo.php). I'm really pleased with it.
Aye, I think I saw Feeks when he came to Liverpool a couple of months ago, was really impressed with that one.

Edit: I'm assuming that the CapsuleNeo comes with a screen protector and I won't need to buy one separately?

09-07-2009, 11:03
Yep, it comes with 2 screen protectors. I originally had a Zagg Invisible Shield on mine but I did a crap job of putting it on and ended up getting dust and crap on the adhesive side so I took that off and put on one of the protectors that came with the CapsuleNeo.

I think the CapsuleNeo one is better than the Invisible Shield.

09-07-2009, 11:05
At the moment the phone is so slim it sits nicely in a pocket without being too intrusive, I'd want some protection which barley changes this. I quite like the feel of it though - but I know I'd be pissed off if I scratched it :o
That's what I wanted. Take a look at my feather when you pop over and I bet you buy one :p

Other thing I've noticed with the feather is that as it's slightly rubberised, it's much easier to use the phone one fingered sitting on a table. It doesn't slide or move at all.

09-07-2009, 11:25
Looking on the SwitchEasy website I quite like the look of the RebelSerpent (http://www.switcheasy.com/products/RebelSerpent/RebelSerpent.php?color=black), very nice looking cover, though probably doesn't offer the same shock protection as the CapsuleNeo.

09-07-2009, 11:35
Yeah I'll be keen to look at it next weekend, and the phone too.

09-07-2009, 11:45
The Rebel range doesn't offer quite so much protection as the Neo and the bottom part of the case by the home button isn't as snug as I'd like. I've found their customer service to be second to none because when I dropped my 3G and broke the case, they sent me a replacement part FoC. I also think the Neo just looks a bit more professional than the Rebels.

I've not bothered with a screen protector on my 3GS, I like the smooth feel of the new screen.

09-07-2009, 11:52
The protector that came with the feather barely feels different, if any different at all. I could never keep a touch screen phone without a screen protector :eek:

On a side note, Apple still haven't taken any money for my phone yet ;D
No doubt it will disappear soon enough :(

09-07-2009, 12:29
I'm keeping mine nekkid ! ;)

09-07-2009, 12:58
Mine's nekkid too :D Has been for the 14 months I've had it, yet to get a scratch on the screen. Touch wood :p I'm always pretty careful with my phones though, never needed a case or anything for them.

09-07-2009, 13:08
When I come to sell mine in 2 years time to upgrade, it will look brand new ;) ;D

09-07-2009, 13:57
I've got a magnifying lens on mine, with a normal griffin case. I couldn't have it nekkid, I was unable to move the first day i had it without the case for fear of scratching it!

Joe 90
09-07-2009, 14:15
I'm assuming that the CapsuleNeo comes with a screen protector and I won't need to buy one separately?

the 3Gs doesn't need a screen protector, its been coated (i believe) with the same stuff as BluRay disks.

09-07-2009, 14:21
the 3Gs doesn't need a screen protector, its been coated (i believe) with the same stuff as BluRay disks.

It'll still scratch if (for example) you drop it face down onto something hard.

Joe 90
09-07-2009, 14:23
It'll still scratch if (for example) you drop it face down onto something hard.

LoL ;D
obviously. but the 3G/2G used to scratch really easy in comparison hence my saying its not really needed.

09-07-2009, 14:24
The coating comes of in some circumstances and looks really nasty, I'll be getting a case.


Joe 90
09-07-2009, 14:28
Not cool. I'll have to hit ebay for one of those that Des posted, quite like the look of the red case

09-07-2009, 14:39
Looks like Piggy, Haly and I are the only ones hardcoring it without a case! :D

09-07-2009, 14:42
I would prefer to not have a case but despite being careful I do occasionally drop my phone.

But yes, I'm not as hardcore as you bareback guys :)

09-07-2009, 14:44
Here's the seller I got mine from... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-INCIPIO-Feather-Case-for-iPhone-3G-3GS-Black_W0QQitemZ250460375643QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_M obilePhones_MobilePhonesCasesPouches?hash=item3a50 9a0a5b&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A1683|293%3A1| 294%3A50

09-07-2009, 15:00
I would prefer to not have a case but despite being careful I do occasionally drop my phone.

But yes, I'm not as hardcore as you bareback guys :)

It's all about the feeling on the skin ;D :evil:

09-07-2009, 15:05
Looks like Piggy, Haly and I are the only ones hardcoring it without a case! :D

*ahem* :angry:


09-07-2009, 15:08
Notice it's 4 girls without a case?

09-07-2009, 15:12
This is how I currently look...



Can I get the battery percentage and 5 core icons on the iPod Touch?

09-07-2009, 15:18
Cases are overrated. I bought one and eventually got rid.

Mine is now pleasantly covered in one of these: www.gelaskins.com. No need for screen protection tbh, had mine 9 months now and it's pristine.

Joe 90
09-07-2009, 15:30
Mine is now pleasantly covered in one of these: www.gelaskins.com. No need for screen protection tbh, had mine 9 months now and it's pristine.

some cool stuff on there, whats the overall cost of getting one of them?


and the wallpaper that comes with, that sounds like a nice bonus \o/

09-07-2009, 15:37
Cases are overrated. I bought one and eventually got rid.

Mine is now pleasantly covered in one of these: www.gelaskins.com. No need for screen protection tbh, had mine 9 months now and it's pristine.
Oooh, they look nice, you've just added another option into the mix there. Now I have no clue what I want my iPhone to wear when I get it! :D

09-07-2009, 15:42
I agree, most phone cases are bulky and impractical, which is why my phones tend to live naked (though I do use a screen protector because I have an uncanny knack of scratching screens - looks like I've even 'got' the new camera, or would have had it not had a GGS protector fitted).

Having said that, the one time I really dropped my current phone, it was in it's case. Thank god. I have no doubt it would have been in pieces had that not been the case, so I'll certainly be after a thin/light case for whatever phone I get.

09-07-2009, 16:02
Can I get the battery percentage and 5 core icons on the iPod Touch?
No idea. Can you jailbreak them like the phone? If so, you can install Cydia and I assume do pretty much everything you can as done on the phone. Although the battery % reading is a standard thing in the v3 software.

09-07-2009, 16:06
It'll still scratch if (for example) you drop it face down onto something hard.

Well don't drop it face down onto something hard then :D :p

Mine probably won't look brand new when I'm done with it but I couldn't say when I'll sell it on. Despite 'only' having a 2G one, I'll almost certainly be keeping it when I come to changing contracts in October, and just getting a sim only contract.
The extra money for the 3GS doesn't seem worth it in my case.

09-07-2009, 16:11
How important are screen protectors on these things? I thought the screen was meant to be pretty scratch resistant?

09-07-2009, 16:19
I'd get one



Joe 90
09-07-2009, 16:20
Although the battery % reading is a standard thing in the v3 software.

its not actually, its only on the 3Gs

a friend of mine has 3.0 on his 3G and can't get the % reading. there's a couple of things like that that only i had in the settings.

09-07-2009, 16:21
How important are screen protectors on these things? I thought the screen was meant to be pretty scratch resistant?

I'm not going to bother as I've had my touch since November and it stays in my pocket with my keys etc unprotected and it is pristine.
Its backside however, is a different story ;D

09-07-2009, 16:33
I'd get one



As someone on there says, that is one case out of all the iPhones sold. I've looked around for the last 5-10 minutes and can't find another documented case of that happening :)

I wouldn't mind getting a protector for the back of the phone... but for the screen it is just a waste of money! What's the point of having (probably) THE best screen on all mobile devices, if you're just going to put some horrible plastic stuff over it?

That's my 2p :)

09-07-2009, 17:09
I got the anti-glare film (http://store.apple.com/uk/product/TS504LL/A?fnode=MTY1NDA0NA&mco=MjE1MDE3NA) for my iPhone, it was easy to install and, in my opinion (of course :p) makes the screen look and feel better than Mrs Dym's iPhone, which has no screen protector...

09-07-2009, 17:25
The Gelaskins are great in that you can peel them off and reposition them, and smooth air bubbles out as it's porous. I ordered on the buy-three-get-a-fourth-free offer and got my dad a couple, and some screen protectors. Had a go at applying the protector and it's far too easy to get the tiniest bit of fluff stuck under it. Gave up in the end.

Delivery was inexpensive and they arrived in under a week too. I love how you can match the desktop to the skin.

09-07-2009, 18:06
I got the anti-glare film (http://store.apple.com/uk/product/TS504LL/A?fnode=MTY1NDA0NA&mco=MjE1MDE3NA) for my iPhone, it was easy to install and, in my opinion (of course :p) makes the screen look and feel better than Mrs Dym's iPhone, which has no screen protector...

that's the one I've got on my touch and will be getting for the phone as soon as I go past the apple store again. it's brilliant, so nice to touch & easy to see in the office where the lights make it glary with the generic screen. It also makes it look much more attractive than the shiny surface, but like Dym, that's my opinion. I generally think Matt finish > Shiny (cheap).

I can understand that some people want the phone 'as it comes' but I'd be so, so gutted if anything happened to it. I dropped my touch while running and the case was damaged but not the device, thought it would have been without the caseo. I'd have been heartbroken otherwise and certainly don't want the phone damaged or scratched at all.

09-07-2009, 22:25
OMG blowfish rocks! :D

09-07-2009, 22:33
I'd get one

hmm, interesting read.

Anyway, getting a bit ahead of myself here, still go three months to run on my current contract :)

10-07-2009, 10:49
I caved :D

New contract with O2 will sort PAC next week

32Gb Black should be deliver tomorrow :)


10-07-2009, 10:53

Joe 90
10-07-2009, 10:55
fantastic - its only a matter of time before everyones got one ;D

10-07-2009, 11:17
The revolution has begun :evil: :cool: :D

10-07-2009, 11:26
I will resist :p

Joe 90
10-07-2009, 11:39
I will resist :p

thats what they all say - me included. and look what happened there!

10-07-2009, 11:40
true but I know I'm not getting a 3GS I'd be willing to put money on it :p

Joe 90
10-07-2009, 11:51
you're actually going to wait until October for the Pre?

10-07-2009, 12:00
certainly am mate :)

10-07-2009, 12:11
Ironically, Leo was the first person on these boards to get their hands on one! And still he resists :D (I was the second and held out a while ;))

10-07-2009, 12:16
go me \o/ :p

10-07-2009, 12:30
I'm not saying I won't jump ship in eighteen months, but right now neither Android or Pre are as mature a platform as I am looking for, theres a good change Andriod is exactly what I want but eighteen months development time is fine by me, let the early adopters fiddle around with it and build an app base :)


10-07-2009, 12:39
Woot ! Go team iPhone ! :D

10-07-2009, 13:05
Oops, I wrongly put down for delivery by City Link rather than Royal Mail but have managed to change it so it should be here tomorrow :)

£60 back via Quidco and ~£50 for my old handset from one of the recycle site and it doesn't feel quite so expensive :)


Joe 90
10-07-2009, 13:31
yeah, i've just sold 3 of my old phones and got £65 total, even my old Nokia 6230 was worth £7!)

just a shame it takes so long for the £60 to come through quidco! mines still not past the stage of displaying as 1p!!!

10-07-2009, 13:35
those of you tracking at £40 should move to £60 early next week :)

Joe 90
10-07-2009, 13:56
why does it take so long? thats something i've never understood :/

10-07-2009, 14:01
those of you tracking at £40 should move to £60 early next week :)

I had to put a query in for mine as it didn't track at all by itself.

10-07-2009, 14:25
There don't seem to be any Quidco deals for PAYG customers though. I still think it would work out cheaper for me to go PAYG even with Quidco, but it's getting more marginal and there are obvious unknowns.

10-07-2009, 14:36
Mine seems to have tracked at a penny right from the get go, so hopefully it will resolve into £60 over the next couple of months :)


10-07-2009, 14:41
ours tracked at 1p, then around 2 weeks later it became £40. It should be £60 by now but seems there has been a delay. Will let you know next week.

10-07-2009, 14:45
Quidco on my O2 dongle has gone very wonkey and tracked twice, once at £3.50 and once at £40 when its supposed to be £29 :D


10-07-2009, 14:52
nice :D

10-07-2009, 15:05
There don't seem to be any Quidco deals for PAYG customers though.
I think the best you'll get is 3% from Apple Store.

10-07-2009, 15:14
Yeah, I'll go review the numbers I shoved into my spreadsheet and see if they're realistic. If the margin isn't too big I may well just go contract again as it's less hassle (and more things 'just work'). Monthly cost would still be less than what I was paying for my current phone until the point I switched to a SIM-only deal.

10-07-2009, 16:12
yeah, i've just sold 3 of my old phones and got £65 total, even my old Nokia 6230 was worth £7!)
I've been using a 6230i for about four years now so you can imagine the jump I'm looking forward to when I eventually succumb to the iPhone phenomenon! :)

Joe 90
10-07-2009, 16:34
I've been using a 6230i for about four years now so you can imagine the jump I'm looking forward to when I eventually succumb to the iPhone phenomenon! :)

jesus! thats gonna be amazing for you...

I couldn't even remember how long ago i had mine... i think since that i've had a 6680, k800i and then the TyTNII, but their might of been more, really can't remember :/

10-07-2009, 16:36
I've been using a 6230i for about four years now so you can imagine the jump I'm looking forward to when I eventually succumb to the iPhone phenomenon! :)

That's going to be a very nice jump :) I went from a w810i to the iphone and that was pretty impressive going!

10-07-2009, 21:09
Have to say I'm a bit miffed with mobiles.co.uk

Placed order at 10.45 this morning looking forward to delivery tomorrow, the website states that all orders placed before 5pm are despatched for next day delivery, even phoned up to confirm and sales person stated before 1pm Saturday, I was pleasantly surprised that they would deliver on a Saturday as this is the one day I can be at home rather than having to wait an extra day to collect from the sorting office.

Got various emails and was pleased at how the order had progressed until 5.45 this evening when I get an email giving me my tracking number and stating that as the order had left after 5pm it would not be delivered until Monday. How mobiles.co.uk can state on their website that any order placed before 5pm will be delivered the next day, when they can't get an order out next day placed at 10.45am is a bit of a mystery.

All information states that Friday deliveries are no different to any other weekday in case anyone thinks that its the fact its a Saturday that makes a difference

* Royal Mail Monday to Friday - orders placed prior to 5pm delivered next day before 1pm
* Saturday - orders placed after 5pm on Friday and before midday on Saturday are guaranteed by Royal Mail to be delivered by 1pm Tuesday, but in our experience are generally delivered by 1pm Monday

Looks like I'll be waiting until Tuesday, I've written them a stern email and I have to say I'm tempted to go into town tomorrow and pick on up and then cancel under the distance selling act http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/images/smilies/frown.gif


10-07-2009, 21:28
My guess is that either (a) there's lots of demand and they can't cope, or (b) the stock situation that is afflicting everyone else has 'got' them too and they had to wait for new stock, which didn't turn up in time.

10-07-2009, 21:48
I'd be inclined to agree, however they state on the site the orders placed up to five pm will be delivered next day. if an order takes time to process then its a pretty dumb claim to make as my email came at five fourty five!MB

Joe 90
10-07-2009, 21:49
sucks MB. I ordered mine about 10pm, they called me the following morning to say the white iphone was out of stock, i called back, they found stock, and i received the following day. guess i was lucky :/

10-07-2009, 22:05
I'd be inclined to agree, however they state on the site the orders placed up to five pm will be delivered next day. if an order takes time to process then its a pretty dumb claim to make as my email came at five fourty five!MB

They can only do that if they know the order is going to take time. Having said that, if they aren't sure then they shouldn't make the claim. Either way, it's a common occurrence across many companies and one that shouldn't happen.

11-07-2009, 00:02
I think Stan may like to join team iPhone ;)

11-07-2009, 01:18
This is more infectious than Swine Flu. :p

I'm holding out for at least another week - want to get past the 16th so that I keep the credit card bill under control. May still wait until the end of the month but we'll see about that.

Almost all of my debts (mortgage excluded) will be cleared this month so it's easier to justify things like this now.

11-07-2009, 02:28
Hmmmm i think it definitely depends what you want to do...
although i like it, i think i'll be holding out for a pre or android device this year :)

11-07-2009, 11:43
Working on a mobile phone - almost any mobile phone - is painful at best. If you really want to work on a phone, get a Blackberry. Seriously - it's what they were always designed for.

11-07-2009, 13:35
I own an iPod Touch and used a G1 extensively and I'll definitely be getting the next android powered device rather than an iPhone.

11-07-2009, 14:50
What's the best app for transcoding videos for the iPhone/iPod touch?

Joe 90
11-07-2009, 14:59
whats the easiest way of cancelling the mobiles.co.uk/carphonewarehouse insurance, anybody know?

11-07-2009, 15:00
Working on a mobile phone - almost any mobile phone - is painful at best. If you really want to work on a phone, get a Blackberry. Seriously - it's what they were always designed for.

I'm not arguing that, but seriously unless you're doing one thing at a time jumping in and out of apps atually sounds like a nightmare. I take multitasking for granted with my symbian, being able to hold home and swith between open apps be in the internet whilst im tomtoming, or using shazam etc... Simple but very effective. I'd never really expect to write an essay on my phone but i would expect to do something similar to that editor... Its not much to ask!

11-07-2009, 15:14
whats the easiest way of cancelling the mobiles.co.uk/carphonewarehouse insurance, anybody know?

cancel the dd? :p

11-07-2009, 16:03
What's the best app for transcoding videos for the iPhone/iPod touch?
I use an app called iPodifier, works well for me and you can set it to transcode several videos and then shut your machine down when it's done :)

11-07-2009, 18:18
What's the best app for transcoding videos for the iPhone/iPod touch?

Media Coder iPhone edition is far and away the best I've used.

11-07-2009, 18:24
What's the best app for transcoding videos for the iPhone/iPod touch?

on the mac I use iSquint :)

12-07-2009, 09:17
whats the easiest way of cancelling the mobiles.co.uk/carphonewarehouse insurance, anybody know?

Have you got the policy documentation through yet? I called to cancel the insurance once I had the policy number and it was an automated process to do it, enter my mobile number and policy number then got told it was cancelled. A few days later I got confirmation in the post.

Did you also get the free month of Gadget Phone Support (£2.99/month I think)? That's even easier to cancel, once you have the policy number you can cancel it on their website.

12-07-2009, 09:18
on the mac I use iSquint :)

HandBrake for me :)

12-07-2009, 09:23
I noticed on Thursday that browsing over 3G at home was faster but only remembered to do a speed test yesterday afternoon:


Not bad.

12-07-2009, 09:30
That's a nice connection speed you're getting there Mr Burble!

I tend to get around 1mb/s around London, although there are some annoying blackspots, namely Greenwich (I'm lucky to get a 3G signal there and tend to be on slower than dialup speeds!) and Leytonstone (where my brother and sister live).

Luckily, home and work are nice and fast although when at home I'm usually linked up to my wireless network :p

12-07-2009, 09:38
HandBrake for me :)

ah gotcha, I kept forgetting about handbrake :)

12-07-2009, 22:06
I've been using a 6230i for about four years now so you can imagine the jump I'm looking forward to when I eventually succumb to the iPhone phenomenon! :)

I'm not saying that I am tempted (but to be honest I've come this far without being swayed) but I can beat your leap in technology.

If I upgrade, I will be moving from a hand-me-down 6230 (no 'I') to anything out there today.

13-07-2009, 14:40
I was looking at doing mine last night but read about some potential problems so I'm probably going to wait until 3.01 (or 3.1 as it seems to be called in some places) is released and jailbreak it then.

I got impatient and grabbed a copy of redsn0w this morning so I now have a jailbroken iPhone.

I've not made many changes yet but have installed Five Icon Dock & SBSSettings (http://iphonefreakz.com/2008/10/27/cydia-sbsettings/) so I can now turn bluetooth off much easier.

13-07-2009, 14:48
iLike my iPhone :)

Only negative is that it loses charge faster then I lose money playing online poker :/

Have installed lots of things and particularly like; Blowfish, ECB Cricket, HoldEm (because Feek is one of the characters!), Google Earth, iMapMyWalk, National Rail, Paper Toss, Flight Control and Topple 2.

The GPS is good and will be even better when Tom Tom comes out until then I'm keeping my other handset in the car :)

PAC will go through later this week although maybe not in time for Latitude, will probably take both handsets anyway though as there is a charging facility in our locker that we hired :)

I'm hoping that a few charges will condition the battery over time as its pretty patetic in my opinion but thats the only neg for me.


13-07-2009, 14:53
I'm hoping that a few charges will condition the battery

The battery life on mine has improved quite a lot since I got it. It still gets hammered if I sit and play games all day but it is definitely better than it was to start with.

13-07-2009, 14:56
The battery does concern me a little but I'm very rarely away from a PC/Laptop/Power outlet for too long so it should never go too long between charges. Burble, how long does your battery last you now?

13-07-2009, 14:59
If I mess about with mine a lot (and since I installed Ragdoll Blaster I've been doing just that!) then it lasts over a day. I can't say exactly how long it lasts because the battery is usually showing about 35% when I go to bed so I charge it overnight.

I can't say how long it'll last if I don't mess about with it during the day because that's yet to happen.

13-07-2009, 15:01
Lasting a whole day is fine with me, especially if that's when it's being used a lot. I tend to leave my charger plugged in by the bed so I'd probably end up charging it overnight as well.

13-07-2009, 15:05
I had a problem to start with as the iPhone didn't seem to like my email account and everywhere said it wouldn't sync with Outlook's email once Outlook had downloaded it.

I think part of the problem was I was still running an POP mailbox on Blueyonder, however once I switched over to IMAP everything is fine and although I can't get my old emails on to the iPhone I now have access to everything that comes though and have gone over to useing Mozilla Thunderbird to look after my emails on my PC.

I know its working because my home PC is applying rules to incoming mail and changing the folders its on and then applying it to the mail I'm getting on the iPhone, unless IMAP applies user created rules on the fly?


13-07-2009, 15:06
Same here, just over a day if I'm doing lots with it, playing games, going online etc.
When I've not used it much, it lasts 3-4 days np.

13-07-2009, 15:07
Lasting a whole day is fine with me, especially if that's when it's being used a lot. I tend to leave my charger plugged in by the bed so I'd probably end up charging it overnight as well.

Sat nav seems to eat the battery, I could literally see % points ticking off once every minute or so :(


13-07-2009, 15:09
Watching videos eats it up too, forgot that last year I watched a few films while on a train. Only lasted about 5hrs!
Luckily it was just after I'd got it so I still had my old phone/contract to use for phone purposes :p

13-07-2009, 15:10
unless IMAP applies user created rules on the fly?

Nope. It'll be your home PC doing it's stuff.

13-07-2009, 15:10
5 hours for films is roughly what I'd expect from my iPod Touch. I'm using it to my advantage as I've ripped the entire LOTR extended editions to my PC, and I'm going to edit out all the Frodo/Sam rubbish and turn it into a 5 hour fight scene to watch on the flight to Florida :D

13-07-2009, 15:15
5 hours for films is roughly what I'd expect from my iPod Touch. I'm using it to my advantage as I've ripped the entire LOTR extended editions to my PC, and I'm going to edit out all the Frodo/Sam rubbish and turn it into a 5 hour fight scene to watch on the flight to Florida :D


I figured 5hrs was quite reasonable really. But I had to test it :D
For the most part, considering what it does, I've got no real complaints with the iPhone battery.

13-07-2009, 15:16
I've found the following with the battery...

- It sucks to begin with. I could make it last 48 hours on standby doing absolutely nothing and with everything turned off but that was it.

- After a couple of weeks I noticed a significant improvement - would last 48 hours with light usage.

- The biggest things that takes the battery down (IME) are GPS related things (location services), 3G (which I leave permanently off as coverage is patchy and normally I'm in a wireless area when using internet), and anything that involves touching the screen a lot (my Sudoku and Mahjong apps are terrible for this).

- Wireless, strangely, doesn't seem to affect it that much at all, nor does the iPod function. If I'm leaving the house overnight and I know I'm only going to be texting, listening to music and occasionally checking email/Facebook then I'll leave wireless on and know I should have enough charge for a good 24 hours.

To give a good idea of how mine has settled, I charged it overnight using the AC adapter (it seems to stay charged much better if I use this instead of USB from a device, and overcharge it) the night before I went to see Oasis, and unplugged Saturday morning (the day of the gig). Throughout the day I did the following:

- Checked email/Facebook 4 or 5 times.
- Listened to an entire Adam & Joe podcast on the train.
- Sent three or four texts.
- Made a couple of calls <2 mins.
- Took about 20 pics at the gig and a sound recording.

Barely used it Sunday - got a couple of texts but was at home so had internet etc.

Today I had the alarm go off to wake me up, checked email/Facebook once, and listened to a Shed Seven album on the way to town. Still listening to music plugged into my speakers at work and it hasn't yet dropped below 20% charge.

I'm probably at the lighter end of the scale in terms of usage compared to some though, and you're bound to use it more when you first get it. Overall I'm now pleased with the battery time, even if it is significantly less than a standard phone. Having a car charger is essential though - my half-hour commute can revive it by 50% if it's on its arse.

13-07-2009, 15:17
Give it a full charge and then run it down to zero. Do this a couple of times and you'll see the battery life improve. Worked for me anyway :)

13-07-2009, 15:25

Remind you of anyone?


13-07-2009, 15:30
Heh, it sure does.

13-07-2009, 15:30
Nope. It'll be your home PC doing it's stuff.

I'm impressed, impressed with the iphones handling of the IMAP account and impressed with IMAP over POP, I'm sure its not a patch on Exchange but I don't have Exchange and this does the job nicely :)


13-07-2009, 15:36
I'm impressed, impressed with the iphones handling of the IMAP account and impressed with IMAP over POP, I'm sure its not a patch on Exchange but I don't have Exchange and this does the job nicely :)


I'm a huge fan of IMAP - it helps me keep my email account synchronised between my 2 laptops.

Exchange is overkill to be honest, especially as I have a Mobile Me account but I host email services for other people and Exchange is purpose built for that sort of thing plus it gives IMAP and POP servers which work pretty well.

13-07-2009, 15:38
@MB - Yes, but my judgement has been clouded already. ;D

Looks like no iPhone (or any phone) for me until mid-August (a few weeks later than I'd hoped). I'd like to get a few Windows 7 pre-orders in while they're silly cheap and I don't want to do both in the same billing month.

Assuming the (likely) choice that I do get an iPhone, I'm not sure about jailbreaking it - mainly because I don't really know why I'd want to.

As for IMAP. I really should take the plunge and JFDI. Been stuck on POP for far too long and it shows (100MB+ mailbox on the server)

13-07-2009, 15:38
I was looking at the MobileMe thing and I couldn't see what it would do for me, I have so many different things registered to my Blueyonder account that starting a new email would be a nightmare, what other cool things does it do apart from remote wipe and phone track?


13-07-2009, 15:41
I assume it still offers things like online disk storage. I got a years .Mac with my Mac Mini and it sat there laughing at me, unused. Won't be signing up for MobileMe unless there's a very good reason.

13-07-2009, 15:42
Apart from what you've listed it won't give you anything new, but it would make some things easier.

My contacts and calendars sync to my iPhone OTA using Mobile Me and that's a huge bonus for me. That means I make a change on either one of the laptops or the iPhone and that change is then automatically made on the other devices. That may not be something of interest to you, but for me it's something I'd sorely miss.

Changing email addresses is a complete ball ache, hence why I use my own domain names. I go a few steps further and run my own mail server but that's just because I've been bitten a few times with hosting issues out of my control.

13-07-2009, 15:54
I'm hoping that a few charges will condition the battery over time as its pretty patetic in my opinion but thats the only neg for me.


It shouldn't have any effect at all due to the nature of modern batteries. Any effect will be a placebo or due to the "new toy syndrome" wearing off and you using it less often.

13-07-2009, 15:57
... or due to the device 'learning' the capacity of the battery. That's the most likely cause and certainly wouldn't be placebo. :)

13-07-2009, 15:58
It shouldn't have any effect at all due to the nature of modern batteries. Any effect will be a placebo or due to the "new toy syndrome" wearing off and you using it less often.

It shouldn't, but it does. Desmo and I (and maybe others that I've missed) have noticed that battery life does improve from how it is out of the box. It's definitely not a placebo.

If anything I've been using the phone more lately than when I first got it because work is quieter and it's actually got my phone number attached to it which wasn't the case for the first week or so.

13-07-2009, 16:03
It shouldn't, but it does. Desmo and I (and maybe others that I've missed) have noticed that battery life does improve from how it is out of the box. It's definitely not a placebo.

I never said that. The battery will definitely be inefficient at first, but it's general usage that improves the initial battery life as the physical components settle in. I was disagreeing with the full charge cycles as they are often very bad for lithium ion batteries which are designed to work best when charged frequently and for small amounts.

... or due to the device 'learning' the capacity of the battery. That's the most likely cause and certainly wouldn't be placebo. :)

Sorry but that doesn't happen as lithium ion batteries do not have "memory" like the older variants of rechargeable batteries. If you're referring to the charge indicator calibration, then again it has absolutely zero effect on the physical performance of the battery, just the accuracy of the indicator.

Read up on lipo batteries: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium-ion_battery#Guidelines_for_prolonging_Li-ion_battery_life

If you know I'm wrong, and can back it up with evidence, please tell me as I want to prolong the battery life of my products!

13-07-2009, 16:22
Sorry but that doesn't happen as lithium ion batteries do not have "memory" like the older variants of rechargeable batteries. If you're referring to the charge indicator calibration, then again it has absolutely zero effect on the physical performance of the battery, just the accuracy of the indicator.

And that wasn't what I said either. :) I said the device has memory, not the battery. Very few batteries provide accurate 'usage remaining' figures (Sony InfoLITHIUM being a notable exception due to a chip within the battery casing), so the device has to guestimate based on past history.

As for "no memory effect", that's somewhat misleading - that was more to do with premature ageing as all batteries lose performance over time.

13-07-2009, 16:31
Right, let's not be pedantic, and sum up the facts:

- Full recharges do nothing for physical battery life and is always bad for the battery

- A battery will condition itself with normal use and improve on it's original battery life without full recharges

- Only ever do a full recharge if your battery indicator is inaccurate, as it ruins lipo batteries

13-07-2009, 16:38
They can be one and the same, depending on whether the device shuts off based on its charge indicator estimate, or based on an actual measurement. If the former, this can account for what is being observed because the device can shut off early without regard to the actual capacity remaining in the battery. In the general case it seems most devices use a combination of the two measurements, with varying degrees of success.

As for the comment about full charge cycles, totally agree on that one. It's best not to do it often, but doing it occasionally (e.g. once every 3-6 months) is sometimes necessary. Constant trickle charging (of the sort that typically happens in laptops) is also bad.

13-07-2009, 16:42
And that wasn't what I said either. :) I said the device has memory, not the battery. Very few batteries provide accurate 'usage remaining' figures (Sony InfoLITHIUM being a notable exception due to a chip within the battery casing), so the device has to guestimate based on past history.

As for "no memory effect", that's somewhat misleading - that was more to do with premature ageing as all batteries lose performance over time.

This does sort of make sense to me, I would imagine that a computer will calculate life based on the amperage of the battery? But do batteries drain at a uniform speed? If they do then the algorythm doesn't need to change but if batteries are variable or change over their life span than the unit needs to be able to adjust its expectations over time. I suppose what I am describing is a little like the 'range' infomation on my car, it will approximate the range left based on my driving style over the last 100 or so miles, if I suddenly develop a featherlight foot it won't be accurate until it has data to base its calculations on. Do devices do this with batteries? Is my iPhone being converative until it can accurately assess the capacity and atributes of the battery? Answer I don't know but this would give some plausibility to the concept of running the battery into the ground so the device learns what the battery can actually do?

Warning, this is me rammbling and may be complete balls


13-07-2009, 16:47
My posts may also be complete balls. I go only upon what I've seen over the countless years I've had rechargeable batteries - NiCad, NiMh, Li-Ion, and even Lead Acid. I really ought to do some tests and figure out which ones have popped their clogs (as I'm sure some have) and bin them.

13-07-2009, 16:51
They can be one and the same, depending on whether the device shuts off based on its charge indicator estimate, or based on an actual measurement.

That's fair enough :)

My posts may also be complete balls. I go only upon what I've seen over the countless years I've had rechargeable batteries - NiCad, NiMh, Li-Ion, and even Lead Acid. I really ought to do some tests and figure out which ones have popped their clogs (as I'm sure some have) and bin them.

Mine tend to be done on scientific evidence from third parties, so it depends on the accuracy of my sources.

Constant trickle charging (of the sort that typically happens in laptops) is also bad.

That generally doesn't happen in modern laptops that remain plugged in. Their decreased battery life comes from the small temperature increase that greatly affects long term battery life.

13-07-2009, 18:29
Anyway... How good is blowfish ? :D

13-07-2009, 18:31
It is good, its a bit of a one trick pony compared to Topple2 though


13-07-2009, 20:37
I know its working because my home PC is applying rules to incoming mail and changing the folders its on and then applying it to the mail I'm getting on the iPhone, unless IMAP applies user created rules on the fly?
That's an interesting question.

Are you using IMAP in Thunderbird too? The scenario I envisaged (as and when I get an iPhone) is to continue using POP3 at home to actually download and delete mails from my provider's servers but to use IMAP on the iPhone. That way I can access mail whilst out but it will still be downloaded as normal when I get home.

Do you reckon using IMAP everywhere would be a better idea? What advantages would that give me at home do you reckon?

13-07-2009, 20:58
^^ that's basically what I do.

13-07-2009, 21:28
The scenario I envisaged (as and when I get an iPhone) is to continue using POP3 at home to actually download and delete mails from my provider's servers but to use IMAP on the iPhone. That way I can access mail whilst out but it will still be downloaded as normal when I get home.

That'll work fine.

Do you reckon using IMAP everywhere would be a better idea? What advantages would that give me at home do you reckon?

Is it advantageous will depend on your usage. If you use IMAP everywhere and went through the process of uploading old emails to the IMAP server then you could access your email history on your iPhone which might be useful.

If you had rules setup in your email client and left that client running all the time then only stuff that would go into the inbox (rather than a folder) in the client would appear in the inbox on the iPhone. You could however still access those emails on the iPhone.

If you didn't leave your email client open all the time you would get all new emails to the inbox on the iPhone and could either file them away in folders when you're at your PC or do it in the Mail application on the iPhone. I was pleasantly surprised how well the iPhone copes with moving emails between folders.

Personally I like IMAP because it you have all your emails stored elsewhere on the mail server. That way if your PC goes tits up you don't lose any email.

Thunderbird doesn't do an overly great job of IMAP synchronising (well, the beta of 3.0 that I'm using doesn't) but that's only an issue if you have it set to download a copy of your emails. If you work online (so your emails are only on the server and not stored on your PC) then it's a non issue.

13-07-2009, 21:34
I like having access to all my old mail so IMAP is ideal for me :)

I was getting odds and sods on the iPhone which was annoying me because it was keeping the old stuff but with gaps where I'd d/led on the PC, but those I'd missed didn't sync back to the phone. With WinMo you can specify to load these back to the phone but iPhone won't do that


13-07-2009, 21:37
Use IMAP at work, home and iPhone. All my folders sync fine including trash, drafts, inbox and sent. Doesn't matter where I am or what machine I'm using, my mail is the same :)

Also, I just got £130 for my old Diamond :D

13-07-2009, 21:40
That' s good, I could get £45 for the Touch Dual but its my only TomTom at the moment so I may have to wait a few weeks :(