View Full Version : Scary Filums

10-06-2009, 09:43
Just a thought after seeing Jinksy Drag Me To Hell film thread.... what films have you seen that scare the poop out of you?

I think I'm quite hard to scare (as in proper don't-want-to-go-to-bed-and-turn-out-the-light scare) but the following two filums scared me to pieces:

The Grudge (strangely the American version?! Although I did see the original after getting back from a night out at Uni so maybe I wasn't concentrating).

I dunno why, but it gave me the proper heebiejeebies. I remember watching it with Picky in the Cinema and he asked me if I wanted to hold his hand ;D I think he was more scared than I! Buttock clenching filum, made me jump every 5minutes - was quite literally non stop.

And for me it wasn't just jumpy scary. When we went to France that year on the Ferry, I quickly nipped to the toilet whilst my Bro set up a game of Risk (woo) and saw that no one else was in there. Whilst on the loo, the weird crackling throat guttural noise the Grudge lady makes started echoing around the loo which initially made me freeze.... until I saw a kids feet run past my toilet door. I tell you what, I think I could have been awarded an Olympic gold medal I ran so quickly. With my trousers round my knees too - it was quite impressive! Turns out it was just a creeky door in the loo. I probably scared the life out of the kiddy ;D

The other filum which scares me is...

The Ring (original version this time).

Watched this at Uni in my Uni House when every one else had gone out. I ended up going to my neighbours and eating waffles and watching Toy Story with them after to help clear my mind!

It must be something to do with scary Japanese kids!! They freak me out!

When I was younger (ie 8ish) I was petrified to the high hills and back by Gremlins, Critters and Poltergeist. I didn't see The Omen or The Exorcist until I was slightly older which made me think twice before turning out the light too ;D

Other than those two though I just haven't stumbled across anything petrifying. If I watch a Zombie film I might have a zombie dream which is scary as heck but that's because I have an over active imagination... not necessarily because the films scared me. Books scare me more. Stephen King... that's freaky deaky stuff.

And I love it :D

What are your scary filums?

10-06-2009, 09:45
None :( I wish I found those films scary. They just do nothing for me at all.

10-06-2009, 10:33
I watched Pumpkinhead when I was 18 and was convinced he was hiding under my stairs until I was...oh, about 27.

The Twighlight Zone film freaked me out when I was 15. The thing on the plane's wing. Yikes! And the 2 friends in a car bit. I had a male friend I used to freak out by waiting until he was driving me home late at night through the dark country then saying 'Do you want to see something really scary?' Haha! I'm a meanie!

Drag Me To Hell left me very depressed all night and now I am being a very good girl because I definitely don't want to go to hell.

10-06-2009, 10:43
The ones that particularly freak me out are the ones with monsters that are blind (no idea why). The one in Pan's Labyrinth that sits at the table full of food is one, and I think there's one in Silent Hill. I just find them very chilling.

10-06-2009, 10:49
The ones that particularly freak me out are the ones with monsters that are blind (no idea why). The one in Pan's Labyrinth that sits at the table full of food is one, and I think there's one in Silent Hill. I just find them very chilling.

Sexy scary killer nurses for the win!

10-06-2009, 10:59
There aren't many that 'get' me to be honest. I watched Men Behind the Sun a few months ago and that disgusted me a couple of times but I can't say I was scared. The only semi recent one I can remember scaring me (and it doesn't now) was The Thing which had some of the best special effect of its day.

However there are a number of black and white films I watch when I was very young whcih terrified me, not least of which was Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the concept of which is really nasty. The older horror movies relied on suspense and imagaination which made them a lot more powerful in my opinion.

My favorite horror movie is still Hellraiser and its my favorite franchise too :)


10-06-2009, 11:10
I certainly didn't like the end of the remake of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers where Donald Sutherland points and screams!

semi-pro waster
10-06-2009, 12:17
I certainly didn't like the end of the remake of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers where Donald Sutherland points and screams!

I didn't find it scary so much as just ear splittingly piercing.

I can't remember the last time I found a film properly scary, most horror films now are pretty turgid and rely far too much on gore rather than creating suspense - what your mind can conjour up is almost invariably worse than the known terror. Having said that it won't stop me trying to find new scary films.

10-06-2009, 12:19
Scariest film for me was Scream. I watched it when I was about 9 or 10 with my brother and when it ended the house phone rang. I picked it up and a scary voice said "are you there, lorraine?". Screamed and chucked the phone at the wall and my brother comes through laughing his head off! For months after watching it I had to sleep in mum's room and get her to check under the bed and in the wardrobes before I would go to sleep! :(

10-06-2009, 12:26
Actually I watched Alien when I was about 10 and found that very scary.

10-06-2009, 12:42
Well the American version of The Grudge is the rare case of being better than the asian equivalent, sadly this isn't the case for The Eye, which is a superb Asian horror. I'd recommend watching Audition too, apparently that's a really freaky movie.

10-06-2009, 12:48
I didn't find it scary so much as just ear splittingly piercing.

I didn't find it scary, just 'Noooooooooooooooooo!'

I always like to watch something cheery after a horror. They usually leave me feeling depressed! Bad news for me with a horror buff partner who watches them all the time!

10-06-2009, 20:42
Im the wuss who found Jurassic Park scary when I watched it as a kid. Went to the cinema to see it, and then made my little sister sleep in my bedroom that night because I couldnt sleep.

I am better now, films like Terminator and Alien gave me nightmares as a teenager as well, but now I am pretty much ok with watching most things, but then I dont go out of my way to watch horror films.

10-06-2009, 21:19
The end of The Terminator is still really scary; where she's hurt her legs and is dragging herself away from him through the steel press.

10-06-2009, 21:55
The Entity.
Based on a true story to freak the bejesus out of you even more. Women shouldn't watch this film alone they should have a big man with them for rampant sex after wards to take there minds of the late night noises. ;D

10-06-2009, 22:29
Remember watching The Entity when I was 15. I watched a lot of horror at 15. My fave was Return Of The Living Dead. Funny as. One of my favourite lines ever comes from that - 'Send more paramedics.'

10-06-2009, 22:35
The end of The Terminator is still really scary; where she's hurt her legs and is dragging herself away from him through the steel press.

Only film that's ever scared me, but I was a really, really young kid and it was the red eyes that did it for me.

10-06-2009, 22:35
Actually I watched Alien when I was about 10 and found that very scary.

I watched Alien on a 10" B&W poortable TV in my bedroom when I was about 9, I don't think I slept that night.

Also, I sat up watching Creep on my own early one morning when I was staying up before a night shift. Something about the way the Creep dropped out the airvent in one scene freaked the fecking bejaysus out of me. I went to bed shortly after feeling violated.

Bloody big jessie.

10-06-2009, 22:36
Same as you Pheebs! The Ring and The Grudge. Didn't think I was that bothered while actually watching them but the cat brushed my arm just as the Grudge was ending and I nearly shat myself, actually screamed out loud too, which I never, ever do!

I remember Dee terrified me at Kate's one morning by peering at me to see if I was awake while I was asleep on an airbed right next to the TV. I opened one eye to see this girl in white with long black middle-parted hair leaning towards me and I literally screamed. Some of the girlies will remember this and remember me squealing that I'd watched both The Grudge and The Ring earlier that week ;D

also I saw the Blair Witch Project at a premiere before I'd heard anything about it. I didn't know if it was true/false, what, and I was really quite shaken up by it. The cinema had some special things on like having people appear in and out of doors, and strange noises, and it really added to the freaky experience. Again, it was touch that did it, I watched it at Dumplington Hall (Trafford Centre ;)) on Halloween and a branch touched me on the shoulder as I went to my car and I absolutely panicked! I'm still quite scared by Halloween in general, so that maybe why.;D

saw BWP on video afterwards and it just didn't have the same effect. I even watched it in the dark and made everyone wear bobble hats but still - not the same :(

10-06-2009, 22:45
My fave was Return Of The Living Dead. Funny as. One of my favourite lines ever comes from that - 'Send more paramedics.'
Ditto ;D

11-06-2009, 00:00
The Thing

I find suspense and tense moments than brash horror.

11-06-2009, 08:37
Walking human heads with spidery legs are always fun!

11-06-2009, 09:04
I really didn't need that dog to split like a Banana though :puke:
Good idea for a film though just made to early.

11-06-2009, 11:27
Don't watch modern horror really - as they tend to just go for the shock factor, which is a shame.

Scariest film for me was Scream. I watched it when I was about 9 or 10 with my brother and when it ended the house phone rang. I picked it up and a scary voice said "are you there, lorraine?". Screamed and chucked the phone at the wall and my brother comes through laughing his head off! For months after watching it I had to sleep in mum's room and get her to check under the bed and in the wardrobes before I would go to sleep! :(

I really liked the Scream trilogy - They were horror films with a damn good sense of humour - re-invented the teen horror market imo.

They're not necessarily scary films, but they are very good.
Plus - Neve Campbell... :evil:

Actually I watched Alien when I was about 10 and found that very scary.

Alien is an almost perfect example - barely see whats doing the killing, it's paced excellently and there is a plot. :D

11-06-2009, 11:44
I watched Alien last night. Still jumped at the moment I always jump at. (won't say where in case someone hasn't seen it).

11-06-2009, 11:56
Alien and Aliens are in my top 10 movies. I heart them both. Alien always makes me jump at one point too despite having seen it a gazillion times! Hehehehe!

Ooh one film I didn't like... and was scared of in a way but not in a "The Grudge" type way... was The Descent. It was a bit of a silly film really in the respect that you just wouldn't do half of what they do... but at the same time made me go "oo err" a few points. I think what made it "scary" for me though was the whole pot holing bit.

I mean... sheesh.

Seriously?!?! Why would you want to squeeze yourself through a teeny teeny teeeeeeeeeny tunnel you can barely crawl in with someone in front of you and someone behind?!

I'm not claustrophobic but that just freaks me right out.

11-06-2009, 12:46
I was quite scared by Cloverfield. Seems I was the only one though!

11-06-2009, 13:06
I was quite scared by Cloverfield. Seems I was the only one though!

*points and laughs*

11-06-2009, 15:56
The Thing

I find suspense and tense moments than brash horror.
This^ Nothing beats J.Carpenter's films imo.

11-06-2009, 18:36
I was quite scared by Cloverfield. Seems I was the only one though!

You arent alone on that one.

11-06-2009, 23:44
This^ Nothing beats J.Carpenter's films imo.

I disagree. Many things do. The Thing IS a masterpiece though. Might watch that tomorrow.

12-06-2009, 01:01
I've got the Thing on HDDVD which I've not watched yet.

Everyone needs to bugger off out and leave me to it before I watch it.

12-06-2009, 01:04
I've got the Thing on HDDVD which I've not watched yet.

Everyone needs to bugger off out and leave me to it before I watch it.

here have my lappy, now you buggy off :p

12-06-2009, 01:14
here have my lappy, now you buggy off :p

And your lappy plays HDDVDs how? Nong!

I want to see Rob Bottins head spider thing in 37" HD goodness.

12-06-2009, 01:24
Bugger :( was hoping you would bugger off :p you Nong!!!!

Well I shall leave you to babysit and I shall go wine and dine with Laura next month that way you can sit in your pants, drink beer and watch what you like. You do two out of three daily anyway!!!! lol

12-06-2009, 16:52
The last effective scary film I saw was probably Silent Hill. Although Blair Witch left me feeling pretty spooked as well.

Most hollywood horrors just rely on gore these days. Some of the old school films did the job much better. Things like The Fly, The Thing, Alien. Event Horizon isn't bad either, although it all unravels a bit at the end.

12-06-2009, 21:03
Event Horizon is the worst film I've ever seen :(.

12-06-2009, 21:18
The last effective scary film I saw was probably Silent Hill.

I didn't find it scary but the barbed wire and lady bits scene is grim!

Love those sexy blind nurses though!