View Full Version : Good advice

15-06-2009, 13:41
Please excuse the quality of the photos. They were taken with my compact with the flash and I can't be arsed to get better ones.

I was bored the other night and found myself looking at the fire advice on the back of my Alexandria hotel room door. I noticed there was some helpful advice in the event I am "Unabble" to leave the room.

http://r1wuga.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p5b3k9NXq18I_5NIFdUKpGcEbTr8YYWwjv0_VoqEp6IM3JQu iL7hPOghwtGIvH5MwJBWHTC3h4na7lkMxj6f2lLgdqy5jN3JC/Fire.jpg

Good, sound advice I'm sure you'll agree. The parts relevant to this thread have been highlighted in the photo. As you can see, I am advised to fill my bath with water as a precaution. Here is my "Bath":

http://r1wuga.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pFQjyJK7dWgizO1O71Qk6M6s8INqr1bJzhZOamIufQvh87mr gWZ6YVZpcwWBiKmFxTz3Buc_grpiVtLuAT4baiTCSOKoqU7Mj/Bath.jpg

Once I've filled my "bath", I am to use my waste paper basket to "bail" - presumably to extinguish the fire. Here is my waste paper basket:

http://r1wuga.bay.livefilestore.com/y1paJxoGyrtAdVKP4ltJgR2nUEj8mDEQpDnlA2gwqEahbbXZsK VFRrNvAfOvGyc1YiuNtJgdU6Vv8LaGWCXQWyz7RQUVgk1AjET/Basket.jpg

If the place goes on fire, I'm dead :(

15-06-2009, 13:45
Yeah you're screwed!

15-06-2009, 13:46
LOL how useless, report that to the manager see what he/she has to say :D

15-06-2009, 13:48
Yeah you're screwed!

Thanks :p

LOL how useless, report that to the manager see what he/she has to say :D

His English is only slightly better than my Arabic (which is almost non-existent). There's no way I could make him understand what I was meaning :(

15-06-2009, 13:54
Bah, On the subject of fire...... some kid tried to make a fire yesterday with napkins and a fag butt inside many layers of napkins, me comes along spots it laughs and tell Josh how naughty that kid is and puts it out. silly chav!!!! :D

15-06-2009, 16:06
Bah, On the subject of fire...... some kid tried to make a fire yesterday with napkins and a fag butt inside many layers of napkins, me comes along spots it laughs and tell Josh how naughty that kid is and puts it out. silly chav!!!! :D Absolutely, I trust you explained to Josh that to make a proper fire he should have used an accelerant such as petrol or ethanol ;D

15-06-2009, 16:14
Or Thermite :D

15-06-2009, 16:56
My manager just asked if you actually have a chair to break the window? ;D

15-06-2009, 17:25
First things first. Does the room have a window? ;D

15-06-2009, 18:34
LOL well actually..................... he watches mythbusters so knows all about that!!!!
Josh knows not to use diesel on a fire, he saw what happened at a fireworks display....
Maybe now would be the time to teach Josh not to play with fire.............. :p

15-06-2009, 18:36
I have two windows and three chairs actually. The chairs are a bit rickety though so I might need to use the telly to smash the window. The telly's not much use to me anyway cos most of the channels are foreign :rolleyes:

15-06-2009, 18:37
Maybe now would be the time to teach Josh not to play with fire.............. :p

And Desmo :D

15-06-2009, 19:14
has Desmo been setting fire to farts? (something I can actually see him doing) :D

Von Smallhausen
15-06-2009, 19:45
The telly's not much use to me anyway cos most of the channels are foreign :rolleyes:

Not always a bad thing .....

Waka chaka bow .... etc. ;)

15-06-2009, 20:00
I have two windows and three chairs actually. The chairs are a bit rickety though so I might need to use the telly to smash the window. The telly's not much use to me anyway cos most of the channels are foreign :rolleyes:

Have you got the extra long lead so it's still playing wjhen it hits the pavement?
