View Full Version : Saab to be sold to Koenigsegg??

16-06-2009, 13:24

In some ways this *could* be good, if K can ramp up their management to control a major car manufacturer. It would certainly be good, imo, for Saab to lose the GM influence. Saab have shown some great designs in the past, maybe they can revert to some of that traditional flair and innovation, and with K behind them, who knows.... Aero X, 9-X Air, a new Sonett?

16-06-2009, 13:29
Seemed rather an odd combination to me when I saw that, but if they can make it work then good luck to them.

16-06-2009, 14:07
I'd be concerned over whether SAAB have the required staff, expertise and facilities (both engineering and production) to develop new products to the standards necessary to satisfy the market whilst keeping costs under control. Even though SAAB's volumes are small compared to their direct competitors this is a huge step up for a bespoke manufacturer like Koenigsegg to take on.

16-06-2009, 14:45
I thank Top Gear for giving me the ability to pronounce Konigsegg :D

I think SAAB have lost there way, maybe Konigsegg can help them, its certainly a tough time to pick a car maker up...

16-06-2009, 15:12
Could end up having the Saab Aero X yet. :D

Depends if they're doing it as a nationality thing rather than a profitibility thing.

17-06-2009, 17:23
I've been watching the Saab saga quite closely. Of the various bidders I prefer Koenigsegg. Saab used to be a small company, producing high quality, niche market low volume cars. With very distinctive and innovative technologies. Unfortunately, they never made a profit ;D Hence a merger with Scania, then a demerger and eventual purchase by GM (GM essentially wanted access to the turbocharging expertise, similar to Ford buying Volvo for their safety technology). The problem Saab had under GM was they were forced to do too much the way GM wanted things to be done - the cars lost their character and individuality. The Saab design staff have tried, but GM kept pulling them "back in line" :angry:

Koenigsegg, who make only a handful of cars a year probably want Saab to get access to higher volume manufacturing expertise. I think taking the best of both companies should produce some fantastic and in-demand cars.

Aero X FTW...

18-06-2009, 06:17
For those that don't know, Tina's first car of her own was a 1980 Saab 900 GLE. She loved it. She's wanted another ever since.

I found and showed her the video of the Aero X being unveiled. Her eyes bugged and there was only one question from her - "Who do we have to kill to get one?" :D

I love my wife. :evil: