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I return from my camping trip in France with a mallet finger. For those that don't know the injury it's a broken tendon along the top of the finger so if I bend my finger down I can't straighten the end up again. I did it taking my jeans off, pushed too hard to get them off my fat ass, buckled under my own weight and felt a click in the top of my finger and it was broken. I splinted it immediately and got down the hospital today, but I have to wear a spazzy plastic 'mallet finger' splint for 6-8 weeks to stop my finger bending and allow it to heal.
Luckily it's on the left hand but can't type, picking stuff up, eating, washing, accessing pockets etc all difficult.
As it's such an annoying little injury that's going to haunt me for some time I thought lets find out what you've done that's really got in the way of normal life. Extra points for when something really pathetic has totally messed things up ;)
16-06-2009, 15:05
It's not mine, but my dad has his big toe irretrievably mashed in a machine incident years ago, so he can't balance properly on that foot, since your big toe does most of the work. He also has a bout of trigger finger which made drinking tea and little things weird since he couldn't go of things occasionally...
Surprisngly with the job I have, I haven't really ever injured myself.
The only thing I've done that interfered with anything was when I was teaching pole, cooled down too much by stopping to talk, then went straight into a move with all my weight going down into my left wrist - and burst the ligaments in my arm.
Was not allowed to use that arm for lifting for months and it took 6 months to heal and made driving incredibly painful and difficult.
In 2002 I had the pleasure of taking a cruise down the Thames with my fellow IT placement students from IBM to mark the end of our placement year. I got stupidly drunk and in a sudden choppy bit of the water I went over on my ankle in my posh shoes. I'd stretched the ligaments in my ankle and needed physiotherapy.
To this day it's still tight, and I can go months without it playing up then hurt it all over again just by putting a foot wrong walking along. So annoying.
My right thumb also locks straight sometimes from my early years of playing the original Super Mario Bros. - using the tip of the thumb to hit A to jump and just holding B constantly with the base to run.
16-06-2009, 15:15
I did the same thing as Belmit, waiting for the bus after school one day i fell off the pavement and stretched the ligaments in my ankle. A 'fall' of 5 inches, stupid pavements.
Lol, read Belmits post without having noticed his sig so I read it all as if Paula had posted it. When I got to Paula's actual post I saw "I did the same thing as Belmit", suddenly thought about it looked up and asked myself "Why was Belmit wearing high heels?" :D
They were ankle boots, so you're not far off...
Falling off a single step resulted in a broken ankle, to this day it causes me grief when I have a hot bath, and when I walk for long distances.
Not long ago, I was showing off on a trampoline with my famous back bounce, (Pebs and the kids can vouch for this one), three days later it was hurting to breathe, as I had pulled a muscle in my back.
Ooooooh owchy! These are nasty injuries!!
Only thing I guess that's affected me long term is an accident I had with my hand. When I was ickle I thought it would be a good idea to share my icecream with my doggy, Tony (a lovely dog he was. Absolutely gooooorgeous retriever). Anyways, he ended up taking a bite of the icecream... and caught my hand too quite nastily (instantly let go and ran off with tail between his legs :( Poor doggy).
Had a tonne of stitches at the hospital and have a nice wee scar on my hand now... but due to the injury I've lost all feeling in my left hand thumb. I could set it on fire and wouldn't have a clue. I would say it's weird but I'm kind of used to it now... have to remember it when picking up hot items/sharp tools and things as there's been a few occasions when I've burnt/cut it and not realised.
Can still feel pressure in it though. I guess it's a bit like when you have a tooth pulled out at the dentist. You can feel it happening but it's numb.
Oddness :)
Oh, forgot another. Because I was a massive nerd at school and carried all my textbooks with me in a rucksack slung over one shoulder I now have one shoulder lower than the other. You wouldn't notice it unless I told you though.
I guess mine are weak tendons (I think). If I go swimming and kick my legs slightly wrong I strain it in my left foot and then get a sharp burning pain along the top of my foot, right down to my toes. I got this at the Centre Parcs meet as some of you might remember.
It also happened in my left arm/wrist last year too. I can't really do anything about the problem apart from to ride it out and rest it until is disappears.
Oh, forgot another. Because I was a massive nerd at school and carried all my textbooks with me in a rucksack slung over one shoulder I now have one shoulder lower than the other. You wouldn't notice it unless I told you though.
I got my first pair of glasses the other day and at first I thought they weren't sitting straight because in my peripheral vision I could tell that the top of the frame wasn't level. Was only when I looked in the mirror to investigate that I realised that the glasses are fine and that it's actually my head which is on wonky. With no reference point I guess my vision has always compensated for it but now I'm noticing it all the time. Not sure yet whether I'll just get used to it or whether I'll end up correcting it.
16-06-2009, 16:52
Not sure yet whether I'll just get used to it or whether I'll end up correcting it.
You're going to correct your head??? :shocked:
Falling off a single step resulted in a broken ankle,
+ dislocated, and broken leg.
Not sure yet whether I'll just get used to it or whether I'll end up correcting it.
Bend your glasses so they are correct with your eyes. You'll start to get headaches or eye strain if you don't. And it's annoying seeing the frame isn't straight :D
16-06-2009, 18:55
I've got tendonitis, which apparently is usually caused to sporty people through too much exercise. Obviously that could be ruled out in my case, which apparently means it was caused to my pathetic weak feet by wearing steel toecapped boots. Poor.
I've got tendonitis, which apparently is usually caused to sporty people through too much exercise. Obviously that could be ruled out in my case, which apparently means it was caused to my pathetic weak feet by wearing steel toecapped boots. Poor.
Is that nasty shooting burning pains along the tops of your feet? I got that from wearing steel toes at work :(
16-06-2009, 19:36
Oh good it's not just me :) Yeah, and the tendons crunch against the bone or something which just sounds unpleasant. Seems to be going away now I'm wearing weak shoes :)
Broken right tibia and fibula on 4th March 2008. Very, very annoying.
Bend your glasses so they are correct with your eyes. You'll start to get headaches or eye strain if you don't. And it's annoying seeing the frame isn't straight :D
The glasses are straight on my face, it's just that I obviously have a slight head tilt that I didn't know about.
The glasses are straight on my face, it's just that I obviously have a slight head tilt that I didn't know about.
My nose isn't straight. I didn't notice till I started wearing glasses.
I pulled a muscle in my chest about 6 weeks ago, wrestling with a prisoner in a cell and as it's one of the muscles you use to move your ribcage to breathe it took about 4 weeks to stop hurting. It still feels a bit tender occasionally.
Several years ago, a week before I was due to go on a short break to Paris, I went over on my ankle on what looked like a perfectly flat pavement (some time later I went back and looked, and was rather puzzled as to what caused it). I just about managed to hobble back home, in pain, and then got a taxi down the hospital where they found a serious sprain and put me on crutches for a few weeks while it healed.
I've had a habit of going over on that ankle ever since. Usually I manage to catch myself, but just occasionally I'll go over in the most spectacular way. I've even gone over on my own front door step.
Having been involved in two RTAs (one on a bike in the 80s and pedestrian meets car outside Staffordshire Uni in the early 90s), it's entirely possible this weakness has an earlier origin.
Del Lardo
16-06-2009, 20:55
The tip of my little finger on my left hand has no feeling as a result of a badly broken wrist (both bones snapped clean through in two places and a bit of bone sticking through the skin) 13 years ago. During surgery to repair the break the surgeon accidentally severed a nerve resulting in me having no movement of feeling in the left half of my left hand for over a year. After lots of eleccy shock treatment I got most of the movement & feeling back but never the tip of my little finger.
Occasionally annoying when I'm typing but generally I find it quite amusing.
My lung stuff got to be really annoying. Lung collapses maybe 15%, you get a pain in your chest, kinda like you've sprained something internally. Anything beyond slow and steady movements results in jabs of pain, chest tightness et al.
For the next week I'm somewhat akin to an old man, keeping that measured pace so as to avoid pain, then seemingly overnight I'm back to normal.
*touch wood* as there have been nothing since the post-op collapse and their quick fix job, all is good.
Other irritating one is my right knee. For reasons phsyio and doctors are unable to explain I go through spells of getting pains in my right knee for 4 - 5 months when I bend it under weight. No weight and it bends happily. Occasionally it will also just release without warning. Then all of a sudden I notice the pain is gone and it's all hunky dory again.
Last lot ran from July last year through to November. It started when I did a dolphin swim and I 'stood' on their noses whilst they propelled me through the water. Had to lock the legs to remain upright and found I was unable to lock my right knee under that much pressure from them.
Del Lardo
16-06-2009, 21:34
Other irritating one is my right knee. For reasons phsyio and doctors are unable to explain I go through spells of getting pains in my right knee for 4 - 5 months when I bend it under weight. No weight and it bends happily. Occasionally it will also just release without warning. Then all of a sudden I notice the pain is gone and it's all hunky dory again.
Had a similar thing when I was a nipper and it turned out to be something to do with the cartilage in the knee joint. Can't remember the details as it sorted itself out but could be worth asking about.
16-06-2009, 22:08
Oh, forgot another. Because I was a massive nerd at school and carried all my textbooks with me in a rucksack slung over one shoulder I now have one shoulder lower than the other. You wouldn't notice it unless I told you though.
Same here - well, not the nerd bit bt carrying a bag over 1 shoulder and then later favouring 1 arm when I worked in the supermarket. Given me a slight curve in my spine too that after loads of physio I just live with.
Oh yes, curvature of the spine. I forgot about that one. Was diagnosed with that in the mid-teens. I suspect that causes a few aches and pains (my weight really doesn't help the situation) but generally doesn't bother me.
16-06-2009, 22:50
I have curvature of the spine, requires occasional acupuncture followed by direct manipulation, I aggravated it when I was working in a Kitchen, was off work for some time with that.... Doc's now say it's causing my spine to deteriorate which isn't soo good.
Also don't have enough cartalidge (not how it's spelt) in my knees, can cause my kneecaps to grind a little which can occasionally be a little uncomfortable, not been a problem for ages tho.
Whilst working in a restaurant making Caesar salads I was cutting the Romaine lettuce. Ended up rolling the knife across my right middle finger 1/4" past the last knuckle. Cut everything (including half the bone) without even noticing.
Needless to say, the whole batch of lettuce had to be thrown away after 30 seconds of me bleeding on it without noticing. 9 stitches for that one. The tip of the finger still goes numb if it gets too cold. Not good when you're stacking firewood in Minnesota at 40 below. :D
First time riding a two wheeled bicycle I raced my brother down a hill. Big rock jumps out in front of me. Bike stops, I don't. I slam face first into the road and flip arse end over teakettle and slam the back of my head into another large rock.
Two weeks later I regain consciousness after slipping into a coma four times. 135 external and 90 internal stitches for that one. The second impact dislodged a portion of my skull at the back and set it at an odd angle. Doctors at the time said if they tried to move it it would kill me, so to this day I have a double bump on the back of my head versus the usual single. Various doctors have attributed it to the reason I have extremely low blood pressure. As in 80/50 at times. Lowest recorded is 60/40. BTW, normal is 120/80 and high blood pressure is anything above 140/90...
Not really an injury but my toes grind when I point and wiggle them. It sounds gross (apparently).
I'll have to get a video of me popping my shoulder out of joint and back in then...
I've actually had people vomit after seeing me do it.
16-06-2009, 23:21
Another annoying injury was caused by falling off a bolting horse, it was scared by some dogs. Landed on my back, pain caused muscles to re-deploy movements to avoid pain which resulted in overdeveloped muscles in some places and underdeveloped muscles in others. Now means i often have a sore back.
I'll have to get a video of me popping my shoulder out of joint and back in then...
I've actually had people vomit after seeing me do it.
Does it help you get out of straightjackets, a la Martin Riggs?
I have a pronounced curve of the spine too, doctor claims it's because I had a massive growth spurt in the space of a year, and the muscles and whatnot around the spine weren't strong enough. Means I'm susceptible to back pains in the lower back. Takes me ages to adjust a chair to stop it. Find it fairly easy to deal with when the aches start though: Sleep 1 night on the floor. I sleep on my back and when I wake up my aches are gone for a while.
17-06-2009, 03:27
I don't really have one, but my dad has no joints in his big toes. Not so much an 'injury', but it makes him a bit of a freak.
I think I have a slightly short left quad. It sometimes feels 'odd' and can almost lock up when walking downstairs/hills slowly. If I stretch it it usually feels fine. Other than that I think I broke my left middle finger when I was 14 playing Laser Quest. I still can't crack the second joint like the rest of my finger joints.
Also, not really annoying as it doesn't bother me but apparently I have a scar on my eyeball from when it got scratched as a kid. That hurt.
17-06-2009, 08:34
a scar on my eyeball
That makes me want to hide in a corner and sob quietly. Hate anything like that!
Oh, I forgot about the scar on my head and right eye! I tripped when running in the house when I was about 2 1/2 and cracked my head open on the corner of the lounge door. In the process I knackered a muscle in my right eye which required microsurgery when I was about 4.
For about a year I had to wear an eye patch over my left eye to force my right eye to do some work. I got bored of playing pirates!
That's the reason why I wear glasses and to some extent why I started going grey.
I have a scar on my eyeball
When Josh got chicken pox as a baby, he got a pock on his eye. Ewww!
Also one of the scar on the eyeball lot :) Although in my case, it does affect my vision slightly (I can see the mark) and I have desensitised nerves on that eye meaning it can be poked without me noticing as much as with the other eye :p
That was thanks to a kid that bullied me at school who shoved me into a stonewall, lovely!
Nothing else that exciting.
I've got a dodgy shoulder from damaging it a few years ago and then damaging it again last year in a car accident. According to the physio, it's where my shoulder blade's become detached from the rest of me meaning it sticks out more than it should. Some days it's alright, just depends what I've been doing. Mainly affects me if I have to sit at a desk for extended periods of time (which is why I only ever use a laptop now) and if I have to do any form of lifting, which is the irritating one.
I have knacked achilles tendons. Started at training school when I was marching and suddenly one of them was uncomfortable enough for me to be trying to flex it when no-one was looking. THe next day I couldnt stand on it and within two days they were both painful with large swellings on them. DOctor took one look adn got his sicknote pad out saying 'how many months do you want?' I was supposed to take 2 weeks on a sofa with people catering to my every whim then v v light exercise.....just impossible given my work/home situation so I did a few days on crutches and took a LOT of painkillers. They still cause me grief, I had ultrasound on them about a year ago which was magical. Sometimes when I stand up and they've been relaxed it takes ages for me to walk without a massive limp. Occasionally I'm just waiting for the 'twang!!' as one of them lets go....not fun!
Admiral Huddy
17-06-2009, 16:26
I don't have much of a big toe.. I dropped a 20kg weight side wards as i was taking it off a bar. I was distracted by something outside the window ;) I remember Tyson pointing out the claret coming out of my trainer.. Bloody didn't offer me a lift to the hospital though .. tight bugger :D..
Anyway, I had to cycle there myself with a Tesco bag taped round my foot. When I saw the triage nurse, she asked why I done this..
"I wanted to keep the the blood ... every little helps"!
She didn't laugh!
Apparently, when I'm an old man (keep your comments to yourself) pieces of bone will work their way through the skin haha
The gym is the last place now where H&S doesn't make you wear steel toe boots when handling heavy weights. I would expect.
Currently got a knee that gives me pain after a slight dislocation of it a few years back but do have to see physio again about it. Now got a dodgy achillies area on ankle on opposite leg probably from trying to protect the knee by taking more strain on other leg. Really hate it when it decides to lock up as then is is agony until they decide to lossen up :(
Not an injury per sé but I have a funny tendon thingy on my right thumb which makes it feel a bit weird (not painful) when doing big stretches while playing piano :(
Not bothered asking the doc what it's all about but it's visible when I stretch it.
It stings when I wee.
Seriously though, my right knee. I got pretty badly mashed by a prop a while back, and it's been a pain ever since. I can't drive for more than an hour without stopping and stretching the leg out (hence I now cycle).
I should visit a doc, but I'm worried they'll operate and I'll be on crutches.
"I wanted to keep the the blood ... every little helps"!
hehe...good work! It's easily done though, a guy at the gym here lost a toe.
Admiral Huddy
19-06-2009, 16:14
The gym is the last place now where H&S doesn't make you wear steel toe boots when handling heavy weights. I would expect.
I did start wearing a "supported toe" boot afterwards.. The police use them i believe. I think Pebs has some. They are very lightweight and around £55 :) However, since that gym closed I've had to join the iPod gyms and they won't allow them.
20-06-2009, 10:31
However, since that gym closed I've had to join the iPod gyms and they won't allow them.
That's somewhat out of order!
If you do drop something on your toe at one of them e sure to sue them to heck and back as they wouldn't allow you to look after your own health and safety ;)
Last Sunday me and Mrs Dym had a 10 mile walk around London, unfortunately I was wearing flip flops and now have some nasty pain in my left second toe... It looks fine, moves fine, but feels weird and hurts when walking :/
Appointment with the doctor on Monday, will wash my feet beforehand :p
Let's see:
Broke my feet as a teenager breaking into a building site and having scaffolding collapse on me. Didn't think that I had done much more than sprain it. Went to the doc who seemed to think it was a sprain, wrapped me up hobbled home. A few months later I was getting awful cramps in my feet, so much so I could barely walk. Had x-rays and it seems that my bones were ok, healed, but not straight, and as a result my muscles/tendoms were compensating. My medial arch had been damaged, and several metatarsals had been injured. The only way to fix it was to break my feet again. There was a Will-shaped hole in the door of the DRs surgery. Needless to say I now suffer a lot of pain in my feet constantly. For the past 12 years I have constant pains and cramps in my feet and it's too late for surgery and as a result may develop arthritis. I've appeased the pain a little by buying orthopedic implants for my shoes.
Then I have my ever on going shoulder problems having dislocated it - sometimes why whole shoulder will freeze and a sharp pain will shoot through my arm and deep in my shoulder that will last 30s and completely paralyse me - it also means that my strength is very much affected so I'm not as strong as I could or want to be in certain movements. Again at the time I never did anything about it. :/
Fingers/knuckles have been cracked more times than I care to remember and they're still no "right" and again will apparently lead to arthritis when I grow older - ho hum.
I have a few more - but fortunately I've been pretty lucky in my life considering the amount of dodgy and dangerous **** I do and have done and will no doubt carry on doing I'm on a fairly good innings! :D
23-06-2009, 09:35
I did quite strenuous manual work for about the first 15 years of my working life and have torn the muscles in both shoulders several times and, as a result, have a lot of scar tissue in them. They feel knotted almost constantly and occasionally one or both will flare up and cause considerable discomfort for a few days.
Ugh. My finger clicks twice now when I lift it up. Not the joints clicking though, it's like cartilage sliding up the back of my finger rubbing on stuff clicking :shocked: :(
23-06-2009, 19:21
Well let's see. Attempting to shut a door and putting your hand through a pane of glass in the door :/
Well let's see. Attempting to shut a door and putting your hand through a pane of glass in the door :/
That's an impressive one, must admit.
17-10-2009, 18:09
I managed today to slam the car boot on my own head, I now have a lump the size of a 50p, a nice big cut, and blood in my hair.
It 'URTS!! :(
poor Knips *strokes*
I won't ask Leo to expand on his 'day of horror' in Cyprus, suffice to say, it was a very bad day of several injuries!
Mine would have to be getting my rib pulled out of position by 3/4 last year and spending 8 weeks having various scans and tests to try and figure out why I had this awful pain. By the time. This is part of a blog post I made about it at the time:
This has been incredibly painful for over 6 weeks now, and my ladybump near my sternum on the inside has been consistently painful with a dull ache that got worse as the days went on. I’ve been to visit the GP and have been taking anti-inflammatories and paracodamol, but it just seemed to be getting worse.
So, after a visit to a recommended osteopath (my new hero) I discovered that for the last 6-8 weeks or so I have had:
Severe (more than 3/4) dislocation of my 3rd rib on the right hand side. I have also ripped my pectoral minoris muscle (little muscle behind the major pectoral muscle that spreads out like a fan across your shoulder) which has spent 6 weeks being stretched out by the rib being in the wrong place. My shoulder/arm/upper back have been compensating for the muscle strain and I now have 3 pulled muscles in that area and have developed bicep tendonitis and RSI due to the strain put on my arm muscles at the top.
Osteopath reckons I did it when I was holding Sally’s lead - she was in the back seat of the car and ran to the window behind me taking my arm with her. At first it was just slightly out of place but over the last 8 weeks has got worse, and become more painful the more other muscles compensated. It didn't hurt when I did it, but I had taken ibuprofen to combat light sunburn!
My rib has been popped back in (THE PAIN!!!!) and the muscle under the rib was absolutely solid (like a tennis ball) and it’s been massaged very very hard which was so painful that I was almost in floods of tears, and ultrasounded.
I did it at the end of July 2008 and I'm still having physio on my shoulder/neck now.
17-10-2009, 18:56
OUCH!!! :shocked:
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