View Full Version : Partners & there wrong doings for the Lolage
20-06-2009, 15:22
Light hearted banter about the other 'alves. :p
My Doris is going to forfit the right to do my shopping if she keeps breaking my biscuits. :angry:
I mean out of the kindest of my heart I let her do my shopping on her own with out a single selfish thought upon my person, She wants to do it so I let her, Go me. :D
Broken biscuits just won't do though, I will have to have Serious words with her, She crushes my bread as well. :angry:
I've finally got her to actually look before she picks things up & check the dates etc but she hasn't quite got the Bring the crap home in the same state bit yet. ;D;D;D
What does your other 'alve do that annoys you in a funny way ?
Anybody that takes this Serious is an Idiot !!!
Ooooooooo where to start.... ;) ;D
There's a few niggly things that bother me... but they make me laugh sometimes as they're stupid things to get annoyed over!
1. Leaving beer bottle caps lying on the counter... when there's a bin two foot away! His excuse - he likes to know how many he's had :p
2. Belly button fluffle left bobbing in the bath for when I get in... I never realise until I'm in and inevitably I try wafting it to the other end of the bath by swishing my hand in the water and the little bugger just gravitates towards me and ends up sticking to me! Ugh! If it's not in the bath, it's normally stuck on the wall from where it's been flicked... or sat in the sink from where it's been picked out.
3. On the topic of sinks... ball shadowing. Sometimes he decides to talcom powder his man bits over the sink and then doesn't wipe it clean, leaving a snowing white siholletted willy on the edge of the sink.
4. Still sticking with the whole sink business... left over face shavings scattered around the sink. He says he washes it down... and he's a truthful man. So there must be a big as rat secretly shaving his nuts in the sink or something afterwards because shavings are still there!
5. His observentness. Like. "There's lots of dirty dishes kicking around", "The grass is long isn't it?", "The bins full", "The floor needs hoovering". Now, I don't mind these statements but most of the time they're followed up with NO ACTION! It's like trying to hint at me doing it - although he just says it's him noticing things and no more :p
Annnd that's about all I can think of at the moment! They're my pet hates :p Buuuut he makes up for it with his really big, enormous, GIGANTIC, HUGE and completely snoggable... smile ;)
I don't always turn the light on in the bathroom in the morning as there's always enough light beaming through the windows. Half way through my shower, Sinead pops in and turns the light on and walks out again. Why? WHY? God damn you woman.....WHY?
Leaving beer bottle caps lying on the counter... when there's a bin two foot away!
Sam does this :D Same with oven gloves. :p
Sam does this :D
Pfft :p our bin is further than 2 foot away :p
20-06-2009, 16:14
I don't always turn the light on in the bathroom in the morning as there's always enough light beaming through the windows. Half way through my shower, Sinead pops in and turns the light on and walks out again. Why? WHY? God damn you woman.....WHY?
WHY WHY WHY do you shower in the dark ?! ;D
I switch the lights on because it annoys you .. it's kinda become a habit now :p
Jamie loves creating the sock mountain™
He comes home from work, takes off shoes and socks and leaves them laying around the lounge. Fast forward to the next morning and he'll put on a clean pair of socks, his shoes but leaves the dirty socks where they are.
The next day, he'll come home from work, take off his shoes and socks and because the socks are still there from the day before, we now have 2 pairs od socks .. repeat and repeat until we get the sock mountain™
At some point I'll get peeved off and put them in the washing basket :/
20-06-2009, 16:15
Sam does this :D Same with oven gloves. :p
Jamie will also take the dinner dishes to the kitchen, scrape off any food and put them on the worktop which is ABOVE the dishwasher... seriously how difficult is it to put them in the dishwasher ! :angry:
Sends Piggy to the red corner and Desmo to the blue corner and sticks a jelly filled pool in between them, if you are going to fight make it fun ;) lol
I hope Lom doesn't see this thread :(
I hope Lom doesn't see this thread :(
Ooops I jus have........... don't worry I won't post anything as there is too many :p
Where to start.....;D
When she uses the milk she doesn't put the lid back on it
- If she puts her teabags in the bin but spills some 'tea juice' on the bin lid and doesn't wipe it clean.
- If she leaves her shoes next to the door in the kitchen/lounge when she knows all footwear once removed belongs in the porch/bedroom cupboard.
- When playfighting she uses the incredible strength one gains from being a trained ballet-dancer against me.
21-06-2009, 12:37
Clumsy ***** !!!
Ok I am not joking here she even trod on Frank staffy dog once. :shocked: I make her take off her clod hoppers now when she enters so that when she stamps about it does no damage. ;D
She also sits up the table to eat owt I make her as she can't be trusted in the front room. ;D
Honestly though she could break a marsh mellow.
Another thing she does that really boils my piss but then Every body I know is Guilty of this.
"I bought you a top Love"
"Is it xxl"
"No but I thou...."
"No ******* good then is it !!! :angry: How many ******* times have I told you xl Never fits & hasn't since I was 15 & grew arms like a ******** baboon God damn it !!!" ;D;D;D
Stupid people bringing me presents, How dare they. :o + ;D
Tea bags, that reminds me - 'She' saves them in a mug to re-use. Over the space of three days, we have a mug ful of used teabags. Surely shes not going to use them ALL for a brew? By my reckoning there should only EVER be ONE bag in there... So I ritually empty it.
She flops onto the sofa and into bed (literally falls) which isnt good for the furniture.
She pulls the duvet WAY open when she gets into bed, then walks off, whilst my entire right side is open to the cold air in the room (this is incredibly annoying during winter.)
but I love her :p (just not for these split second occurrences)
Farting all day and all night and stinky the house, car, BED out :( grrrrrrrrrr!!! smelly man!!!
Lana uses the car to store all sorts of stuff. Umpteen pairs of shoes, clothes and such like. She uses the car daily for commuting, whilst I catch a bus (only practical / sensible option for both of us), so every time we're going somewhere whether I'm driving or she is, I find myself having to remove sandals and clothes from whatever the seat. Heaven forbid we should have to give anyone a lift, t'aint no space in it even though it's a full sized Honda Civic.
She also has an ever growing collection of shampoos and conditioners. I swear every time I turn around there is yet another one in the bathroom. I have a bottle of 2-in-1 Head and Shoulders, and some shower gel. She has, I think, 10 plus some spray to use post hair wash (which does work miracles admittedly) and some gunk to slather on her hair occasionally to feed it.
Why does anyone need more than 1? Seriously? Find one that works and stick to it.
She also has an ever growing collection of shampoos and conditioners. I swear every time I turn around there is yet another one in the bathroom. I have a bottle of 2-in-1 Head and Shoulders, and some shower gel. She has, I think, 10 plus some spray to use post hair wash (which does work miracles admittedly) and some gunk to slather on her hair occasionally to feed it.
Why does anyone need more than 1? Seriously? Find one that works and stick to it.
That's just women mate....they're all mental like that.
22-06-2009, 07:27
That's just women mate....they're all mental like that.
Lol! You are wrong :p
I only use one type of shampoo and one type of conditioner. I have 3 different shower gels but that is because they all smell nice, but I normally only use one until it is finished :)
I need more than one shampoo because I sometimes get dandruff and if I don't change the brand once in a while my head gets used to it and I get dandruff again!
TBH though, I think Picky has more bath stuff than I. Although I do have MAMMOTHs amount of bubble bath.
I love bubble baths.
When I go to brush my teeth I notice short and curlys in the sink.
(These are chest hairs and nothing else :p)
There is always a pile of washing up, but I end up doing it because otherwise its not done properly :p
Otherwise he's pretty well house trained ;)
BB x
Lol! You are wrong :p
I only use one type of shampoo and one type of conditioner. I have 3 different shower gels but that is because they all smell nice, but I normally only use one until it is finished :)
So I'm right then :D
22-06-2009, 10:47
1.[/B] Leaving beer bottle caps lying on the counter... when there's a bin two foot away! His excuse - he likes to know how many he's had
Why is Picky having to get his own beers woman? This problem goes away if you just fetched a new cold one when he was empty.
'Er what must be allowed 10 hours beauty sleep is a right bugger for this too, though.
You're never more than three paces from the bin in our kitchen and yet I always find bits of rubbish and kitchen towels and veg shavings lying around on the work surfaces and table.
That and even cheese on toast requires the use of every pot, pan and cooking utensil we have available.
And she eats raw onions and tries to kiss me. Bleugh. We had to watch Top Gear in separate rooms last night because the stench of her cheese and onion sandwich was making my eyes water.
Why is Picky having to get his own beers woman? This problem goes away if you just fetched a new cold one when he was empty.
Sometimes it's just worth getting it yourself... I have a memory like a goldfish...
Me: *tootles off into the kitchen*
Picky: "Ooh whilst your there could you grab my beer from the fridge?!"
Me: "Yeh sure :)" *bumbles into the kitchen... boshes around sorting out a snack.... notices some rubbish on the side... puts rubbish in the bin... puts plates on the side in the dishwasher... wipes the surface... wonders what she was doing in the kitchen... oh yeh... grabs some grapes... tootles back into the lounge... sits down*
Picky: "Ermm... well?"
Me: "Oh sorry, have a grape!"
Picky: "No the beer the beeeeeeeer!"
Me: "Oops! Oh yeh! I forget! Silly me!" *tootles out into the kitchen, gets beer out the fridge... notices dirty mark in the fridge... gets detox... sprays the fridge and wipes it... puts detox back... wanders back into the lounge*
Picky: "Beer?"
Me: "Oh yeh! Whoopsy! I got it out but left it in there" *tootles back into the kitchen....
Do it Pickers :p
22-06-2009, 15:50
So I'm right then :D
Nope, I can't use just shampoo on my hair as it will screw it up. I also have the problem that I can't use the 2 in 1 stuff as it also does the same. If I could I would. So YOU are wrong :D
Do it Pickers :p
But how would I see it?! :(
My hair gets 'used' to one brand of shampoo and conditioner so I have to rotate them to get the benefit. Don't think that annoys Phil though. He doesn't do anything annoying, I probably do loads to annoy him judging by what other people have posted :/
That is exactly my problem...i have to rotate hair products for optimum hair happiness! Its just good sense!
And oh man... My biggest peeve at the moment is leaving recyclables in the sink. Sure, clean them out, rinse them, but then just LEAVE them there? Then they get dirty the next time dishes go in!
Also, he has a habit of talking to me while I am doing other things. I have a one track mind and when I am reading, typing, etc. i can't focus on what is being said around me at the same time. Garp lovingly ignores this...granted, I do the same thing. (he's mocking me and talking to me right now as I type this)
My hair gets 'used' to one brand of shampoo and conditioner so I have to rotate them to get the benefit. Don't think that annoys Phil though. He doesn't do anything annoying, I probably do loads to annoy him judging by what other people have posted :/
I do the whole rotation shampoo thing too, but I use the whole bottle before rotation! :D
Loads of half empty bottles around the bath do my head in!
BB x
Also, he has a habit of talking to me while I am doing other things. I have a one track mind and when I am reading, typing, etc. i can't focus on what is being said around me at the same time. Garp lovingly ignores this...granted, I do the same thing. (he's mocking me and talking to me right now as I type this)
Lana does this all the time with me and wonders why I miss things ;D
Not as bad as a former colleague of mine and his half-deaf wife who has a tiny hearing aid that works wonders and enables her to hear reasonably well.
They'll be lying in bed and she'll ask him a question, then go "WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? I can't hear you!" before he notices that her hearing aid is on the bedside cupboard. It happens over and over again ;D
I don't have any kind of OCD sorting system in my wardrobe, I just keep my t-shirts on the left, shirts in the middle, jumpers on the right. It's a bit like keeping your pants in the middle drawer, socks in the top etc. So why does she find this so hard to understand and why does it have to be referred to as his special sorting system and I get in trouble when I get it wrong...
Crikey where to begin with this one.
Standing in door ways or leaving stuff in Doorways Never mind that there is a whole floor to use in a room, Sarah will sometimes leave her bag or something like the laundry basket smack bang in the middle of the lounge door way. Why ????? But this has now been accepted as normal behaviour as Alexander will play there now with his lego. As you would expect with any 7 year old, great at getting toys out, not so great at putting stuff away. Much to their hilarity as I stand on some lego in the door way.
Leaving her shoes in front of my draws !!!! Oh this is a classic this one. Not content with having over 70 pairs of shoes. Sarah must be aware that she does not have enough room for all of these, so low and behold her new shoe storage place is right in front of my draws or my wardrobe. So not only have I got to put up with her shoe OCD, I have to move the chuffers just to get to my stuff !!!!
Opening the Coffee First Always boils my **** this one. I love the smell of coffee from a jar or the packet just after it's opened. So regardless of wheter it needs to be opened now or in two weeks, Sarah will always open it just so I can't !!!
I'm not allowed to use the floordrobe on my side of the bed, despite the fact that it's furthest from the door and her shoes and stuff are all over the floor everywhere else.
So not only have I got to put up with her shoe OCD, I have to move the chuffers just to get to my stuff !!!!
I'd just open the doors and leave the shoes where they fell.
When I'm away she turns into Mr Trebus ( I come back and the flat is tidy but stinks where she's been storing all the rubbish up :D
I kid ye not.
But Mr Trebus is a legend.
Stick it up your chuffer!!
Faysh tells people I don't even know my secrets grrrrr!!! Atleast I don't know them I guess!
Faysh tells people I don't even know my secrets grrrrr!!! Atleast I don't know them I guess!
24-06-2009, 20:10
Go and stand in the corner you! :evil:
Go and stand in the corner you! :evil:
I'm already on the naughty step.
You need a good slap that'll sort it!!! grrrr smelly boys!!!
A little quirk of Lana's:
Out here it's important to make a conscious effort to keep yourself hydrated. Lana takes this slightly to extremes, I've never met anyone who drinks as much water as she does!
It seems every time I go to the kitchen I find yet another one of our plastic tumblers half full of water that she's filled, drunk part of and put down on the side, right beside the sink, and forgotten :)
She also has the quirkiest memory. She rarely ever remembers anything negative, which is great.. to a certain point. She's forgotten for the most part why she broke up with certain boyfriends, negatives about jobs in the past (even forgets half the stuff from her really bad last workplace), all sorts of stuff. It's not unusual for her to talk about something positively when she's around her family only for them to turn around and remind her that she hated something-or-other about it ;D
Iain collects tumblers on his bedside table. Every night he gets a glass of water from the kitchen and take it to bed, drinks it during the night and leaves it lying. Think the most I've collected is 8 when I realised I couldn't find any glasses! :shocked:
He also never does the dishes as apparently I do them better and I normally have to re-wash most of them as he doesn't do it right.
I can't let him do the washing either as last time he put my pair of black suede gloves in and everything came out with black marks on it.
He has admitted to me he does a bad job of things so that he doesn't get asked to do them again. :rolleyes:
28-06-2009, 07:44
Also, he has a habit of talking to me while I am doing other things. I have a one track mind and when I am reading, typing, etc. i can't focus on what is being said around me at the same time. Garp lovingly ignores this...granted, I do the same thing. (he's mocking me and talking to me right now as I type this)
This one sounds familiar. I don't have an OH but I have a female flatmate - which is a bit like having a girlfriend without the fluid exchange and cuddles.
When there's nothing interesting happening on the telly, she'll be quiet as a mouse but as soon as something of interest happens she'll yabber away until the interesting bit is finished. Thanks Kell, Will Ryker just said something which will affect the whole outcome of the episode and I have no idea what it was :p I will admit to being slightly vindictive over this and I've started doing it to her deliberately :D
Another one of the many things she does which make me say "WTF" is that she'll sit in her chair with a duvet wrapped around her legs when it's so hot the furniture is melting - seriously, I'll be sitting in my vest and shorts sweating (not a pretty sight, I'll admit) and she's tucking the damn thing around her :shocked:
28-06-2009, 17:40
I'm either boiling hot or freezing cold :o Usually the latter! And so the duvet has become a permanent feature of our living room.
And the talking thing... :shocked: Well Mister, you've done that since day 1 too! I think I do it out of habit now, I don't even notice it and generally accept if Stan comes in towards the ending that I'm going to miss it! How either of us ever see the end of any program is beyond me ;D
A little quirk of Lana's:
Out here it's important to make a conscious effort to keep yourself hydrated. Lana takes this slightly to extremes, I've never met anyone who drinks as much water as she does!
She also has the quirkiest memory. She rarely ever remembers anything negative, which is great.. to a certain point.
I get THIRSTY! So I drink water, and if I can't drink it all I save it for later. Is that so wrong??
And I swear half the time you use my memory as an excuse and just tell me that you said something.... :-P
I get THIRSTY! So I drink water, and if I can't drink it all I save it for later. Is that so wrong??
Not hugely.. but be honest: when do you ever go back and finish a glass? ;)
And I swear half the time you use my memory as an excuse and just tell me that you said something.... :-P
I would never do anything so deceitful.
Housemate not partner but in a similar vein to a couple posted... Leaving the milk foil on the side after opening despite bin being 2ft away, or opening a new milk before the other is empty with no thought of either finishing it or throwing it away if too old. And chucking the dishes from the drying rack into a pile just below the cupboard to do their tri-weekly wash despite the fact that both of us always put hers away if they are there.
Oh, and getting home hours earlier than me and neglecting the put out the rubbish or recycling then ignoring the "oh, is it rubbish day then?" comment.
Iain collects tumblers on his bedside table. Every night he gets a glass of water from the kitchen and take it to bed, drinks it during the night and leaves it lying. Think the most I've collected is 8 when I realised I couldn't find any glasses! :shocked:
He also never does the dishes as apparently I do them better and I normally have to re-wash most of them as he doesn't do it right.
He has admitted to me he does a bad job of things so that he doesn't get asked to do them again. :rolleyes:
OMG are we dating the same bloke?! :shocked:
My PB on empty water glasses is 4 though, so maybe not...
BB x
*is so glad Emma doesn't 'get forums' and so shan't be seeing any of my cheeky bitchings!*
Admiral Huddy
01-07-2009, 14:43
Iain collects tumblers on his bedside table. Every night he gets a glass of water from the kitchen and take it to bed, drinks it during the night and leaves it lying. Think the most I've collected is 8 when I realised I couldn't find any glasses! :shocked:
I do this..
There's too many too list but what's strange is that annoying as they are, you accept them:
1. She never puts things in the bin as she goes along.. Drives me crazy.
2. She always bumps the car and say "It wasn't my fault.. I knew where I was going" :angry:
3. Lets' go to bed for Nawttys - then ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
4. Farting.. Why do woman never own up even though there's no one else for miles.
5. Directions - she has no idea where she is going. Would explain 2.
I know for her it's definitely hands down trousers playing Jenga whilst watching the TV. I tell her that "all guys do it":D
01-07-2009, 14:58
Invites herself over. :angry:
I've got to tell her tonight that She ain't staying !!! :angry:
It's far to Hot to have another Human in the House. ;D
Princess Griff
05-08-2009, 14:30
*is so glad Emma doesn't 'get forums' and so shan't be seeing any of my cheeky bitchings!*
;D ;D :thumbup:
Aha, she finally joins us. I've heard sooooooOOOOOO much about you. None of which you'll want to hear ;D
Princess Griff
05-08-2009, 14:45
.....*gulp* oh dear.
05-08-2009, 14:52
;D Don't get much better than that does it. :cool:
I just wrote out a Massive post & then realsied where I am. :(
05-08-2009, 15:15
Yay! Are you from da wesss countreeeee too?
Brilliant entrance by the way! ;D
Princess Griff
05-08-2009, 15:20
I am indeedy!! Born in Nailsea dont ya know!
Now living with James in the bonny seaside town of Clevedon :D
Its gert lush it is!
05-08-2009, 15:26
I am indeedy!! Born in Nailsea dont ya know!
Now living with James in the bonny seaside town of Clevedon :D
Its gert lush it is!
I recently moved back to Nailsea! Nice to see another carrot cruncher on here.
(and another girl to keep these smelly boys in line!)
None of which you'll want to hear ;D
...but some of which we want to see.
FNAR! ;)
Proof that Girls rule boys drool!!! :D welcome btw!!
\o/ new girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do women leave the tolet seat down?
Why do women leave the tolet seat down?
Gives me something to pee on.
(P.S. Notice you are in Oxford *waves*)
Why do men leave toilet seat up?
if its down why do they pee on it and not clean it up?
I don't mean a tiny dot of pee either I mean lots of pee all over it grrr.
08-08-2009, 13:55
It is simple, woman need the toilet seat down for comfort. Surely if men could aim properly then the toilet seat is fine down. :)
Why do men leave toilet seat up?
if its down why do they pee on it and not clean it up?
I don't mean a tiny dot of pee either I mean lots of pee all over it grrr.
Gives me something to pee on.
08-08-2009, 13:57
Iain that is disgusting. Janet I feel for you hun!
Iain that is disgusting. Janet I feel for you hun!
:'( Poor me eh? :p
Iain I shall buy you some of those smiley face balls that you put in the loo to pee on.
Although I know our 5yr old son has never needed them I think you might!!!!
Iain that is disgusting. Janet I feel for you hun!
It's why I sit down to pee in the middle of the night, my aim is even further out then...
08-08-2009, 14:40
That doesn't explain why you don't even bother to clean it up!!
That doesn't explain why you don't even bother to clean it up!!
I don't even notice the splashback, my mind is on higher things.
I have now taken to pre-emptively wiping the seat after use - buy shares in Andrex...
It was a bit controversial but no fire burns without fuel! Anyway there is more do you think that wooden toilet seats are better?
I think that the book “men are mars and women are from Venus”? Explains a lot about the differences (to a bloke)!
I know It’s it’s a big thing but where would we be with out each other?
Sorry, a bit heavy man but I am a newbie so help please!
happy days....
I hate wood toilet seats, I love sitting on a cold seat. Wood is naturally warm, we have a wood toilet seat :(
09-08-2009, 12:37
Why do men leave toilet seat up?
Why do women leave the toilet seat down?
This one is clearly going to run and run. Posts #67, #69. ;D
09-08-2009, 12:51
This one is clearly going to run and run. Posts #67, #69. ;D
woops :o:o
09-08-2009, 12:55
Why do women leave the toilet seat down?
It is simple, woman need the toilet seat down for comfort. Surely if men could aim properly then the toilet seat is fine down. :)
Simple really.
09-08-2009, 12:57
Simple really.
you need it down for comfort, but it shouldn't stop you picking it back up again afterwards :p
If we're expected to lift it up and then put it back down again for you ladies, why can't we expect the same in return ;)
Sorry to have to go into detail, but it doesn't just stop like those jumping fountains at Alton Towers, it trails away to nothing like when you turn a hose off at the tap. That's why it goes on the seat. ;D
That said, I'd never leave the seat down anyway for that very reason.
09-08-2009, 13:03
You seem to have done the typical man thing and read what you want to, so I will highlight it again for you.
It is simple, woman need the toilet seat down for comfort. Surely if men could aim properly then the toilet seat is fine down. :)
Men are the ones who make a mess when they go for a wee with the toilet seat down, so why should we have to touch a potentially messy toilet seat because you men can't aim? I don't see why we should. Just aim properly. :p
09-08-2009, 13:07
Easy tiger!
Also Belmit's post highlights why that wouldn't work ;)
Why do women leave the toilet seat down?
it has a lid so I shut it and to do so I need to put the seat down.
simples!!! :p
09-08-2009, 13:09
But even so why should we have to touch the seat when you are the ones who make the mess on it? We don't make any mess on it, so that is why we shouldn't have to move it to prevent you from making a mess on it yourself :p
Nothing to do with aim IMO. I may be able to pee through a Hula-hoop at ten paces, but that last part will always fall on the seat because it fades to a trickle. This is why I'm an advocate of never leaving the toilet seat down as it removes the issue.
09-08-2009, 13:17
Fine you can't control the wee at the end, but that still leaves the question, why should we have to touch the toilet seat that needs to be lifted for you to wee (because if you don't you will make a mess)?
Another thought. Have you ever been to a showroom and seen the toilet seat up? No, because it isn't designed to be left up.
You shouldn't. I don't understand why any man would leave the seat down to take a whizz.
09-08-2009, 13:20
So you should just put the toilet seat down after you have finished then. :)
Ah, well now that's another debate! ;D
09-08-2009, 13:25
Lol :D
If there's one thing that *REALLY* puts me off anyone beyond belief is if they're incapable of cleaning up a toilet should they make any mishaps in aim/splashback/dribblage and also poop marks (men and women here too!)
I've seen a man peeing (a number of times) and it cracks me up as it looks bloody hard to aim. So I can understand there might be issues aimage and things.
Clean up afterwards. And not just a quick wipe with dry toilet roll either. That just spreads it round the rim and dries it on. A proper wipe thanking you.
Absolutely detest it. Pet hate. Disgusting, vile, gross and sickening.
Toilet seats should be all put down, lid included, prior to flushage! A nice gush of water into the loo ontop of whizz and stuff is bound to have some kind of splash back/airing of germs. Put them both down!
I say this and know I sometimes forget to put the lid down but I find myself going "EuGH NO NO NO NO NO!" when I've realised/see the lid up. Hate it.
Bleh bleh bleh.
Ugh one time I bore witness to someone who had left a puddle on the toilet floor next to the toilet. I was absolutely shocked as it was when I was in a shared house with other people! Talk about inconsiderate let alone filthy! Next time I used the loo I had to straddle it like a giraffe trying to bend over to avoid the scummy puddle.
Jhadur always puts the seat down before flushing - we saw one of those "how dirty is your house" type programs and it showed how when you flush, the poo and pee becomes airborne and can float up to 9 foot, so if your sink and toothbrush are within 9 foot of your loo and you flush without putting the seat down then you are effectively brushing your teeth with poo and even if it is further away than 9 foot, you are still breathing it in.
I never heard that before but I watched that how clean is your house and those clean freaks on it found loads of bacteria that is only found in poo on the sink and around near tooth brushes etc and that bacteria can cause people to have D&V.
so its simple, put lid down then women and men have to lift it and no rows lol oooh no apart from men have to lift the lid AND the seat OMG!!!! HELP!! lol
Eww! Our lid is always put down because otherwise the cat attempts to go diving :D
09-08-2009, 14:25
Our lid is always put down because otherwise the cat attempts to go diving :D
Solution - put lid down after cat... ;)
^^ same here. Except it's the dog drinking out of it, getting blue lips and putting her health in jeopardy!
I have ALWAYS put the main lid down by habit. Pheebs must be lucky to have me. I have also noticed that in increasing frequency, I sit down to pee. Note: this only applies to toilets at home - not out and about. ;)
Jhadur always puts the seat down before flushing - we saw one of those "how dirty is your house" type programs and it showed how when you flush, the poo and pee becomes airborne and can float up to 9 foot, so if your sink and toothbrush are within 9 foot of your loo and you flush without putting the seat down then you are effectively brushing your teeth with poo and even if it is further away than 9 foot, you are still breathing it in.
I never heard that before but I watched that how clean is your house and those clean freaks on it found loads of bacteria that is only found in poo on the sink and around near tooth brushes etc and that bacteria can cause people to have D&V.
so its simple, put lid down then women and men have to lift it and no rows lol oooh no apart from men have to lift the lid AND the seat OMG!!!! HELP!! lol
I read a report in some learned microbiology journal about aerosolised faecal coliforms (poo bacteria in the air after loo flushing) it doesn't matter if your toothbrush is 2 foot or 15 feet away, you still get them on your toothbrush.
I read a report in some learned microbiology journal about aerosolised faecal coliforms (poo bacteria in the air after loo flushing) it doesn't matter if your toothbrush is 2 foot or 15 feet away, you still get them on your toothbrush.
This one says use bleach and they all die (
This one says shut the lid (
Princess Griff
09-08-2009, 16:01
Jhadur always puts the seat down before flushing - we saw one of those "how dirty is your house" type programs and it showed how when you flush, the poo and pee becomes airborne and can float up to 9 foot, so if your sink and toothbrush are within 9 foot of your loo and you flush without putting the seat down then you are effectively brushing your teeth with poo and even if it is further away than 9 foot, you are still breathing it in.
UURRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked: Thats horrible!!!
I hereby pledge to enforce everyone I know to put the toilet lid down before flushing!!!!
09-08-2009, 16:15
Do we need to split this thread, and have a new one called "things you didnt know about flushing the loo!" :D
Wow this thread looks full of raised blood pressures ;D
*steps away slowly*
I'm just off for a wee. ;)
Do we need to split this thread, and have a new one called "things you'd prefer you still didn't know about flushing the loo!" :D
Fixed, I think. :)
I'm just off for a wee. ;)
I put the seat down specially.
I have a cure for men, just wee sitting down!! simples :p
Like little tiny turd paratroopers!
So, surely the best thing to have is a fan blowing said 'poo paratroopers' to the opposite wall, where you hang flypaper? Problem sorted! :D
Smell that fart? That's someone's crap going directly into your body.
10-08-2009, 19:24
If there's one thing that *REALLY* puts me off anyone beyond belief is if they're incapable of cleaning up a toilet should they make any mishaps in aim/splashback/dribblage and also poop marks (men and women here too!)
Toilet seats should be all put down, lid included, prior to flushage! A nice gush of water into the loo ontop of whizz and stuff is bound to have some kind of splash back/airing of germs. Put them both down!
Just thought of this post when I came home, raised the toilet lid and seat to find a nice trail around the bottom of the bowl.. (ewww)
Quite obviously the person who left the marks couldn't have seen them as he/she put the lid down prior to flushing
Do you go back after you've flushed to check for poop marks?
I have top leave our department to go for a poo, I've been banned.
I now poo in the Chief Supernintendos toilet. ;)
Do you go back after you've flushed to check for poop marks?
Most the time :p Or I check prior to flushage! You know whether it's going to be the case or not then!
We have looooooo bloooooo though so sometimes you canny see nada due to bubbles :)
Did you realise, for those of you worried about airborne poop particles, that if you routinely eat whilst at your computer your keyboard is liable to have more nasty bacteria than a toilet?
11-08-2009, 17:51
Did you realise, for those of you worried about airborne poop particles, that if you routinely eat whilst at your computer your keyboard is liable to have more nasty bacteria than a toilet?
Mythbusters did the bacteria test with a very good rig for toothbrushes all around their mockup bathroom. and they also had two control brushes in the office, in a cup sat on a shelf.
there were just as many on the control brushes as most of the brushes in the bathroom iirc.
So using a laptop whilst going to the loo isn't bad? Ace!
11-08-2009, 17:53
So using a laptop whilst going to the loo isn't bad? Ace!
It's infact good, helps relax you (unless you're reading the daily mail website), and makes you less likely to rush, thus avoiding any dangerous straining...
well, that's my justification anyways.
It seems every time I go to the kitchen I find yet another one of our plastic tumblers half full of water that she's filled, drunk part of and put down on the side, right beside the sink, and forgotten :)
Thread resurrection. So I never really expected this to change, and it didn't. Except now she uses tall plastic mugs because she can put ice in them.
Leaves them sitting on the lip of the sink between the two halves. Or on the table. Or beside the sofa... etc. etc.
Cats love ice, and Rosie is no exception. Rosie has also learnt that Kari likes ice in with her water so if Kari leaves any glasses around anywhere, Rosie starts investigating. Cute, but often results in glass being tipped over and ice all over the floor, and the nice wet patches or cold things against my foot that are the usual indicators that the cat & Kari have done it again. ;D
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