View Full Version : How can I pimp....

16-09-2006, 17:31
My music collection?

There's gotta be some kind of software which would allow me to publish (to the web) my music library. Unfortunately due to laziness and an inability to think then I can't find anything.

Something like the DVD library stuff (in sig, thanks Jen) is what I'd be after, but one that could just scan a certain folder on my HDD to create the published library would be awesome.

Anyone know of any software that'd do that? Or does some crazy programmer on the boards want to make one?

Just a thought, feel free to ignore, ridicule, swear at...

16-09-2006, 21:33
Why would you want to do it? What is the reason/benefit for sharing your collection? apart from having the UK eqivalent of the RIAA knocking on your door :P

16-09-2006, 21:55
Same reason as the DVDs...

And who's to say that I don't have all the albums which are on my PC, I certainly have enough CDs ;)

17-09-2006, 00:11
I'd quite like to do this, but there's is no way I have all the albums to match my 40 gig MP3 collection and i think it'd probably be quite obvious...

I did once write a batch file to go thorugh the directories and output filenames to a text file... I wonder if I have it still kicking around.

17-09-2006, 00:43
I'd love to do this - but don't have the energy to imput my 1800+ CD's

I've just about finished putting in my 700 odd DVD's into an access database *got very bored and built one* Thats taken long enough. God know hows long the CD's would take.

I've already got digital copies of all my CD's anyway. Would be nice to make it a searchable page though.


18-09-2006, 09:25
You can get XMMS/Winamp to create a list for you :)

It can even generate a HTML playlist.

18-09-2006, 11:14
Something like this (http://www.petemc.net/itunes/)? :D Yey for OSX, iTunes and iTunes Catalog \o/