View Full Version : One of my photos may be used in an online guide to Newcastle.

23-06-2009, 21:11

I just received the following e-mail from schmap.com (http://www.schmap.com/) I'd never heard of them but they seem to be genuine enough.

:: Schmap: Newcastle upon Tyne Photo Short-list

Hi Stan,

I am writing to let you know that one of your photos has
been short-listed for inclusion in the eighth edition of our
Schmap Newcastle upon Tyne Guide, to be published late July

While we offer no payment for publication, many
photographers are pleased to submit their photos, as Schmap
Guides give their work recognition and wide exposure, and
are free of charge to readers. Photos are published at a
maximum width of 150 pixels, are clearly attributed, and
link to high-resolution originals at Flickr.

Best regards,

Emma Williams,
Managing Editor, Schmap Guides

It's not a well known site and it won't earn me any money but I'm really pleased someone likes one of my photos enough to use it in something.

By the way, the photo in question is the following photo of a waterfall in Jesmond Dene, just down the road from here.

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3409/3563231993_6379865f8f.jpg (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3409/3563231993_6379865f8f_b.jpg)

23-06-2009, 21:17
Congrats :D

23-06-2009, 21:21
Nice one Stan :D

As you say, it must be a nice feeling that somebody has seen it and feels it's good enough to be published.

23-06-2009, 21:41
Cool! Thats a brill photo and deserves its recognition :)

Well done! :D

BB x

23-06-2009, 22:11
Go you!

23-06-2009, 23:06

24-06-2009, 00:09
That is a really nice photo, Go you!!!
love waterfalls so pretty!!

Joe 90
24-06-2009, 01:47
awesome, i got on the Sheffield schmap last year :)

24-06-2009, 08:31
Thanks folks. It happens to be my favourite of the photos I've taken so far.

Which one is yours on the Sheffield schmap then?

24-06-2009, 09:48

They are ok Stan, they're using one of my bosses pics in an online guide to Liverpool now, and last year they used one of mine for their Las Vegas guide - no idea of whether its still there or not :D