View Full Version : Halo 3: ODST
Well, bit early but there may as well be a thread, there's bound to be a lot to talk about over the coming months.
ODST Achievements leaked:
Fairly straightforward list (assuming it's legit, which it looks). Couple of corkers in terms of difficultly (some more Vidmaster challenges!).
24-06-2009, 20:19
Looking forward to this, the E3 video was good. Hopefully I'll be sorted enough to play it when it comes out.
As a Halo newb, what will this offer for MP?
I've never really thought much of the Halo games, but the MP side of it does appeal.
It will have everything Halo 3 does, with 6 ( I think ) new maps, plus 'Firefight' mode (a Horde-a-like if you've played Gears 2).
It will have everything Halo 3 does, with 6 ( I think ) new maps, plus 'Firefight' mode (a Horde-a-like if you've played Gears 2).
Sounds good, I'm deffo interested.
24-06-2009, 20:49
So, this is like Halo 3.1?
Pretty much yeah. They started off calling it a standalone expansion but they're now saying it's pretty much a title in it's own right, because of extra stuff.
Ergo they can charge another tenner for it :p /cynic
24-06-2009, 20:56
Do you need Halo 3 to play it? I never got round to buying 3, so if I could just get this on it's own it would be win win :D
Nope, all on it's own :) Though as you can pick up Halo 3 for a tenner I'd say go and do that anyway :p
24-06-2009, 21:01
Hmm, interesting... thanks! :D
Do you think I'll need to have played any of the previous Halo's to really understand it, or do you think I can just jump in on ODST and still enjoy it for what it is?
24-06-2009, 22:14
Just jump on multiplayer! ;)
Just jump on multiplayer! ;)
Yep think I will be doing, will rent Halo 3 sometime though also :)
24-06-2009, 22:21
As a Halo newb, what will this offer for MP?
I've never really thought much of the Halo games, but the MP side of it does appeal.
Halo 3 is arguably the widest range of MP I've ever seen, even allowing you to edit your own modes and move stuff around on maps that already exist with friends also helping on the same thing, it's very clever. I've done races on quads as well as team and solo deathmatches, CTF etc.. is all there too. It's very good and I regret not playing it more because I have loved it every time.
The Halo franchise really is aided by co-op play and the story is brilliant. Going through Halo 3 in 4-player Co-Op was about the most fun I've ever had playing an MP game so ODST is one of the really MUST own.
24-06-2009, 22:26
(What does ODST stand for?)
24-06-2009, 22:28
Do you think I'll need to have played any of the previous Halo's to really understand it, or do you think I can just jump in on ODST and still enjoy it for what it is?
I think past ones would definitely help as it truly is a Halo Universe, I think this is where many people fall short, they just play a Halo game like Halo 2 or Halo 3 without understanding or wanting to learn the history and end up thinking 'this sucks', and it's because each game isn't so much a story in its own right, but more that it's a continuation of a really cool story line.
It's a good job I own Halo twice (Xbox and PC), Halo 2 twice (Xbox and PC) and Halo 3 (Xbox). You could say I love Halo! (and yes, both PC versions are legit ;)).
I myself am intrigued at how ODST will play, especially as it's very close to Halo 3, which I think if you play you could pick up a lot of what happened in past ones (of course, you could just simply read up).
But don't get me wrong, the game WILL be brilliant, it's Halo made by Bungie, so it's gonna deliver, so don't avoid it because you've ignored the others, it's too good of a game to do that. It's like The Godfather movies really, The Godfather and The Godfather 2 are both sensational and really tightly knit in terms of story, even without watching the first you can appreciate the second as very good, but after watching the first then the second you realise it's nothing short of genius. I would say Halo is the same.
Plus... Halo has the best music EVARRR!
24-06-2009, 22:28
(What does ODST stand for?)
Orbital Drop Shock Trooper.
I swear I must be the only Xbox/360 owner who has never seen the fuss about Halo despite regularly trying :/
24-06-2009, 22:46
Plus... Halo has the best music EVARRR!
Have I gone too far by putting the Mjonir mix on my iPod? :o ;D
Do you think I'll need to have played any of the previous Halo's to really understand it, or do you think I can just jump in on ODST and still enjoy it for what it is?
Watch this ( video, play Halo 3 because its great and cheap, then go for ODST :)
Download this ( because it's cool. There really was some brilliant marketing for Halo 3.
And yes, it's music is ace. See above :)
[edit] The original Halo: Recon (before it was renamed ODST) trailer had brilliant music in it. It's been removed off the marketplace but the link in my download history still works:
They made an mp3 of the soundtrack available, it's brilliant.
24-06-2009, 22:48
Have I gone too far by putting the Mjonir mix on my iPod? :o ;D
Not at all. I want to go see Video Games Live just to hear an orchestra play it.
If we could all have a 'theme' to walk around in, in daily life, the Halo theme would be my wake-up music.
I bought Halo 3 for £70 (Legendary Edition), booted it up and left it on the main menu because the theme was 5.1 \o/.
Not at all. I want to go see Video Games Live just to hear an orchestra play it.
Me and Dee did that last year, truely fantastic night. Halo music was a highlight for sure :)
24-06-2009, 22:54
They do a Video Games Live night!?!?!!?! *frantically opens Google*
Next BD meet anyone? ;D
Think they're back in London this year. I took Dee to see it in Glasgow last year as a surprise, really recommend it to anyone. Get there early, they had a GH tourny on inthe foyer, montages and stuff on a projection screen, and everyone is dead friendly.
24-06-2009, 22:57
Yeah, they are in the UK this year, but the dates haven't been announced. I really want to go, if the dates are announced then I'd definitely be up for going and meeting you lot?
The last 2 years have been in London in October.
24-06-2009, 22:59
they had a GH tourny on inthe foyer.Hmmmmm, tempting :p
24-06-2009, 23:49
I'd be up for it if it's somewhere in the SE :)
25-06-2009, 11:16
I swear I must be the only Xbox/360 owner who has never seen the fuss about Halo despite regularly trying :/
No you're not, I'm right there with you. Decent games but IMO nowhere near as good as everyone makes out. Perhaps when I get round to going through on Legendary in 4-player co-op I'll change my mind.
25-06-2009, 12:02
I just think it has the music and battle so right, how when you're approaching the music stays the same but merged with drums, the tension rising, the music getting louder...
Oh man, I want to play Halo :(.
25-06-2009, 13:36
Just seen Halo Reach for preorder in Game... what's that all about?!
. Going through Halo 3 in 4-player Co-Op was about the most fun I've ever had playing an MP game so ODST is one of the really MUST own.
You know my beefs with Co-op. Its never hard enough and consoles aren't powerfull enough to calculate all the variables into a challenging game for various amounts of players.
Even on legendary it was a piece of cake with 4 players.
25-06-2009, 14:23
Just seen Halo Reach for preorder in Game... what's that all about?!
The trailer points to a prequel.
25-06-2009, 15:03
Sweet :)
No you're not, I'm right there with you. Decent games but IMO nowhere near as good as everyone makes out. Perhaps when I get round to going through on Legendary in 4-player co-op I'll change my mind.
Glad I'm not the only one :) It's good fun in co-op but that's entirely down to the people you play the game with. The game (guess I should say games actually) itself imo is really not that great. Certainly not the be all and end all of FPS games like some people seem to think it is.
25-06-2009, 16:17
26-06-2009, 10:18
COD4 > Halo
Nuff said :p
Oof, controversial!
Halo has always been about the multiplayer really. Halo 3 was the most polished console multiplayer experience out there when it was released, and is still certainly one of the best. All the stats Bungie track and make available is some chunky icing on that cake, helps you fall for it.
I prefer Halo 3 multiplayer to COD4 multiplayer, but I think that's just because I played Halo first, there's nothing wrong with COD4, and the perks system is going to be cloned ad infinitum.
Halo 3 Multiplayer > COD4 Multiplayer
Halo 3 4 player COOP > COD4 Single Player > Halo 3 Single player.
imo. But both very accomplished FPS', if for different reasons.
I tried Halo 3 multiplayer, couldn't get on with it at all despite numerous attempts in case it was just me at the time but nope.
Much preferred CoD4 but I think a lot of that for me is the setting.
Thing is I wasn't overly fussed with Halo 1 or 2 either. They were fun in co-op but single player, I just got bored fast as neither seemed overly great games to me. Certainly none of them deserve the ridiculously high scores magazines have given them!
26-06-2009, 23:53
Halo 2 multiplayer (in game) is the best. Halo 3 matchmaking (pre-game) is the best.
There's an interesting making of video on the marketplace at the moment :)
Not long now folks.
Vidmaster Challenge: Classic
Finish any level solo on Legendary, on LIVE, with no shots fired or grenades thrown.
Erm, no!
Vidmaster Challenge: DéjÃ* Vu
Complete Highway on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and no 'Hog or Scorpion.
Erm, yes!
18-09-2009, 11:27
Awesome! I'm up for the latter.
<cross posted>
:D :D :D
Will they ban me if I play it? :p
<cross posted>
:D :D :D
Will they ban me if I play it? :p
Nice one.
The only question is legendary?
18-09-2009, 18:49
Doubt they'll ban you if you have a legit copy =/
They won't ban you at this late a stage, you'll be fine :)
You would hope not! Dee's showing off some photos on the 360 and then we eat, so won't get to play it for a little while. Got the day to myself tomorrow though :D
Got mine too, not played it yet though. Playing it with kronologic next weekend at his house.
Mine came earlier (kudos to Lovefilm) and I've played for about 45 minutes and I'm really digging it.
I started on Legendary but knocked it down to Heroic after 10 minutes and think I'll save the hard run to do coop. On Heroic it's more than manageable and I think it will avoid a lot of unnecessary furstration.
So far I'm far more impressed than I thought I'd be or maybe it's due to the fact I've not played a fps for a while the genre feels fresh again.
I'm really enjoying it too :) The flashbacks are just classic Halo really, no bad thing, but roaming the city on your own at night is a different kettle of fish. I came across 2 hunters earlier and you just dont have the resource on your own to take them down. It's not quite a stealth game but as the rookie I do tend to play at a slower pace, and it can be quite tense. Found a few of the audio logs as well, which sound like they'll reveal an interesting little sub plot.
Also fired up the multiplayer, had a peek at the new maps. Should be able to bump that GS up as well. Good stuff :)
Looking forward to some co-op!
They've done another blinder with the soundtrack, really love it. Hope VGL build some of it into their Halo set :)
Fired it up for a quick blast and so far so good.
23-09-2009, 14:51
From what I played in Firefight last night it's absolutely superb. Controls feel really tight, graphics have a bit more polish, everything feels so improved. Love the new health system.
Going to finish the solo campaign before I dive into Firefight and I don't think I've too much more to do (I finished Kikowani Station earlier). What's it like Nokkon? I hear the fights can be quite long though.
I'm playing through on Heroic and it's about right. There have been a few semi-tough bits but nothing on the scale of COD on veteran etc. I am looking forward to getting into a Legendary run through if there are others willing to do a complete run through one night? (late friday night maybe, few beers?).
I have hit one achievement glitch (I should have got Super Sleuth as I started Kikowani Station but didn't) and now I've looked at them all I'll probably run through on easy after I finish to see if I can get it and others I wasn't aware of like Good Samaritan, which I've now blown a chance of getting).
23-09-2009, 17:17
The fights are quite long, it took 2 hours to pass the par score on one of the stages last night with my friend and there were a few close calls, it was pretty intense but so much fun. I love the fact that random skulls activate to change it up all the time.
23-09-2009, 17:20
So who is up for the ODST 'Legendary' run?
I know Daz and myself have mentioned it several times in the past so I know we're both interested and Steven has just shown an interest, so who is the 4th? (although I'm sure it won't just be limited to one run through from us, I'll be up for a few I'm sure).
I assume Chris will want to do it, but I'm note sure. I could definitely get my friend to fill the spot also.
Definitely in :) Friday is good for me, have the house to myself that night.
I actually just got Good Samaritan without realising. Reading the achievement description I was looking for guys in hard hats ;D
23-09-2009, 21:38
I'm in. Just let me know (Tommorow night is no good, in London. Saturday is the earliest I can do really =/
Hmm, I might not be free tomorrow now either. When else are we free gents? I'd be free Sat evening/whenever Sunday.
24-09-2009, 22:01
Hmm, I might not be free tomorrow now either. When else are we free gents? I'd be free Sat evening/whenever Sunday.
How about a week tomorrow? Allows everyone to play through and enjoy the campaign before the stress-fest that can be Legendary?
Definitely not free that night - I'll be drinking from about 6:30 ;D
24-09-2009, 22:16
Haha, you'd still be better than all of us, I'm sure.
What event is it that night that you'll be drinking?
Late summer works thing :)
How about a week tomorrow? Allows everyone to play through and enjoy the campaign before the stress-fest that can be Legendary?
Legendary campaign coop is a doddle, but firefight might not be.
25-09-2009, 00:55
Legendary campaign coop is a doddle, but firefight might not be.
"that can be".
And yes, Firefight is tough.
Finished Heroic the other day but haven't touched Firefight yet. Co-op would be good to finish getting the audio logs (got 15+ on my first run through).
Finished Heroic the other day but haven't touched Firefight yet. Co-op would be good to finish getting the audio logs (got 15+ on my first run through).
Finished on Heroic as well. I've also been mopping up all the other sp achievements which meant I needed another run through on easy which I actually quite enjoyed. Naughty naughty and My Clothes! were a tad painful (especially as I was going for My Clothes! whilst collecting all the audio logs and it didn't save my progress in it when I saved and quit last night.)
I also got Vidmaster Challenge: Classic earlier and it didn't take long at all.
I'm suprised by how much I've enjoyed the whole thing.
Why was Naughty Naughty painful Booie? Didn't think that be too bad.
What was your strategy for Classic? I was thinking of Uplift Reserve, you can spend the whole level in a vehicle going for splatters.
26-09-2009, 20:07
No splatters, it means don't kill anyone. Tis what I did anyway just to be sure. Use the ghost too as it's a bit easier when it comes to the turret area as you can go the same route the AI ghost came from.
Why was Naughty Naughty painful Booie? Didn't think that be too bad.
What was your strategy for Classic? I was thinking of Uplift Reserve, you can spend the whole level in a vehicle going for splatters.
It's not too bad just a bit of a pain looking for them. I found the best way by far for taking them down was a over charged plasma blast. 1 shot and they're dead. So it means always having to carry one and they're not one my preferred weapons.
For Classic basically, as Creature says just drive like mad, through the first bit then (and I got this from someone else) just before the long turret run near the bit where you drive through the water there's a ghost up on the hill, near the turret you can pinch. Once you get this boost over the rocks to bypass needing to go through the turrets; it can be a little tricky to get up and over the rocks but it can be done. After this it's pretty straightforward though you'll need a little luck. You splatter as much as you like and drive through the turrets on the section going up the hill (near the end).
Ta :) Gonna get naughty naughty and and the audio clips today I think, seems sensible to do them together, roaming the streets and all. The Mongoose(s) in the supply caches make getting around pretty pain free.
27-09-2009, 10:21
I'll join in with you if you want, i'm free all today....I hope.
Sure :) I'll poke you when I get on.
Free on Wednesday night gents? Can at least get started :)
Free on Wednesday night gents? Can at least get started :)
It's Man Utd v Wolfsburg on Wed and that'll take Nokkon and I out of the equation. I can probably do Thursday though I can't really do lates on a week night as I really don't get much sleep as it is with the bairns. If it's Fri/Sat Jen's agreed to let me have a lie in the following morning (maybe even as late as 8!).
28-09-2009, 20:34
Multi task you girls. Me and Daz (me at least) were watching the F1 and playing on Sunday. Besides, me and Daz are Utd fans too :p
I might be up for joining in for a Legendary run :D
Probably won't be until next week though as this week's a bit mental.
We just need to get a session pencilled in so we can start it :)
05-10-2009, 23:25
I'm free all nights this week. Please, lets get something sorted as this game totally kicks ass.
Oh fellow boat drinkers I've been weak...
I was offered £29 for Halo ODST and surrendered... and I do have a big back log...
At least there's a space for Haly now! See I was thinking of you really ;)
I'm free all nights this week. Please, lets get something sorted as this game totally kicks ass.
No it doesn't :p
Finished this earlier. I'm impressed, I finally enjoyed a Halo game without having to resort to co-op!
Enjoyed the story more this time round and could feel a bit more attached to the team than I ever did Master Chief. Guess I like being a bit vulnerable in games rather than all powerful.
When playing as the Rookie in the empty streets, it really was disconcerting at times trying to survive, rather than the usual Halo stuff.
Not sure if it's worth £30 as I doubt I'll ever touch the multiplayer, but not like it cost me anything (in fact I'll be getting paid for what I write about it, woo) in which case, excellent :D
I'm free all nights this week. Please, lets get something sorted as this game totally kicks ass.
I'm about most nights from 9pm if you need some help in Firefight. :)
09-10-2009, 02:43
Message me next time you're on and don't want to play anything as your help would be awesome!
Message me next time you're on and don't want to play anything as your help would be awesome!
I'm just playing through Bioshock again trying to get the DLC 0 Vitachamber achievement while I'm waiting for Forza 3 to arrive so no problem.
11-10-2009, 21:52
So do you guys agree? ;D
All I know is we need to do a Legendary run still :p
12-10-2009, 13:55
I don't agree at all LeoWyatt!
I don't get it. Played through Halo 3 and ODST and I find the whole franchise totally uninspiring in terms of gameplay, but people seem to love it. I really tried to like it, but the only thing that gripped me was the clever way the story worked in ODST with the different characters, and playing the different parts at various places in the timeline.
At least in Halo 3 there was something different in terms of taking out the big spider-like machines but even that was gone from ODST. It felt like most of the game was just 'walk for 400m, kill little grunts and big guy with armour, continue, kill little grunts and big guy with armour and a different weapon...' etc. And that was when there were enemies. A lot of the time I found myself just walking and walking and wondering if I was even going the right way. I quickly lost interest in the over-long audio clips that you find, and got fed up with absolutely pummeling each enemy with clip after clip of ammo to little effect (something I've always disliked about the games). I like that there are intervals with vehicles, and most of the fun comes from trying to keep the 'hog upright whilst dodging enemy fire, but then there's the tank levels which are pretty much just drive through everything and shoot as quickly as possible.
It sounds like I really detest the games, but really it's more of an apathy. I guess for fans of the game that's not much better though. :p Of all the FPSs I've played the Halo games are my least favourite. I'd rather replay Wolfenstein.
I imagine it's far better in co-op, which I have played on the original Halo 3 and got into the camaraderie of riding round in a vehicle together etc., but it really feels like there's something very important missing from the gameplay and I'm afraid I can't pinpoint what it is.
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