View Full Version : Cheap gaming

25-06-2009, 10:28
/me thinks not


Cant believe I use to save my pocket money for £50+ games

25-06-2009, 10:43
/me thinks not


Cant believe I use to save my pocket money for £50+ games

Looking around at Modern Warfare 2 preorders, things are going back up to £50+ :(

25-06-2009, 10:50
The only game on that page over £50 is Perfect with Expansion - on its own the game is £45 and all the other prices are your standard £30-£40 affair.

Doesn't seem an awful lot different to now really, most stuff is £30-£40 apart from stuff like Guitar Hero which requires some sort of addon.

Not seeing your point really...

25-06-2009, 11:09
But you needed the expansion pack to play Perfect Dark just a bit of nostalgia you boring sod.

25-06-2009, 11:16
Yeah, exactly the same as today with games that require addons and cost more than regular games :p

The game that sticks in my mind was Turok for the N64, that was something like £70 on release wasn't it?

25-06-2009, 11:55
Not sure, I had to wait a few years to get a N64, my mates older brother use to import SNES and N64 as soon as they came out in Japan, he had everything most of cost him a fortune.

I ended up getting a 2nd hand N64 for £50 :D

25-06-2009, 11:59
Street Fighter 2 Turbo was £70. As was Turok. Zelda 64 was £60, as was Mario 64.
Gaming was expensive, much more so than now divine.

I remember not being able to sleep the night before Perfect Dark arrived, so I was up at 4am, walked to the shop at 6am, went around talking to my mate on his milk round and got back home for 8am. It didn't arrive til a day later :(.

25-06-2009, 12:19
I wouldn't have said gaming in the N64/PS1 era etc. was much more expensive if at all.

I don't see how it was 'much more expensive' than it is now? Games were generally £40 on release as you can see if you browse that gameplay link, would drop fairly soon and there was a peppering of more costly ones just the same as now.

25-06-2009, 12:52
I think most of the problem was down to the fact that there was far less competition back then so you were forced to pay those sorts of prices. Gameplay/GAME etc still charge what i'd consider rather inflated prices whereas retailers like ShopTo and Play are typically where i buy my games now. 90% of the time a preorder for a game will be less than £35 on ShopTo, whereas when i was a nipper i'd buy all my games in store at the inflated prices of £40-60, the games are still those sorts of prices in store, it's just that i imagine very few of us here would actually shop in store these days.

25-06-2009, 12:57
On the subject of cheap games, http://www.gamesbasement.co.uk/ are fantastic.

And a plug for a site I help out on - http://www.frugalgaming.co.uk/ - Updated constantly with cheap gaming goodness :)

25-06-2009, 12:57
And N64 titles did have an RRP of £50-£60, or on special cases, £70. That was the cost of carts.

25-06-2009, 13:08
You're all mad. I still remember when a 'full price' game was a tenner and that was still too expensive so I'd wait until they came out on budget at £3.99 ;)

SiD the Turtle
25-06-2009, 13:25
I always assumed that it was only carts that were ludicrously expensive? The extra production costs inflated the price.

25-06-2009, 15:34
You're all mad. I still remember when a 'full price' game was a tenner and that was still too expensive so I'd wait until they came out on budget at £3.99 ;)

I remember those days too :D And yet I still managed to amass a few hundred C64 games :) Still all in a box somewhere.

25-06-2009, 15:47
You're all mad. I still remember when a 'full price' game was a tenner and that was still too expensive so I'd wait until they came out on budget at £3.99 ;)
Same here. I remember that a lot of the new C64 games used to be £2.99 and I used to get £3 pocket money a week. No prizes for guessing what my money went on as a kid :D

25-06-2009, 16:16
A game and a penny chew!

25-06-2009, 17:02
Anyone remember that games company that was mail/phone and you got a monthly/quarterly catalogue it had yearly membership and I remember getting Panzer dragoon Saga for the Saturn from it for about £45, never finished the game because I went on holiday and my sister was at home and had a party and someone nicked the game, I still have all my saturn games and that one is worth a bob or two.

25-06-2009, 17:04
Special Reserve the one?

25-06-2009, 17:08
Special Reserve the one?

I remember them, they sold Dreamcast games for a pretty long time after the Dreamcast was dead, must have spent a small fortune there over the years.

25-06-2009, 17:09
I used to look at their adverts in magazines and work out what I'd buy if I had x amount to spend :D

27-06-2009, 19:37
Special Reserve the one?

thats it

29-06-2009, 16:55
I used to buy from Special Reserve! They went into liquidation in 2005 :(

29-06-2009, 20:51
I used them for amiga games, very competitive.

I remember buying a 32x for £199 IIRC and 4 games at £60 each.

Virtua Racer
Star wars

Gaming costs nothing today when you consider inflation and current online prices.

30-06-2009, 07:23
I remember going to the Special Reserve in Chelmsford and buying Kingpin :D

30-06-2009, 08:49
Kingpin was a freaking awesome game, I'm sure I've still got my copy somewhere. I never actually finished it as well so I need to go back to it at some point and try again.

30-06-2009, 10:24
I was hooked to Kingpin MP for years! Loved it!

30-06-2009, 10:43
Still got mine. Was tempted to try and install it the other day.

30-06-2009, 15:36
I loved the Cypress Hill Soundtrack :D

30-06-2009, 17:37
I was hooked to Kingpin MP for years! Loved it!
Me too. Used to play on the Wireplay servers, was in Casino Goofellas (CGF) :D

30-06-2009, 19:30
Me too. Used to play on the Wireplay servers, was in Casino Goofellas (CGF) :D

I think I played there, and was it Jolt too, I was never in a clan for KP though.

30-06-2009, 19:49
You're all mad. I still remember when a 'full price' game was a tenner and that was still too expensive so I'd wait until they came out on budget at £3.99 ;)

This man speaketh the truth.