View Full Version : Your Theme Song

26-06-2009, 16:08
Listening to some music the other night I think I found the song most of us here would associate with me, enjoy ;)

My theme song (http://www.badasszebedee.com/leow.mp3)

Now I also found DaveyPitch's song too, now before you all get weirded out with the start stick with it. I guarantee he'll laugh when he listens to it.

Davey's song (http://www.badasszebedee.com/daveyp.mp3)

EDIT: hmm seems they're blank when I play them :( hope they are ok for you :)

EDIT2: Sorted!!! \o/

26-06-2009, 16:24
I said this the other day in Consoles.

Halo theme.

26-06-2009, 16:49

26-06-2009, 21:16
Always been said that Meredith Brooks - Bitch was my theme song ;D

26-06-2009, 21:49
Now I also found DaveyPitch's song too, now before you all get weirded out with the start stick with it. I guarantee he'll laugh when he listens to it.

Davey's song (http://www.badasszebedee.com/daveyp.mp3)

LMAO!! I was getting ready to take you off my wedding list for the first 30 seconds until it become clear what the song was about! Absolutely spot on for me, I love them ;D

26-06-2009, 21:52
Always been said that Meredith Brooks - Bitch was my theme song ;D

I <3 that song so, so much.

I was told that 'She's a star' by James would be my theme song (it's not as complementary as it sounds but it was a very nice thought at the time!).

Many, many years ago, someone rang the local radio station and asked for Invisible Touch by genesis to be played for me, saying it 'summed me up perfectly'. I was made up til I really listened to the lyrics ;D Didn't know whether to be flattered or furious :p

Still love both those songs many years later!