View Full Version : Films that are supposed to great but are pants

Del Lardo
28-06-2009, 16:51
Inspired by No Country for Old Men being utterly Panda Pops I've been having a thing about other films that are supposed to be great but are ****.

So far I have:
No Country For Old Men - Watched it last night and was so bored that I turned it off after 90 minutes, that takes some doing as I even watched the end of AvP!
Burn After Reading - Utter gubbins, went to the toilet 3/4 of the way through and couldn't be bothered to go back in. Was found in the bar.
Atonement - The most nominated film of the year" How? Everyone I have spoken to about this film including my mother thought it was ****.
There Will be Blood - Took 3 attempts to watch this film as it was so dull I fell asleep the first two times which means that it owes me 4 hours of my life rather than 2.
Donnie Darko - The most unintelligible piece of pompous nonsense I've ever had the misfortune to sit through.
The Blair Witch Project - I know it's popular to criticize it now but I remember walking out of a cinema in 1999 telling everyone who would listen that it was a load of overhyped bull while laughing a 3 of the people who I'd gone with as they were crying.

28-06-2009, 18:03
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - how was this Oscar nominated? Just a bunch of fancy wirework. Never made it to the end.

28-06-2009, 18:06
Or rather, films YOU think are **** :p I happen to love Donnie Darko, in fact it's one of my favorite films ever, i also thought No Country for Old Men was really good too.

Films that have a good reputation but i think sucked would be...

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - Far better over the top martial arts movies out there, why the hell did this one get all the attention?

Magnolia - I would rather eat my own vomit than watch that film again.


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - how was this Oscar nominated? Just a bunch of fancy wirework. Never made it to the end.

Zomg, snap! I hadn't read your post when i wrote my list btw, just happened to pick the same movie

Del Lardo
28-06-2009, 18:43
Or rather, films YOU think are **** :p

You're forgetting that in DL World I am always right ;)

Donnie Darko seems to be like Marmite, you either hate it or are mad ;D

28-06-2009, 18:51
Inspired by No Country for Old Men being utterly Panda Pops I've been having a thing about other films that are supposed to be great but are ****.

So far I have:
No Country For Old Men - Watched it last night and was so bored that I turned it off after 90 minutes, that takes some doing as I even watched the end of AvP!
Burn After Reading - Utter gubbins, went to the toilet 3/4 of the way through and couldn't be bothered to go back in. Was found in the bar.
Atonement - The most nominated film of the year" How? Everyone I have spoken to about this film including my mother thought it was ****.
There Will be Blood - Took 3 attempts to watch this film as it was so dull I fell asleep the first two times which means that it owes me 4 hours of my life rather than 2.
Donnie Darko - The most unintelligible piece of pompous nonsense I've ever had the misfortune to sit through.
The Blair Witch Project - I know it's popular to criticize it now but I remember walking out of a cinema in 1999 telling everyone who would listen that it was a load of overhyped bull while laughing a 3 of the people who I'd gone with as they were crying.

I think i'd have to agree on pretty much all counts, maybe not Burn After Reading, I found parts of it funny but the 'lazy' ending just annoyed me.

Everyone seems to be climaxing over Transformers at the moment and I have to say I just don't see it. Awful story, bad acting but awesome special effects. All it has is special effects however special effects do not make a film. Although, apparantly seeing how excited some people get, maybe they do for some people, maybe being loud and shiny is enough?

28-06-2009, 18:54
Bored of the Rings Trilogy - Went to the first willingly, was dragged to the second. Sill haven't seen the third in one sitting.

I still think that Kevin Smith sums the films up perfectly.


Burn After Reading - Utter gubbins, went to the toilet 3/4 of the way through and couldn't be bothered to go back in. Was found in the bar.

But it really was utter tripe.

Memento - Extraordinarly obvious film.

Sin City - I obviously just don't get it. It's artfully shot - I'll admit that much. But other than that it's just cgi rubbish.

Rocky - did absolutely nothing for me. I'd rather watch paint dry.

28-06-2009, 18:56
Going to be quite contraversial here and pull out The Godfather.

Honestly, I just can't quite see what all the fuss is about.

semi-pro waster
28-06-2009, 21:33
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - how was this Oscar nominated? Just a bunch of fancy wirework. Never made it to the end.

It's also a beautiful film but then again I like most martial arts films so perhaps my standard is lower than most in this regard.

Rashomon is a film that is supposed to be great, it's a Kurosawa and that usually means a good story if nothing else but I simply didn't like it, nothing compelling about it whatsoever.

A Clockwork Orange - it might have been contraversial but that doesn't make it good, this may or may not have something to do with my view of Michael McDowell as not being a particularly good actor.

28-06-2009, 21:38
Rashomon is a film that is supposed to be great, it's a Kurosawa and that usually means a good story if nothing else but I simply didn't like it, nothing compelling about it whatsoever.

This is what I was going to say. I'd say it's one of the most boring films ever. Shame, as the first minute gives so much drama in the pouring rain. I was expecting something awesome and it just toally sucked ass.

28-06-2009, 21:39
Memento - Extraordinarly obvious film.

Well the first scene is the ending.. :p.

I think it's one of the greatest films ever.

28-06-2009, 22:08
The Bourne Identity.

I'd never fallen asleep in the cinema before this piece of ****.

28-06-2009, 22:13
Oooh. That reminds me

Tomorrow Never Dies
The World is Not Enough
Die Another Day
Casino Royale
Quantum of Solace

All garbage.

Not even good garbage like some of the earlier bond films, these are just sheer pants.

28-06-2009, 22:20
The Bourne Identity.

Good call.

I hate the bourne trilogy, oh and Casino Royale and nearly every Bond movie other than that (of course Goldeneye is good :p)

28-06-2009, 22:44
Another vote for Transformers. I don't watch many films as I can't be arsed to concentrate for a whole film in one go so I get annoyed if some over-hyped piece of nonsense wastes my time.

Another one from me would be Star Wars - seriously, WTF is all the fuss about? :huh: It's rubbish.

28-06-2009, 22:50
Another one from me would be Star Wars - seriously, WTF is all the fuss about? :huh: It's rubbish.

I certainly hope you mean the last 3 that were done and not the originals :shocked:

28-06-2009, 22:51
Haha! This thread is bound to trash at least one film that you love. I'm not going to say which are mine though. :p (and no, it wasn't even Star Wars)

28-06-2009, 23:42
I certainly hope you mean the last 3 that were done and not the originals :shocked:

Nope. I mean the first one. I thought it was so dire, I haven't watched any of the subsequent ones.

28-06-2009, 23:43
I quite liked Burn After Reading. Not one of the Coen Brothers's best though. Also enjoyed Sin City.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was stupidly overrated though.

I liked Star Wars as a kid but don't really see the fuss at all now I'm an adult, I figure maybe it's a generation thing though and I missed the boat.

Recently, I found Slumdog Millionaire hideously overrated. It was an ok film, but nowhere near as good as it was hyped up to be, nor one of Danny Boyle's best imo. I much preferred the radio play on Radio 4 a few years back.

28-06-2009, 23:59
Crikey so many classics yet so many over rated.

Unfortunately I could never get on board the Bladerunner boat, I have tried a number of times to sit down and watch it but It just doesn't do it for me im afraid. Same with The Usual Suspects. Good film ? Definitely, Great Film ? Hmm Possibly, All time Classic ??? I'm failing to see the fuss

29-06-2009, 00:06
The Bourne Identity.

I'd never fallen asleep in the cinema before this piece of ****.

How. Dare. You.

29-06-2009, 00:08
I actually feel like crying because someone has slated:

BladeRunner (greatest sci-fi movie ever)
Bourne Trilogy (greatest trilogy of all time)
Memento (greatest thriller of all time)

29-06-2009, 09:00
Bourne was my one too. :D

29-06-2009, 09:58
The Big Lebowski - I turned it off half way through. Pile of codswallop.

High Fidelity - Heard much about this and lots of raving so one day whilst in town decided to go see it at the cinema on my todd. 45mins into it, I walked out and asked for a refund (nicely! Got one too :D)

29-06-2009, 10:47
The Big Lebowski is great :) Donnie Darko is probably highest on my list. Thought it was terrible.
My probably unpopular choice: every Tarantino film I've seen, except Reservoir Dogs (which was good). The rest - I just don't get them. I fell asleep the first two times I tried to watch Pulp Fiction, and the third I was just sort of bored throughout. Kill Bill, less said the better. Sorry :)
Also, Jerry Maguire. But I'm not sure how great that was supposed to be.

29-06-2009, 12:22
The Bourne Identity.

I'd never fallen asleep in the cinema before this piece of ****.

Agreed. Watched it, excited about one of the 'best films I'd ever seen' rants from friends. Never been so disappointed in my life. Subsequent sequels also a big pile of pants.

Never seen such a predictable bunch of tosh in my life!

**could someone add a spoiler tag to Nokkon's post about Momento - I know people here haven't seen it and that kinda gives the story away ;)**

29-06-2009, 13:32
Harry Potter and the doodad of whatever

The first was a clumsy Worst Witch rip-off and they've just become more impenetrable and half-cocked since then.

No, I haven't read the books. I'm a grown up.
Adpat the novel into a screenplay properly and stop using their popularity as an excuse.

Oh, and Mad Max. The first one is arse. Although the second is great.

29-06-2009, 14:18
The first Harry Potter film. I totally failed to see what all the fuss was about and promptly fell asleep. I've not seen any of the others or read any of the books and have no desire to.

29-06-2009, 16:18
Shawshank Redemtion. Quite frankly it bored me to sleep.

29-06-2009, 16:20
You're all going to jump on my head, but I just dont get Kill Bill.

29-06-2009, 16:25
You're all going to jump on my head, but I just dont get Kill Bill.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. Even Uma Thurman in that yellow suit wasn't enough to prevent me from switching over.

29-06-2009, 17:01
lost in translation - im sure there's some deep seated meaning that im missing....

semi-pro waster
29-06-2009, 18:51
Bourne Trilogy (greatest trilogy of all time)

They're not a set of films I'd call pants but I don't think it counts as the greatest trilogy of all time, I enjoyed them as throwaway action films but that's about it, I definitely don't think they deserve all the plaudits they get.

The Matrix is another film that I'd place in the same sort of category, it's not rubbish but it's nowhere near as great as some people would have you believe - it's a fairly derivative story that was put together reasonably well.

lost in translation - im sure there's some deep seated meaning that im missing....

Sadly, or perhaps happily, from what I understand of it I don't think there is other than about a couple of people and their sense of dislocation from their lives and the emotional connection they make with each other. However I've never watched it so could be far wrong here.

29-06-2009, 20:09
Kill Bill and Gladiator. Just can't like them.

And no way should the Shawshank Redemption be top of IMDBs list!

29-06-2009, 22:50
Sadly, or perhaps happily, from what I understand of it I don't think there is other than about a couple of people and their sense of dislocation from their lives and the emotional connection they make with each other. However I've never watched it so could be far wrong here.

Pretty much :) I liked it however :p

30-06-2009, 07:12
What Jen said :) Lost In Translation is fab! But then I like Bill Murray and think he's pretty wickedy woo :)

I heart Gladiator too :(

30-06-2009, 10:44
The first Harry Potter film. I totally failed to see what all the fuss was about and promptly fell asleep. I've not seen any of the others or read any of the books and have no desire to.

Books brilliant. Film fails.

30-06-2009, 11:03
Anything with Jim Carrey (he's even worse now he's gone serious) or Nicholas Cage, I'm sure I'm going to get flamed to death for that but I honestly can't stand them.

30-06-2009, 13:23
You don't like Eternal Sunshine or The Truman Show? :o

Have you watched Nic Cage in Leaving Las Vegas or Bringing out the Dead?

30-06-2009, 13:39
Anything with Jim Carrey

I agree with this completely. I genuinely can't work out why he's so popular :confused:

30-06-2009, 13:57
I can understand why people wouldn't like Nicholas Cage or Jim Carey filums. I think they're marmite people.

My dog LOVES Jim Carey. Love loves loves him. I think it's the whole melodramatic, large moves and crazy faces!

I like them both :)

30-06-2009, 13:58
I liked his serious stuff but can't stand stuff like the mask

30-06-2009, 19:31
I can understand why people wouldn't like Nicholas Cage or Jim Carey filums. I think they're marmite people.

My dog LOVES Jim Carey. Love loves loves him. I think it's the whole melodramatic, large moves and crazy faces!

I like them both :)

I think you hit the nail on the head by saying they are 'marmite people'

My wife LOVES them both!

30-06-2009, 20:19
I liked his serious stuff but can't stand stuff like the mask

Ditto. The Truman Show is a film I find incredibly emotive for some reason.

30-06-2009, 20:57
I really, really loved Bruce almighty, and I'm not a Carey fan at all!

30-06-2009, 21:06
oh yes Bruce Almighty was good.

30-06-2009, 23:11
I liked his serious stuff but can't stand stuff like the mask


BB x

30-06-2009, 23:13
You don't like Eternal Sunshine or The Truman Show? :o
Sorry but Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was drivel. Couldn't work out what the hell was going on and was bored to tears anyway. Got about half way through and decided I didn't want to waste another hour of my life :)

01-07-2009, 19:22
Hated Blair Witch, one of only two films I've ever seen it in Leicester Square too.

Cloverfield the more recent one in a similar style was slightly better but still no-where near RTs 77% (more like 7.7%). And yet Angels and Demons which I personally liked gets 37%.

14-07-2009, 08:01
The only movie I can think of is Atonement, but I guess that is because its a chick flick. Oh and Harry Potter. Loved LOTR and this is just second rate.

14-07-2009, 10:24
Lost in translation is one of the very few films that have bored me to sleep, another one is The Terminal. I'm sure there were good bits but i was comatose from the bits in between. Also Brokeback Mountain, what was all the fuss about? BORING. Harry Potter was ruined for me by sub-standard acting.

14-07-2009, 11:16
I think one of the reasons I really really like Lost in Translation, Brokeback Mountain and The Terminal is because the acting in them is phenomenal.

Perhaps too because I get so involved with films I end up "in them" in my brain and completely captivated by the emotions and the situation - what would I do?, How would I cope? etc. I think these films were realistic enough, along with the acting, to allow you to easily stumble into those thoughts and get emotionally involved.

I cannot say enough how absolutely superb Heath Ledger was in Brokeback Mountain. As well as Jake Gyllenhaal - his acting skills completely took me by surprise. Very impressed.

So maybe, perhaps, the admiration in those films lie in the acting as opposed to a superb ground breaking storyline? I think so anyway :)

14-07-2009, 11:20
I know what you mean Pheebs :) I was the same with Lost in Translation and The Terminal. Really enjoyed them. I know essentially not much happened in Lost in Translation but that's what I loved about it, it was very subtle which is a rare thing in mainstream cinema these days. Always so in your face instead.

I've not seen Brokeback Mountain yet (shocking I know!) but I will get round to it.

Del Lardo
14-07-2009, 11:27
Lost in translation is one of the very few films that have bored me to sleep

Very much a Marmite film. Having spent a lot of time living out of hotel rooms in foreign countries it made perfect sense to me but otherwise I doubt I would have liked it.

14-07-2009, 13:59
I heart Lost in Translation.

18-07-2009, 13:31
not pants but blade runner is just average.

18-07-2009, 15:29
And my nominations in this category are:

Reservoir Dogs - can I have my 2 hours back please?
The Butterfly Effect - how to completely ruin an intriguing concept. Sliding Doors did it so much better.

And I'm a great fan of Bladerunner - indeed, most Ridley Scott films - I enjoyed the Bourne trilogy and I found Star Wars awesome! It was just light years (parsecs? ;)) ahead of everything else around at the time.

19-07-2009, 13:31
I liked his serious stuff but can't stand stuff like the mask

Yeap this.

I think overall I do like Carey. While The Mask or Liar Liar are totally overblown, he does somewhat give a performance in either. There's quite a lot he can do.

Edit..weird deja vu..

Sorry but Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was drivel. Couldn't work out what the hell was going on and was bored to tears anyway. Got about half way through and decided I didn't want to waste another hour of my life :)


21-07-2009, 15:40
And my nominations in this category are:

Reservoir Dogs - can I have my 2 hours back please?
The Butterfly Effect - how to completely ruin an intriguing concept. Sliding Doors did it so much better.

And I'm a great fan of Bladerunner - indeed, most Ridley Scott films - I enjoyed the Bourne trilogy and I found Star Wars awesome! It was just light years (parsecs? ;)) ahead of everything else around at the time.

Which version of Butterfly Effect did you watch? There are 2 different endings, only 1 is good, the other ruins the film completely.

21-07-2009, 15:50
Rashomon. It's utter crap.

semi-pro waster
21-07-2009, 19:37
This is what I was going to say. I'd say it's one of the most boring films ever. Shame, as the first minute gives so much drama in the pouring rain. I was expecting something awesome and it just toally sucked ass.

Rashomon. It's utter crap.

So bad you had to name and shame it again? :p

The only other film that springs to mind for this topic after my earlier mentions is There Will Be Blood which isn't completely crap but definitely overrated for my money. It takes a long time to do anything and isn't very interesting when it does.

21-07-2009, 19:42
Oooh if we're going for overrated films rather than crap films, I can think of more :D Slumdog Millionaire being the most recent offender imo.

21-07-2009, 21:38
So bad you had to name and shame it again? :p

It's that bad. Come August I may even mention it again.