View Full Version : Sunbather set on fire

30-06-2009, 13:43
Police are searching for a group of up to four teenage boys who set fire to a man as he lay asleep while sunbathing in a park.

The 37-year-old victim, who suffered serious burns to his back, was attacked in Kirkdale, Merseyside, last night.

Police said he was woken shortly before 8pm by an intense pain in his back and found himself on fire. They believe he was attacked by a gang of four youths who set his clothes on fire and ran off.


People like these kids need to be locked away for a long time, little bastards :angry:

30-06-2009, 13:50
Have to say I'm slightly relieved, as I thought you were going to say he spontaneously combusted from sunbathing too much.
Still...it's for people like this we need to bring back humiliating, painful punishments. I'll go get my pineapple.

30-06-2009, 14:29
;D Comedy Gold.

Ok ok it's not funny but it is if you get me. :huh:
On a comedy show that would be superb but obviously taking to irl is a tad extreme.

30-06-2009, 14:31
Have to say I'm slightly relieved, as I thought you were going to say he spontaneously combusted from sunbathing too much.
Still...it's for people like this we need to bring back humiliating, painful punishments. I'll go get my pineapple.

This, I thought you were going to quote the Daily Sport as a source.

30-06-2009, 14:38
Poor bastard.

I would say I hope they catch the little sh*ts that did this but they'd get a slap on the wrist and a "Oh don't do that again"


30-06-2009, 14:50
What the hell is up with kids these days? Our "bit of fun" was trying to play in the hay in a farmers field and not get caught ::/:

30-06-2009, 15:09
I used to love playing in the hay - for some reason we genuinely believed our make shift "spears" (Those long plant stems with the fluffy bit on the end) would fend off the tractor if he came to 'get us'.


Kids are being brought up with such a lack of discipline - the fear of parental reprimand was so terrifying to me as a child!

30-06-2009, 15:31
;D Comedy Gold.

Ok ok it's not funny but it is if you get me. :huh:
On a comedy show that would be superb but obviously taking to irl is a tad extreme.
A tad extreme?! Saying setting someone on fire is a tad extreme is like saying a mass murderer is a tad violent :/ Not funny at all IMO.

30-06-2009, 15:38
So many kids these days are an absolute disgrace and they all come from the same areas. I don't understand how the country can take such a massive shift in such a short time. I'm only 25 years old and stuff like this was incredibly rare only 10 years ago, and there were no 'chavs' so to speak.

The young culture around here is an absolute disgrace, as is Merseyside and Birmingham. The little bastards need locking up but our over friendly government is worried because our prisons are full. Here's an idea... BUILD MORE.

30-06-2009, 16:15
What the hell is up with kids these days? Our "bit of fun" was trying to play in the hay in a farmers field and not get caught ::/:

I erm, may have set fire to the hay in a farmers field trying to play when I was a kid :o

(never run so fast in my life! - not proud of it by the way)

30-06-2009, 16:17
A tad extreme?! Saying setting someone on fire is a tad extreme is like saying a mass murderer is a tad violent :/ Not funny at all IMO.

I agree with this. It isn't funny at all.

Real shame to see what this world is turning into. What next? Can't even sunbathe anymore.

30-06-2009, 16:27
Everytime something like this happens I always hope that it isn't in Liverpool.

*reads article*


30-06-2009, 17:12
What the hell is up with kids these days? Our "bit of fun" was trying to play in the hay in a farmers field and not get caught ::/:

We used to knock down the big piles of bales of straw and rebuild them so that they were hollow in the middle and use them as a den :D

30-06-2009, 17:41
Everytime something like this happens I always hope that it isn't in Liverpool.

*reads article*


It's actually not. We disowned Kirkdale many years ago ;)

30-06-2009, 18:01
It's actually not. We disowned Kirkdale many years ago ;)

Why not disown the whole of Liverpool then? :p

30-06-2009, 18:02
because it's not Birmingham, so not necessary ;)

30-06-2009, 18:03

I disowned Birmingham ALONG time ago :p ;)

30-06-2009, 18:04
or did it disown you...?? We'll never know ;D

30-06-2009, 18:08
Lol who cares. If it means I have to leave Birmingham then it can only be a good thing :p

30-06-2009, 18:12
Kids are being brought up with such a lack of discipline - the fear of parental reprimand was so terrifying to me as a child!

The problem with parental discipline nowadays is that you can't do any. When I was a kid if I did something bad I'd get hit/slapped for it. Now if a parent hits/slaps a kid then social services steps in and get the police involved.
(When I say hit I don't mean punch, I mean smacked behind etc)
Also some parents don't care what their kids are like or what they're doing. I remember watching a Police camera show on TV a few years back and the cops had picked up 4 kids that were playing chicken by running across a motorway during an evening. The response the police got from the parents was "haven't you got anything better to do than hassle our kids".

30-06-2009, 18:17
Kids are being brought up with such a lack of discipline - the fear of parental reprimand was so terrifying to me as a child!

It's not just discipline it's a downright lack of respect for anything.

30-06-2009, 18:20
I'm still trying to work out where the hell there is a park in Kirkdale. Drive through there every single day, can't think where they're on about.

30-06-2009, 18:27
how about on hill towards the station?

30-06-2009, 18:29
aaaaaah. Ok. You could have just said that to me across the 3ft gap of the sofa, right? :p

30-06-2009, 18:31
aaaaaah. Ok. You could have just said that to me across the 3ft gap of the sofa, right? :p

Can you reach across the 3ft gap and slap him one from me for being a dingbat! ;D

30-06-2009, 18:34
Can you reach across the 3ft gap and slap him one from me for being a dingbat! ;D

injured hand....injured hand :p

30-06-2009, 18:40
It's actually not. We disowned Kirkdale many years ago ;)


They're all the same.:evil:

30-06-2009, 18:40
injured hand....injured hand :p

Yes we already have that as further evidence you are a dingbat, what's your point? ;)

30-06-2009, 18:55

They're all the same.:evil:

If I was being a pedant, I'd just say that your post makes no sense whatsoever - Kirkdales are all the same? Maybe so, I only know the one. :p

30-06-2009, 19:22
If I was being a pedant, I'd just say that your post makes no sense whatsoever - Kirkdales are all the same? Maybe so, I only know the one. :p

It was perfectly clear and obvious I was referring to people not places. Stop nit picking (you pedant). ;)

30-06-2009, 19:26
was it? I didn't think so :huh:

(Well I tried :p)

And No I won't. Ok, well I'll tell you the truth. I can't, I've tried. It's my LIFE I TELL YOU! ;)

30-06-2009, 20:28
It is a lack of respect. The thing is, it's also bad parenting and that's essentially where the lack of respect has come from. Man of the parents are poorly educated drop-outs who scrounged for themselves and push it onto their kids. I know parents who got their kids to steal stuff from shops for them because they couldn't do anything to the kids.

My kids will have respect and that will be brought up with correct education and also by giving smacks to keep them in line. I got a smack when I was bad as a kid and it's definitely the right thing to do.

30-06-2009, 20:51
The problem with parental discipline nowadays is that you can't do any. When I was a kid if I did something bad I'd get hit/slapped for it. Now if a parent hits/slaps a kid then social services steps in and get the police involved.
(When I say hit I don't mean punch, I mean smacked behind etc)

See this is what the papers tend to say, and it's just making parents scared to smack. They're doing as much damage as a smacking ban would. There's no ban on smacking in the home - it's entirely legal. You can't leave a mark, but I can't really see a child needing much more than a smack anyway, which shouldn't cause any damage.
The debate about whether to smack will go on, but it's certainly not illegal to do so.

01-07-2009, 07:50
Tis shocking stuff :/

There's a lot of kids out there who are good eggs still, but they get tarnished by groups of morons. It's all about the upbringing in my opinion - I think it's wrong to blame a kid for being like they are. After working with troubled kiddies at a school you could see how much an affect their home lives had on their personality and behviours. I mean, telling a parent that their child has been didderling in drugs at school and that their behaviour is unruly and hygiene is beyond neglected... is kind of pointless when they're rude back to you, sat there in their torn jogging bottoms and dealing in drugs too. Also, when asking kids "so what do you think you'd like to go in to career wise when you finish school" and hearing them say "Nuffink. My Mum does nuffink and she has loads of time and money and a free house. I just wanna have kids" is like zomgwtf. It's so sad.

This wasn't a constant at my school btw. There were some parents who, despite being in terrible situations, bent over backwards to do what they could so their kiddies didn't end up the same. A number of them are little stars just waiting to shine :) Good news!

Boo to pants parenting I say.