View Full Version : Shower Gel

05-07-2009, 12:06
Is it just me or does blue shower gel always have a generic 'blue' fragrance?

Is it some kind of psychological thing which sets blue apart from the other colours of gel because there's no automatic olfactory association with the colour?

Red = Strawberry/raspberry
Green = Mint/apple
Yellow = Lemon
Orange = Well... Orange :D
Cream/white = Vanilla
Purple = Lavender

Or do the people that make shower gels try to fragrance it with something other than 'generic blue' scents but it gets overpowered by the lack of association?


05-07-2009, 12:10
And while we're at it, why are raspberry flavour Slush Puppies blue?

05-07-2009, 12:13
And while we're at it, why are raspberry flavour Slush Puppies blue?

So that your tongue turns a lovely shade of blue :D

05-07-2009, 14:11
I thought they always tried to persuade us the blue shower gel has some sort of sea/ocean connotation. However, I wouldn't wan't shower gel that smelled of sea, it doesn't smell anywhere near as nice as generic 'blue'. I always think blue smells of 'fresh' (fresh what I dunno!).

Not that it matters my favourite shower gel is Basil and Lemon so mine is a sort of greeny yellow and not blue :)

05-07-2009, 14:19
I thought they always tried to persuade us the blue shower gel has some sort of sea/ocean connotation. However, I wouldn't wan't shower gel that smelled of sea, it doesn't smell anywhere near as nice as generic 'blue'. I always think blue smells of 'fresh' (fresh what I dunno!).

Agreed. Usually named in some 'Marine fresh' type format. It's the same with cleaners - the blue ones are always supposed to be marine of some sort.

05-07-2009, 15:06
Water + Imperial leather + shampoo = Shower.
What is this Mystical (Translate that as Gayer than a Gay badger from Gaysville) shower gel stuffz of which you speak. :huh:

05-07-2009, 17:25
Green stuff I always associate with Badedas, which I heart!

05-07-2009, 18:02
Blue shower gel stuff almost always smells the same. I must confess to having a penchant for Gillette's Cool Wave, which naturally being an ocean concept is a blue shower gel.
I've yet to smell a wave or ocean that smells anything like the shower gel though.

05-07-2009, 22:12
For me, Green = Lime because I use the Original Source shower gels and the green one is Lime.

05-07-2009, 22:19
The green one is also mint and tea tree - I use both lime and the mint one. Lovely stuff! :D

Dr. Z
05-07-2009, 22:23
Original Source Lime = win!

Its like showering in opal fruits!

05-07-2009, 22:24
Aye, that it is, forgot about that.

One I forgot, Orange = Mandarin. Specifically Body Shop Mandarin shower gel. The stuff smells so nice I could eat it!

05-07-2009, 22:24
Original Source Lime = win!

I've always said you were a very sensible man!

05-07-2009, 22:33
I always think blue shower gel smells like the chemical toilet cleaner that my Dad used to use when we went camping

My shower gel is peach-coloured and smells of nothing. I have sensitive skin, so it's fragrance free for me :(

06-07-2009, 10:25
The green one is also mint and tea tree

This is awful... I tried it once and it was cold em... cold! :o

BB x

06-07-2009, 10:28
The green one is also mint and tea tree - I use both lime and the mint one. Lovely stuff! :D

I used this of yours when I stayed up that time. I vaguely recall making "woaaAAAAAAAAAAAAH WHAT ON EARTH!" noises in your bathroom!

As Mei mei says - it was COLD and and well. Odd :p

06-07-2009, 10:28
Original Mint and Tea Tree is immense. Every man owes himself a scrub of his uglies with this stuff!

06-07-2009, 10:34
Original Mint and Tea Tree is immense. Every man owes himself a scrub of his uglies with this stuff!

Yeah Rob seems to like it! Must be a boy thing :/

BB x

06-07-2009, 11:01
This is awful... I tried it once and it was cold em... cold! :o

BB x

Hehe, it seems girls don't get one with it on their bits... Men do rather enjoy it though ;) :D

I used this of yours when I stayed up that time. I vaguely recall making "woaaAAAAAAAAAAAAH WHAT ON EARTH!" noises in your bathroom!

As Mei mei says - it was COLD and and well. Odd :p

I remember those screams of pleasure incredulity and horror from the bathroom. I had hi-5'ed myself thinking what was going on, it seems I was wrong though :o :p

06-07-2009, 13:02
Original Mint and Tea Tree is immense. Every man owes himself a scrub of his uglies with this stuff!

It makes my special area tingle with glee.

06-07-2009, 13:17
Thinking about it, my current shower gel is blue and is 'Marine salts'.

All shower gel is quite nice on my bits.

06-07-2009, 17:21
Original Mint and Tea Tree is immense. Every man owes himself a scrub of his uglies with this stuff!

I love that stuff, especially the shampoo. Sadly my skin doesn't and breaks out in stunning numbers of spots :(

06-07-2009, 17:38
Water + Imperial leather + shampoo = Shower.
What is this Mystical (Translate that as Gayer than a Gay badger from Gaysville) shower gel stuffz of which you speak. :huh:

I'm in agreement with the manly one.

semi-pro waster
06-07-2009, 18:33
And while we're at it, why are raspberry flavour Slush Puppies blue?

Because it's the best flavour and the rest get rubbish colours to go with them - ok so it's probably circular logic but who cares? Or that red/pink was already taken by the strawberry flavour if you want to be a bit more sensible about it.

I'd never really thought about the blue smell but the Norwegian Sea Salt & Kelp blue Original Source was rather nice - I say was because on checking the website it appears they've stopped making it, the bunch of gits. That always happens when I like a shower gel or deodorant. :D

06-07-2009, 18:50
Leon likes that mint source stuff on his nadgers too. Strange menfolk!

06-07-2009, 18:53
You realise that Original Source stuff is full of really nasty stuff, dermatologists would tell you to stay well away from it.

It does smell/feel nice though!

06-07-2009, 18:55
Yep, I can't use it as it irritates my skin.

Sanex Ultra Bland for me :cool:

07-07-2009, 02:03
You realise that Original Source stuff is full of really nasty stuff, dermatologists would tell you to stay well away from it.

It does smell/feel nice though!

They do indeed and infact with almost all soaps. Obviously keep clean and get rid of dirt, but too many shower/bath products strip away natural emollients of the skin.

07-07-2009, 06:37
For those of us without babyskin I'm sure it doesn't cause too much of a problem. :)

10-07-2009, 11:23
My shower gel is peach-coloured and smells of nothing. I have sensitive skin, so it's fragrance free for me :(

I should have another tester to send you in a little while :)

10-07-2009, 13:42
And while we're at it, why are raspberry flavour Slush Puppies blue?

This is a quote from another forum about why Blue Raspberry exists, as far as sweets go:

Blue Raspberry is just a variant of raspberry, dyed blue.

Its because there were standard flavors in candy and fruit beverages, like Slush Puppies. One flavor per color. Red is used for strawberry or cherry and pink is used for watermelon or strawberry, so raspberry is kind of left out in the cold. Blueberry wasn't traditionally used, so nothing blue really exists for blue, so raspberry got shifted into the blue category. Notice some companies put bubble gum in the blue category, too.

10-07-2009, 13:48


10-07-2009, 14:49
I was waiting for that, heheh

10-07-2009, 14:50
I like that extreme minty stuff that gives your body a tingling sensation all over :D


10-07-2009, 19:45
I like that extreme minty stuff that gives your body a tingling sensation all over :D


You can make you own with menthol crystals and blue food colouring in unscented shower gel.

That stuff can *really* refresh the parts other shower gels cannot reach.

10-07-2009, 22:30
You can make you own with menthol crystals and blue food colouring in unscented shower gel.

That stuff can *really* refresh the parts other shower gels cannot reach.

have you been used my menthol crystals? grrr.

I love mint and tea tree original sauce shower gel 1st thing in the morning to wake me up!!

10-07-2009, 23:13
have you been used my menthol crystals? grrr.

Mental crystals?