View Full Version : New Radio 1 lineup

Del Lardo
16-07-2009, 11:38
:wave: bye bye Jo Whiley, I won't miss you. Maybe I can start to enjoy mornings more though it won't be by much as I don't think Fearne Cotton is much better.

Looking forward to Greg James though, listened to him quite a bit on early breakfast. A bit like Scott Mills but not an annoying ****.


16-07-2009, 11:46
BBC Radio 1 Controller Andy Parfitt said of the changes: "BBC Radio 1 must continue to change to connect with a new generation of audiences and this is a significant move, promoting three of our up and coming broadcasters into the heart of the schedule."
They've decided Edith Bowman and Jo Whiley are too old now then? :p
Used to really enjoy Edith Bowman on long drives, but I've not listened to Radio 1 in a year or two now so guess I can't complain.

16-07-2009, 11:47
Hmm I quite liked Jo Whiley, seemed to be one of the few DJs left who was there for the music. Especially disappointed the Live Lounge is going to weekends, as I never listen to radio then. Still I quite like Fearne and Greg James has got to be better than Edith.

Del Lardo
16-07-2009, 11:50
Especially disappointed the Live Lounge is going to weekends

Fear not The Live Lounge, which has been a hugely successful part of Jo's show, will continue in Fearne's new programme.

16-07-2009, 11:53
Skim reading ftl!

16-07-2009, 12:00
Is that **** Moyles not getting the boot? Shame, what a wasted opportunity.

16-07-2009, 12:00
I always found Jo a bit over the top 'Ooooh Goosebumps!' all the time, etc. She is massively into music though, where as Ferne is a loveable chav slag. Always thought she was quite a hottie, but I don't know if she's got what it takes to do such a big show.

Not a great fan of Greg James or that other newish chap that sounds like he's just got out of bed with an annoying voice.

Hopefully Ferne moving will mean that boring Cod-eyed coon Reggie will sod off as well. He hates every piece of music unless it's by a black artist or is rap. He bores me to tears and I have to endure his dribble every time I wash my car.

16-07-2009, 12:01
Hmm I quite liked Jo Whiley, seemed to be one of the few DJs left who was there for the music. Especially disappointed the Live Lounge is going to weekends, as I never listen to radio then. Still I quite like Fearne and Greg James has got to be better than Edith. This - Fearne Cotton annoys the crap out of me, something about her, lol

Jo at least played music rather than boring everyone with rubbish chat :p

16-07-2009, 12:02
Is that **** Moyles not getting the boot? Shame, what a wasted opportunity.

Quite like Moyles, it's just a shame he isn't allowed a free rein and is constantly getting bollocked for speaking his mind. Agreed sometimes the material on his show is a bit bland, but he can be rather funny, especially with guests. You can't deny his listening figures.

16-07-2009, 12:06
Thank **** Zelda from Terrahawks is going.

I like Edith though.

Chris Moyles is a **** but I do love Comedy Dave and Aled and the rest of the team as I think they make the show.

16-07-2009, 12:07
Jo Whiley had a calming voice and always sounded like she was smiling when on air.

Fearne is ok, but a bit too girly :/


They need to get rid of Vernon, he is a rubbish DJ and all they have to do is press buttons these day.. if that!

BB x

16-07-2009, 12:10
Quite like Moyles, it's just a shame he isn't allowed a free rein and is constantly getting bollocked for speaking his mind. Agreed sometimes the material on his show is a bit bland, but he can be rather funny, especially with guests. You can't deny his listening figures.

They took a nose dive not long ago, but are coming back sadly. :p I wasn't particularly impressed that he blatantly took material from Kerrang's The Night Before Show if I'm honest. Was never official, but as a listener to both I recognised it being used again a few weeks later by Moyles. :(

16-07-2009, 12:11
Know what you mean BB. Fearne cotton gets on my t*ts. I just imagine her going home and crying into her pillow every night because her boyfriend has been mean to her.

I love Edith's voice. She can come live with me.

16-07-2009, 12:15
Radio 1 daytime has been in steady decline for quite a while now and the shortage of talent hasn’t helped matters by stretching the few good DJ’s they had remaining too thinly. Greg James may be little more than a Scott Mills wannabe at the moment but he did manage to do the early breakfast show and cover for Scott Mills for a fortnight. I swear Annie Mac and Nihal must have been living in a cupboard at Broadcasting House for a while after covering absent midweek DJs and still doing their weekend and specialist shows.

That and the playlist is shamelessly commercial now.

Maybe I should just take the hint now I’ve turned 30 and start listening to Radio 4.

Del Lardo
16-07-2009, 12:15
Know what you mean BB. Fearne cotton gets on my t*ts. I just imagine her going home and crying into her pillow every night because her boyfriend has been mean to her. .

;D Brilliant.

Bring back Mark & Lard!

16-07-2009, 12:19
Greg James is ****. He's about as funny as aids and completely uninteresting. Fearne has to be the worst presenter on radio one, yet Radio one seems to be obssessed in thinking it needs young presenters instead of great ones.

Used to love Colin and Edith, her show hasn't been the same since they parted.

Sara Cox spends all her show banging on about kids.

16-07-2009, 12:20
Know what you mean BB. Fearne cotton gets on my t*ts. I just imagine her going home and crying into her pillow every night because her boyfriend has been mean to her.

That's probably why I like her in a strange way, she can cry on my pillow any day ;D

She looks similar to the chav blondie in '2 Pints of Lager...' and I can't quite help but fancy her, despite her being blonde and an utter chav.

I very much doubt Ferene will do as well as Jo, hopefully she wont try to mirror what she does, and will do something new and different. No doubt Jo is doing this to spend more time with her family.

Chris is a Marmite man, and most people hate him. I would love to sit and have a pint with him, I can imagine he is a good chortle. He seems to be craving/loving this recent attention with his weight loss. Glad he's sticking to it though.

Would love Mark and Lard back tbh, true comedy is needed.

16-07-2009, 12:22
Thank **** Zelda from Terrahawks is going.

I am still terrified of Zelda from the Terrahawks.


BB x

16-07-2009, 12:24
I am still terrified of Zelda from the Terrahawks.


BB x

Crikey, one of our PMs is her double. I'll try and dig out a picture :P

Never, ever listen to Radio One anyway, hate hate hate it.

16-07-2009, 12:27
I am still terrified of Zelda from the Terrahawks.


BB x

I'm more terrified of Jo Whiley! I remember her saying live on air once that she wasn't wearing knickers. I still have a nervous twitch from that.

I love Sara Cox. Her show is like a girls night in or coffee with a mate - which is exactly why a lot of men don't like her show!

16-07-2009, 12:28
Maybe I should just take the hint now I’ve turned 30 and start listening to Radio 4.

**** that for a game of soldiers!

16-07-2009, 12:31
Radio 2 is far better and local radio generally better again imo. But then I listen to MOS radio mostly.

Del Lardo
16-07-2009, 12:33
I'm more terrified of Jo Whiley! I remember her saying live on air once that she wasn't wearing knickers. I still have a nervous twitch from that.

I love Sara Cox. Her show is like a girls night in or coffee with a mate - which is exactly why a lot of men don't like her show!

Love Sara Cox. Hated her when the was doing the whole ladette thing but now she's mellowed she's very natural and funny.

16-07-2009, 12:48
Is that **** Moyles not getting the boot? Shame, what a wasted opportunity.

I don't listen to radio very often and when I do, it's usually Radio 2.
I do, however, heartily agree with the quoted comment. I can't stand the guy and if I so much as hear his voice, I'll switch off within 5 seconds.

16-07-2009, 12:53
Bring back Mark & Lard!


16-07-2009, 13:44
Why are reshuffling?!

Jo Whiley is one of the biggest people in music at Radio 1 - and although I don't love her show - replacing her with Cotton is not a good sign. She only appeals to the age range that will be busy in school during her new time slot.

Why have they recently got rid of Colin Murray?! Possibly my favourite R1 show that took me through the late nights of uni study.

If they get rid of Daniel P Carter and/or Rob Da Bank next there will be hell to pay!!!

HELLL!!!!!! :evil: :angry:

16-07-2009, 14:29
I don't mind Sara Cox. She tends to babble a bit but every now and again she says something funny and always manages to get a rapport with her phone in listeners.

Fearne is some kind of intelligence vacuum though. I can almost feel my IQ dropping from just hearing the sound of her voice. I just walk around pointing at random objects saying things like 'Grass! I'm lovin' THAT!'.
Frankly she should bugger off to T4.

Frankly you could replace him with a parrot.

Del Lardo
16-07-2009, 14:35

He gave me a right salty mouthfull (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQY86BQeWJM&feature=PlayList&p=4B05C647D1B54F70&index=0&playnext=1) ;D

16-07-2009, 14:53
They've decided Edith Bowman and Jo Whiley are too old now then? :p
Used to really enjoy Edith Bowman on long drives, but I've not listened to Radio 1 in a year or two now so guess I can't complain.

Edith does my head in. She jumps on trends about 6 months after they were popular and her idea of a good radio show is having people text in random garbage because she's unable to maintain attention through conversation.

And Jo Whiley is a joke. She just puts about 20 new bands on in a day in the hope one sticks and she can claim 'she discovered them', of course, this is after Zane Lowe discovered them already... She's a bit of a tool.

16-07-2009, 15:06
Greg James is ****. He's about as funny as aids and completely uninteresting. Fearne has to be the worst presenter on radio one, yet Radio one seems to be obssessed in thinking it needs young presenters instead of great ones.

This is a good point, it does seem that way. What I find amusing is that I don't know anyone around my age who actually likes these presenters, yet they all love people like Terry Wogan who is not only more current with discussions, but funny and has a wit that these young presenters could never grasp.

Del Lardo
16-07-2009, 15:24
This is a good point, it does seem that way. What I find amusing is that I don't know anyone around my age who actually likes these presenters, yet they all love people like Terry Wogan who is not only more current with discussions, but funny and has a wit that these young presenters could never grasp.

Starting to come to the conclusion that at the ripe old age of 28 I am now outside of their target demographic.

I'm off to dig out 'Our Kid Eh'. Shirehorses rule! ;D

16-07-2009, 15:41
I love Sara Cox.

I can't stand her :)

Her voice just gets on my tits completely.

Used to listen to radio 1 years ago at work when she had lunchtime/early afternoon show, and I'd change stations whilst she was on.

16-07-2009, 15:50
Does anyone know who the person was on radio one. Think he did something like 3 nights a week about 10pm. Kind of alternative stuff. Lots of new or unheard of stuff and lots of talking. he was great. he has since moved on and I don't now which radio station.

16-07-2009, 15:52
I can't stand her :)

Her voice just gets on my tits completely.

Used to listen to radio 1 years ago at work when she had lunchtime/early afternoon show, and I'd change stations whilst she was on.

Hated her

I used to deliberately have her set on the alarm clock and the alarm across the other side of the room so I had to get up to switch her off.

Can't remember the last time I even thought about tuning to Radio 1. Only time I really listen to the radio now is for Clue, Now Show, News Quiz, Newfangle or things like that.

16-07-2009, 15:57
Aww I quite like Sara Cox, she does say things that makes me giggle. It's light and fluffy... and sometimes in the afternoon with a cuppa and a pile of work I like light and fluffy.

Edith Bowman... I think I like her. I like the whole movies side of things... but then I'm wondering whether that's me liking the dude instead who reviews the movies (is it James?). I'm unsure. Once again it's just background stooff.

Fearne though... I think she's fab as a presenter on toovd but on radio... I just don't think it quite works.

Radio 1 tends to be my Moylesy morning listening, maybe some Scott Mills if I'm driving about in the afternoon but then the rest of the time it's Radio 2 for me (well... I may switch over when I know the film reviewy stuff is on).

We shall see what happens. At the moment, the music that's being played on Radio 1 is poop anyways so I'm happy listening to my own stuff for now until it picks back up. Stupid dance stuff. I mean... seriously... what's on with the whole evacuate the dance floor pants?

I think I'm getting old and grumpy.

16-07-2009, 16:00
I hated stupid dance stuff when I was well within the radio 1 demographic, so I don't feel old for hating it now (And for feeling that it's the one genre of music that hasn't moved an inch since 1995).
Also - Five Live's Peter Allen is the best broadcaster out there today :) And Simon Mayo and Mark Kermode are always well worth a listen on Friday afternoons.

16-07-2009, 16:02
I can't stand Radio 1 :( Too much inane talk not enough music. I do listen to talk radio, but that's SUPPOSED to be talk radio. All the messing around on Radio 1 gets on my tits.

16-07-2009, 16:02
I hated stupid dance stuff when I was well within the radio 1 demographic, so I don't feel old for hating it now (And for feeling that it's the one genre of music that hasn't moved an inch since 1995).

That's about the only music genre that I won't listen too. :)

I hate dancey ravey ****e.

16-07-2009, 16:19
Starting to come to the conclusion that at the ripe old age of 28 I am now outside of their target demographic.

I'm off to dig out 'Our Kid Eh'. Shirehorses rule! ;D

Yep. Nothing about this station appeals to me anymore. And I like techno(not what R1 plays mind)! BBC6 music is where its at.

16-07-2009, 16:42
Ahh think I found him Collin Murray and the black hole show. Anyone now which station he's moved to?

16-07-2009, 17:00
5 Live Sport last I heard.

16-07-2009, 17:12
how gay, that was the only radio show I really enjoyed. Now he;s just doing sport commentator.

Anyone know of any similar shows?

16-07-2009, 17:14
He's gone to do a sport (read wendyball) phone in on Fivelive I think.

Nick Grimshaw has his slot now.

16-07-2009, 17:17
I love Sara Cox. Her show is like a girls night in or coffee with a mate - which is exactly why a lot of men don't like her show!

Even my Mrs shouts her to shut the **** up about her kids every 5 seconds ;D

Fearne is some kind of intelligence vacuum though. I can almost feel my IQ dropping from just hearing the sound of her voice. I just walk around pointing at random objects saying things like 'Grass! I'm lovin' THAT!'.
Frankly she should bugger off to T4..

Exactly, she has loads of buzz words she thinks make her cool. The papers are always slating her for being an empty air head and one of the worst presenters on tv and radio. She wont last long, the figures will plummet when Wiley is moved.

This is a good point, it does seem that way. What I find amusing is that I don't know anyone around my age who actually likes these presenters, yet they all love people like Terry Wogan who is not only more current with discussions, but funny and has a wit that these young presenters could never grasp.

Exactly, Radio one did a back pedal when the news broke they were replacing Moyles with Mills in the morning. I'm not a big fan of Moyles I just like his support crew but Mills is about as unfunny as radio one gets for me. He used to have that laura who fawned over any sound he made and now he replaced her with Becky who is exactly the same.

Worst of all is saturday and sunday mornings driving to work around 6-6.30. Who the hell wants to listen to dance music then?

I wish my car had a cd player ;D

16-07-2009, 17:28
I can't stand her :)

Her voice just gets on my tits completely.

Same. She so badly seems to want to be a bloke, it annoys me.

16-07-2009, 17:29
Does anyone know who the person was on radio one. Think he did something like 3 nights a week about 10pm. Kind of alternative stuff. Lots of new or unheard of stuff and lots of talking. he was great. he has since moved on and I don't now which radio station.

Sounds like Zane Lowe. Mentioned him above as the guy who actually discovers bands, not Jo Whiley.

16-07-2009, 17:35
I like Zane Lowe. He makes me giggle.

16-07-2009, 18:10
Radio 1 nosedived when Matthew Bannister got given a machete and cut out all the good stuff. Have rarely listened since. Had to listen to the ****er moyles this morning as I was a passenger in a colleagues car. Still utter ****e.

Got to agree that Radio 2 kicks Radio 1's arse. It's far from ideal (organist entertains???) but has some quality programmes. Wogan can be a bit hit and miss. When he misses, it's listenable, when he hits I'm in tears it's so funny :evil:

Ironic that Matthew Bannister now sits in as Jeremy Vine's relief on R2!

16-07-2009, 18:38
Radio 2 is okay most of the day (don't like Wogan v much) but between 2 and 5pm it becomes the very worst radio station in the country, thank you very much Mr Steve Wright.
I find 6 Music generally has the most consistent stuff I like. Though I've rarely heard of many of the bands, it's usually I stuff I like.

16-07-2009, 18:39
Sounds like Zane Lowe. Mentioned him above as the guy who actually discovers bands, not Jo Whiley.

Steve Lemacq maybe?

semi-pro waster
16-07-2009, 20:21
It seems I'm one of the few people who didn't mind Jo Whiley all that much, mainly because I liked the Live Lounge perhaps but she wasn't a terrible DJ either and she wasn't all about cheap laughs at the expense of others.

Moyles isn't funny for the most part and Mills is just a skinnier unfunny version of Moyles so that's a less than auspicious sign yet somehow they're both keeping their jobs. Justice in the World? Pah.

17-07-2009, 06:19
Unfortunately, since November (when I bought the Golf), I haven't been able to listen to Radio 1 in the mornings anymore. I really enjoy listening to The Chris Moyles Show a lot. I also like Scott Mills, Sara Cox & Edith Bowman. I'd actually rather that there was less music and more chat on Radio 1. They only play bloody awful stuff anyway, so why not just replace it with talk? :D

Couldn't be more glad that Jo Whiley is going, because I can't stand her. She's so up herself it's unbelievable. My only hope is that she doesn't start doing more voiceovers for adverts. Fern Cotton, however, is a very poor replacement. Her voice makes my ears bleed.

17-07-2009, 08:35
I just want to say I LOVE the friday cheesy song...

In fact they are all great, but friday specially cos of obvious reasons :p

BB x

17-07-2009, 08:36
Unfortunately, since November (when I bought the Golf), I haven't been able to listen to Radio 1 in the mornings anymore. I really enjoy listening to The Chris Moyles Show a lot. I also like Scott Mills, Sara Cox & Edith Bowman. I'd actually rather that there was less music and more chat on Radio 1. They only play bloody awful stuff anyway, so why not just replace it with talk? :D

Couldn't be more glad that Jo Whiley is going, because I can't stand her. She's so up herself it's unbelievable. My only hope is that she doesn't start doing more voiceovers for adverts. Fern Cotton, however, is a very poor replacement. Her voice makes my ears bleed.

I love you Kate!

17-07-2009, 08:38
Even Sam likes Radio 1... It seems I'm alone in disliking it :o

Well the French don't have taste anyway :p

17-07-2009, 09:16
Even Sam likes Radio 1... It seems I'm alone in disliking it :o

I'd sooner stick rusty nails in my eye balls than listen to Radio 1, so you're not alone :)

17-07-2009, 09:29
Even Sam likes Radio 1... It seems I'm alone in disliking it :o

Well the French don't have taste anyway :p

I swear I managed to tune into Radio Choufleur in France once. It was hard to tell with my limited french and all the static though.

17-07-2009, 09:44
Heh, true. French radio is pretty bad.

BTW, I think it's spelt chou-fleur but the garlic muncher would know better than me :)

17-07-2009, 09:56
There are a handful of decent French radio stations, however I concur they are pretty poor - but the German radio stations are the worse!

17-07-2009, 09:58
I try to block German radio out of my mind. I had to listen to it on a drive from Frankfurt to Munich because I'd forgotten the FM transmitter for my iPod and the 4 pot whine from under the bonnet was driving me nuts.

17-07-2009, 09:58
Never really been a radio 1 fan so i can honestly say this doesn't really affect me i'd rather listen to evans on radio 2. I do honestly prefer local radio to national.
However my favourite radio has to be greek radio, especially the stuff you got on the coach transfers :)

Del Lardo
17-07-2009, 10:09
Hugh in for Grimmy in for Sara in for Jo ;D

17-07-2009, 12:33
Can't stand Fearne, Greg James or that new Dev bloke, all terrible. I also can't stand Sarah Cox's voice and Grimmy is just a plank. Radio 1 just seems to be getting worse lately.

18-07-2009, 09:33
I can't stand radio one .. too much rubbish talk and rubbish music .. I much prefer listening to Heart ( formely Essex FM ! )

18-07-2009, 09:54
One of our locals(Ocean FM) has just changed it's name to Heart.

18-07-2009, 11:49
I can't stand radio one .. too much rubbish talk and rubbish music .. I much prefer listening to Heart ( formely Essex FM ! )

That station is the king of innane dribble rubbish talk :p:evil:

Von Smallhausen
18-07-2009, 18:25
Whatever changes happen I still think Radio 1 is the worst of them all.

Crap music, crap presenters and you have to be ripped to the tits on Class A to appreciate anything after 9pm.

18-07-2009, 19:35
I still miss DLT at the weekends. :( Was always a highlight.

Last time I really listened to Radio 1 properly was Simon Mayo's last show... He got to choose anything for the last song, he was talking about something that represented all his time on Radio 1, blah blah blah, then just said "Sod it!" and played Ace of Spades by Motorhead. :D

That must have really annoyed a load of spotty dance music plebs. :D

18-07-2009, 19:58
Ace of Spades by Motorhead.

This got played at our wedding :)

(I had to supply the DJ with a copy :) )