View Full Version : Oliver's Twist

18-07-2009, 18:56
Not sure if anyone has been watching this on good food channel but it's on week nights at 9pm.

I've nabbed some and will be attempting some soon. My favourite recipe so far is his take on beef Wellington. I'll be honest I never knew how easy it is to make your own pasta :)

18-07-2009, 19:13
yeah been watching it. :( missed the beef Wellington one

18-07-2009, 21:28
His measurement estimations are funny ;D apparently there are 52 episodes

19-07-2009, 09:57
:( missed the beef Wellington one

Here is part of it :) but it's in german ;D

Part 1 (http://www.myvideo.de/watch/4551012/Olivers_Twist_F49_28_06_08_Teil_1)
Part 2 (http://www.myvideo.de/watch/4551039/Olivers_Twist_F49_28_06_08_Teil_2)
Part 4 (http://video.aol.com/video-detail/olivers-twist-f49-280608-teil-4/3067288510)

19-07-2009, 16:37
Watching the Wellington one now on goodfood +1.

Doing a meal next month and can't decide if I should do a Pithiviers (very much like a posh past) for starters or a Wellington as a main. Can't do two pastry dishes.

19-07-2009, 17:21
once you've watched that you can make the Pithiviers ;)

19-07-2009, 17:35
wraps it in bacon. missed the start of it. Annoying I can't find recipes for his twist series.
Sounds like a good alternative.

21-07-2009, 14:46
I have both seasons ;)

21-07-2009, 15:23
Watched it again on one of the many replays.. Roll on august probably the 8th. Can't wait to do a 4 course meal + cheese. Pretty much decided to change the starter and go for a normal Wellington..

21-07-2009, 16:26
Annoying I can't find recipes for his twist series.

Looky here (http://www.foodtv.ca/recipes/browse/browse_result.aspx?PageNumber=1&3&2&DropShow=57661) ;)

More here (http://www.lifestylefood.com.au/shows/olivers-twist/recipes/) and here (http://www.foodieview.com/food/recipes/jamie_oliver/0) too

23-07-2009, 23:03
yeah been watching it. :( missed the beef Wellington one

I watched an old clip of the Two Fat Ladies making Beef Wellington the other day. When they go to putting it in the oven one says 'if you want it rare, put it in for about 30 minutes. If you don't want it rare, I wouldn't bother cooking it at all.'

24-07-2009, 12:49
I watched an old clip of the Two Fat Ladies making Beef Wellington the other day. When they go to putting it in the oven one says 'if you want it rare, put it in for about 30 minutes. If you don't want it rare, I wouldn't bother cooking it at all.'
I less than three the Two Fat Ladies.