View Full Version : RIAT '09

19-07-2009, 13:52
I have about 500 images, many of which are crap (not unexpected), and some of which I'm very happy with. Here's my starter for three (good, but not necessarily the best I've got).




Sadly I didn't compensate for how dark it had got for the Vulcan pictures. I've pushed the levels a bit in the above shot and it looks like I might be able to push them a bit more from the RAW files.

These are processed from the in-camera JPEGs. I now need a crash course in RAW image processing, and the software to make a good job of it (I do of course have DPP). Any help appreciated.

PS - despite the rather high frame numbers, this is actually the first time I've really tried hard to get the camera set up and used correctly, and this is also precisely what I bought the kit to do. :)

19-07-2009, 17:34
Great pictures, especially that of the Vulcan in flight :)
Sure they're a little dark but you managed to get them nicely in focus and without any trace of blurring which couldn't have been easy.

Cho Zan Wan
20-07-2009, 19:52
Nice pictures!

I took my new Fuji F60 and got about 60 decent images...




A lot of them required adjustment in iPhoto. Maybe I should've practiced a bit more with the camera! ;)

24-07-2009, 07:54
Mark, number 1 appears to be upside down.

Loving the Vulcan.

24-07-2009, 08:00
Sorry, you're about five days late to that joke. :p

I need to find time to go through the rest. Story of my life - I have several thousand pics that could do with processing/archiving. Maybe I'll do a few more this weekend.

24-07-2009, 08:44
Sorry, you're about five days late to that joke. :p
