View Full Version : Recipes/Suggestions for Garlic Scapes?

19-07-2009, 19:42
Does anyone have any good recipes for Garlic Scapes. So far just using them chopped in things a bit like chives or in inch or so sections in stir frys. What else can I try?

19-07-2009, 19:51
Never heard of them and had to google it.

Sounds like it might go well in potato salad.

19-07-2009, 19:51
Google just revealed to me what a Garlic Scape is. They sound delicious! Can you grow them any time of year? The following recipe sounds absolutely lovely:

Garlic Scape Pesto Ingredients:
1 cup garlic scapes (about 8 or 9 scapes), top flowery part removed, cut into ¼-inch slices
1/3 cup walnuts
¾ cup olive oil
¼-1/2 cup grated parmigiano
½ teaspoon salt
black pepper to taste
Place scapes and walnuts in the bowl of a food processor and whiz until well combined and somewhat smooth. Slowly drizzle in oil and process until integrated. With a rubber spatula, scoop pesto out of bowl and into a mixing bowl. Add parmigiano to taste; add salt and pepper. Makes about 6 ounces of pesto. Keeps for up to one week in an air-tight container in the refrigerator.
For ½ pound short pasta such as penne, add about 2 tablespoons of pesto to cooked pasta and stir until pasta is well coated.

19-07-2009, 21:24
OOoooo I might have to give that a go. Not sure about growing them as I've never done it myself, but they are supposed to be one of the easiest crops to grow from what I have heard. I got mine from the local farm shop just down the road, they do lots of garlic (and garlic products) from the really garlicky company (http://www.reallygarlicky.co.uk/) which is just a mile or two up the road from me and have started to do scapes now too. Just noticed there are a few recipes on their website too.