View Full Version : Upcoming films that may need watching

24-07-2009, 17:03
Just been browsing movie trailers on the Apple site http://www.apple.com/trailers/ and there's a few films coming up that look like quite fun. :)

Sherlock Holmes - A nice action comedy is always fun.
The Box - Looks like it could be interesting
The Book of Eli - Post apocalypse action movie with Denzel and Gary Oldman :)
How To Be A Serial Killer - Horror comedy with my kind of humour :)
Inglourious Basterds - Not sure about this could be good could be pants
District 9 - Looks a bit like reality documentary meets Sci-Fi movie again, agian could be good could be pants.

That's just few that I'll try to catch on the big screen :)

What films are others looking forward too?

EDIT: Nearly forgot Planet 51 :) Looks like a good silly animated film :)

Joe 90
24-07-2009, 17:29
I'm looking forward to Inglourious Basterds. I'm a big Tarrentino fan so I'm confident it'll be another great film :D

24-07-2009, 18:37
The Box - Looks like it could be interesting
Having read the synopsis on imdb, will I be the only one thinking it's not much of a moral dilemma? I mean for me it wouldn't matter even if it was more... but for a million dollars? It doesn't seem anywhere near enough money to pose that much of a dilemma! Unless there are some other extreme extenuating circumstances anyway.

Quite like the idea of 'The Book of Eli' and 'Inglourious Basterds' all non English languages are subtitled, interesting.

24-07-2009, 18:49
Inglorious Bastards looks really good.

Though oddly enough, I've now realised I shouldn't be optimistic when I see his name near a film. Bar Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown and Reservoir Dogs, I didn't like anything else.

24-07-2009, 18:58
:o True Romance is godlike!

24-07-2009, 19:07
:o True Romance is godlike!

I've not seen that one I'm afraid.

24-07-2009, 19:11
A Couple Of Dicks may be out this year. I'm hoping anyway.

24-07-2009, 20:05
Ooooh.... My local cinema is showing The Blues Brothers on tuesday. Thats my day set up.

25-07-2009, 06:41
:o True Romance is godlike!


But re his other films mentioned here, Pulp Fiction I enjoyed Res Dogs was ok but I was bored through Jackie Brown.

31-07-2009, 10:27
Oh another film I'd forgotten that looks like it could be fun is GI JOE :)

It will be the brain out as you enter action movie but I like those type of films :)

31-07-2009, 15:40
Oh another film I'd forgotten that looks like it could be fun is GI JOE :)

It will be the brain out as you enter action movie but I like those type of films :)

I'm figuring it will be good too purely as a brain off film.

Other than that I'm most looking forward to District 9.

01-08-2009, 20:32
Looking forward to Surrogates.

01-08-2009, 20:41
Moon looks good, Sam Rockwell is an awesome actor.

03-08-2009, 14:14
OK here's one upcoming for all those people that liked the 80's Ninja movies :D


Looks like it could be fab and that looks like Sho Kosugi as the head bad guy :)