View Full Version : Laugh at me Now !!!

27-07-2009, 15:13
I demand laughter from the folk of BD, Direct your roffles this way.:D

So I have had a Mental morning which is for another thread, My life needs new threads every kin hour you see. ;D
So I gets back in fuss the dog & make a T & a smoke to chill out with then hits up Firefox for a browse.
Forums, Boo nowt doing so I pop over to Book face to catch up, In my highlight bits there is a pic that catches my eye of this Doris that lives local & Yes I fancy her. :p
So in I go size 14 feet first, Wahay didn't know you was on my book face, Looking good bla bla bla bla because you know I fancy the arse of you don't you bla bla bla.

Mmmmm Malc I think you think I am somebody else. :)

:shocked: HUH !!!

So to cut a long story short I had been chatting to my mates wife for ten minutes. :shocked: + ;D;D;D;D;D

My Throat hurts & my skin is Red. :o + :o + ;D;D;D

For your enjoyment. :cool:

27-07-2009, 15:16

Story would have been juicier if she was interested... ;D

Ben M
27-07-2009, 15:19
haha you muppet :o

Del Lardo
27-07-2009, 15:20
Brilliant ;D

27-07-2009, 15:20
Your skin's red? What skin? What were you doing? :shocked:

27-07-2009, 15:24

27-07-2009, 15:25

Was she interested then?

27-07-2009, 15:36
Well she certainly didn't interrupt me when I was weaving my magic that's for sure. :D


Man I am going to get so much crap for this though, This will go down in History as the moment I made a fool of myself over my next woman. ;)
Yes she will be mine. ;D;D;D

The Other Doris that is Not my mates wife. :shocked:

27-07-2009, 16:02
Hahaha! You nicompoop! I think I know now where Frank gets his horny loving from ;D

Von Smallhausen
27-07-2009, 20:04
I made a movie about it malc.

Malc's Sordid Escapades. (http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/movie-uk-ebee5bd7c46e358e0e729b5c081ea249.html)

27-07-2009, 20:33
Ahahahaha! Brilliant. :D

Joe 90
27-07-2009, 21:34
awesome thread. one of few i'll take the time to rate ;D

28-07-2009, 12:26
I made a movie about it malc.

Malc's Sordid Escapades. (http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/movie-uk-ebee5bd7c46e358e0e729b5c081ea249.html)


28-07-2009, 12:49

05-08-2009, 14:08
Seen that Doris round a girl friends of ours & she just seems like another nut job & honestly I am Sick of nut jobs, It's a no go from me as I already have 3 nut job women on my books I really need to bin a few off not take another one on.

Think I'll do a sale, BOGOF 2 nutjobs for the price of one. :(

05-08-2009, 14:15