View Full Version : Modern Warfare 2

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23-12-2009, 09:51
Sounds like one of the glitched games. People set up a private match, change a load of settings and then somehow make it a public match for mega XP earnage. You ended up joining it.

I know about them, but I've never been in a match where everyone can run as fast as the Flash.

23-12-2009, 21:01
Been playing today with the ACR assault rifle and I must say it's great :)

40 kills with it within first 3 matches :)

Had the nade launcher attachment unlockedafter 1st match Red Dot after the 2nd match :)

May have found my new fave gun :D

25-12-2009, 19:31
Bought this for my dad for Christmas and have been playing online with it. It's a lot easier, after only an hour online I'm level 12 with a positive KD ratio. I've been kicking arse with it, as soon as I get back on the 360 I just know I'll be dying every 20 seconds.

Dr. Z
03-01-2010, 20:11
If anyone is struggling to do High Explosive on Vet, lemme know and I'll come and help you out :D

Spent most of the week ploughing through all the spec ops missions on Vet (though sadly not on my own console and it wasnt online so I couldnt even get my tag signed in :() so I'd be totally up for going through them again with anyone that needs a buddy!

10-01-2010, 14:41
I tried playing a spot of Hardcore Team Deathmatch this morning and it's fantastic! :D I love not having all the 'help' from maps, HUD and various achievements popping up every 5 seconds ;D

I feel it's a much more difficult yet rewarding style of gameplay where people use their eyes, ears and environments to succeed opposed to the plethora of 'helpers' of normal gameplay.

10-01-2010, 14:43
My boss spends most of his time playing hardcore

10-01-2010, 14:48
Well I'm having a look through the achievements list and one of them is to win x amount of the different gamestyle and I think I might have a go at achieving some of them :)

In addition I'd like to unlock the maximum for a few select weapons- at present I just need about 30 FMJ kills on my M4A1 and then a few more with my UPS.45's and I'll have a rather s****y custom class :)

Edit: heehee the alternative colloquialism for 'swish' contains a naughty word! :eek: ;D

Joe 90
10-01-2010, 17:16
Finally hit prestige last night after a lot of free-for-alls where I pwnd hard \o/

back at a simple lv 12 now :(
lots more challenges to do this time round though!

10-01-2010, 18:03
Is there any benefit to being 'Prestige' ? :)

10-01-2010, 20:00
50 of 50
1000 of 1000

10-01-2010, 20:07
:D only the race left to do for me then 69 stars on spec ops! Need to go through the full game on veteran.

10-01-2010, 20:11
Is there any benefit to being 'Prestige' ? :)

Just allows you to progress through the challenges and earn something for doing it.

10-01-2010, 20:56
Ah right so the challenges don't reset or anything? :confused:

10-01-2010, 20:56
yes they do reset (well they did in COD4) :/

11-01-2010, 19:55
they reset but you get new ones unlocked.

your titles, callsigns and emblems remain.

11-01-2010, 23:32
that is Spec Ops finished! \o/

12-01-2010, 09:07
What's this like on the PC?

12-01-2010, 12:00
Good from what I know, ask Robert he's got it on the PC.

12-01-2010, 12:22
It's good on the PC. Bought it for my dad for Christmas and he's almost completed it on Veteran. I've been online with it and it's been alright, only had 1 problem in a match where it kicked everybody, shame as I was about to get my second predator missile of the game :(

Seem to fly through the ranks like there's no tomorrow, but then I'll always prefer playing it on the pc.

Just be warned though, it gets tied to your steam account so selling it on might be a bother, unless you create a new account just for it.

12-01-2010, 12:41
I don't tend to sell games anyway. I still have my Monkey Island 1 in 16 color on 5 1/4 floppies!

16-01-2010, 12:27
Just finished MW2 on X360 and got to say I was really impressed with it. It was a proper thrill a minute, shock and awe gaming experience that I love. My only gripe, if anything would be after the game finished

The whole movie set thing really cheapened the experience for me. The game stands up to a lot of good action movies for how it delivered the storyline, the characters and the drama. Set it up well for MW3 so why liken it to a move ?? Oh well