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29-07-2009, 14:26
I thought it about time this got its own thread :)

Saw some MP footage today and wow I'm looking forward to my own AC130 :cool:


Joe 90
29-07-2009, 14:45
That video looks so much better than I expected.

I can't quite believe it looks like they've made the MP experience even better than Modern Warfare!!
and its not even finished yet!

* in fact... i'm gonna watch it again, not seen it for a few days \o/ exciting stuff; bring on November!

29-07-2009, 17:31
That looks a little bit tasty it must be said.

29-07-2009, 18:05
I cannot wait, it just looks so awesome.

29-07-2009, 18:30
Yeah I truly can't wait to give it a go. Got my pre-order for Prestige edition in. It's gonna kick SO much ass.

Edit: Hey Apopcalyptic! Nice to see you again :).

29-07-2009, 19:43
Yeah I truly can't wait to give it a go. Got my pre-order for Prestige edition in. It's gonna kick SO much ass.

Edit: Hey Apopcalyptic! Nice to see you again :).

Where do you find the money to spend on these expensive editions :shocked:

Looking forward to it, shame my gaming group don't play CoD :(

29-07-2009, 19:51
Looking forward to it, shame my gaming group don't play CoD :(

You could always change groups ;) :p

29-07-2009, 19:58
This does look a little bit good. I might just have cough up £30 in November :p

29-07-2009, 20:25
Where do you find the money to spend on these expensive editions :shocked:

Looking forward to it, shame my gaming group don't play CoD :(

Nokkon must be running out of organs to sell by now ;D

And can't you play with people that aren't in your 'gaming group'? :p

29-07-2009, 20:27
You could always change groups ;) :p

Is that an invite? ;)

My gaming group meet up regularly for mini LAN's/long online sessions though (last one was last weekend at krono's house), just about converted them to BF1943 and SFIV but CoD is a no go :(

And can't you play with people that aren't in your 'gaming group'? :p

Online play just isn't the same as being social.

29-07-2009, 20:29
Ahh didn't realise you meant LANs :)
Wish I still had LANs to go to :( Used to love them during my Counterstrike days, but then again I guess I'm not a very social gamer these days.

Joe 90
29-07-2009, 21:15
Looking forward to it, shame my gaming group don't play CoD :(

I was playing CoD:4 today thinking how great it'd be to play with a clan.

I miss BF2 clan times. Makes a game so much better when theres that team element and organisation brought from some well utilised voice comms!

29-07-2009, 21:19
Well we didn't have a clan as such, we just all got together on Thursdays and had a muck about ;D

29-07-2009, 21:48
I'd love to join you in CoD:MW2.

29-07-2009, 21:53
sorted then ;)

29-07-2009, 22:27
This us deffo on my to buy list for this year. My live sub ran out this month too but not going to renew it until I buy this.

29-07-2009, 22:38
Where do you find the money to spend on these expensive editions :shocked:

Looking forward to it, shame my gaming group don't play CoD :(

I don't buy anything leading up to it, £5 here, £10 there, then I sell stuff/trade stuff just before to make sure I can afford it, then don't play anything after it for a while. I think only CoD:MW2, Forza 3 and Fifa 10 will be purchases around that time.

29-07-2009, 22:43
I am so buying this, purely to stick semtex to someone's head :D

Joe 90
30-07-2009, 00:56
I think only CoD:MW2, Forza 3 and Fifa 10 will be purchases around that time.

i'm going to go as far to make MW2 my only purchase at the end of this year. i figure the single player will keep me occupied for a while, might only play on vet this time (if they try and lock the vet option till you've done it on hard like most games, i'd be well angry, hard aint hard enough!)... then the MP will keep me happy for years ;D

30-07-2009, 07:24
my live sub will be renewed for this too :)

31-07-2009, 17:48
Love to join you all playing this when it comes out but are you *all* on consoles? :(

Just can't get on with FPS games on a console, sorry.

My Amazon pre-order list is made of LOL atm - over £305 worth of stuff in there!

31-07-2009, 17:53
I'll be grabbing it on PC

31-07-2009, 20:17
Love to join you all playing this when it comes out but are you *all* on consoles? :(

Just can't get on with FPS games on a console, sorry.

My Amazon pre-order list is made of LOL atm - over £305 worth of stuff in there!

CoD:MW1/2 is designed around console play :p

31-07-2009, 20:22
CoD:MW1/2 is designed around console play :p
Err yeah, that's why COD4 is one of the most played online games on the PC and one of the biggest prize tournaments at i-series events.

Granted it has many concessions to the consolers in there but it's still an epic game on the PC and in no way "designed around" a console.

31-07-2009, 20:39
That doesn't matter Vertigo. The fact is, the game was made around console use. It just happened to work well on a PC.

31-07-2009, 21:27
Err yeah, that's why COD4 is one of the most played online games on the PC and one of the biggest prize tournaments at i-series events.

What's your point? Silly bear.

31-07-2009, 21:42
I'm having a hard time putting any concentrated effort in to games at the moment, hoping MW2 gets me going again :)

31-07-2009, 22:53
That doesn't matter Vertigo. The fact is, the game was made around console use. It just happened to work well on a PC.

Well I'd debate that. Yes consoles were a key target (well the Xbox anyway) but I think fairly equal emphasis was given to both the consoles and PC with this game.

Silly bear.
WTF is that supposed to mean?

31-07-2009, 22:57
Of course, while the original Call of Duty was a PC exclusive, Call of Duty 4 is hitting PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 as well, with apparently no expense spared on any system. "This is true multiplatform development," studio founder Grant Collier stressed during a recent Activision press event. "There's no lead platform here."

GS AU: Call of Duty 4 is coming out for the 360 and for PCs. Why did you decide not to include Live cross-platform functionality?

GC: We got a call from Microsoft who said they want us to do Live Anywhere for CoD 4. They just left a message--we didn’t actually get the phone call. We talked about it, and really feel that we worked really hard on the Xbox 360 version, and there’s a lot of things that we do that we didn’t do for the PC because of the control you have with a mouse and keyboard which allows you to have a higher level of precision. When you are on the 360, you have auto-aim, and you have a movement compensator so when you’re getting close to the edge of the screen it moves really quickly, but when you’re in the middle of the screen it slows down so you can target. We don’t do that on the PC.

When someone is playing on the Xbox against another player, he knows that they have the same hardware and the same controller--the only advantage is skill. On the PC side, you never know what the guy is playing with. He can have an archaic machine, or he could set his settings low, or he could be using the lowest form of DirectX. He can have all of the graphic bells and whistles turned off, or can have a dual core machine, or a quad core, multiple video cards--he can have a lot of advantages, and there’s not an equal playing field.

I think Live Anywhere is great for certain games, like Poker or Tetris or something. But, realistically, for first-person shooters or real-time strategy games, trying to pit those two people together is inherently imbalanced. Anytime someone playing an RTS can click and drag and choose a whole bunch of units and select one of your buildings to blow it up, and you’re sitting there with a controller, you’re not going to have the same reaction time. So why pit those two against each other?

I think Live is a great idea and it’s good for certain games, but Call of Duty isn’t one of those games.

second quote isn't really relevant, i just thought it was interesting

31-07-2009, 23:14
WTF is that supposed to mean?

It means you're massively over reacting.

01-08-2009, 01:41
It means you're massively over reacting.

Jesus, you've got a bloody strange definition of "massively over reacting" !
FYI, just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're over-reacting.

How about you try being less patronising and offensive!?

01-08-2009, 02:08
I missed a ";) :p" there, but you need to be less delicate as it's just an internet forum.

01-08-2009, 02:08
second quote isn't really relevant, i just thought it was interesting

But the first quote is highly relevant - thanks for that.

To claim that the game was designed around console use and "just happened" work well on a PC is simply not plausible.

FPS games operate in a fundamentally different way on the PC than they do on a console and consideration must be given to this fact in order for a game to work well on both platforms. The fact that the game has been such a huge success on the PC aswell as the Xbox is evidence, IMO, that the game was "honed" just as much for the PC as it was for consoles.

There are games which were designed primarily with console use in mind and where a "last minute" PC version has been released with little or no regard to the differences twixt the platforms. COD4 isn't one of these.

01-08-2009, 02:12
I missed a ";) :p" there, but you need to be less delicate as it's just an internet forum.

And you need to stop thinking of it as "just an internet forum" and try conducting yourself as you would IRL.

Your comment was patronising and offensive. Trying to pass it off as my fault for being "delicate" just compounds your lack of manners.

EDIT: On reflection I may be over reacting a bit here (I have had a few) so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and accept that your comment was not intended to be patronising. Maybe it's just me reading a "tone" into your comment that wasn't there?

01-08-2009, 02:16
And you need to stop thinking of it as "just an internet forum" and try conducting yourself as you would IRL.

Your comment was patronising and offensive. Trying to pass it off as my fault for being "delicate" just compounds your lack of manners.

I'm the same "IRL", but people don't misinterpret what I say. That's the problem with the medium of text.

01-08-2009, 02:18
Ah, if you are going to accentuate the turn "Just happened" as in it was a last minute decision that *just happened* to turn out well then you've taken what I said out of the context it was said in.

I merely said the game just happened to work well on PC as in the ideas implemented in into the console version such as the enhanced squad set up for MP, the advertising campaign, everything like that just happened to work on the PC and do well. The console market IS their primary market, it's who they target and first and foremost getting those console games out is what matters, that's where the money is. If they were to drop any format I guarantee that PC would be their first choice which is why the game is so console centric.

Every advertising campaign was for consoles, be it print, billboard or televised. Hell, you think it co-incidence that the unboxing of the Prestige edition was for Xbox360? The hardened edition. The DLC for Call of Duty 1 over PSN and Xbox Live.

It just so happens that despite all this, it just works on PC and is successful.

01-08-2009, 02:20
I'm the same "IRL", but people don't misinterpret what I say. That's the problem with the medium of text.

Ok, as I edited into my post above, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that I was reading a patronising tone into your comment that wasn't actually intended.

01-08-2009, 02:28
It happens a lot so it's obviously not your fault, but it's certainly not done to intentionally cause trouble :)

01-08-2009, 02:33
It just so happens that despite all this, it just works on PC and is successful.

I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle :)

Whilst I'm not claiming that consoles aren't their primary market as that's obviously where the money is, what I'm saying is that they put a lot of effort into making sure it worked properly on the PC too, rather than the really shoddy ports we sometimes get where there are remnants of the console version everywhere.

In terms of development, in the case of the Xbox and PC, the platforms are so similar that probably 90-95% of the work was shared anyway. Of the remaining 5-10% that was bespoke to each platform, I see no evidence that more effort was expended on the console version than was on the PC version, IYSWIM.

When it comes to marketing, of course they're going to concentrate on the console platform as this is the most lucrative market but that's marketing and is totally distinct from the actual game development itself.

01-08-2009, 02:34
It happens a lot so it's obviously not your fault, but it's certainly not done to intentionally cause trouble :)

Ok let's just put it down to me being tired and slightly drunk :)

I think I need to go to bed.

01-08-2009, 02:35

01-08-2009, 12:00
So..... who's looking forward to the game...?

:p :p ;D

01-08-2009, 12:05
Everyone but me it seems :E

01-08-2009, 12:07
The latest MP vid showing the AC130 stuff has me intrigued. I'm wondering if it's ability is going to massively crippled compared to the SP level in COD4, otherwise you'd just be able to decimate the entire map surely?

01-08-2009, 12:09
It'll probably only last for a few seconds, or have a very limited number of rounds for the howitzer. Also keep in mind i bet there'll be a hefty points reward for shooting it down, expect every one and their mums to stars peppering it with surface to air missiles, i also imagine the chaff is very limited.

01-08-2009, 12:45
Haha yeah - I imagine as soon as you hop in there will be 25 missiles winging your way! :D

01-08-2009, 13:40
The latest MP vid showing the AC130 stuff has me intrigued. I'm wondering if it's ability is going to massively crippled compared to the SP level in COD4, otherwise you'd just be able to decimate the entire map surely?

I expect it to only last 5 seconds or so and in that time the guy using it will be stationary and an easy kill.

01-08-2009, 15:48
It'll probably only last for a few seconds, or have a very limited number of rounds for the howitzer. Also keep in mind i bet there'll be a hefty points reward for shooting it down, expect every one and their mums to stars peppering it with surface to air missiles, i also imagine the chaff is very limited.

Shame no one does that in CoD4 with the choppers.

01-08-2009, 16:57
Shame no one does that in CoD4 with the choppers.

I always shoot the choppers, I hate the darn things!

Joe 90
01-08-2009, 17:07
Shame no one does that in CoD4 with the choppers.

I swap srtraight to LMG (if i've not already got it) to take the down :D

01-08-2009, 17:18
Christ, I need to play the game with you guys!

No one ever shoots the damn things when I play.

01-08-2009, 19:24
I don't tend to carry rockets to take out choppers. If there's someone else who has and will then great, otherwise I tend to ignore them and hide unless I die whilst it's in the air. If that happens then I'll take it out with a standard gun as this can be done fairly easily but usually costs you a life.

01-08-2009, 19:45
It's very easy for 3 people spread around the map to take it out with AK/M16 without dying. If I have an LMG I'll normally kill it myself without any hassle, but it's not often that I use an LMG.

01-08-2009, 23:13
Shame no one does that in CoD4 with the choppers.

The chopper isn't exactly a massive threat as the AC130 appears to be, also you don't exactly get a massive point bonus for doing so. If it's as i say and there's a big bonus for shooting down a AC130 everyone will want a piece of it.

Joe 90
02-08-2009, 00:23
why is it that when the enemy has a chopper they seem able to butcher the entire team, but then I get one and it kills about 3 people if i'm lucky!?!

02-08-2009, 01:33
why is it that when the enemy has a chopper they seem able to butcher the entire team, but then I get one and it kills about 3 people if i'm lucky!?!

Ask Alrik, he has the same problem :p

My choppers rip through the enemies :D

02-08-2009, 12:20
Mine are also useless. I think 3 people is the most I've ever taken out in one go :/.

02-08-2009, 13:17
Am I right in thinking that the prestige edition is only available on the PS3 in the UK? Can only see it on the PS3 on the hmv site.

02-08-2009, 13:27
Nope, it's on the 360 too.

Think the pre-orders have all sold out by now though.

02-08-2009, 13:47
I wasn't going to buy it, bit extravagant for me right now, was just wondering.

04-08-2009, 14:53
Standard Edition for £35 ;)


04-08-2009, 15:08
Now that's getting very tempting. There's quite a few games on the way that look good. Forza 3 Assassins Creed 2 etc. Too many games not enough money :(

04-08-2009, 15:13
Yes, I've just preordered Wolfenstein and Dead Rising 2 from Shopto as they seemed good value and they don't take payment until they send, I'm less inclined to preorder from Tesco as I suspect they will take the money upfront :/


04-08-2009, 15:29
Jonchatty has ordered from them and they haven't taken the money yet :)

Joe 90
04-08-2009, 15:36
will their delivery be as good as shopto though?

as usual i suspect ShopTo will deliver a day early :D

04-08-2009, 16:31
Have placed order with Tesco, at that price I can wait an extra day and they don't bill until the day before despatch


02-09-2009, 14:03

New multiplayer vid :)

Can't wait for this tbh :)

Joe 90
02-09-2009, 14:16
If anyone hasn't seen that yet.... why aren't you following this man; http://twitter.com/fourzerotwo


02-09-2009, 14:22
Not everyone twitters :)

Joe 90
02-09-2009, 14:41
true, most of us do. and now everyone will soon be for at least that one follow \o/

02-09-2009, 14:45
If you dont use Twitter, they do provide rss feeds for each user, so you can keep track of someone/something in Google Reader et al :) I used that for a couple of projects before I ended up joining, probably isn't worth it for anyone that tweets a lot - your reader will get spammed!

02-09-2009, 14:47
Has anyone ever bought anything from Cool Shop UK (http://www.coolshop.co.uk)? At £23.99 they're by far the cheapest pre-order for MW2 (on PC) but I've never heard of them and can't find any reviews either.

Joe 90
02-09-2009, 14:53
I used to know an awesome site for all UK retailers of PC type kit, if only i could still remember it!

i'll see if i can dig anything up though...


02-09-2009, 21:06
Tesco is now showing £45 :(
Was about to order it too.

02-09-2009, 21:09
I'm just going to get it on the day :)

02-09-2009, 21:31
Think I will unless the online prices drop a little. Doesn't seem to be much of a saving.

Joe 90
02-09-2009, 21:41
My shopto preorder is @ £43. Bit steep in comparison to the last few games I've bought.

But anyway... 2 months left!
Normally that to me would seem like a long time but with how busy I will be I bet it's gonna come round well fast!

02-09-2009, 21:49
I'm hoping Sainsburys come through for me ;)

16-09-2009, 14:33
It just keeps getting better and better (http://www.gamesradar.com/xbox360/modern-warfare-2/preview/modern-warfare-2-multiplayer-hands-on/a-2009091515053403065/g-20090326142018906090)

16-09-2009, 14:46
I've never really been a fan of the CoD games but this does look quite promising. I thought the AC130 was the best bit about CoD4 :D

16-09-2009, 17:43
The new perks and addons looks great :) It's gonna be a fab game and can't wait til it's out :)

Joe 90
16-09-2009, 18:45
I'm gonna be so Pro at blinging scavengery \o/

(yes, i made a new word just for MW2!)

19-10-2009, 02:22
No dedicated servers on PC.

MP thus effectively ruined. Shame.

This will get pirated up the wazoo now, the MP was the thing that was going to ensure people bought it, now they've nerfed it I can see most people just downloading it instead.

19-10-2009, 06:17
They'll have their reasons.

19-10-2009, 10:03
Whatever the reason iss won't be good enough though, because they've just effectively disabled the ability for MW2 to be used in any competitive sense online, which is largely what has kept MW so popular online for the PC.

IW.Net, whatever it is, isn't going to be able to make up for it.

19-10-2009, 10:50
That's daft not having dedicated servers for the PC version. It's sure to wreck any chance of being used for competitive gaming.

Joe 90
20-10-2009, 00:10
I remember when the dedicated servers disappeared in Unreal on xbox - went from the best Xbox live game to the worst instantly :(

20-10-2009, 07:16
They'll have their reasons.

Savings on development time and cost are the only ones i can see. There are no negatives when it comes to dedicated servers on the PC.

Imo it looks like they've made a grave error, as stated above a lack of dedicated servers will impact the PC online community significantly. That would be ok if the single player game was great too, but i doubt people will fork out for another 6 hour storyline with no promise of a long-lived multiplayer backing it up.

20-10-2009, 11:04
Robert Bowling has acknowledged the support and has said he'll be letting the development team know and that the cries of disappointment and anger will not be ignored.

20-10-2009, 12:52
They'll have to do something as there are a few petitions boycotting the game now, the main one of which had over 80,000 names the last time I looked - that's a lot of lost sales, even accounting for duplicate names.

The single player element to COD4, whilst good, was very short, the multiplayer was the attraction this time around for most people, so if they don't do something i've no doubt most of those people will actually refrain from buying the game. People won't pay £25-£30 for an 8-10 hour game with what they see as a crippled MP.

edit - on Amazon the cancelled pre orders have dropped it from 8th to 50th best seller, being outdone by Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force now!

20-10-2009, 13:24
edit - on Amazon the cancelled pre orders have dropped it from 8th to 50th best seller, being outdone by Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force now!
If you're going to be outdone, make sure it's by a game involving penguins. Hard penguins. That's style.

20-10-2009, 13:41
Can someone explain the drama regarding the servers? I mean console users get on fine with not having dedicated servers.

20-10-2009, 13:55
Can someone explain the drama regarding the servers? I mean console users get on fine with not having dedicated servers.

It's the nature of the PC gaming scene for cheaters to try their hands at getting an advantage. It's more of a closed system on consoles, so it's quite different. It's one of the advantages of a console that games aren't so easily hackable, that's not to say they are bulletproof, they're not, but on PC it's a massive problem if you're not going to have regulated servers.

20-10-2009, 14:01
Ah ok I see. I just wasn't sure why the place was littered with toys after the announcement of not having dedicated servers.

Who would foot the bill for the servers anyway?

20-10-2009, 14:02
It's just a much better way of structuring online play.

For a start, you can support many more players (you're not limited by who has the fastest upload speed) and all on a relatively even field, with P2P at least one guy gets an advantage via having an effective ping of 0. This is something that notices more as well with the much more twitch oriented style to playing an FPS with a mouse, vs a controller.

You can also implement mods far more easily - virtually any successful online PC game you can think of has been modified to some extent. COD4 had promod, which anyone playing even remotely seriously was using. P2P means you can't really do this effectively.

It also makes the entire clan community thing much harder, clan wars become more of a work up to organise, clans can't have their own servers set up how they want, with the administration style they desire.

It's largely a control thing - PC gamers like to be in control, they're used to being in control of their own games and servers.

It's just a backwards step that really doesn't bring any conceivable benefits to the PC community but several drawbacks.

Ah ok I see. I just wasn't sure why the place was littered with toys after the announcement of not having dedicated servers.

Who would foot the bill for the servers anyway?

Generally clans do (so they have their own place to play) along with other places like magazines, larger websites etc. Server providers will also have a group of servers up to advertise their name and business.

20-10-2009, 14:04
usually clans rent their own servers and password it :)

I know that's what we did with Half Life anyway :)

Also having non dedicated servers will mean the host always has a 0 ping and an instant advantage over everyone else. Oh and unless you have a mega connection then you can't host more than about 8 players at a guess?

I'm still not too fussed if I miss out on MW2 for a while as I cba with sinking lots of time into another FPS MP game :)

///beaten! :(

20-10-2009, 14:05
Cheating isn't the only reason why dedicated servers are so popular! Bloody console fanboy :p ;)
I've always found dedicated servers to be better speed wise, less lag which is vital if you want to play vaguely competitively. Also there's no risk of having a great time and the host just deciding to quit out.

Leo: Clans in particular tend to foot the bill. When I used to play Counterstrike a lot, all of us in the clan would chip in a bit a month to pay for the upkeep. It was worth it to keep the server running smoothly and efficiently. :)

Dedicated servers are a big thing for competitive online gaming and it's a big mistake to remove the option for a game this size. I'm sure many clans will be not migrating to MW2 and sticking with MW for this reason alone. Clans can mean big money too.
It's almost as daft as when Blizzard removed LAN play from Starcraft 2.

Edit: Double beaten :o

20-10-2009, 14:07
Cheating isn't the only reason why dedicated servers are so popular! Bloody console fanboy :p ;)
I've always found dedicated servers to be better speed wise, less lag which is vital if you want to play vaguely competitively. Also there's no risk of having a great time and the host just deciding to quit out.

No, it's not, however it is the main reason. I was a server administrator for several servers for years on mod servers, so I understand that side of it completely.

20-10-2009, 14:12
There is also the element that a particular server builds up a community of regulars, who are great guys to play with and there is always someone about. It creates a very persistent environment that can't be done with P2P, games keep rolling on, map rotations keep going, perhaps 'house rules' that can be mentioned on server join. It also allows you to play with a decent group of regulars who might be quite high in number but equally aren't necessarily people who you would want to add to a friends list to be able to find.

20-10-2009, 14:15
Very true. I miss the days of the community and 'regulars' I always used to game with in Counterstrike! Good times. :)
These days on the 360 I can either game with friends if I organise a specific time or just randoms, there's so little consistency. It was nice being able to drop into the game at any time of day and be guaranteed that I'd know a few people and be able to have a laugh etc.

20-10-2009, 14:31
There is also the element that a particular server builds up a community of regulars, who are great guys to play with and there is always someone about. It creates a very persistent environment that can't be done with P2P, games keep rolling on, map rotations keep going, perhaps 'house rules' that can be mentioned on server join. It also allows you to play with a decent group of regulars who might be quite high in number but equally aren't necessarily people who you would want to add to a friends list to be able to find.

A very good point, I still keep in touch with some of my friends I met. It is still possible on P2P too, albeit not as easily without a designated host, but if it includes a friends list and a join session in progress command like those in Xbox Live then it will go some way to minimize the problem.

The rest of the issues do still stand though, a lot of 'control' is lost. I will be very surprised if a patch for dedicated hosting isn't fixed as soon as possible.

20-10-2009, 17:08
It's the nature of the PC gaming scene for cheaters to try their hands at getting an advantage. It's more of a closed system on consoles, so it's quite different. It's one of the advantages of a console that games aren't so easily hackable, that's not to say they are bulletproof, they're not, but on PC it's a massive problem if you're not going to have regulated servers.

This is probably the last reason why PC gamers are up in arms about it, even non-dedicated servers run punkbuster so hacking will be no more of an issue. The complete destruction of modding is probably fairly high on the list, seeing as CoD4: Pro mod is almost as popular as the vanilla version of cod4. Also as divine mentioned its the sense of community that a dedicated server can create, i've met some people that i have kept in touch with for over 5 years now on a random dedicated server we all frequented. There's also things like being able to rent large, reliable dedicated servers from providers for a low price to allow for clan games. Then there's the fact that dedicated servers are reliable overall in terms of connection strength, whereas random pickup games can be flakey. There's also host advantage.

The list goes on.

20-10-2009, 17:23
Very true. I miss the days of the community and 'regulars' I always used to game with in Counterstrike! Good times. :)
These days on the 360 I can either game with friends if I organise a specific time or just randoms, there's so little consistency. It was nice being able to drop into the game at any time of day and be guaranteed that I'd know a few people and be able to have a laugh etc.

Yeah I miss that too! :(

Bored, drop into a DM server and plant a few sneaky tripmines and wait for the laughter :D

20-10-2009, 17:25
I liked the pre-edit post Streeteh :p

Yeah I miss that too! :(

Bored, drop into a DM server and plant a few sneaky tripmines and wait for the laughter :D

Yeah :D I'd hop on for 10mins in CS and find a load of friends deciding they just want to run round knifing each other rather than play the game 'properly' ;D

Happy days.

20-10-2009, 17:28
I liked the pre-edit post Streeteh :p

I figured it wasn't very constructive, so expanded on it :p

20-10-2009, 17:32

20-10-2009, 17:55
I liked the pre-edit post Streeteh :p

Yeah :D I'd hop on for 10mins in CS and find a load of friends deciding they just want to run round knifing each other rather than play the game 'properly' ;D

Happy days.

We had crowbars :D

Best of all was the 'Snarks and Crowbar' matches :D

20-10-2009, 18:55

TL,DR = Screw enthusiast gamers, we want more money from casual ones.

20-10-2009, 18:59
Despite having no plans to buy it on PC, I'm still rather annoyed by their decision.

20-10-2009, 21:25
I used to love CS with 15 knifers vs 1 glocker - true hillarity seeing a swarm of giggling terrorists running towards you as best as they can to avoid sporadic glocking ;D

a load of friends deciding they just want to run round knifing each other rather than play the game 'properly' ;D

Happy days.

Also reminds me of when the surfing maps first kicked off! :D

24-10-2009, 12:43
Well the pre order for prestige or any version for that matter is cancelled and they can stick it right up their arse as far as I am concerned. If I wanted to play a damn console version of MW2 I would have bought it on PS3.

Nokkon I think you are barking up the completely wrong tree regarding dedicated servers and their hackability. Console and PC shooters are a different experience by the nature of their control system and none is superior to the other. However I think for gamers who are comfortable using PC or Console, it is generally accepted that dedicated servers are superior to P2P.

How IW have gone about this is just a complete mess. Could match making be integrated into a dedicated server ? Of course it could. They should have either gone for PC version with dedicated consoles or just not developed for PC in the first place rather than this half baked crap they are serving up now.

24-10-2009, 12:52
Looking likely that the PC version will be limited to 8v8 as well, which I suppose isn't surprising considering it's P2P based, any more than that is going be virtually unplayable.

26-10-2009, 00:21
8v8? wtf

26-10-2009, 00:22
Welcome to PC Gaming, 1997 style.

26-10-2009, 03:11
8v8 > * (except in games like Battlefield).

I've played Call of Duty with higher numbers and much like Counter Strike, it just gets bad and too much of a free-for-all with more numbers. A good thing.

26-10-2009, 09:49
In which case you choose to play on those servers - not everyone shares that opinion though, or sometimes they might fancy a massive spam fest with 64 players, so removing peoples choice for them is a backwards step whichever way you look at it.

28-10-2009, 11:28
There is a video floating around on the web that shows a level where you play as a terrorist. You get to shoot people in an airport, expect the media to go crazy over this, especially the daily mail!

28-10-2009, 11:36
http://www.liveleak.com/item?a=view&token=364_1256689255 is the one :)

28-10-2009, 11:40
Personally I don't see what the fuss will be about. It's a video game and nothing worse than GTA :/

28-10-2009, 11:51
Well, it's sociopathic whichever way it's spun. You're gunning down innocent people in the name of fun. Difference is though, obviously, it's through a video game, and as long as that distinction is clear, I personally see no harm. If somebody is going to go on a killing spree for real, they will, a video game will surely encourage them no more than films or books or paintballing could.

We had madmen before the advent of video games so I do struggle to see the link the media try to make between video games and death. The only ones I've read about are actually WoW related because of the obsessive behaviour it breeds. At least MW2 has a finite story and scripted events, you can be immersed but you can't really get sucked into believing it's all you have. Whereas WoW seems to become people's lives, and they'll avenge it as though it were, in the real world. Yet, how often is WoW given a sickening press?

Personally I think games like that should be given the restrictions, like a maximum play time per day or something. Then again though, many people can play it without going insane, so why should they be punished because a minority can't get a grip?

28-10-2009, 15:20
There is a video floating around on the web that shows a level where you play as a terrorist. You get to shoot people in an airport, expect the media to go crazy over this, especially the daily mail!

And so far I'd managed to avoid learning what all the fuss was about, poop. :(

28-10-2009, 19:37
Aye i tried to avoid the video/a description of it too but it's one of the biggest releases of the year so i didn't keep my hopes up. I watched it in the end, looks stupid if i'm honest, being controversial for the sake of being controversial.

Joe 90
28-10-2009, 21:28
i'm not too fussed about knowing whats going to happen (not in too much detail obviously) because i'm sure the experience of actually going through it will just be breath taking ;D
(excited much)

03-11-2009, 15:12

Your order’s in the post, and should be with you soon. In case you need them, here are the details:

Qty: 1
Format: HC
Artist: Xbox360 GAME
Price: £119.99
Estimated Delivery: 2-5 DAYS

They say 2-5 days in all their e-mails as its a standard post method by default, but they e-mailed last week saying it will be sent by a courier, so I suppose there's a chance I could have it tomorrow.

03-11-2009, 15:23
£119.99 ?

Am I missing something here or did they see you coming? :p

03-11-2009, 15:24
yeah he's made of money ;D

enjoy the goggles dude ;)

03-11-2009, 16:20
Can't believe you bought the Prestige one :p

03-11-2009, 16:23
If anyone wants to come around and play with it, you're more than welcome.

03-11-2009, 18:31
The 'special' MW2 controller that was being developed has been announced as being made by MadCatz and will include something for every platform.

I can't help but feel this game has been turned into a massive cash cow with Activision hell bent on making as much money as humanly possible at the expense of all else, including the quality of the actual game in some cases.


03-11-2009, 18:41
In a word yes :/

03-11-2009, 19:47
I know you are all debating the various pros/cons of the proposed server changes etc, but how will this be affecting the average casual 360 gamer? :)

I've only just started playing COD4 and although greatly enjoying it thus far, are finding that most people I play with seem to be level 55 and quite skilled, and then there's Om Jingo running around at level 5- accidentally grenading himself and trying to take on helicopters with his assault rifle! ;D

I'm sure it was my doing that brought one down!!! I didn't see any rockets etc but I didn't get any points or rewards - what a rip! hehe

03-11-2009, 19:51
The 'special' MW2 controller that was being developed has been announced as being made by MadCatz and will include something for every platform.

I can't help but feel this game has been turned into a massive cash cow with Activision hell bent on making as much money as humanly possible at the expense of all else, including the quality of the actual game in some cases.


FFS not another moaning git, the game is not even out yet and you are judging it.

03-11-2009, 19:54
I know you are all debating the various pros/cons of the proposed server changes etc, but how will this be affecting the average casual 360 gamer? :)

It won't, 360 gamers never had dedicated servers in the first place.

03-11-2009, 20:26
Ah grand - didn't think so but thanks for clarifying :)

One thing I dislike about COD4 is that there seems to be no option to turn off other player's microphones and so I have to quit some games or endure the delights of an american nearly crying because of my 'noob play'. :p

03-11-2009, 20:42
You playing on a 360 jingo?

03-11-2009, 22:10
Yes :) Just started and appear to be very good at dying ;D

I find it so much more difficult aiming with a pad opposed to the keyboard/mouse on the PC - feels like I can empty half a clip and someone still avoids me before sending me to the graveyard ;D

03-11-2009, 22:56
on the 360 I think it's Y from the team list and you can mute annoying players.

I saw the first TV advert tonight :D \o/

03-11-2009, 23:49
It won't, 360 gamers never had dedicated servers in the first place.

Not true. We have had in some games. Not that it makes that much of a difference in many.

04-11-2009, 00:17
I kinda figured we were talking solely about MW2 here as dedicated servers or not are entirely game dependent, regardless of platform.

04-11-2009, 00:34
We couldn't have been talking about MW2 as you said 360 gamers never had, which is past tense, so it sounded like you were saying in general, which is why I mentioned it.

04-11-2009, 01:14

Whatever, 1-0 to you, consider that point successfully scored.

Joe 90
04-11-2009, 01:35
6 days \o/

04-11-2009, 08:31

Whatever, 1-0 to you, consider that point successfully scored.

Back of the net. </alanpartridge> :p

04-11-2009, 15:34
IW appears to have really murdered the PC multiplayer mode :(

1) Game balanced for 9v9 matches.
2) Can't kick players from ranked matches, they're relying on VAC to ban cheaters.
3) No lean
4) No console access
5) Acceptable ping for matches was around 100ms
6) No definite answer regarding mods or custom map building ability

Talk about a kick in the teeth for PC gamers! Some really odd choices there that are sure to piss off a lot of dedicated PC gamers :/

04-11-2009, 15:40
They may as well have just removed it and had the game pop up a big screen saying


when you clicked on the MP tab.

04-11-2009, 15:41
;D Yup.

My favourite part of the chat was this bit:
02:54 Moriarte
Ignoring IW.net, is the PC version a direct port of the console version?

02:55 Mackey-IW
No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings.

OMG PC gamers get to use a mouse and type? :eek: Revolutionary indeed ;) Poor sods.

04-11-2009, 15:48
Oh **** text chat?

*rushes off to pre order*

04-11-2009, 15:49

04-11-2009, 15:50
All 5 hours of it, won't be paying more than £15 for the SP alone.

04-11-2009, 21:09
Oh boo bloody hoo. PC gamers pay less anyway, yet always expect so much more. Give it a chance first.

04-11-2009, 21:43
PC gamers expect what they're used to, just because other people might be happy to pay more for less, doesn't mean everyone should have to.

04-11-2009, 21:56
Oh boo bloody hoo. PC gamers pay less anyway, yet always expect so much more. Give it a chance first.

Why does that make it ok though? It's pretty basic stuff for a PC game that is expected to have a thriving multiplayer community. It's hardly rocket science!

05-11-2009, 02:42
Why does that make it ok though? It's pretty basic stuff for a PC game that is expected to have a thriving multiplayer community. It's hardly rocket science!

It may yet still have. I have many friends who are all part of a CoD: MW community on Xbox360 and PC has more ways of staying in touch with people and organizing things.

05-11-2009, 12:01
You appear to have answered a completely different question than I asked :p You still haven't explained why it's ok to miss out all of those features when they're normally standard affair for any PC game. :p

05-11-2009, 12:28
You still haven't explained why it's ok to miss out all of those features when they're normally standard affair for any PC game. :p

Little comparison table of those MP features:


05-11-2009, 12:30
Well at least profiles can be saved online :D
Seriously though, I've seen a lot of people complain because they lost their profiles through not backing up pre-format.

Otherwise erm :confused:

05-11-2009, 12:37
I think what has caused most of the fuss is that games have slowly, over the last 4 or 5 years moved to be much more focussed on consoles. Call of Duty was a PC game through and through to start with and now it's ended up pretty much the worst example of a developer now just making for consoles and not really giving a toss about PC games.

Up til now, even some of the worst console ports have only really had issues like menu systems you can't click on with a mouse or pointless save points when you can save anywhere etc.

This has taken it from beyond 'lazy' into virtually '**** you' territory, especially when the PR guys are seemingly posting comments like 'We haven't forgotten our roots, we just chose to use weed killer on them'. I'm still dubious as to whether that was genuine or not (was on Rob Bowlings blog) but he's been happily posting with the account since, so i'm not sure what the chances are of it being compromised or anything.

05-11-2009, 13:22
It's a shame it's gone that way, but I can partially understand it due to how much money they must make from the console side of things. Creating a game purely for the consoles and then porting that over to the PC must be so much easier and cheaper than developing proper features for the PC gamers. I don't agree with it (even though as a console gamer it doesn't affect me), but I can see why they would choose to do it.

06-11-2009, 20:42
You appear to have answered a completely different question than I asked :p You still haven't explained why it's ok to miss out all of those features when they're normally standard affair for any PC game. :p

Because game costs are rising on all formats, but PC gaming is so rife with piracy that limiting it in such a way is how they best see fit to force people into buying it. Sadly a lot of PC gamers who live by piracy and the ease of accessibility to these things have ruined it for many others. We've seen it with console ports now (due to primary development format focusing on consoles now). PC gamers have sadly had drastic measures coming for a long time.

06-11-2009, 21:10
I fail to see how IW Net + P2P MP even remotely tackles the issue of piracy, if anything it will make it worse because the component of the game that will entice many people into buying the game at all has become gimped beyond all recognition. It's not uncommon for PC gamers to pirate SP games and pay for MP ones.

IWNet vs Dedi Servers will have virtually no technical differences with regards ability to pirate the game, it doesn't make it any harder, IW will know this just as well as anyone else, which leads me to believe it's been implemented for other reasons, chief of which is the crippling of the mod community meaning any and all extra content will have to come from IW, along with a nice degree of control over the entire play system for when they fancy releasing some paid for DLC.

Paid for DLC always struggles more on PC because it's just as easy to download a mod and sometimes the quality of the mod is better than anything the developers were planning - see Desert Combat for Battlefield a while back as an example. Setting up the multiplayer to make such modding hugely harder and suddenly IW are in complete control of injecting any new spice into the game.

As for 'rife with piracy', MW2 has been leaked for a good week or so on 360, as you well know, piracy is hardly non existent outside the PC, it's fairly big business on the 360 too.

06-11-2009, 21:27
Little comparison table of those MP features:


That pretty much sums up the problem. I'm sure the SP will be fantastic, but when you put both games in juxta like that, you can easily identify where the frustration lies.

It's their game, they can do what they like yes, but it shouldn't make them immune from criticism, especially when they're asking a large price for something (in multiplayer anyway) that appears to have been diluted.

07-11-2009, 12:59
Holy ****, I thought people were taking the piss when they said the 25 kill streak nuke ends the game but they weren't, it actually does. hahahahahaha.

no dev console also means stuck with a 65 degree FOV, that's awful.

07-11-2009, 13:02
erm ok games on levels like shipment will certainly be short :p

Joe 90
07-11-2009, 16:11
"Your Order has been dispatched!" - bye, bye BSc. Hello MW2.

09-11-2009, 09:53

End result:
Tired, unkempt, but happy.

09-11-2009, 10:26
Looks good

I'm just getting into Borderlands but may have to put it aside for a while if this drops through my letterbox today. I have a feeling it won't though and I'll have to go and collect it from the UKMail depot which is a bit of a trek. In the past my Shopto orders via Royal Mail have been put through my letterbox but I think UKmail my require a signature :/


09-11-2009, 10:27
get a hair cut :p

09-11-2009, 10:45
I'll be getting this tonight from Asda hopefully, I'll be going at 11pm to queue for it as £32 is a much better price to pay than the £42 it's selling for online. I'll have to take a book or something with me as it'll be boring as hell otherwise.

09-11-2009, 10:53
get a hair cut :p

I'm tired, un-showered and the hair clippers broke. Two of these problems will be getting fixed today.

09-11-2009, 10:56
Oooh, the Night-Vision Goggles actually work way, way better than I was expecting! I was a little disappointed that for £120 no batteries were included and you need 5 of them.

They fit very tight (perhaps a little too tight, a little more room on the strap would be nice), and have two colour modes (NV Green and Black and White). It throws off your depth perception hugely, and even weirder, you get a strange depth effect when you take them back off which is quite trippy.

So far, very impressed.

09-11-2009, 11:36
I'm tired, un-showered and the hair clippers broke. Two of these problems will be getting fixed today.

you mean you'll be having a shower and a kip then :p

09-11-2009, 12:33
What's going to be the best supermarket price then peeps? Normally I'd wait a while for the price to drop, but 4 held it's value for bloody ages, so the short term supermarket offers may well be the best prices for some time.

09-11-2009, 12:35
twitter said Sainburys tomorrow for £26 :)

09-11-2009, 12:35
That would be ace but it does seem awfully cheap given the inflated RRP.

09-11-2009, 12:37
I'd personally say we're looking around £32 in either asdaws or Tescos

09-11-2009, 12:41
It's definitely £26 at Sainsburys:

09-11-2009, 12:45
Anyone any leads on an in-store PC price for tomorrow?

09-11-2009, 12:45
Ace, thanks Jen :) Might call for an early morning tomorrow, closest one to me opens at 8.

09-11-2009, 12:48
Considering the publicity, yeah i'd get in there as early as possible!

09-11-2009, 13:01
I'll be heading to Asda tonight for around 10:30 I think. Just called them and they apparently have 300 pre-orders and are expecting around 600 copies in, and remembering the queue for Fifa 10 it makes sense to get there really early. I'll just take a book and a drink and hopefully I'll be one of the first ones there.

09-11-2009, 13:26
Apparently loads of places have broken street date, so it might be worth having a look around today.

09-11-2009, 13:37
Makro £20 oooooh yeah :cool:

09-11-2009, 14:00
Have you managed to pick on up yet Matt? Not sure whether they'll know about the street date today in somewhere like Makro.

http://www.makro.co.uk/servlet/PB/menu/1153441/index.html is the link for those wondering.

09-11-2009, 14:01
I haven't got it mate there isn't a Makro near work but I have a voucher here all printed out

09-11-2009, 14:11
Oooh, the Night-Vision Goggles actually work way, way better than I was expecting! I was a little disappointed that for £120 no batteries were included and you need 5 of them.

They fit very tight (perhaps a little too tight, a little more room on the strap would be nice), and have two colour modes (NV Green and Black and White). It throws off your depth perception hugely, and even weirder, you get a strange depth effect when you take them back off which is quite trippy.

So far, very impressed.

I'd save a fortune on light bulbs.

09-11-2009, 14:28
To be honest you get what you pay for - some hunting night visions will set you back in the region of £400 for something of practical use... but you could also pick up some 'Armed Forces' style extras for about £100 that would 'do the job' for about 40-50 feet.

I think they're a good bit of fun for a gaming enthusiasts or 'cod-nerds' alike!

09-11-2009, 14:41
I was going to hold out getting this but the hype machine has done it's work and really want it now.

There is a Makro nearby but as I don't have a business account we'll be giving that a miss. Asda the 2nd cheapest? Any news from Tesco?

09-11-2009, 14:56
I've changed my mind now and won't be going to Asda tonight. I realised I'm simply too far behind on a lot of my reviews to get this straight away. I may pre-order from Amazon as they've dropped their price down to £32, put it on 2nd class delivery, and hammer the reviews out before it arrives. If I were to get it tonight none of the reviews would get done for a month, and they really need doing pronto.

09-11-2009, 14:57
Mines on pre-order but I might take a peek in Sainsburys to see if I can grab a bargain and return/sell my pre-order.

09-11-2009, 15:01
God damn Amazon, might have to cancel Game and re-order from them instead, hehehe.

09-11-2009, 15:06
OK, I have a plan of action :D

Game have despatched but I have 28 days to return. I can open that and play it then try and pick up a bargain from Sainsburys or re-order from Amazon. Take the new unopened copy back to Game for my full refund :)

09-11-2009, 15:31
Anyone have a Makro card who will see me at the weekend? :)

09-11-2009, 15:40
I'll take a look in Sainsbury/Tesco tomorrow sometime but I'm not going to a) break my neck or b) pay silly prices...

I'm still just getting into COD4! ;D

09-11-2009, 15:51
Anyone have a Makro card who will see me at the weekend? :)
I'd be in for that too ;D

09-11-2009, 15:54
1 per customer I'm afraid so you need 2 people with makro cards :D

09-11-2009, 15:56
My old man has one from his old employer but hasn't used it for years. Not sure I can be arsed leaving it until tomorrow night at the earliest to travel a fair way and find out I cant get in :p Sainsbury's is probably my best option still.

Fair play Makro though, lord knows where they came from.

09-11-2009, 16:05
The Makro server seems to have blown up ;D

09-11-2009, 16:35
I've tried to ignore this but meh. Big advert every time I go through the Wallesey Tunnel here so I can't. The annoying thing is I could get it on PS3 this week but then I'm reminded of the ace games we had so I'd want it for 360... which requires a working 360. Bah. May just get it for PS3 one day I guess. Looks really really good and I haven't bought a game in 2 months so I'm due :D

09-11-2009, 19:49
Well I seem to have my copy :p

Will be playing when I get back from the gym :D

Joe 90
09-11-2009, 19:53
anyone else ordered from ShopTo?

they've used a courier called UK Mail and my tracking code still returns no data :(

09-11-2009, 20:11
Anyone played through the SP yet?

I want to know if what i've heard about 5-6 hours total play through is true...

09-11-2009, 20:16
Anyone played through the SP yet?

I want to know if what i've heard about 5-6 hours total play through is true...

Someone on OcUK did it in just under 6 hours on veteran apparently.

09-11-2009, 20:18
I know a few people who went to the press event for it last week and they said it only took about that long. They were told not to play it on Veteran because of the relatively limited time they had with it so I assume that'd add a few hours to it depending on the player's skill level.

5-6hrs is usually the average with CoD games though isn't it? I know it's never taken me much longer to complete any of them unless it was on Veteran.

09-11-2009, 20:18

Joe 90
09-11-2009, 20:50
i class that as a good thing - that means i can complete it tomorrow and then get on with my assignments without getting too far behind!!

oh and erm...

Your order SOR442754 will be delivered Tuesday before 12:00

Hurrah ;D

09-11-2009, 21:23
I forgot about the release date (well was pretty much out of it last week with a stinking cold that knocked me for six).

Had a pre-order with Argos (took the cash as usual) though never received any confirmation email. I would (should) have called sooner to trace the order but didn't. No idea if it will turn up and forgot to check the order today :(.

Still have £50 HMV voucher though would be better off finding somebody to pay cash for the voucher and see if Sainsbury still have some left at £26 tomorrow afternoon.

09-11-2009, 22:30
Well what can I say.....I'm still **** ;D

This is just like COD4 only better. Gameplay is still awesome and the maps so far look great although I have no idea where the hell I'm going. I like the fact that although you start out pretty much perkless, the game gives you perks as you play (although not sure if that's for everyone or just if you're crap to help you out). For instance, I've been given Final Stand randomly throughout my games. I've also noticed that if you get killed by someone, when watching the replay you can use their class and so when you respawn you have their perks, guns, etc. Pretty neat :)

When the chopper comes, RUN FOR COVER. These things are lethal.

09-11-2009, 23:33
5-6hrs is usually the average with CoD games though isn't it? I know it's never taken me much longer to complete any of them unless it was on Veteran.

You're too good. I take weeks to get only a small way into these games.

10-11-2009, 01:29
Well, IWNet's 'simplified' gaming online so far seems to be preventing lots of people actually playing, blaming their NAT settings and directing them to a page about how to check NAT settings on a XBox 360.

So - server browsers - 'too complicated' for the average gamer, altering NAT settings in your router with no instructions - apparently not...

10-11-2009, 02:05
Anyone played through the SP yet?

I want to know if what i've heard about 5-6 hours total play through is true...

It usually is with Single Player FPS games when played in lower difficulties. This was the case with the other Call of Duty games by Infinity Ward.

10-11-2009, 02:09
Well, IWNet's 'simplified' gaming online so far seems to be preventing lots of people actually playing, blaming their NAT settings and directing them to a page about how to check NAT settings on a XBox 360.

So - server browsers - 'too complicated' for the average gamer, altering NAT settings in your router with no instructions - apparently not...

NAT's being moderate or Strict don't stop you completely, it just limits the number of games you can enter, after all, nothing more annoying than someone with a funny connection joining a game. If everyone has an Open NAT they get better game access, not just in MW2, but in all games.

10-11-2009, 02:14
I'm not entirely convinced it's NAT settings causing the problems anyway, though it's still amusing/lazy that the PC version directs you to instructions to fix it on a 360.

Either way though, there are plenty of people completely unable to play the MP at the moment.

10-11-2009, 02:41
Someone on OcUK did it in just under 6 hours on veteran apparently.

I've heard 6 hours on normal, not vet. Took me 10 hours on vet according to my stats, not sure if it counts time paused though as I did lots of that during my play through.

Been on the MP tonight and I love it! :)

Just got back from queuing for an hour in Game at Teesside Park to collect my new Super Elite, wasn't expecting so many people and the queue at HMV next door was just as bad!

10-11-2009, 08:13
Spoke to a mate yesterday evening who has been playing it on the PC, apparently a host left the game after 5 mins and it was unable to migrate so he was booted back to the main menu. With that i wrote off the game on the PC; things like that just shouldn't be happening tbh.

10-11-2009, 09:02
Well I popped to Sainsbury's this morning for just after 7am and there was a queue of about 20/30 people waiting to pay. I saw the £26 price tag, picked up a copy and now it's installing to the HD :D

Might be a slow work day today :p

10-11-2009, 09:07
Went to Tesco and Sainsburys this morning, neither had the PC version. Pfft. Will have to go into town later. Today is going to be a very long work day.

10-11-2009, 09:22
For those who can't get to Sainsbury's, Morrisons are selling it for £25.99.

It's also rumoured Asda will price match if you take in the advert in the papers

10-11-2009, 09:37
Thanks to the wonderful Kitten I now have this in my possession and it came from Makro ;)


10-11-2009, 09:43
Just had 2 x £26 copies in my hand but they'd only let me buy one :(

10-11-2009, 10:36
BTW, if anyone wants me to grab another copy from Sainsburys I'm more than happy to try again tonight :)

10-11-2009, 11:22
Stupid Morrisons threatening me with 25.99! :(

10-11-2009, 11:27
Success from Sainsbury's :) Was lucky though, only a handful of 360 copies left when I reached the till. Loads of PS3 though.

10-11-2009, 11:32
Daz, you changed your mobile number? I text you this morning when I was in there as I had two copies...picked one up for you. I then text you again at the till saying I could only buy the one ;D

10-11-2009, 11:53
Changed it about 2 years ago if that counts :D

10-11-2009, 11:55

I had your old number ::/:

Joe 90
10-11-2009, 12:03
all this waiting is killing me... 2 hours in and it looks like they're making me wait right upto the 'delivery by 12' :(

10-11-2009, 12:44
For those who can't get to Sainsbury's, Morrisons are selling it for £25.99.

It's also rumoured Asda will price match if you take in the advert in the papers

Tesco were selling it for £40 or £25 if you bought another chart game so I went to Morrisons and bought a copy for £26 :)

10-11-2009, 12:51
BTW, if anyone wants me to grab another copy from Sainsburys I'm more than happy to try again tonight :)

Go for it dude, if no-one else has taken you up on this. :) My nearest Sainsbury's that isn't an express type one is an hour's walk away, and I am currently without car. :(

10-11-2009, 12:53
Hour walk = 20 minute run, stop being a slacker!! :p

Joe 90
10-11-2009, 13:03
my delivery is late. I am not impressed.

10-11-2009, 13:20
Go for it dude, if no-one else has taken you up on this. :)
Will nip down there after the gym tonight. Pop me a text if you managed to get hold of a copy before I do :)

10-11-2009, 13:38
Yay! :D

No running required. :cool:

10-11-2009, 14:00
Best luck ever: Unexpected review copy of MW2 just arrived on my doorstep, for the 360 no less :D

10-11-2009, 14:06
Best luck ever: Unexpected review copy of MW2 just arrived on my doorstep, for the 360 no less :D
I detest you right now :p Who was it from? :)

10-11-2009, 14:07
Activision themselves :)
I requested it about 2 and a half months ago while still reviews editor at GRE. Never followed it up so I assumed it wasn't coming my way!

10-11-2009, 14:08
Bonus :D

10-11-2009, 14:10
Oooh, fingers crossed one will land on my doormat today as well, as I'm supposed to be on the list too. Can always return my Amazon copy when it shows up then and use the money to pay for something else :)

10-11-2009, 14:20
Best luck ever: Unexpected review copy of MW2 just arrived on my doorstep, for the 360 no less :D

Do you get to keep it or do they make you send it back? :)

10-11-2009, 14:20
Do you get to keep it or do they make you send it back? :)

Get to keep it :)

10-11-2009, 14:21
But only if you do a good review? :p

10-11-2009, 14:22
;D Nah :p

10-11-2009, 16:11
I'm not entirely convinced it's NAT settings causing the problems anyway, though it's still amusing/lazy that the PC version directs you to instructions to fix it on a 360.

Either way though, there are plenty of people completely unable to play the MP at the moment.

They can be a nightmare, I've seen people complaining of errors before with it, although, push comes to shove, all NAT settings can be fixed by setting the Xbox360 in the DMZ. Dunno if you'd want to do that with the PC though.

10-11-2009, 16:24
I've had trouble with my NAT settings and COD4.

10-11-2009, 17:12
The Onion are covering Modern Warfare 3 already......

http://www.theonion.com/content/video/ultra_realistic_modern_warfare?utm_source=videoemb ed


10-11-2009, 19:13
Grrrrrrrrraaah so frustrated! Went looking for the PC version in Sainsburys, Tesco, PC World, a bigger Sainsburys, HMV, Gamestation, a local game shop, and Game. Only Gamestation had the PC version, and they were selling it at £40. It was nearly enough to drive me into the arms of the PS3 one, and if a steadfast mouse and keyboarder like me is tempted, it's no wonder PC gaming is on the wane.
Going to order online which I probably should have done anyway, but going away at the weekend so won't really get to play until Sunday. Moan.
Still, could be worse. At least I'll be able to change my fov and have some dedicated server goodness. I assume.

10-11-2009, 19:17
Still, could be worse. At least I'll be able to change my fov and have some dedicated server goodness. I assume.
Not sure if that was sarcasm.....but I hope so otherwise you're going to be disappointed! :(

10-11-2009, 19:18
Luckily, twas :)

10-11-2009, 19:21
Phew :D Was a bit worried and thought it best to say now rather than later ;D

Joe 90
10-11-2009, 19:33
well it turned out Shopto sent my game to my billing address despite my receipt stating a delivery address here in sheffield.

So I went to town and just bought it. Sainsburys were out though so had to fork out another £40! hopefully there wont be any problems returning it to Shopto seen as though its their mistake :/

10-11-2009, 19:58
Got carded by the Shopto couriers :( was hoping they'd just put it through the door.

Now do I pop to Tesco to get it or wait til tomorrow when it gets redelivered.