View Full Version : Why is this happening in Firefox?

30-07-2009, 21:21
It's not just this forum, it's other places as well.

On the main page:


If I clear my cache and refresh, it goes back to normal but then when I refresh again, it appears as above.

It's effectively showing alt-text instead of images, but only in some places.

I've done all the usual OS X stuff like blatting caches, running maintenance scripts etc.

Any ideas?

30-07-2009, 21:45
Got any ad blocking plugins installed - or indeed any plugins?

30-07-2009, 21:51
Yes, Adblock. If it was consistent then I'd agree it could be a blocker but the fact that it's only just started and it's intermittent that confuses me.

/edit - Disabled adblock and it's the same.

30-07-2009, 22:09
Actually now you mention it, it's happening here as well.

30-07-2009, 22:13
Control-click on the alt text (or right click if you want). Do you see a view image option? If you do, click it. What happens?

30-07-2009, 22:15
I got a weird Bug with FF on OC, Every time I pressed New posts it came back saying wait 10 seconds even though I had only pressed it once. :huh:
I have no help for myself or you though. :p

30-07-2009, 22:33
Log out of the forum and then log back in might sort that one out. Don't do this if you've forgotten your forum password. :)