View Full Version : IE6 No More

05-08-2009, 15:51

Something I stumbled on earlier, thought some of the web dev types here may be interested in it.

05-08-2009, 15:54
We stopped developing for 6 when 8 came out of beta. We maintain the policy that if a client or a visitor to a client's site complains that the website doesn't look quite right in IE6, we point them towards Windows Update.

Joe 90
05-08-2009, 16:08
bookmark this for old times sake;

javascript:(function(){var i=0,r=function(n){return Math.floor(Math.random()*n)},f=document.getElement sByTagName('body')[0].getElementsByTagName('*'),o=function(e){return typeof(e.style)=='object'&&e.tagName!='SCRIPT'},s=function(){while(!o(e=f[r(f.length)])){}return e.style};while(i++<5){s().display=r(2)?'block':'inline';s().position= r(2)?'absolute':'relative';s().margin=r(2)?'0':'1e m';s().padding=r(2)?'0':'1em';s().width=r(2)?'':'a uto';}})();


05-08-2009, 22:31
IE6 is still our standard browser on site and is the only browser I *have* to make sure our intranet works with.

I'll be glad when it's gone though.

Joe 90
06-08-2009, 01:35
IE6 is still our standard browser on site and is the only browser I *have* to make sure our intranet works with.

I'll be glad when it's gone though.

why hasn't there been an update yet? IE7 is 3 years old, I'd of thought that was plenty long enough to arrange system migration for a far better, yet still pretty crap, browser!

06-08-2009, 02:22
why hasn't there been an update yet? IE7 is 3 years old, I'd of thought that was plenty long enough to arrange system migration for a far better, yet still pretty crap, browser!

IT support are generally lazy types. If it ain't broke (regardless of how it really is), don't fix it.

Joe 90
06-08-2009, 04:34
IT support are generally lazy types. If it ain't broke (regardless of how it really is), don't fix it.

this is true. and they have Admin, so use Firefox/chrome/opera anyway. ;D

06-08-2009, 07:07
We still have software that only works in IE6. Which means, not only do all our remote interviewing laptops globally have to use IE6, I still have to have a copy to test.

I did manage to get IE7 myself, but it took quite a bit of time and effort now that we are no longer admin users on our machines :(

06-08-2009, 10:42
I prefer IE6 to it's newer partners. Saying that, I only really use Chrome (or Safari on touch)

06-08-2009, 15:31
IE7 isn't available on Windows 2000 . . . still, who cares, I use Firefox anyhow ;)

A Place of Light
06-08-2009, 17:56
<still uses IE6.

07-08-2009, 04:55
What's IE6?

Oh, that's that thing that non-Firefox users are stuck with.http://www.boomspeed.com/bofh1968/smilies/hahaha.gif